The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1973: suspicion

"Ancestor, didn't you say that the grievances have ended? You are also out of anger, why are you still making trouble so unreasonably" An emperor figure slowly unfolded, and Tai Dou Jiazuo stood in front of Jade Ancestor.

"You get out of my way, this old boy is different. Patriarch I am not very demanding. As long as this brat hits me, Patriarch I will leave immediately" Old Patriarch Yushi punched Taihuang Jiaozu with a punch.

Taiping Jiaozu shook his head: "What a bastard!"

While talking, Huangtu slowly opened up, and the rolling mountains flew out from the Huangtu, blocking the path of the jade ancestors. The talismanic seals flowed on the mountains, mysterious and extraordinary, and ordinary monks could not break them open.

"I can't stop my ancestors from taking a punch." The jade ancestor's fist was full of bad luck, and the eyelids of the Taiping ancestor were trembling. Fortunately, Taiyi taught ancestors to extend a helping hand: "Destiny is like a knife.


A string of sparks struck the jade ancestor. The jade ancestor was beaten out, turned somersaults in the air, then fell to the ground, stabilized his figure, and was about to speak. I saw that the eight human ancestors were all alive. Released: "Old ancestor, if you are fooling around, don't blame us for also taking action."

"A bunch of bastards, when you cry sooner or later, Miaoxiu kid already knows your plan, do you think it will succeed?" The old jade ancestor cursed, and the hero turned around and turned back to heaven.

This scene fell on the demon clan and the demon **** clan, both of them ‘cocked’ in their hearts, planning? What plan? .

A vigilant heart rose in the hearts of the monsters and the demon gods. The ancestors of the human race looked at the ancestors of Taidou, and the ancestors of Taidou let out a sigh, and then said with lingering fear: "I was almost caught up by this bastard."

"How did it happen, when was this old thing so shrewd?" Tai Huang Jiaozu asked in doubt.

"Hongjun saw the flaw. Hongjun must have seen the flaw. Hongjun is not easy to be with." Tai Dou Jiaozu's expression was gloomy: "It's careless, it's because I am too greedy. If you are greedy, otherwise Hongjun will not see the flaws."

"How could he see the flaw?" The teachers frowned.

Tai Dou Jiaozu frowned: "I can't tell what Hongjun is planning. This servant has always had a lot of magical powers and a lot of secrets. Although I didn't see the whole picture of the star map before, I also had enlightenment. I suspect it is. Hongjun saw through the current state of this constellation, and deliberately revealed the star map to help me. Why would Hongjun do this? How could he know the whole picture of the star map? I have studied the Avenue of Stars for millions of years and have never seen it. At the end of this galaxy, he has never checked every star. Why does he have such an ability."

Tai Dou Jiaozu's heart is imbalanced. It is indeed an imbalance in his heart. He has spent a lot of hardships, countless trials and tribulations before he can achieve the Avenue of Stars, but he can't match the opponent's ten thousand years of practice. Why? Tai Dou Jiaozu never thought that his wisdom would be weaker than Yu Duxiu's.

"Looking at the changes, everyone is highly vigilant. Now the demons and demon gods have started to frighten the snakes. They have to test my human race and discover the secrets of the human race. Everyone must defend well." Tai Yi taught ancestors to play with the turtle shell in his hands, and his voice was calm.

"Hongjun, what do you seem to know?" Yu Duxiu returned to Yujing Mountain. Before he could sit down, the Fox God had already rushed over, looking at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes.

Yu Duxiu touched her chin, and looked at the fox **** unhurriedly: "Know what?"

"Tai Dou taught the ancestors" Fox God stared wide-eyed.

"What's the matter with Tai Dou Jiao Zu?" Yu Duxiu shook her head and closed her eyes: "I just proved some magical power with Tai Dou Jiao Zu."

"Your understanding of the Avenue of Stars is amazing. As long as you use the magical powers of Tai Dou Jiaozu, you can see your feet and learn them." The Fox God rested on Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu was silent, and when he saw Yu Duxiu's life and death, he refused to speak, and the Fox God cursed: "Elm head, rotten wood can be carved, waste of style."

After speaking, the Fox God got up and walked out of the main hall. He saw the old jade ancestor who had come back cursing and cursing. He didn't dare to ask any more questions, and immediately turned and left.


