The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1988: Co-treatment of Yin Division

"Goodness, need to hit the **** of death hard" Taiping Jiaozu nodded.

"Shooting" the ghost master gritted his teeth. In any case, the ability to severely damage the God of Death is already the best result he can get so far. It is no idea to ask everyone to help him kill the God of Death.

"It's weird! It's weird!" Sitting not far from Yu Duxiu, the ancestor of Jade was holding his head, his eyes were looking down, his brows furrowed.

"What's the matter?" Yu Duxiu opened her eyes.

"Where did you say that the guy in the sky? The guy in the sky is to blame, the lord who can't be idle anywhere, such a lively thing, it is really strange that I didn't see the sky", the old ancestor Jade bowed his head in thought.

When Yu Duxiu heard the words, she felt aroused. For some reason, she suddenly remembered that when Chaotian asked herself about transcendence, she said that if Chaotian wanted to be transcended, he needed to absorb the vitality of a small world. This thought instantly in Yu Duxiu's mind. Circling among them.

Yu Duxiu frowned: "Could it be that he really went? I don't know if that guy is unlucky and will be calculated by the sky."

Yu Duxiu played with the lock demon tower in the palm of his hand, looked at the demons and demon gods who were ready to go below, and then looked at the **** of death and the supreme powerhouses who were fighting in the underworld. Yu Duxiu was holding it. Locking the demon tower, showing the color of contemplation, after a while, he stood up and walked outside the Yujing Mountain, stepped forward, and had landed on the Moon Palace.

The scent of sweet-scented osmanthus came in bursts, and Chang sat there, staring blankly at the distant void, beside him was the supreme realm idiot "Yi" of the demon race.

"Why are you here!" Looking at Yu Duxiu, Chang's complexion suddenly changed, and she stood up abruptly, and the next energy was pressed against Yu Duxiu instantly.

There is Yi, the supreme powerhouse on Lunar Star, and all the monks of the Demon Race have already withdrawn, and there are only two people on Lunar Star, Chang and Yi.

Looking at Chang's beautiful face, Yu Duxiu gently shook her head: "The hero is sad for Beauty Pass."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu walked slowly on the Lunar Star, and instantly came to Chang's body, and an axe slashed towards Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu stretched out a finger, and everything in the world was still in an instant: "You will be quiet for a while."

"What are you going to do?" Seeing Yu Duxiu's distorted figure, Chang's complexion suddenly changed when he hit Yi flying with one finger.

Yu Duxiu grabbed Chang's finger, his fingers were cool, and a trace of moonlight wandered through them, delicate and unparalleled.

"Bastard! Deng disciple, you let me go" Chang kicked towards Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu's legs tightened, she clamped her ankles between her legs, closed her eyes, wondering what she was feeling.

"Asshole, let me go" Chang slapped Yu Duxiu's face with a palm.

Yu Duxiu's body exploded in an instant, and when he reappeared, it was already ten feet away. Yi found Yu Duxiu's real body, and his eyes were fixed on Yu Duxiu, ready to move.

"Fortune and misfortune depend on each other, weird, is this the so-called first line of life?" Yu Duxiu closed her eyes in thought, and walked out of the Taiyin Star slowly.

"Inexplicable" Chang rubbed his ankles and said when he looked at Yu Duxiu's departure.


The air in the Yin Division was soaring, the back of the death **** was hit by the chaos clock, a staggered flying out, black blood spurted from his mouth, his eyes fixed on the supreme powerhouse.

"Okay" Primal Tianzun received the Chaos Clock, and the whole body was surrounded by chaos, disappearing into the void.

"This time it's all right, so I can feel at ease." Tai Yi Jiaozu nodded and disappeared.

"Good, good, this can't be better" Amitab looked at the court.

"Bald donkey, my yin doesn't welcome you" A pair of eyes of the ghost master stared firmly at Amitabha.

"Why get angry into anger, I just said two fair words, the mountains do not turn, if the **** of death has time in the future, he can come to my Lingtai Fangcunshan to walk around. This world is so deep that you will be caught if you are not careful. Drown, be careful." Amitabha slowly disappeared in place.

The powerhouses left one by one, and in an instant, only the Blood Demon, the Ghost Lord, and the Death God remained in the Yin Division.

