The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1969: 12 Yuan Chen

After listening to Ao Le’s proposal, several dragon kings were moved. At this moment and then, I thought that the old tortoise would threaten the status of the dragon overlord of the four seas, but who would have thought that the monster clan and the demon **** clan would rise in an instant, and there would be Such a powerful formation is simply against the sky, and the living space of the Sea Clan has been threatened by provocations.

"The grievances between Hongjun and my Sihailong clan are quite deep, and Yujingshan is afraid that I won't be able to enter" Nanhai Longwang said.

"Let’s go to Ao Le," Beihai Longwang said: "Ao Le is the master of my future in the world, and the master of my future in the world. He has a distinguished status. It would be great to go back to the Jade Mountain in the 33rd Heaven and to invite the Prime Minister tortoise. Turtles are quite young and a member of my sea clan anyway. They are deeply involved with my sea clan. The tortoise clan also lives in the sea. There is no reason not to come back."

"The guardianship of millions of years, how can there be no feelings at all" Jin Lin said.

Seeing Ao Le's embarrassed expression, Donghai Longjun said: "I have no choice, you can only go. If I wait, I will only be blocked by Hongjun."

Seeing the expectant expressions of his father and uncle, Ao Le couldn't say what she refused, and she had no choice but to say, "Ao Le obeyed."

After speaking, Ao Le controlled the divine light, broke through the world barrier, and came to Yujing Mountain.

It is said that Ao Le had good luck, and did not meet Yu Duxiu, but it was not embarrassing.

Ao Le came to Yujing Mountain. Just when she touched the world barrier, she saw the world barrier's divine light fluctuate, blocking Ao Le outside, and Prime Minister Turtle’s head protruded from the world barrier: "Princess Ao Le, I don’t know how to ascend. What is there to do in Yujing Mountain? My Patriarch is not there. If the princess wants to find my Patriarch, please come back another day."

"The prime minister walks slowly, this princess is here to find the prime minister, and she is here specifically for the prime minister." Ao Le saw that Prime Minister Turtle was about to retract his head, and hurriedly stopped.

Prime Minister Turtle stopped when he heard the words, and looked at Ao Le: "I wonder why the princess is looking for the old turtle?"

"My father and uncle want to invite the prime minister back to the East China Sea. The prime minister was born in the East China Sea and grew up in the East China Sea. He is a native creature of the East China Sea. He has deep feelings for the East China Sea. Now the heavens are turbulent, and the East China Sea still needs the protection of the Prime Minister." Tao.

"Thank you Longjun and Princess for your kindness. Old tortoise, I stay here in Yujing Mountain. I don’t have to worry about food or drink. I have no intention to bother about the East China Sea. I also asked the princess to reject Longjun’s kindness on behalf of Old Turtle. The tortoise has now been put under Hongjun's command, and I am not allowed to die." Prime Minister Turtle's head slowly retracted toward the world barrier.

Ao Le watched as Prime Minister Turtle was about to leave, and was immediately anxious. With such a strong support, you should not give up easily: "Prime Minister, your turtle clan is still in the sea, how do you abandon my sea clan?

"The princess is worried. As long as the old tortoise is alive, no one will be able to annihilate my tortoise clan. Moreover, Your Excellency Hongjun has entrusted the holy monarch to take care of the tortoise clan for me, and the princess is worried about this." Slowly.

Seeing Prime Minister Turtle's head disappeared and the world barrier stopped fluctuating, Ao Le stomped fiercely, turned and turned back to the East China Sea without a trace.

Inside the world barrier, the old tortoise wanted to cry, but he wanted to go back. The East China Sea was so spacious, it was much better than the Yujing Mountain, but his family had been humanized, so there was still a choice.

The world of Fox God is not far from the Yujing Mountain of Yu Duxiu. The movement of her own world can't hide the feeling of Fox God and Yu Duxiu. Yu Duxiu pushes Fox God away from her, looking at her world with a pair of eyes: "Four It’s a good idea for Hailongjun to fight. He actually wanted to dig my corner, but he didn’t know that when he entered my door, life and death were in my hands. How could there be room for regret."

"You have taken advantage of it. Before the old tortoise proves the way, you will be able to make it. The old tortoise is one step too late." The Fox God shook his head, "You have a big advantage. As long as the old tortoise is here, yours Yujing Mountain is as stable as Kunlun," Fox God said with a smile.

Yu Duxiu looked at the fox **** and sighed softly: "Don't talk about the useless things, let's talk about the demon **** family."

