The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1971: Heaven and Earth Empowerment

Seeing the fluctuations that pervade the Yujing Mountain of Yuduxiu, the ancestor of Jade jumped angrily: "Damn, ancestor, I am also the protagonist of the ancient chaos, why is there no such treatment? Why is this kid directly and The Tao is true, this is the initiation of heaven and earth, directly presenting the mystery of countless star sky laws in front of this kid. Why can he enjoy this kind of treatment, but I cannot."

The jade ancestor beat his chest and feet, his jealous eyes were red, and he ran all the way to Yu Duxiu's bedroom, looking at the six reincarnation formations floating in front of Yu Duxiu. Under the blessing of the starry sky law and Tao Yun, the six reincarnations are actually at this time. Also opened the door to Yu Duxiu.

"Damn, why, why, this kid is stealing the job of the ghost lord!" The old ancestor Jade jumped jealously, standing outside the hall and watching, but didn't dare to enter it, so as not to disturb Yu Duxiu. , Broken Dao machine.

At this time, Yu Duxiu’s whole body is shining, and he is constantly in contact with the starry sky and reincarnation. It is no wonder that the jade ancestor is jealous. At this time, Yu Duxiu is in a state like sitting there alone and someone takes the initiative to pick up the food. Give it to your mouth, feed it to you, as long as you open your mouth, you can eat whatever you want.

Ordinary people want to eat, but they also have to farm, light a fire, cook, and pay taxes, so there is no such thing as living comfortably.

The law of heaven and earth came to Yu Duxiu's lips, feeding Yu Duxiu to eat. If ordinary monks want to comprehend the principles of heaven and earth, and understand the laws of heaven and earth, it would not take countless costs to achieve that.

"Bastard! This kid is the illegitimate child of God, there is no reason, no reason," the ancestor of Jade yelled and stomped Yu Duxiu angrily.

Yu Duxiu didn't know about the outside world. At this time, Yu Duxiu was immersed in the ocean of Dao Law, and the mystery of the starry sky and the mystery of reincarnation were all open to Yu Duxiu, without the slightest cover.

This is a great opportunity, a great opportunity.

Fortunately, this rhyme of Taoism only pervades the Yujing Mountain. If it is spread out, it will be great, and it will have to attract everyone to besiege and calculate.

"The great mystery of the great principles" Yu Duxiu is spinning and turning, constantly replicating the great avenues between the world and the earth. If the food is eaten for you, don't you want to digest it yourself? .

The eyes of the jade ancestor looked red, and the old tortoise also turned into a vicissitudes of old man at this time, slowly came to the jade ancestor, and looked at the jade duxiu who was immersed in the profound meaning of stars and reincarnation, and was speechless for a long time.

At this moment, Jade Duxiu and Tao are in harmony, not only depicting the starry sky and the law of reincarnation between the heavens and the earth, but also using this mysterious power to deduce the idea of ​​how to refine the treasure into a treasure. .

Yu Duxiu's primordial spirit was spinning frantically. I don't know how long it took, and suddenly the starry sky between the sky and the earth was dimmed, and then he shone brightly and then returned to silence again.

Yu Duxiu slowly opened his eyes, thinking for thousands of years, it seemed only a quarter of an hour to be in harmony with Taoism, but Yu Duxiu had already traveled through the endless divine light and saw the origin of reincarnation and the origin of the starry sky.

"Hongjun! Your kid has made a lot of money." The old jade ancestor was jealous and mad, and instantly rushed over and pulled Yu Duxiu's neck: "Dividing the benefits, sharing the benefits, you have so many senses of heaven and earth, you should divide me half It is."

Yu Duxiu looked at the jade ancestor with a pair of eyes, and instantly the stars shone in front of him, his palm stretched out, the vast galaxy formed, and then the jade ancestor disappeared.


The galaxy burst open, and the old jade ancestor ran out in the galaxy: "Yu Duxiu! Does your kid have a conscience, I still think and plan for you in every way, I didn’t expect you to treat me like this?"

While talking, the ancestor of Jade leapt up and threw himself into Yu Duxiu's arms, trying to hug his neck.

"You old guy stay away from me. I have finally got the idea to deduct the formation of the treasure. This is a god-given idea. You old boy is very lucky. Don't ruin my chance." After that, Yu Duo Xiu stood up: "I'll go to Taidou and discuss the road."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu stepped forward and out of Yujing Mountain. The ancestor of Jade rushed into the air without feeling embarrassed, but he smiled and rose into the sky instantly, following Yu Duxiu.

"Taidou teaches ancestors to be here." Yu Duxiu carried her hands on her back and looked at the Zhoutian star formation of the human race.

