The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1972: Starry sky theory, Taidou San Gong

The ancestor of Taidou is the ancestor of Taidou. Watching Yu Duxiu's galaxy transform into a scimitar and slash it over, but with a seal in his hand, he saw a subtle fluctuation in the vast starry sky, and the long sword stopped too. In front of the ancestor Dou Jiao, he slowly transformed into a star field and resumed his previous trajectory.

"I am the lord of the stars. No one can crush me on the use of the stars, but your trick is very mysterious, and this seat is greatly enlightened." Tai Dou Jiaozu had a look of admiration on his face.

Yu Duxiu closed her eyes and seemed to be lost in thought. After a while, Yu Duxiu opened her eyes and looked at Tai Dou Jiaozu: "Let's make a move."

"Look at my galaxy storm."

The galaxy storm rolled up in Taidou's hands, the mighty galaxy was like sand and gravel, and the flying sand and rocks rolled towards Yu Duxiu.

"This is the power of the starry sky" Yu Duxiu said to herself, the next moment Yu Duxiu formed a seal in her hand, a subtle fluctuation spread, and the sky full of storms ceased instantly.

Tai Dou Jiaozu looked at Yu Duxiu with an expression of seeing a ghost: "You,,,,,, you,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, how can you be a unique seal."

Seeing Tai Dou Jiaozu's expression, Yu Duxiu smiled: "The great ways go to the same destination by different routes, all the ways are one, one way is through, and the law is through."

Tai Dou Jiaozu looked at Yu Duxiu, as if he had eaten a child to death, his face was ugly, and after a while he snorted coldly: "Don't use this kind of fooling children to perfuse me."

"This starry sky is all in my chest. I just need to find a way or a trick to turn it into strength." Yu Duxiu carried her hands and looked at Tai Dou Jiazuo.

"I don't believe it! I specialize in the Avenue of Stars. This world is unique. I am the lord of the stars. Why do you have my unique skills? Let's come again." Tai Dou Jiaozu revolved in the vast galaxy, turning into a whirlpool pointed awl toward Yu Duxiu Stabbed in the chest.

"Galactic Storm."

The magic formula that was exactly the same as the previous Tai Dou Jiao ancestor's magical power circulated in Yu Duxiu's hands, and killed the Tai Dou Jiao ancestor in the distance. The starry sky was turbulent, and storms were rolled up.

The mighty Galactic Cone in the hands of Tai Dou Jiaozu met resistance, and was constantly rubbed by the galaxy storm, quickly dissipating its strength.

"How is this possible?" Tai Dou Jiaozu stopped, looking at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes, with a shocked expression: "Even if you are a genius, you shouldn't be such a genius!"

"Nothing is impossible in this world" Yu Duxiu sighed slightly, looked at Tai Dou Jiaozu, and closed her eyes again.

"Asshole, I won't come, I won't be able to come, ancestor, I won't compare with you. When the comparison goes on, ancestor's foundation will be hollowed out by you." Tai Dou Jiaozu looked at Yu Duxiu, waved his hand again and again, and turned around too. Do not mention it.

Looking at the back of Tai Dou Jiaozu, Yu Duxiu smiled bitterly: "Why the ancestor should be anxious, come and not be rude, I still have a trick here to call it the sky of heaven, and I also ask the ancestor to taste it."

Tai Dou taught the ancestors of good thoughts. In the past, he was extremely enthusiastic about Yu Duxiu’s star resonance. I wanted to find a chance to get that trick back. Who would have thought that stealing chickens would not eclipse the rice, but called it. People have found out their own foundation.

A one-sided star map, a complex star map was formed in Yu Duxiu's hands, instantly leaping across the void, towards the suppression of Tai Dou Jiaozu.

"star map?."

Looking at Yu Duxiu's star map, Tai Dou Jiaozu was dazzled for a while, immersed in the mystery of the star map.


Tai Dou Jiaozu exploded, the star map disappeared, countless stars gathered in the sky, Tai Dou Jiaozu's real body reorganized, and his eyes looked at Yu Duxiu with complicated eyes, and then shook his head: "Thank you! Ancestor, I practiced for millions of years. I have never seen the full picture of the starry sky, and now I see this star map without regrets. It's a pity that the star map is too mysterious, revolving all the time, and changeable. If there is no magic trick to teach, you can never imitate the screen."

Seeing Tai Dou Jiaozu’s pitiful expression, Yu Duxiu turned and left: "Teach an ancestor a good life to enlighten the Avenue of Stars. Now the understanding of the ancestor on the Avenue of Stars is nothing but a fraction of this mighty starry sky."

