The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1957: Collect 6 drawings of reincarnation

Feeling the cold and cold palms touching her body, Yu Duxiu almost shivered in shock, and poured out the tea in her hands.

"When my body comes back, you will know it naturally" Yu Duxiu smiled bitterly.

"Where did you go?" Han Fang looked at Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu shook her head without answering.

In the Yin Division, the storm rolled up, Yu Duxiu's chest turned, and all the storms where he passed were instantly suppressed and stopped, allowing Yu Duxiu to shuttle through the storm and came to the six reincarnation formations. The six reincarnation formations are in his hand.

"This is the six reincarnation pattern?" Yu Duxiu stood in the center of the storm, holding the pattern in his hand, looking carefully, and saw that the pattern was not brocade, silk, nor silk, and I didn’t know what material it was made of. The circulation of mysterious runes on these six reincarnation formations seems to contain the greatest secrets of the heavens and all realms, and the reincarnation of the great world is included.


A green rune flew out of the formation and shot towards Yu Duxiu's eyebrows. Yu Duxiu rotated in front of her body, blocking the rune in an instant. The rune shook slightly, and then she saw Yu Duxiu. The void in front of the show body solidified, and the Fu culture was broken into pieces.

"The back hand of the ghost master? In this storm of laws of heaven and earth, in the powerful back hand, it is not able to withstand a single blow." Yu Duxiu put the reincarnation formation in his palm and walked in the storm.

"Quick! Quick! Quick! Follow up this storm. As long as the storm stops, you can find six reincarnation patterns." The four powerhouses of Yinsi, the devils, and impermanence are now following the storm in all directions, as the storm moves. Keep flying.

"Who is that? There is actually a figure in the storm." Good and evil looked surprised, and seemed to face the sin road around him in disbelief.

"That's the law storm, even if the ghost master enters, it will only end up in a way. Whoever dares to enter the law storm, you must not joke randomly" the sinful strong said as he followed the direction of good and evil, and then he was taken aback. : "Hongjun! Isn't that Hongjun? How could Hongjun survive the storm?".

Everyone in the field was full of horror, feeling the sound of shouting from the outside world, Yu Duxiu instantly converged* and exploded in the air. When he reappeared, he was outside the whirlpool and took a step forward. Leaving the whirlpool far away.

"Hongjun, why did you come out in that vortex? The six reincarnation formations!" The devil surrounded him, staring at Yu Duxiu with enthusiasm.

Feeling the ghost master who is still being reborn, Yu Duxiu looked at the four powerhouses of Yinsi, the quasi-superior ones: "Just because of you crooked melons, you are also worthy to question me here?".

"Hongjun, this is the Yinsi, I will be rampant, hand over six drawings of reincarnation, and spare your life." The punishment powerhouse angered Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu stood still in the air, looking at the powerful men of the Yin Division, but seeing the power of reincarnation in the Yin Division converging, the speed of the ghost master's rebirth increased by many times.

"Interesting Yinsi" Yu Duxiu carried her hands on her back: "Without the six reincarnations, even if the six reincarnations are superimposed, the ghost master can't keep me, unless I have cultivated the chaotic reincarnation of reincarnation."

"You still don't want to open the way? I don't want to engage in a meaningless fight." Yu Duxiu looked at the Prince Yinsi opposite. Although there are many strong people here, and the four supreme powerhouses are besieged, it is the Prince Yinsi who can really call the shots.

"Hand over the six reincarnation patterns. You should know the importance of these six reincarnation patterns to my Yin Division!" The true body of the Yin Division's prince Yan Luo emerged, and he merged with the flesh.

Yu Duxiu's palm stretched out, and the blade of God's will-like blade began to slowly condense: "If you have the ability, you will grab the treasure in my hand."

The ghost master is about to be resurrected, and the reincarnation is about to happen. Yu Duxiu dared not delay, and instantly swiped the tip of the knife towards the opposite Prince Yinsi.


A chain of torture instruments flew out from the hand of the powerful punishment, and entangled towards Yu Duxiu’s ankles. Although the powers were not put in the eyes, since being the supreme strong, how could there not be two brushes, Yu Duxiu Xiu dare not really ask these **** to entangle herself.


Yu Duxiu tumbled in the air, avoiding the chain, and then slashed towards the chain.

At any rate, it is also an innate spirit treasure, although the innate spirit treasure of the strong punishment is somewhat pitted.

