The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1967: 10 Temple Yama

The Great Thousand World swept up a storm to kill Shura. Whether it was an ordinary monk or a top expert, from the supreme powerhouse to the monk at the realm of good fortune, they searched for the trail of Shura everywhere.

Asura is a great trouble between heaven and earth. He uses killing to prove his way and walks the way of killing. He can't wait to slaughter all sentient beings in heaven and earth, and even kill himself in the end.

Shura is the messenger of destroying the world.

In the Yujing Mountain, Yu Duxiu meditated cross-legged, closing his eyes and practicing Zen.

It is not so easy to comprehend the higher laws of God's will like a sword. The only way Yu Duxiu can think of quickly breaking through this realm is to start from the wheel of law.

A crystal clear, dreamlike, dreamlike Ziyu Duxiu’s chest flew out, and there were countless mysterious runes flashing in Yu Duxiu’s eyes, and a thought came up in her heart: "This is the birth of heaven and earth. Treasures are the essence of the laws. If I can turn them into heaven and earth artifacts, and hold the laws of the heavens and the earth, wouldn't all the living beings in the heavens and all beings be in a single thought?

Thinking like this, that disappeared, and a pattern appeared in Yu Duxiu's hand, and the six large black holes on the pattern shone with gloomy colors.

"Six reincarnation formations, for this treasure, the ghost master has planned for a million years, but I never thought that it was nothing but a fuss, and it was mixed by me." Looking at the blueprint made of no material, Yu Du Xiuyuan God revolves, comprehending the profound meaning of the drawings of the six reincarnations, and a jade-colored disc flashes in his eyes: "I have to look at the six reincarnation formations. What is the mystery of these six reincarnation patterns? Value it, even everyone will not hesitate to offend the ghost master and forcefully fight."

The deity of Jade Duxiu is comprehending the six reincarnation patterns, and there is a new movement in the pure land of Lingshan. I saw the immeasurable Buddha light in the Lingshan mountain, and Amitabh preached and said, then stopped, looking at countless Buddhas and Bodhisattvas: "My Buddha He opened the ten temples of Yama, but was accidentally taken away by the Yinsi. Now Yama is no longer under my Buddhist control."

The Buddhas, Yamas, and Bodhisattvas all waited respectfully, waiting for Amitab’s next words, and only listened to Amitabha’s words: "The ten temple Yamas have been established. Although Yama is no longer in control, they will continue to operate. There will be a time to find the place and repay the cause and effect."

"If you have been certified, you will have no supreme status, with the support of the Bodhisattva of the Earth Store, the Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood and the Shura Clan as reinforcements, and you can gain a foothold in the Yin Division." Speaking of this, Amitab paused: "Soon. There will be a helping hand to the Yin Division, which can divide the world with the ghost master, and can also take photos of you. You can rest assured."

"Be careful to follow the Buddha's decree."

The crowd all saluted Amitabha in unison, and the nine Yamas descended into the Yin Division along the path of the Ksitigarbha King's dojo and Lingshan.

"I've seen Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva."

Looking at the bald-headed and smiling little monk, Yan Luo all saluted the Ksitigarbha monk one after another.

The little monk of the Ksitigarbha King nodded gently: "You wait for your intention, I already know that now the Yin Division Shura is in trouble, and the powerful men of the Yin Division are busy fighting Shura, but it can also relieve your pressure.

"I also ask the Bodhisattva to show me where to open up the Ten Temple Yama Mansion" Zhuan Wangdao.

The little Buddhist monk chuckled: "The other shore is the realm of rebirth, where the monks of the Yin Division will be suppressed by the land of death. It is the best place for you to build a temple. If you feel unwell in the future, you can also It’s okay to move out."

"Thank you for the Bodhisattva's guidance." After hearing the words, the Hells lightly bowed and left the temple of Ksitigarbha.

Watching the bodhisattvas go away, the Ksitigarbha king shook his head: "It is a long way to go. The ghost master is the only one in the Yin Division. It is so easy to divide the authority of the ghost master."

The ghost master is leading the various Yin Division powerhouses to fight against the blood sea, or the various Yin Division powerhouses are surrounding the ghost master, chasing Shura to suppress and kill.

The strength of the Asura clan is beyond doubt, but the master is only the Gorefiend. No matter how strong, he is not afraid of death, facing the qualitative gap in strength, he is still weak.