"Hongjun, what are you doing?" Mitsz stared at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes. Since Zhou Tianxingdou came out, Mitsz is noble as the emperor of the human race Ziwei. Now he is quite handsome, but he is not alone. Xiu looked in the eyes.

Ignoring Mitz, Yu Duxiu’s eyes just silently looked at the Zhoutian Star Formation of the Human Race. These old guys are not in the outer sky. In recent years, I don’t know what they are planning in the Zhoutian Star Formation of the Human Race. The ancestor was always insidious and cunning, and he must be guarded.

Yu Duxiu’s thoughts and thoughts have changed a lot. When Namits saw Yu Duxiu’s expression, he was angry. This Mizi was appointed by the ancestors of the human race Ziwei the Great, and he received many people all day long. To flatter, to slowly breed a heart of arrogance, coupled with the rapid advancement of strength over the years, I think he is not inferior to Hongjun back then, but he is not as powerful as others. Regarding the rumors that jade is unique in the past, Mitz does not Believe, how can there be such arrogance in this world? .

If there are such arrogances, what are you still cultivating? Wouldn't they all live on pigs from a young age? .

The rise of Jade Duxiu is only a mere tens of thousands of years. Such a short period of time is not enough for those old antiques to take a nap. It is no wonder Mitz doesn't believe it.

"What kind of attitude do you have, eat my magical power?" Seeing Yu Duxiu's defiant expression, Mitz suddenly became unhappy. He threw a punch and hit Yu Duxiu's chest. The stars of Ziwei gathered. Turned into a long sword.

"Retreat" Tai Dou Jiaozu walked out in the starry sky, blocking Mitz's blow.

"Teach the ancestor! My disciple has seen the ancestor" Mitz respectfully saluted.

Tai Dou taught the ancestor and waved his hand: "Go back, Hongjun is here to find the ancestor, and you can step back and watch."


Even if Mitz felt no longer dissatisfied, he did not dare to refute the words of the ancestor, and obediently retreated to the edge of the Zhoutian star formation.

"Hongjun, what are you looking for in this seat" Tai Dou Jiaozu looked at Yu Duxiu, smiled gently, and eased the atmosphere in the court.

"I want to discuss the Tao with the ancestor" Yu Duxiu carried her hands on her back, playing foolishly.

"On Dao? Your Avenue of Stars is above me, why do you need to talk about Dao?" Tai Dou Jiaozu looked at Yu Duxiu.

At this time, the ancestors of the human race also looked at Yu Duxiu one after another, not knowing what Yu Duxiu was going to be crazy about, why suddenly they would come to Taidou ancestor to discuss the truth.

Seeing Tai Dou Jiaozu's expression, Yu Duxiu said, "It's just an argument with you."

"Never mind." Tai Dou Jiaozu looked at Yu Duxiu, his eyes twinkling, and being able to discuss the Tao with Yu Duxiu was also of great benefit to his Avenue of Stars.

The corners of Yu Duxiu's mouth curled up slightly: "Please."

"What is Hongjun doing? How can he talk to Tai Dou Jiao Ancestor?" All the monster gods of the Yao Clan looked at Yu Duxiu and Tai Dou Jiao An, frowning suddenly.

"Weird, really weird? Hongjun is not crazy, right?" The demon gods also scratched their chins, and looked at the starry sky with a pair of eyes: "Just take the opportunity to take a look at the strength of Hongjun and Taidou."

In the Four Seas Dragon Palace, the dragons raised their heads one after another, staring at the two in the starry sky unblinking.

"Please" Yu Duxiu bowed to Tai Dou Jiaozu.

"Wh" Tai Dou teaches ancestor's palm to launch The endless star domain hovering in the palm, shrouded towards Yu Duxiu.

Looking at Tai Dou Jiaozu, Yu Duxiu also stretched out a palm, dashed across the void, and greeted him.

When the shot fell, the star field in Yu Duxiu's hand collapsed, and the star field in Tai Dou Jiaozu's hand was intact.

Tai Dou taught the ancestor to stop, Yu Duxiu closed her eyes and stood there, and after a while she said, "Okay, a mysterious trick, come again."

This time Yu Duxiu made a move, only to see countless stars in the sky gathered by Yu Duxiu instantly, turned into a machete, and slashed towards Tai Dou Jiaozu.

Tai Dou Jiaozu looked astonished: "Awesome! Awesome! You can actually change the law of the starry sky. How did you do it? This constellation can only do this in its own jurisdiction."

Yu Duxiu did not conceal: "I have a deep understanding of the way of the stars, so I can naturally find out the trajectory of the starry sky and flaws in its operation."

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