"I pooh, a group of despicable and shameless people, thinking about calculating my **** all day, it's just wishful thinking." After finishing speaking, the ghost master looked at the **** of death, with a pair of eyes staring at him.

With a wave of the death god's palm, his divine power spread, and instantly enveloped the other side, Guimenguan and other places: "This place will be the territory of this seat in the future."

When the ghost master saw this, his eyes brightened. This is the place of the Buddhist family. Just now Amitabhas disrupted the situation here. When he cries in the future, the two **** fight, and he can be a fisherman.

Nodding calmly, the ghost master said: "Okay! Actually, it's not that the hatred between you and me cannot be resolved. The judge's pen has been returned. When the devil becomes enlightened, he can return it to you. As for the six reincarnations of hands, just Old ancestors, I have understood that chaos reincarnation, everything returns to the original, all can reincarnate, not to mention the six roots of reincarnation, and they can all be returned to you."

"Really?" The death god's eyes moved, revealing his heart.

"Hey, I'm not afraid that you won't get the bait" The ghost master snickered in his heart, and said solemnly: "Naturally take it seriously, the Yin Division is the Yin Division of the two of us. No matter how we fight, it is an internal battle. Those **** are outsiders. If there is an invasion by a foreign enemy, you and I need to work together to protect the interests of Yinsi."

"Ghost talk, you first return my life and death and the origin of the six reincarnations, and I believe you" The **** of death gave the ghost master a blank look and turned away.

Watching the **** of death go away, the ghost master let out a long sigh of relief: "Finally, it quieted down temporarily. The time for the **** of death to come out is too untimely. I am a bit embarrassed at the realm of my cultivation level. Breaking through chaos reincarnation is talking."

After speaking, the ghost master returned to his palace: "The **** of death chose the territory of the Buddha as his territory, and wait for the Buddha to fight with the **** of death in the future. Let's watch the excitement in secret, and Amitabha went around and gave himself to the pit. Go in."

"Father God is wise, the old Amitabha is asking for trouble," the Prince Yinsi flattered.

The ghost master shook his head: "Wait, the good show is behind."

"That's it?" In the Yujing Mountain, the Jade Ancestor was stunned.

"Otherwise? With Amitab's disruptive situation, the situation of Yinsi will inevitably be more complicated in the future. The three parties are fighting and the three legs stand together," Yu Duxiu said calmly.

"Three legs stand together?" The old jade ancestor grasped the cake in his hand, showing a thoughtful color.

Ignoring the old jade ancestor, Yu Duxiu grabbed the lock demon tower in his hand, and the restrictions were derived from his hands and fell into the lock demon tower.

"This time it's okay, the Yinsi is about to be completely finished." The soul shines on everything, deducing the mystery of the starry sky and reincarnation, constantly comprehending the will of heaven as a knife, and Yu Duxiu's mouth has a contented smile: "The **** of death can Can withstand the ghost master, the Gorefiend is enough to entangle the other supreme powerhouses, plus a Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, he is established in the Yinsi team, Shangqiongbi and Huangquan are about to be completed, even if he is himself No longer taking the ordinary path of immortality, but being able to complete the six reincarnations is also a lot of benefits for myself.

"The next battle should be between the monster clan and the demon **** clan. The battle between the two sides is about to start. Although the spirit of death will be cheaper, the **** of, the monster clan and the demon **** clan will never give up the battle. Now it is no longer ancient times. As long as the innate gods cannot be resurrected in batches, the supreme powerhouses will not see them in their eyes." Yu Duxiu muttered in her heart.

The bull **** clan, the bull **** drank the wine in pain, looking at the moon sky with his eyes, endless anger filled his heart.

Is he easy to be a bull? After finally raising a son, he has now preached, and he was calculated to be an idiot, a supreme idiot, which sounds funny.


The wine glass was smashed by the bull god, the wolf **** walked in outside the hall, looking at the broken wine bowl, and then at the bull **** who was smoky with the wine, the wolf **** said: "This time I will take the shot and take Yi back from the stars. We all act together to stimulate their heads, and we don’t believe that there are really supreme idiots in this world. If we act, there is always a way to restore their memory."

"I hope so, I hope so."

The Bull Demon was leaning on the chair behind him: "Have the army been assembled?"

ps: A new book will be issued tomorrow, ahem. I hope you will support me a lot.

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