The Gorefiend sat on the sea of ​​blood and watched with folded arms. Asuras in the sea of ​​blood were born continuously, and I saw countless Shura roaring and killing the sea of ​​blood.

The various filthy auras between heaven and earth continuously fall into the sea of ​​blood, and are absorbed by the sea of ​​blood smelting, and then used to make Shura. This is an infinite loop, an insoluble loop, unless the ghost master can seal it. The connection between the sea of ​​blood and the outside world.

However, the matter of sealing the sea of ​​blood is too frantic. Once it is done, there will be nowhere to vent the filthy atmosphere between heaven and earth, and all sins will be attributed to the ghost master.

You just give the ghost master ten courage to do things like this, and he doesn't dare to do it. God must be the first to accept him.

"Kill, the weakness of the Asura clan is the heart. Remember, you must kill the heart of Asura, or completely kill the heart of Asura. Let's take action together. There are more people in the Department of Yin than that of the blood sea. Countless times, everyone relied on the advantage of numbers to suppress the heart of Shura, and then tempered it and turned it into vitality absorption. After our ghost clan absorbed the vitality of Shura, the cultivation base could advance by leaps and bounds. The voice of the Prince of Yinsi spread throughout the battlefield, constantly encouraging Looking at the ghost cultivators, Shura on the opposite side seemed to be a beast, just roaring constantly, and then devouring the evil spirits in the field.

"Your Majesty, those Shura who took the opportunity to run out before have become catastrophes. They couldn't catch them at all for a while. They are doing evil everywhere in the Yin Division. My Yin Division is panicking at this time." Black and white impermanence came out of the void and faced each other. The ghost master respectfully salutes.

The ghost master looked gloomy when he heard this. If it weren't for the supreme powerhouses at the time to raided the Yinsi's tens of billions of troops, how could it give the Asura clan a chance to escape? .

There is a huge army of tens of billions of ghosts, the ghost master does not feel distressed, the Yin Division lacks everything, but there is no shortage of the ghost army.

The heavens and the world, the endless beings, regardless of race, all the dead in time and space for millions of years have to go through samsara. Even if there are reincarnations among them, they are only a handful of them. The ghost still stayed in the Yin Division.

"Send masters to kill Shura. You must not ask Shura to continue to do evil. The ancestors, demon gods, dragon kings, and demon gods are really hateful. If this seat has the six reincarnation formations in hand,,,,, Hongjun! If you want to tear yourself apart..."

The ghost lord hasn’t finished cursing on this side, but on the other side there is a divine light rising to the The ten temple Yama Dharma body thrusts straight into the clouds: "All the heavens and all beings will enter my Yama Hall after death. To accept judgment, life and death, good and evil, there are rewards and punishments, and you need to pass through the Temple of Yama before you can reincarnate."

"Naive, just relying on you few, want to seize the power of this seat? I am in charge of the six reincarnations, how do you seize my power?" Looking at the constantly rising palace, the ghost master covered the sky with a palm and shot towards the Yama Temple Past.


The boatmen on the countless boats in the sea of ​​bitterness merged into one in an instant, and then greeted the ghost master with one palm.

"The monk took the lead and saw the ghost master."

A palm fell, regardless of victory or defeat, and with the help of the power of all beings in the sea of ​​suffering, stopped the ghost master's blow.

"Well, I didn't expect that Amituo's calculations are far-reaching, and he is still hiding a hand here." The ghost master did not succeed with a blow, and did not continue to make a move because of face.

The supreme powerhouses generally want skins, and they are also powerhouses who are dignified and out of the realm. A single blow is nothing but a few small monks, and the ghost master did not have the skin to continue to do it. Instead, he smiled and looked at the boatman in the bitter sea: "Bitter Sea There are countless fallen sentient beings, I don’t know how much you can save."

The ghost master does not put the Ten Temple Yamas in his eyes. The Ten Temple Yamas are surrounded by the Yin Si. If you want to pass the Yama Temple reincarnation, you must enter through the ghost gate. How many ghosts can the Ten Temple Yamas master? .

"Amitabha Buddha, one can save one, there is one, the years are endless, and the accumulation of little will make more, and one day the monk will be able to save all beings and get out." The lead is not hurried, and once again becomes countless boatmen, slowly spreading all over. In the entire Wangchuan River, the boat sculls were swayed, and the ghosts were transformed into the Yan Luo Temple.

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