The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1956: Looking at each other across the array, the chill is strange


As soon as he punched out, the stars revolved that week, and instantly bounced back. The punch that originally hit the stars of the heavens turned over and landed on the chest of the giants transformed by the twelve demon gods.


The stars of the heavens exploded, the star gods instantly returned to their positions, returning to the starry sky, the giant exploded, and the twelve demon gods fell into the void in embarrassment.

The Twelve Demon Gods' great formation of the gods and evil spirits had just been formed. Although it was able to impose an envoy, it was sluggish and old-fashioned. Faced with the rebound of the great formation of stars, it was too late to manipulate and evade, and it broke itself with a punch.

It was also the first time that the demon clan’s heavenly star battle array was set up. After being hit by the twelve demons, it exploded and returned to the position of God.

At this moment, the powerhouses of the heavens and the realm all looked at the battlefield together, and the twelve demon gods stood there gloomily, and all the demon gods were also unsightly.

"It seems that there is nothing wrong with everyone." Tai Yi Jiaozu's eyes lit up, and the turtle shell in his hand was spinning endlessly.

"This time it's all right, it's better to be well balanced, well balanced, but this seat is puzzled, how powerful is the Zhoutian Star Formation of my human race?" Tai Dou Jiaozu was stunned.

"It is no longer the great formation of the heavens and stars, even the great formation of the heavens and the stars may not be able to match the great formation of the monster race" Taiping Jiaozu's face was solemn.

"My human race has completely lost the opportunity to enter the central domain, unless we can comprehend a formation that is comparable to the monster race and the demon **** family," Tai Yi taught the ancestor heavy.

"In my opinion, Hongjun and that Hu Meizi are unclear, and they can't say one, two, three, four, five, six, and the big formation of the demon race may still be deduced by Hongjun himself," Taiping teacher said coldly.

"Why does he have this kind of power, and constantly push forward a powerful formation against the sky" Taiyuan Jiaozu refused.

He is indeed dissatisfied. Hongjun is just a newcomer. How can he compare with other ancestors? .

Everyone in the field, looking at me and seeing you, were silent. The twelve demon gods looked ugly, and E God said: "This is a mysterious star formation. This is by no means a great array of heavens and stars, nor is it a star formation. Great formation, I didn't expect that your monster race actually realized such a heaven-defying formation, it was really lucky."

"Thanks to the praise, luck is actually a kind of strength" Tiger God smiled triumphantly. For the Demon Race, it would be good to be able to withstand the Demon God Race's attack.

Looking at the demon gods coldly, E Shen coldly snorted: "Don't be proud, what's so proud of, the days are long, and the future will win or lose."

"Devil God clan, even if you let go, my monster clan will never be afraid" Fox God chuckled.

After taking a cold look at the demon gods, they saw the demon gods turning and leaving, their eyes full of anger.

"Well, this time, the Demon God Array is restrained. See how arrogant they are. After returning, we will seize the time to practice the Heavenly Star Fighting Array. Now our Array is comparable to the Demon God Clan’s Array. What we are competing against is proficiency and tacit understanding "Extent" The Fox God turned around, and walked toward the sky in a curvaceous manner.

Looking at the Fox God, the eyes of several people suddenly became hot, and the Tiger God shook his head: "This Fox Meizi".

"Brothers, the Yaozu group of **** are really capable, and they have created a great array of stars." The old centipede's emerald eyes kept turning, and he didn't know what he was looking at.

"Huh, we suffered this time because we were unable to consolidate energy, so we hurt ourselves and gave the demon clan a chance to breathe. After we thoroughly practice, the demon clan will never have this kind of cheapness" the wolf **** said angrily. .

"Immediately after I go back, I will rehearse the array map, deduct the secrets of the heavens and the star battle array, and at the same time be thoroughly familiar with the demon **** array" Eshen voice is cold.

All the demon gods sneaked into the ground, rehearsing the twelve gods and evil formations, not mentioning the deduction of the heavens and star battles. At this time, the teaching ancestors also felt the crisis, and they continued to secretly deduct the formations belonging to the human race.

At this moment, the situation in the heavens and ten thousand realms was tense, but it seemed to have nothing to do with Yu Duxiu.

At Thirty-three Heaven, the jade ancestor looked at Yu Duxiu: "Hongjun? How is the formation?".

Yu Duxiu was silent, the old jade ancestor looked at Yu Duxiu from side to side, and then said: "Your kid is proficient in the art of avatar, isn't it a Dharmakaya?".

