The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1968: Devil's Sorrow

"It's a drop in the bucket, your calculations are really stupid." The ghost master shook his head and looked in the direction of Da Lei Yin Temple.

"Amitabha" Amitabha made a loud voice without answering.

"Hahaha, since the Yama of the Ten Temples has been erected, as the Lord of Yama, is there any saying that he will not return to his throne?" I saw the light of the prince of Yinsi flowing on his body, and he rushed into the Temple of Yama without fear of the vitality of the other side.

The other Hades looked at the Yin Division with ugly expressions, but they didn't say much, and opened the government office to operate the Yin Division.

Yujing Mountain, Yu Duxiu looked at the wild land with a pair of eyes, and then frowned: "The progress of the Demon God Clan is too fast, how can it be so fast?"

After speaking, he stood up and walked towards the small world of the fox god: "I also want to stop the exhibition of the demon **** clan. If the demon **** clan progresses too fast and does not give the demon clan time to grow up, how can my mind be? It's not all in vain."

In the Four Seas Dragon Palace, Jinlin carried his hands on his back, a pair of eyes looked at the wild land, and then looked at the starry sky: "The twelve heavens and the gods and the stars, these two formations should not appear in the world. , If the monster clan and the demon **** clan are to build a large formation, who is the opponent of the heavens and the world?."

Especially when he thinks of the Demon God's Great Formation, the giant man punches through the void, shatters the sky, and splits the law, and Jin Lin feels uneasy.

"This matter has to be done secretly." Jin Lin's eyes were deep.

"What are you doing in my little world? It's hard to ask for you, didn't you always go to the Palace of the Three Treasures?" The Fox God looked at Yu Duxiu, stretched out his finger and tapped gently. Toward Yu Duxiu's chest.

Yu Duxiu grabbed the palm of the Fox God, then slowly released it, sat opposite the Fox God, and said with a serious face: "I came to you today because I have something to share with you."

"There is business!" The Fox God glanced at Yu Duxiu, leaning lazily on the seat behind him, surrounded by a cloak made of unknowing fur: "Let's talk about it."

"The rehearsal of the demons and gods of the gods has been surprisingly fast recently, and it's a little beyond my expectations," Yu Duxiu said.

Hearing the words, the Fox God stopped moving, his eyes looked at Yu Duxiu, and then looked at the lower realm, and looked at the territory of the lower realm demon **** clan with a serious look. The evil spirits soared into the sky. After a while, the Fox God closed his eyes and shrank. In the coat, he didn't move, as if he was asleep.

After a quarter of an hour, I heard Fox God said: "It's not a good thing that you have done. Based on the relationship between you and me, if my monster clan dominates the world, how can I treat you badly? It is better than letting the devil clan take the upper hand, you Say you were messing around with you. Now that the Demon Clan has the upper hand, the pressure on my Demon Clan has multiplied, so you can just watch the battle honestly."

Yu Duxiu gently shook her head: "Neither the demon clan nor the demon **** clan can dominate the entire world at all. Not to mention that the human race has eight more ancestors, and the two Lingshan, Chaotian, Fuyao, and Taisu are counted as ten. The three supreme powers, and among them Fuyao, Buddha, Taiyi, Taidou, and Taiping have all been freed, and Yuanshi Tianzun's combat power is overwhelming. These are the 14 supreme powers."

"Five strong from the Four Seas Dragon Clan, plus Han Yan, there are six, a full twenty of the supreme strong, tell me, where is the hope for the demon clan or the demon clan to win?" Yu Duxiu looked at it. At the fox god.

"Even if your demons are unified, but the human heart is changed, the three demons will inevitably fight openly and secretly, and the demons will fall apart. If the demons are unified, the twelve demons will also break. The only one who has the opportunity to unify the heavens The race seems to be only the Dragon clan, but it is a pity that the Dragon clan was born out of time." Yu Duxiu's eyes were full of emotion.

"If you and I can unite, you have far-reaching wisdom, and you are the best in every step. If you think about the layout and calculation, you should be the first person in the heavens and the world, and I am not weak in wisdom. I can check the gaps for you. If you and I are Together, there is no need to worry about the outcome." The Fox God looked at Yu Duxiu with wonderful eyes.

