The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1955: Heavens and stars vs12 gods

The mighty laws of the Yinsi Heaven and Earth began to bite back. Such powerful forces would fall for the Ancestral Dragon to fight against them, not to mention the supreme powers.

Although he had confidence in his own strength, all his confidence disappeared without a trace as soon as he saw the vast laws of the world.

The powerful men in the Yang world hurriedly escaped from the Yin Division along the channels of Yin and Yang, so as not to be affected by the storm, and the supreme powerhouses in the Yin Division were also far away from the mighty Yin Division storm at this time. So as not to be backlashed by the violent will of the Yin Division.

The ghost master has been beaten by many powerful men and is unable to reorganize his body. Although he is sober at this time, he cannot move at all.

"Let's go, you won't be able to leave if you don't leave, you will be Taoist in the Yin Division" Jade Patriarch looked at Yu Duxiu, his voice revealed an anxious taste.

"You go first!" Yu Duxiu looked at the formation in the storm, a touch of determination flashed in his eyes, and the next moment it turned into a streamer and rushed out.

"Damn, you kid don't want to die" Jade ancestor was taken aback, watching Yu Duxiu rushing into the storm, he yelled, stomped his feet, watched the storm approaching, and quickly withdrew from the Yinsi channel.

Outside, a divine light flickered, and Yu Duxiu's face calmly appeared in the world of yang, standing at the channel of the two realms of yin and yang, watching the powerhouses turn one by one.

The ancestor of Jade came up and looked at Yu Duxiu on the opposite side for a moment. It seemed that he was dazzled and rubbed his eyes: "Your kid? That Yinsi?".

The ancestor of Jade turned his head and looked at Yin Si, and then looked at the Yu Duxiu in front of him, and couldn't tell whether the person in front of him was really Yu Duxiu, or whether the Yu Duxiu in the Yin Si was an illusion.

Yu Duxiu shook her head and watched the Yin Division's passage gradually collapse, turning into powder a little bit, and there were roars of powerful men from the Yin Division.

"It's a pity, I was busy, nothing was done, the formation is still in the Yin Division, and it will not fall into the hands of the ghost master by then" Tai Yi Jiaozu's eyes showed a touch of emotion.

"The ghost master is invincible. With six reincarnation formations, apart from the twelve gods of the demon clan, who is their opponent?" Taishi Jiaozu's eyes showed a hint of worry.

At this time, the twelve demon gods came out of the Yin-Yang channel in embarrassment, looked at the powerful men, and complained: "You bastards, why don't you wait for me".

"Now that the formation is in the Yinsi, what shall we do?" Tai Dou Jiaozu interrupted, interrupting the words of the Demon God.

"How to do it? When the storm ceases, let's go in and search out the pictures." The wolf demon drew his nose, his eyes flashing murderously.

Hearing the words of the wolf demon god, Yuanshi Tianzun shook his head: "The Yinsi storm hasn't been for decades, so I can't imagine stopping, let alone,,,,,".

For extra words, Yuanshi Tianzun didn't say that everyone is smart, and I probably know what the situation is.

"If you can’t get that formation, it’s not a waste of time to suppress your three demon gods today. As long as the three demon gods can be included in my demon **** clan, my demon **** clan will surely become the number one power in the heavens. Even if the ghost master really refines the reincarnation formation, we are not afraid of the "centipede ancestor quack" with a strange laugh.

"The elephant god, fox god, tiger god, those who know the current affairs are outstanding, you are all smart people, you should understand the general trend in front of you, since my demon **** clan twelve gods and evil formations have been trained, we should sweep across the heavens and all realms. Dominate the heavens, the demons and the demons are originally a family. If you were not too greedy and want to swallow the fruit alone, you would not give us a way to survive, and you would not end up in the scene like today." The God of E slowly stood up, God of E He was an ancient strong man who was in the same age as the elephant god, fox god, and tiger god, and fought against the jade ancestors. He was no less powerful than any of the three monster gods.

Looking at God E, the three demon gods smiled, and the Fox God touched his chin, his eyes were full of charm, and he brought the charm of Hu Meizi to its extreme.

"Chuck, your Demon God clan has a large array of twelve gods and gods, don't my demon clan have a large array anymore?" Fox God chuckled softly.