Tai Dou Jiaozu stood in the starry sky and looked at Yu Duxiu's distant back. He was a little startled. The Jade Ancestor walked by Taidou Jiaozu and snorted coldly: "Trash, even a junior can't hold it. "

When the teacher of Tai Dou heard this, his face flushed with anger: "If you have the ability, you can take it down and see. It really doesn't hurt to stand and talk."

The ancestor of Jade rushed to catch up with Yu Duxiu, smiled at Yu Duxiu, and was about to speak, but was blocked by Yu Duxiu: "I am not necessarily Taidou's opponent. The two sides did it before, just to verify their own way. That's all, Tai Dou did not use his own innate spiritual treasure, and this seat did not use any magical treasures. It is difficult to say the outcome. After these tens of thousands of years, Tai Dou has changed a lot. It is simply reborn. It seems that the heavens and the world are not. I am improving alone."

"I know, I said that, but it's just adding a block to this old boy" Old Ancestor Jade smiled.

"Tai Dou Jiazuo has such a great spirit, I may not be able to match his spirit," Yu Duxiu said.

"What did you find?" Old Jade Ancestor looked at Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu's face was solemn: "If I guessed correctly, Tai Dou Jiaozu is doing exercises."

"What? San Gong?" The old jade ancestor almost jumped up in fright, and said sharply.

"Perhaps it is my illusion. Tai Dou, the old fellow, seems to want to train countless particles of his flesh into stars, and turn them into innate spirit treasures." Yu Duxiu is terrified when he thinks about it. There are so many holes and cells in the body. , If this old thing dissipates its own skill and then sacrifices its own body into countless innate spiritual treasures, this old thing seems to be more terrifying than the old tortoise.

"Isn't it possible?" Old Jade Ancestor covered his mouth: "That requires massive amounts of mana, massive amounts of heaven and earth aura, heaven and earth power, even if it swallows the starry sky, it is not enough! He is seeking his own death."

"The human body itself is the void of the universe. Why do you need to ask outside?" Yu Duxiu did not hurry, and the light of wisdom flickered in her eyes: "This old thing is really bold, but if this seat has a mind, this old thing will undoubtedly die."

"Then you don't want to make a move yet, count it to death" Jade Patriarch looked at Yu Duxiu, gritted his teeth with hatred.

Yu Duxiu shook his head: "No need. There are too few good opponents in this world. If Taidou is made, it will not do me any harm. It can even steal the evolution of Taidou's avenue. I am thinking about why the ancestors of Taidou There will be a gathering place. It turns out that it was for the old man Tai Dou to protect the Don’t worry about raising tigers, you kid, or kill the town of Tai Dou early." The old ancestor of Jade looked at Yu Duxiu, He stared and said: "When you have the upper hand, if you can't kill you, you will regret it in the future."

Yu Duxiu's eyes rolled, "You don't understand my avenue."

"I don't understand, I only know that you are raising a tiger." Old Jade Ancestor glared at Yu Duxiu: "If you don't do it, I will do it myself. With my ancestor and my path of bad luck, it is enough for the old immortal to drink a pot. Just ask him to know what it means to achieve less than success and more than failure."

After speaking, the old jade ancestor chuckled out and disappeared.

Seeing the jade ancestor walking away, Yu Duxiu's mouth was slightly raised, and she shook her head: "Interesting."

Watching Yu Duxiu walking away, Tai Dou Jiaozu stood dignified in the starry sky, watching from a distance, suddenly a white jade light shot over. Tai Dou was taken aback for a moment, and then seemed to understand something, turned and ran. .

"Asshole, you stop for Lao Tzu, and I can't eat you, ancestor." Old ancestor Jade yelled from behind.

"Ancestor, isn't our grievances over? Why are you chasing me?" Tai Dou taught ancestors running wildly in front, without daring to delay. This old thing was so desperate, if he caught him, would he be better? Wait for bad luck in the future.

"You stop for me, I'm just talking to you about the past. Patriarch I am not a monster, I can't eat you" Patriarch Jade panted behind.

"The ancestor is not a monster, it is better than a monster. You old man let me go, I really don't want to have any contact with you." As he said, Tai Dou Jiaozu mobilized the power of the stars and quickly suppressed the Jade Ancestor. In the past, at the same time, he continued to fly towards the large array of human heavens and stars: "Help me block this old immortal dead star."

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