"You're not stupid," Yu Duxiu said indifferently.

"Really? It's incredible that your Law Bodies can be fake and real. It's incredible." The ancestor of Jade came to grab Yu Duxiu's body, but was kicked by Yu Duxiu: "Go and go, don't be fooling around. ".

The jade ancestor looked at Yu Duxiu and pointed to the distant mountains: "Wen Yingji, what are you going to do?"

Yu Duxiu's clone looked at Jade Patriarch: "What do you care about this?".

"If you don't look at the face of the monk and the face of the Buddha, how do you ask the Holy Child to deal with it? Why do you make the Holy Child embarrassed about the matter of two adults? What's more, Wen Yingji completely broke up with the Wen family back then and fired the Queen Mother for you. This is the opportunity for your little lover Miaoyu. The children of the big family are like this. People can't help themselves." The ancestor of Jade was full of emotion.

"What do you old guy want to say?" Yu Duxiu looked at Jade Patriarch.

The ancestor of Jade shook his head, looked into the distance, sighed: "You kid, cherish the people in front of you, take care of so many things, you have so many enemies now, and you can leave a few heirs and you are already successors."

Listening to the jade ancestor's ups and downs, Yu Duxiu said, "What do you want to say, old fellow?"

The ancestor of Jade shook his head, looked at the distant mountains with his eyes, and said after a while: "Forget it, your kid is mentally ill, I don't bother to talk to you more, waste my tongue."

"Inexplicable" Yu Duxiu frowned.

"Lord, Lord Han Linglong is visiting." As soon as the ancestor of Jade left, he saw the boy Lingyu walking in.

"Han Ling Long Jun is here? I'm going to meet her personally" Yu Duxiu stood up, got up and walked out of the main hall, and came to the world barrier, but saw a water-blue shirt with a frosty face and an icy air. Come.

"Long Jun Hanqiang came from a long way, and if he has missed a long way, he hopes to forgive his sins and forgive sins." Yu Duxiu made a payment to Han Yan.

"Between us, why be so polite, don't you invite me in to talk, are you here to show these **** as monkeys?" Han Yan said.

"Yes, yes, please also ask Han Yan to ask inside." Yu Duxiu reached out and invited.

At Da Leiyin Temple, Wukong grinned, "What's wrong with the monkey, what's wrong with the monkey, my monkey clan has offended you, and I'm using my monkey clan to have fun all day."

"Brother Qitian Dao" Amituo looked at Wukong: "Why is your heart ape going to make trouble again?".

"My old Sun is born with an unfettered temperament" Wu Kong scratched his head.

Amitabah nodded when he heard the words, and the fire of wisdom flickered. After a while, he said: "In this case, Dao brother just goes to open the dojo by himself."

"Thank you! Thank you!" Wukong bowed.

Looking at Han Wei, Yu Duxiu chuckled lightly, with a smile on her mouth. After Lingyu served tea, she slowly withdrew from the main hall. Yu Duxiu looked at Han Wei’s delicate face: "I don’t know Han Wei Long Jun came to this low house. What's the cost?"

"If Yujing Mountain is a humble home, my Kunlun cave can only be called a snail dwelling." Han Wei sneered, "I want to ask you, please see how I can break through the realm of detachment now."

Yu Duxiu looked at Han Yan and looked up and down, knowing that Yu Duxiu was observing her aura, but Han Gang still couldn't help but blush on his face.

Closing his eyes, Yu Duxiu slightly meditated and said, "Your Excellency has now opened the Dimensional Void. It stands to reason that it should have evolved into the world long ago."

"It's extremely" Han Ling said.

"But why the dimension is only the dimension, and it hasn't been able to break through, is it right?" Yu Duxiu said.

"Just about to ask" Han Yan's eyes were surging with cold air, and he looked at Yu Duxiu quietly.

Yu Duxiu smiled bitterly: "Don't hide it from you, I'm just a clone now, and some magical powers can't be used. You might as well sit here for a while and wait for my body to return and I will answer for you."

"Doppelgänger?" Han Yan's eyes widened in an instant, a pair of eyes stared at Yu Duxiu, and then the corners of his mouth split: "Really? It is no different from the real body."

"Naturally is a clone" Yu Duxiu is helpless.

Han Gang stood up, walked over, looked up and down Yu Duxiu, and touched his body: "I can't see the difference."

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