"Different ways do not seek each other, you and my goals are different, you are for the luck between heaven and earth, but I am different" Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

"How are you different, what do you ask for?" Fox God looked at Yu Duxiu.

After watching Fox God for a while, Yu Duxiu said, "Go home."

"Go home?" The Fox God was taken aback, looking at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes, and wanted to say ‘you can go back to your house anytime,’ but he swallowed it back in an instant. Yu Duxiu said it was not that simple.

The Fox God has to ask again, Yu Duxiu has already spoken: "Now that the monster clan has been completely left behind by the demon **** clan, you don't want to move back to the situation?".

"Rather than thinking about moving back to the situation, this seat is actually more curious, why the Demon God Clan has risen so fast" Fox God looked at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes.

"You know, people are not as good as heaven, and people always miscalculate," Yu Duxiu said helplessly.

"Are you still miscalculating?" Fox God shook his head.

"I miscalculated the power of the demon god" Yu Duxiu looked at the fox god: "the power of the innate demon god."

"As the demon gods of the Demon God family cultivate the true body of the demon god, summon the demon **** buried in the endless void in the long river of years, and with the cultivation of the demon gods, the heroic soul and power of the innate demon **** is immortal and immortal. The demon gods absorbed, and the demon gods replaced the innate demon gods. I miscalculated the power of the innate demon gods. As the demon gods absorb the souls of the innate demon gods, they will also absorb the memory, wisdom, luck, laws, power, and so on. Under such blessings, the depth of the Demon God’s background is simply unimaginable. It is naturally faster and faster to comprehend the twelve gods and evil spirits. The innate demon God’s aura will also be blessed on the bodies of the demon gods. "Yu Duxiu looked at the fox god, and simply explained the matter to avoid suspicion.

Sure enough, after hearing Yu Duxiu’s words, the fox god’s face turned pale: "You bastard, you have caused such a mess. If the twelve demon gods really incarnate into the innate demon gods, the world will suffer catastrophe, you It's nonsense."

Yu Duxiu did not excuse Fox God's reprimand, but just sat there silently.

"In order to provoke the battle between the demons and the demon gods, you took great pains." The fox **** looked at Yu Duxiu mockingly, and came to Yu Duxiu's side: "Speak, my demon clan is not a demon god, never At your mercy".

After hearing the words of the Fox God, Yu Duxiu shook the stupid cute in her hand unhurriedly: "Will I be at my mercy? You only have one choice Get stronger and don’t be left by the devil. Otherwise, what is waiting for the Demon God Clan is the disaster of extinction, but I doubt that with the wisdom of the Demon Clan, I can find a way to break the situation."

"You,,,,,," The Fox God pointed at Yu Duxiu, trembling in anger, not knowing what to say.

Yu Duxiu chuckled slightly. It was called driving the duck to the shelves. The Demon God Clan became stronger, and the Demon Clan naturally had no room for survival. It was the only choice to be eliminated by the Demon God Clan or quickly grow.

Listening to Yu Duxiu's words, the fox's body trembled, so he jumped straight forward and took a bite on Yu Duxiu's chest: "I told you to mess around and see if I won't kill you."

The Fox God with sharp teeth and sharp mouth, nibbling on Yu Duxiu’s neck indiscriminately, biting Yu Duxiu’s neck and seeing blood, hurriedly moved Fox God’s head away, and said helplessly: "What are you excited about? I have no way to break the game. , Listen to me".

In the Sihailong Palace, the Sihailong Kings gathered together, looking at Ao Le with a pair of eyes.

"Ao Le, may you feel the breakthrough?" Donghai Longjun stared at Ao Le with a pair of eyes.

Ao Le frowned and shook his head: "Although I have completely smelted the true blood of the Ancestral Dragon, I always feel a little bit short of it. It seems that the time is too late."

"The heavens and myriad worlds are now eventful. The hopes of my dragon clan are all pinned on you." Donghai Longjun looked at Ao Le and sighed softly. He didn't know whether the choice back then was right or wrong. Think about it now Jade Duxiu lives high in the heavens, sitting in the world, watching the heavens and hundreds of races fighting each other, and getting out of the world, how free and easy it is.

If Yu Duxiu were Donghai's son-in-law, I'm afraid the Donghai Dragon Clan would not be as embarrassed as it is now.

"How about bringing Prime Minister Turtle back?" Ao Le said with wide eyes.

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