The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1970: The law is perfect

Suddenly, I saw the endless starry sky, and the auspicious energy escaped, and the power of the laws of the heavens and the earth flowed indefinitely wherever they passed.

"Heaven and earth have a framework, the sun and the moon are in order,,,,, today my demon clan has established twelve yuan chen, guarding the wild land, and looking to the world to learn from it."

The words of the three demon gods shook the starry sky, and saw the trajectory of thousands of stars change, which turned into patches of stars. If you look closely, they are rats, bulls, tigers, rabbits, dragons, snakes, etc. twelve Yuan Chen's image slowly spread in the void.


The violent wind rolled up, and the luck of the Heaven and Earth Transformation* God clan lost 30% of the air to the starry sky. The demon **** clan, who was not very bright at first, was even more dull and slowed to react.

The demon gods looked at the starry sky. Although there was no primordial spirit, the magical powers were still there, and it did not affect the presence of luck. The demon gods looked up to the sky and roared: "Demon god, you dare to plunder my demon **** family's luck, is it possible? Is it to cause a big decisive battle to fail?."

"What can I do? My monster race has never been afraid of anyone." Tiger God's domineering and killing words sounded.

"Good, good, good, good" The demon gods laughed anxiously at this time, and they all looked up to the sky and roared: "The twelve gods are in a big formation, get up."

"This is not the time for you to fight and fight. Although I am eager for you to fight, it is definitely not now." In the Yujing Mountain, Yu Duxiu was comprehending the six reincarnation formations, sensing the large fluctuations below. With a finger stretched out, and the wheel of law turned, the twelve demon gods' formation actually reversed, and the demon gods collapsed and flew out.

"How could this be?" The demon snakes got up on the ground in amazement, "What the **** is going on, how can the big formation suddenly collapse."

The demon gods were frantic in place, and the demon gods took the opportunity to start laying down layers of defense in the starry sky to prevent the demon gods from actually entering.

"Forget it, we haven't fully grasped this great array of gods and gods, don't worry for a while, wait for us to fully condense the true body of the innate demon gods, invincible to the big thousand world, and it will not be too late to shoot," the wolf **** said with a gloomy face.

"Before this seat felt an incomparable mighty force out of thin air, and reversed the twelve gods and evil formations. I don't know if it was an illusion. How could the heavens and all worlds use their own power to reverse the twelve gods and evil formations? "Existence" is overcast on Shen E's face.

"I feel it too" Lion God said coldly.

Look at me, I see you, the demon gods, a big stone was pressed in their hearts, a shadow filled their hearts, and a terrifying shadow swept through their hearts. It is simply incredible to be able to reverse the great array of gods and gods with their own power.

"Forget it, don't think about it. Our biggest goal at the moment is to defeat the Yaozu. As long as we defeat the Yaozu, all the black hands will be swept by us." The centipede ancestor's eyes flashed a harsh color.

All the demon gods look at me and I see you at this time, the light in their eyes is volatile, and the shadows in their hearts are full.

Thirty-three heavens outside the sky, Yu Duxiu looked at the mighty starry sky, an inexplicable rhythm circulated and spread in the starry sky.

"This is the qi of consummation, is the law of the starry sky consummated?" Feeling the fluctuation, countless heaven and earth's secrets and the operation of the law all opened their doors to Yu Duxiu at this time, no more secrets.

Under the fluctuation of this energy, the six reincarnation patterns in front of Yu Duxiu also began to exude an inexplicable rhyme, catering to the rhythm of the starry sky, instantly resonating with Yu Duxiu’s mind, everything was jade in an instant Duxiu opens.

"The starry sky seems to be different, it seems to be complete."

After the establishment of the twelve yuan chen, although the demon gods did not sense the fluctuation, they were also keenly aware that a mysterious change had taken place in the starry sky.

Looking at the starry sky, the three demon gods look at me, I look at you, and the fox **** clapped his hands: "It's done, the demon **** clan is 30% lucky, the other is weak and I am strong, enough to catch up with the demon **** clan."

"Don't waste time, hurry up and practice the Zhoutian Star Fighting Array" Tiger God Road.