The ancestor of Jade stumbled on the ground and slumped in front of Yu Duxiu. The ancestor of Jade was scorched and cursed: "This law is really bad luck, bad luck for others, bad luck for the ancestor myself."

"Fortunately, there will be no calamity in your Yujing Mountain, otherwise I will be miserable. I will be thundered all day long." The old ancestor Jade patted his clothes, stood up cursingly, and sat on Yu Duxiu's body. before.

"Why the ancestors! Back then, you were the one who was wrong. If you weren't tossing about everyone, how could you provoke everyone?" Yu Duxiu persuaded.

"Why don't you tell me, if it wasn't for those old guys to provoke my ancestors, why would I do something to them?" Jade ancestor was angrily: "Tell me, how do you plan to clean up the ancestor, you can't really call it He grows up, otherwise he will be truly invincible when the time comes, and we will be unlucky. It depends on the faces of others.

"What are you afraid of, too much fighting is strong, I have the blue sky in my hands, and the sky has nurtured success, what are you afraid of?" Yu Duxiu looked at Jade Patriarch.

"I'm afraid that Qingtian and Cangtian will not be able to fight Taidou Jiaozu" Old Ancestor Jade took a sip of wine.

Yu Duxiu laughed: "Isn't there still me? No one in this world knows the Avenue of Stars better than me. It was not a joke before that it was in harmony with the Tao."

"I said so, but I'm not afraid that you are playing badly. The situation is under your control. What should I do if I drag my ancestors into the water," said Jade Patriarch.

"Ancestor, say, if these twelve demon gods are condensed into the true body of the innate demon gods, what should they do?" Yu Duxiu looked at the jade ancestor.

The Jade Ancestor looked solemnly: "That's a big trouble, but it's impossible. These guys will at best condense a pseudo-devil body."

"If I say, do I have a way to make the twelve demon gods really turn into the innate demon gods?" Yu Duxiu looked at Jade Ancestor.

"What? What can you do?" The old jade ancestor was blown up and stood directly on the seat: "I advise you not to do this, otherwise it will be a big trouble."

"Is that right?" Yu Duxiu sat on the case table and drank a sip of wine. The old jade ancestor said bitterly: "This is really not good. If they are really allowed to condense the Innate Demon God Dharma Bodies, they will have been out of the jurisdiction of the laws of the Great Thousand Worlds. Time is in trouble."

"That's it" Yu Duxiu was silent, with one hand on his head, silent.

As he said a figure flashed by the gate, and the holy infant appeared in the hall, looking at the jade ancestor, his cheeks bulged: "You give me back!"

"What?" The jade ancestor's eyes rolled around.

"You stole my tortoise's teeth. It was a gift from Prime Minister tortoise to me. It was the tooth that was lost when Prime Minister tortoise became enlightened and metamorphosed. It is very precious. After a million years of sacrifice, did you steal it?" Ying stared at the jade ancestor with a pair of eyes.

"How is it possible, ancestor, I am upright, how can I do this kind of sneaking, slanderous things, it may be Wang Daoling and Zhu Ba did this thing, ancestor, I will take you to find them, and ask them clearly." Yu Shi The ancestor grabbed the holy infant, got up and walked towards the outside world.

The Holy Infant will look suspiciously at the jade ancestor: "You really didn't do it?"

"Of course not, how can someone such an open and bright ancestor do such nasty things" Old ancestor Jade promised, patting his chest.

"You don't need to go to Wang Daoling and Zhu Ba, just follow me to the Prime Minister Turtle. Prime Minister Turtle has a reaction with his teeth, so he will naturally tell the truth." Sheng Ying looked at Jade Patriarch.

"It's better to find Wang Daoling and Old Ancestor Zhu Ba." Old Ancestor Jade rolled his eyes.

"Where to go to Prime Minister Turtle" Sheng Ying dragged the jade ancestor.

"Go to Wang Daoling and Zhu Ba."

"Where to go to Prime Minister Turtle."

After a few words were not finished, the old jade ancestor and the holy infant began to tear again, and the Jade Duxiu in the main hall rubbed his forehead speechlessly: "Jade, you are also a dignified person, how can you be so bad? To bully my son."

"Who is bullying your son, dear Holy Infant, let's go to Wang Daoling and Zhu Ba, ancestor, I will ask you for a fairness," the old ancestor Jade said involuntarily, and directly carried the Holy Infant, and the two guys tugged. No trace.

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