The chain was slashed, and Yu Duxiu's speed did not decrease, and she continued to stab the prince Yin Si, cutting off the head of the prince Yin Si.

"Yan Luo Dafa, the three souls come out of the body."

"What a weird magical power, it is actually shaking my three souls. If it weren't for my soul to return to the innate, I'm afraid I would really have the way of the prince of Yinsi." Yu Duxiu was shocked. Before, he really looked down on the prince of Yinsi. With this hand, he can also be invincible in the realm of the quasi-superior powerhouse.

"Trial of Sins".

The long knife of sin in the hands of the strong sinner slashed towards Yu Duxiu’s chest, to split Yu Duxiu, Yu Duxiu’s hands were spinning and turning, one finger popped out, and the innate divine fire grew in the wind, and it continued for three in an instant. Thousands of miles, burned towards the strong sinner, and the strong sinner had to retreat.

"It didn't work?" At this moment, the prince Yin Si looked at Yu Duxiu unmoved, and suddenly muttered in his heart: "Life and death turn."


The prince Yin Si was slashed into the air by Yu Duxiu, and the long knife in his hand slashed towards the strong good and evil. The strong good and evil were already in front of him, and Yu Duxiu did not care about severely injuring the prince Yin Si.


With a palm down, the prince of Yin Si was not injured, but his complexion was ruddy, as if he had taken a big tonic, and Yu Duxiu was taken aback: "What the hell?"

"Come again" The prince of Yin Si once again came to Yu Duxiu, with a palm of his soul, to pull out Yu Duxiu's soul.


The blade light in Yu Duxiu's hand was slashed towards the black and white impermanence, and the palm of her hand pressed the prince's chest.

"Life and death transformation".


Yu Duxiu stepped back, looking at the handprints in her heart, and then at the ruddy-faced Crown Prince Yin Si, and shook her head: "The forest is really big, and there are all kinds of birds. There are such abnormal magical powers, and the power to kill all deaths and injuries. The power that is transformed into vitality, what is this **** supernatural power".

"Hongjun, if you are acquainted, hand over the treasure!" The prince Yinsi looked at Yu Duxiu ruddy.

Yu Duxiu shook her head and sighed: "You can turn the injury I brought you into life, I don't know if my **** is like a knife, you can't take it."

While talking, Yu Duxiu's figure spun, turned into six figures, and attacked the powerful men. The body held the will of heaven like a sword, and slashed towards the prince Yinsi.

With one move, the stars shifted towards the black and white impermanence.

Fighting against good and evil in Doomsday.

The innate divine fire burned toward the sin, the innate divine thunder cut through the void, turned into a spear, and nailed it to the strong punishment.

Inverted yin and yang with one hand, and slew towards the fearful strong.

Seeing Yu Duxiu holding the tip of the knife and cutting towards herself, the Crown Prince of Yin Si was not defensive, letting Yu Duxiu stabbed.

"Idiot" Yu Duxiu smiled coldly.

"Be careful" The insect **** screamed from a distance, and the next moment a spear appeared in front of Prince Yinsi out of thin air, stabbing Yu Duxiu in the chest.


The sound of the intersection of gold and iron started I saw that the spear was cut to pieces by Yu Duxiu, turned into countless tiny bugs, and rolled towards Yu Duxiu overwhelmingly.

"Insect God! Why are you everywhere, you dare to intervene in the affairs of this seat, is it because you are tired of life?" Yu Duxiu backed up, curled up the innate fire, and burned toward the group of insects.

This worm is not an ordinary worm, but a hollow worm. It uses the power of space as its nourishment and releases the blue sky back then to let itself get the wheel of law. This kind of worm is a great contribution.

A curvy figure in the distance walked out slowly and stood beside the prince Yinsi: "Hongjun! That was originally a treasure that should belong to this seat, but it was snatched away by you. You said this seat should trouble you."

"I have seen the old mother of the insect god", the prince Yinsi respectfully saluted the insect god.

The insect **** looked at the prince Yinsi and nodded: "You have to be careful. You can harden all the magical powers of Hongjun, but only the sword light can't harden it. This sword light is very powerful, even if it is. If the supreme and strong take it hard, they will also be cut off and wiped out a lot of the original power, not to mention your immortal way.

ps: Everyone pays attention to the book's WeChat public account "Ninth Destiny", you can watch it in advance!

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