"What do you mean?" Niu Shen's face changed when he heard the words, and he glanced at E Shen, and a bad thought arose in the hearts of the demon gods.

"Your demon race has a large array of twelve heavens and gods. Unfortunately, my demon clan has also realized the great formation of the stars and the stars a few days ago, and can use the power of the great formation of the stars to suppress strong enemies. It has not been used until a few days ago, the countless ancient heroic spirits rescued by the monster race from the Yinsi have been integrated into the stars. This great formation of the stars and stars can be regarded as complete, and it can exert a bit of strength. , The eyes are full of disdain.

The teaching ancestors backed silently after hearing the words, and gave up the battlefield to the monster clan and the demon **** clan. The battle between the monster clan and the demon **** clan, unless the heads of several ancestors were broken, would never rush in.

The teaching ancestors stepped back, Yuanshi Tianzun took the chaos clock and took a step out of nowhere. The jade ancestor dragged Yu Duxiu: "Don't get in with this kind of thing, let's stay far away, lest these guys get involved. , The great power of these twelve gods and evil spirits is too bad, let's go quickly."

After speaking, the ancestor of Jade dragged Yu Duxiu back to the 33rd Heaven.

Seeing that the supreme powerhouses didn’t mean to be a helper, the demon gods smiled more brilliantly, and the wolf demon said: "How can the Zhoutian star fight the big formation, how can we reach the twelve gods and evil formations, we are not today How about taking advantage of this opportunity to compete?".

After speaking, he couldn't help but say, the wolf **** raised up to the sky and roared: "Formation".


Twelve loud noises shook the heaven and the earth, and then the twelve demon gods turned into law bodies, and then pinched the Yin Jue in their hands, instantly turning into a huge man, and the turbid air between the heaven and the earth continued to rise.

"Roar" the stars shine between heaven and earth, and the elephant **** is not outdone: "Where are the demons."


The stars flickered, and countless star gods controlled the starlight and descended on the scene.

"Buddhist Heaven and Star Fighting Array" Tiger God gave orders.

The starlight between the sky and the earth shook, I saw countless star projections in the nine days descending instantly, countless elites of the demon race were constantly dancing in the light of the stars, that is the dead spirit of the demon race, resurrected again at this time, with the help of the power of the stars .

"Stars from all over the sky will rise up."

With a cry, everyone in the heavens looked at each other, and the ancestors were so shocked that their chins almost fell off: "This is an eighty to ninety percent star projection. This star projection is almost indistinguishable from the real stars. This is still stolen by the demons. Is it the great formation of the human heavens and stars? Even Hongjun's great formation of the heavens and stars may not be able to match the great formation of the demon race."

"What's going on?" Tai Yi Jiaozu stroked the tortoise shell, eyes full of puzzlement.

"Don't worry about so much, now it depends on whether the monster clan can block the attack of the demon **** clan. If they can withstand the attack of the demon **** clan, the two sides will be in a state of equilibrium, and the heavens and worlds will continue to be peaceful. "Living in the attack of the Demon God Clan" Tai Dou Jiaozu stared at the Star Dou Array of the Demon Race with a pair of eyes, constantly peeping at the secret of the Demon God Clan’s Star Dou Array. Let's say that we must not help, and suppress the Demon God family. We can't make the Demon God family dominate.” The Taiping Patriarch clenched the emperor's map.

"I'm afraid that we might not be the enemy of the giant's one-in-one." Tai Yi taught the ancestors with a wry smile: "Hongjun is always tossing around indiscriminately. This time, let's create a large array of twelve heavens and gods, which will endanger the heavens. All sentient beings don’t know what kind of heart Hongjun is.

Listening to the complaints, Tai Huang taught the ancestors: "Hongjun has always played chess in an endless stream, step by step. He introduced the twelve gods and evil spirits to the demon clan, and called the demon clan the dominant family. It is definitely not unreasonable. , There must be his reasons."

Listening to Tai Huang Jiaozu's words, all the Jiaozu's faces were calm, and their eyes looked towards the court.

"The stars of the heavens? Well, let's see if your star array of the heavens can stop this array of gods and gods." The giant roared up to the sky, shattered the void with a punch, and struck the stars of the heavens. .

"Dou Zhuan Xing Yi".

With an order, the stars turned.

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