The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1989: Lich War, Great Array Collision


The desolate horn sounded, and countless demon gods in the earth rushed into the sky with the turbid evil aura. Twelve demon gods stood on the wild land and looked down at the billions of demon gods.

"The demon clan has no way, and brutalizes the supreme power of my demon clan, repeatedly calculating and provoking my demon clan, today my demon clan swears to fight against the demon clan, and the world learns from the ancient vicissitudes of the E God.

"The twelve gods are in great formation." The wolf **** gave an order, and saw the twelve giants grow up and thrust into the clouds, and the muddy air on the surface of the earth rose and rolled, and then saw the twelve demon gods resonating in their bodies. After a vague and turbid air boiled, I saw a huge tall giant appearing on the spot. He roared to the sky, holding a big axe made of turbid air in his hand, and looked at the army of billions of demon gods: "Follow me."

"A strong calamity force" Yu Duxiu's face was intoxicated in the Yujing Mountains.

Old ancestor Jade looked at the demons and tribes gathered below with a pair of eyes, blinked, and after seeing the giant, he took a breath: "Oh, it’s amazing, ancestor, I’m not that. Opponent of giants."

The old jade ancestor was surprised here, but he did not know that at this time, the death **** in the Yinsi Di Mansion almost fell to the ground, and his eyes flashed with astonishment: "It is really incredible that there are such strong people in the heavens and all realms. It's really unbelievable, fortunately I didn't utter a wild word before, or I would have made the same mistake again."

"The vicissitudes of life, the years have changed, and I never thought that it would not have been born in millions of years. This world has changed its appearance, and it is no longer comparable in the age of the gods." The **** of death was full of emotion.

The demon gods gathered their troops, and the demon clan naturally were not to be outdone. The three demon gods looked down on the wild land below and watched as the demon gods fired their troops. The demon gods also gathered together. Rampantly in the void, the starry sky began to revolve and turned into a large formation, entangled towards the giant.


The giant axe cuts through the void and cuts through the universe. Even the invisible and intangible laws are also affected at this time. The endless turbid air is continuously derived from the giants. The power of the earth is instantly blessed on the giants, facing the laws of the stars. , The oppression of the starry sky, the giant is not afraid, an axe actually split the pattern.

"Sword of the stars."

Countless stars blazed with sword light, not at the giant, but at the countless little demon gods who were chasing by the billions.

"You bastard, fight with me, how dare you get distracted."

Seeing countless little demon gods falling to the ground, with swords of stars stuck in their bodies, they died of anger. The giant roared, and an axe slashed towards the 33rd heaven.

"Pull that giant into the star battle formation of the heavens, let's use the power of the ancient stars to refine it."

The voice of the elephant **** came out of the large array, but saw the galaxy swirling, forming a mighty star vortex, blowing up a star storm, and without waiting for the giant to move first, the countless little demon gods below have fallen into the vortex. Enter the star array.


The giant saw this axe slashing towards the vortex of stars, and saw the vortex of stars suddenly spread, and instantly took the giant in, and then the heavens and stars contracted and wrapped the giant in it.

The giant demon **** entered the star battle array of the heavens, and only felt that the sky was spinning, and the whole starry sky was exuding a wave of hostility, and everyone who saw it was frightened.

"Come on, I have to look at the star array of your monster race, and I can’t make it to my devil’s array" the giant said, shaking the starry sky, seeming to contain a mysterious sound, the axe in his hand chopped out, and everything passed by was murky. The air billowed, shaking the galaxy.

The voice of the Fox God "Stars in the Stars World" sounded, and the coquettishness revealed a sense of solemnity.

I saw that countless star buckets instantly turned into a world of one side. In that world, thousands of stars continued to rotate, seeming to contain another world of void, in which there were countless star buckets rotating indefinitely.

When the giant axe passed, one world was cut off, but more starry sky worlds were spawning, and then the countless starry sky worlds were like spider webs, exuding a wave of mysterious power, which continuously involved the power that bound the giant. The power of Fang World kept hitting the real body of the Demon God, and wanted to turn the real body of the Demon God into powder, and completely refine the giant.