"The demon clan inherited the power, wisdom, and luck of the twelve innate demon gods. How can my demon clan resist?" Fox God looked at Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu closed her eyes and said after a while: "Set up twelve yuan, fix the fluctuation of the law between heaven and earth, you can suppress the aura of the demon **** clan, suppress the growth of the demon **** clan, and bless your aura to your demon clan. , To promote the growth of Yaozu."

"Do you care?" The Fox God was skeptical.

"If you have a better way, you can naturally disregard my method, if there is no good way, no matter whether my method is useful or not, you have to try it" Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

"Okay, then my monster clan will set up these twelve yuanchens, but I still need your guidance." Fox God looked at Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu took out the scroll: "Everything about Twelve Yuanchen is here. After you read it, you will burn it down. Just follow it."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu turned around and left: "It's just that the chicken god, rabbit god, you have to talk about it yourself."

Looking at the scroll in his hand, God Fox smiled openly: "Don't worry, if this drawing is true, I have the confidence to convince the Rabbit God and Chicken God."

Looking at her eyebrows and smiling, as if she was a vixen who had caught a chicken, Yu Duxiu shook her head, turned and walked out of the territory of the fox god.

"I want to set up a twelve Yuan Chen? What Hongjun said?" The Tiger God and the Elephant God looked at each other, and the Elephant God hesitated: "Hongjun is a cunning kid, let's not be calculated by him."

"Don't worry, now that the Demon God Clan has grown bigger, Hongjun made a miscalculation and put himself into the trap. Now he has to do his best to help us find a way to restrain the Demon God Clan." Fox God's eyes showed a smug smile.

"It's no problem to set up the twelve Yuan Chen. Where is the chicken **** and rabbit god, we have to make peace. Now the demon **** clan is gradually growing, we have no choice but to listen to Hongjun's mercy." Tiger God's face is full It was a look of helplessness: "I just hope that Hongjun, this kid will not pit us too badly."

"Go to the rabbit **** and chicken **** to make peace." Seeing the tiger **** and elephant **** agree, the fox **** turned and headed towards the wild.

Now, with the demon clan and the demon **** clan fighting, the rabbit **** and the chicken **** live in reclusiveness, without showing their faces all day, obviously because they are afraid of being involved in the calamity, they dare not come out.

"Taoist Rabbit God can be here." Fox God descended on the territory of Rabbit God.

"Fox God, I haven't congratulated you on unifying the monster race and occupying the starry sky." The Rabbit God opened the door of the cave and chuckled at the Fox God.

"Where or where, if you want, my heaven is always I'm on the same level as me. When you are a demon emperor, you can choose whatever you want," Fox God said.

The rabbit **** shook his head and smiled bitterly: "You should know that I am weak tempered and don't like fighting and killing."

"Please come in and talk." The rabbit **** invited the fox **** into the cave. The two sides sat down, the rabbit **** offered melons and fruits, and the fox **** said: "Come here today, there is one thing that needs to be discussed with fellow daoists. Something."

Hearing the words, the rabbit **** ate the fruits and melons unhurriedly: "If you have anything, please come, fellow Taoist."

The Fox God opened his mouth and narrated the twelve Yuanchen things. The Rabbit God looked solemn when he heard the words, and after a while he said, "You have to set up the twelve Yuanchens. There are exactly twelve demon gods in the demon **** family, twelve races, why bother Put me in it and get involved."

The Fox God smiled bitterly: "Heaven’s reincarnation, day and night change, it is also a helpless move. Twelve Yuan Chen needs to be shown on Heaven’s Road. If there are any inconsistencies among the demon gods, they can only be replaced by rabbits and chickens. Don’t worry, this seat will never make you suffer , This twelve yuanchen luck, this seat will find a way to return it to you."

"That said, it's okay, just do it." The Rabbit God waved his hand and ate the fruits in his hand: "As long as you don't ask the Devil God to come to the door, you can toss it as you like."

"It's hard work so" Fox God overjoyed, and bowed to the Rabbit God: "I don't dare to stay too much. Time is urgent, so let's say goodbye."

Leaving the territory of the Rabbit God, the Fox God hurried to the territory of the Chicken God, and returned to the heaven after half a day.

A month later, suddenly Zhou Tian Xing Dou was shining brightly, with infinite mighty power brewing, only saw the sky in the void falling chaotically, the ground rushing into the golden lotus, countless sentient beings raised their heads and looked towards the 33rd heaven.

"What is the Yaozu going to do?" The ancestors of the teachings were muttering in their hearts. You look at me and I look at you, a little strange.

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