"Wait, this emperor's robe contains the secret of the stars and stars. We have a proposal to refine it into a square pattern. This emperor's robe is bred from the stars and must fit the stars. If we can make it Refined into an array, the power of the array is multiplied," Xiangshen said.

"That's the truth," Tiger God nodded.

The heavens and stars have changed, and the most intuitive feeling is that Yu Duxiu, the next level is Human Race, Human Race's Zhoutian Star Array power has increased by 30% out of thin air, making all the ancestors inexplicable, I don't know what happened.

No one knows what happened, but one person definitely knows.

The waves of the four seas and the turbulence of the stars caused the sea to roar, rolling and raging.


The case in front of Jinlin almost turned into powder, and a pair of eyes looked at the vast starry sky: "Hongjun! Fox God! Tiger God! Elephant God! I want you to die, I want you to die."

"Long Jun, what's the matter?" The voice of the guard came from outside.

Jinlin's movements were stagnant, and it took a while to recover calm: "It's okay, go down, don't disturb me."

The guard walked away, retreating far away.

Jinlin's big sleeves helped, all the scattered cases returned to their original state in a few moments, and then sat there blankly, looking at the starry sky with his eyes, speechless for a long time.

"Father, Prime Minister Tortoise is dead, and he refuses to return to my Sea Clan." Ao Le's face was gloomy: "He also threatened us with Hanqiong Longjun and Hongjun."

"This old thing has stiff wings. Do you think you can contend with my sea clan by proving the Dao? Think that with the support of Hongjun and Hangan, you can break the wrist with this king?" Donghai Longjun's eyes rose in anger: "ignorance!."

"Come here, you sent me troops to encircle and suppress the tortoise clan, I don't believe it. Han Yan and Hongjun will dare to fight my monster clan for the sake of the tortoise clan," Donghai Longjun said angrily.

"Big brother calm down, please think twice. Now the sea turtles are extraordinary. Big brother has suppressed this old thing for millions of years and can't prove it. If it weren't for the long life of this old guy, I'm afraid it would have fallen into ashes. I have grievances against me in the four seas, and it is natural. Now, although I have the demon clan to help me in the four seas, I have the demon **** clan as my opponent. Hongjun’s influence is very extensive. Big brother must refrain from quarreling for a while and provoke monstrous spirits for my sea clan. "Big disaster" Beihai Longjun quickly jumped out and said.

"Where is Jinlin?" Donghai Longjun held his breath, took a deep breath, and said to the guard.

"Jinlin Dragon is meditating in the palace" the guard Brother, Jinlin seems a little weird, what we should know or not, seems to know, more than we know, brother Don't fail to prevent it" Nanhai Longjun Road.

"It's all Dragons, a family of brothers, what else to guard against? My Four Seas Dragons are now struggling, so I should work together and don't be suspicious." Donghai Longjun waved his sleeves, stood up, and walked out of the Crystal Palace.

Seeing Donghai Longjun walking away, several Longjun sighed together and looked at Ao Le: "Your father seems to be a little abnormal recently."

"Maybe it's too much pressure," Ao Le lowered his head.

"Maybe" the three Long Jun also stood up and walked out.

Thirty-three heavens, in the Yujing Mountain, the old tortoise looked at the aura rising from the Yujing Mountain with a pair of eyes. He was shocked and said in amazement, "God, is there any reason for this, Hongjun, His cultivation base has begun to diligently, and he has begun to advance by leaps and bounds, and has greatly improved."

The old tortoise whimpered: "I want to be old tortoise. I have practiced for a million years. Now I am just a grandson who has just proclaimed the Dao and has been a grandson for a million years. Now I have to be a son after the sermon. It is unfair. Look at Hongjun, who has only cultivated for tens of thousands of years? You can already crush the ancestors, crush the demon gods, and sit on an equal footing with the supreme powerhouses, or even crush one end. There is simply no reason for it. Monk, why is there such a big gap? All monks, do I really have such a stupid aptitude for me?"

The old tortoise was looking up to the sky and sighing. The jade ancestor on one side was not feeling well. He watched the air rising in the Yujing Mountain. The jade ancestor released the holy infant, patted his butt, and looked at the jade ancestor in the Yujing Mountain in amazement Qi Ji: "I rely on it, there is no reason, it is really no reason, why?".

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