"The monster race really has some ways to understand such a powerful array, which is the Zhoutian star array of the human race back then, and it is far behind." The wolf **** looked at the vast and infinite starry world in the large array, his eyes blinked. He blinked: "However, our twelve demon gods are better. Let these demon gods know how good we are."

The wolf mythology fell, and the demon gods controlled the large array, and saw the giant passing by. The countless starry sky world seemed to be small stones, instantly turning into powder. Between the giant's breath, countless turbid air flew out and called The star gods were miserable, for fear of being contaminated by the muddy air.

"Killing, killing, all killing" Hushen's eyes flashed.

"Four Elephants."

With an order, one party of the starry sky world seemed to come alive, forming a beast with teeth and claws.

I saw the blue dragon, white tiger, basalt and vermilion bird in the starry sky. The beasts formed by the immeasurable star world rushed towards the giant's limbs.

"Good beast!"

The lion **** praised: "This great array of stars and stars is actually not bad. Be careful, don't overturn the boat in the gutter."

The giant kicked the Xuanwu white tiger, and the axe in his hand chopped the Azure Dragon Suzaku. The two sides fought together. With the power of the giant, it was impossible to get rid of the **** of the beast for a while.

The blue dragon is like a long snake, spitting out its core, wrapped around the waist of the giant, trying to strangle the giant to death, the giant is not to be outdone, sometimes big and sometimes small, you come and go, but the starry sky is always the same In the home of the demon god, even if the demon **** has a large array of twelve gods and evil spirits that continuously provide the muddy air between the heavens and the earth, at this time, they are still somewhat unable to use their hands and feet.

In the battle between the demon clan and the demon **** clan, the powerhouses from the outside world were frightened and trembled, and the faces of the ancestors changed wildly. Such a powerful formation, who could be the enemy? In this way, wouldn’t the human race never come out in the future? .

The **** of death in the Yin Division absorbs the breath of death between the heavens and the earth, and the death whirlpool in his eyes seems to be a bottomless black hole, and his voice is shocked and incredible: "How can there be such an incredible thing in the world? It shouldn't exist at all."

"What do you think now?" The void twisted beside the **** of death, Yu Duxiu, dressed in a gray robe, appeared beside the **** of death.

"I have seen the Taoist master" The **** of death quickly stood up and bowed to Yu Duxiu, then said: "It's a bit unbelievable and eye-opening."

"Compared with the gods of the age of the gods, how powerful is it?" Yu Duxiu looked at the **** of death.

The **** of death shook his head: "The age of the gods has only the The gods are all young. If they are adults, they will not end up completely buried. Of course, there is no comparison. The big battle in front of us is indeed powerful. , Even the Dacheng gods can suppress it, but there are time, space, cause and effect, and destiny. The gods are infinitely powerful. They are the kings of the gods. These two great formations are afraid that the four Dacheng innate gods cannot be trapped. Just."

When Yu Duxiu heard the words thoughtfully, he waved his hand for the **** of death to sit down, played with the demon lock tower in his hand, and kept all kinds of restrictions into the lock demon tower. The **** of death looked a little dazed. Yu Duxiu said, "You were among the gods, so you should be able to rank up."

"In the age of the gods, I was still asleep. Although I avoided the killing and robbery of the age of the gods, because the Yinsi had uninvited guests uninvited, so I was exposed." The **** of death smiled bitterly.

Yu Duxiu sighed softly: "This is not the age of the gods. Since you are alive, you have to face the reality. You can't immerse yourself in the past all day long. The current powerful men are all trend-makers of the times. The strength is no less than that of the innate gods of Dacheng, and you can even overcome them. You must find a way to integrate into this era, instead of resurrecting the illusory glory of the gods, like the gods of insects, has become the power of this era. Everyone accepts."

"The Taoist **** is powerful to the sky, why not resurrect the gods directly? Set the chaos!"

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