The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1990: Brainwashing death

Looking at the **** of death, Yu Duxiu's body escaped with a hint of weather, and the **** of death widened his eyes in surprise: "The **** of death? Dao master is,,,,,,."

"Hush, don't say it, I was noticed by the heavenly secret, and let people know the old bottom of this seat, but it's not good." Yu Duxiu looked at the **** of death: "I will hide the innate soul in the future."

"The Taoist actually gave up the body of the innate god, he really has great determination and great perseverance." The **** of death looked at Yu Duxiu's eyes differently. He used to think that Yu Duxiu was a born creature, although it was due to the gods* Give in, but only God knows what he thinks in his heart. Now the **** of death is extremely respectful and completely surrendered.

Yu Duxiu gently shook her head: "Oh, you don't understand the hardships of this seat. This seat cannot be reincarnated as a remnant soul, but found that the land has changed drastically as it is today. It is no longer the age of the gods. I missed the identity, and there was only one end, and that was to be beheaded by the powerful, and buried in the depths of time and space again, so I had to completely give up the body and reincarnate directly."

"I don't know which **** the Lord is returning from the calamity." The death **** looked at Yu Duxiu.

"Secret, I can't tell you this" Yu Duxiu shook her head.

The **** of death smiled bitterly: "It is true that it should be kept secret. Once it is leaked out, the trouble will be serious, and the Taoist will be chased by the power of the entire world.

Yu Duxiu looked at the **** of death: "The congenital gods are struggling to resurrect. How easy is it to resurrect the congenital gods. When this seat resurrects you, reverse time and space, return to the age of the gods and get a trace of your remnant soul. This is the basis for resurrecting you completely. If you want to resurrect other gods, you can only do the same. It’s just the risk of reversing time and space. This seat has already suffered backlash from time and space. I don’t know how long it will take to recover from the injury. ."

Having said that, Yu Duxiu looked at the **** of death: "The only thing you have to do now is to forbear, integrate into the current system of the Great Thousand World, and then wait for this seat to gradually call the rest of the gods back, and then everyone You can contend with the supremely powerful, and then you can tear your face with the powerful."

"The Lord said that the Lord is foresight, I can't do it! I don't know what the Lord has to suggest?" The **** of death looked at Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu said: "Do you know why I chose to resurrect you?"

"Please make it clear from the Lord" The God of Death scratched his head, not daring to say anything about his superior strength.

"Of course it was a coincidence, I happened to hear from you." This sentence is a real truth, Yu Duxiu, of course, would not say, I saw Yu Duxiu's mouth with a triumphant smile: "Because of your particularity, you have a ghost master. Containment, it is bound to win a ray of life in the hands of the supreme powerhouses."

"Furthermore! Why do you think Amitabha will help you? It is because I have discussed with Amitabha. After you are resurrected, you will help Amitabha to control the ghost lord. Amitab and the ghost lord have an antagonism. You take the opportunity to integrate into the Buddhist school and restrain Living in the ghost master, helping the Buddhists to completely occupy the Yinsi, and then integrate into the Buddhists, with the Buddhists as the foundation, integrate into the world, and be accepted by the supreme powers." Yu Duxiu looked at the **** of death.

The **** of death nodded: "It's all arranged by the Lord."

Yu Duxiu said: "After some time, Amitab will come to the door. You will help Amitab to rule the ghost master. Amitab will help you regain the origin of reincarnation and the judge's pen. This transaction is very cost-effective. As for the land of reincarnation, you and the Buddha will rule together. It's okay."

Hearing that he wanted to cure the Yinsi together, the **** of death had a hint of displeasure in his eyes, but he nodded calmly: "Well, just listen to the Lord's arrangement. Huluopingyang was bullied by the dog, and now I can't help us."

"That's right." Yu Duxiu smiled and patted the shoulder of the **** of death: "We still have things to do. You can recover your strength while the monster clan is fighting against the demon god."

"My lord, I don't know what methods the demons and demon gods use, they actually have such power." The **** of death revealed a curious look.

"This method is called an array method." Yu Duxiu did not conceal it: "Whether it is the great formation of the heavens and stars, or the great formation of the twelve heavens and gods, it is all taught by this seat."

"Ah?" The face of the **** of death changed: "How can the Lord easily teach such powerful methods? The demons and demons are so powerful, how can there be a chance for my innate **** to resurrect in the future."

"Don't worry, there is this seat at the helm, what if you say that if the monster clan and the demon **** clan die together?" Yu Duxiu smiled.

The death god's eyes lit up: "If this is the case, that would be great."

Yu Duxiu carried her hands on her back and held the lock demon tower in her hands: "Don't think too much, you can just follow my instructions, all this is your own opinion."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu disappeared.

Watching Yu Duxiu go away, the **** of death retracted his gaze and stood there blankly, looking at the two big formations fighting in the starry sky, but with a wry smile: "It's a great formation, I'm afraid it is Not as good as the one-fifth of the power of this great formation, the Demon God Clan is so strong, no wonder it is stronger than the Lord, and you have to swallow your breath. If anyone dares to leak out, there is only a dead end."

Speaking of this, the death god’s mouth sneered: "Buddha? There is no problem in helping the Buddha to kill the ghost master. It is what I want, but the co-ruling of the Yin Si will be avoided in the future. The Yin Si is our nest. Allow others to intervene. As long as the ghost master dies, I will occupy the sinister danger, and that is my opponent."

"Hongjun has been here, and had contact with the **** of death" The ghost master sat in a chair, closed his eyes and meditated, and suddenly spoke.

"Hongjun? How could he get entangled with the **** of death" Prince Yinsi was surprised: "Father, Hongjun is tricky and has to guard against."

"It's a pity, I have an unsolvable feud with the God of Death, otherwise this round may not be called Hongjun Ruyi, it is just for the father to figure out what means Hongjun used to bring the God of Death back to life?" Ghost The main brow furrowed.

"The **** of death resurrected by Hongjun?" The four supreme masters of Yinsi were all surprised.

"It must be Hongjun. I found the clues that Hongjun had left in Yinsi. Even though Hongjun's methods are secretive, if this seat is carefully explored, there are any traces that can be hidden from this seat" The ghost master rubbed Forehead: "Can't think of Hongjun's means."

"Hongjun resurrected the god, but it was a taboo, and it touched everyone's bottom line. Why didn't God Father inform the powerful people of this matter? Everyone went to the door together and killed Hongjun." expression.

The ghost master shook his head: "It's unreasonable to say that it is unconvincing. This incident affected the whole body, but there are only two ways to break the game."

"Those two?" everyone said in unison.

"First, this seat breaks through chaotic reincarnation, sweeps the world, and calms everything. The second is that the prince breaks through the supreme powerhouse. Your Yama Dao and the Death Dao of life and death are from the same source, and mutual restraint can solve our Yinsi crisis." Ghost The light in the green lantern in the eyes of the Lord is hot: "I am currently smelting the six reincarnations, and I cannot break through for the time being. The only chance is for you to break through the supreme realm, hold the **** of death, and then restore the balance again to buy time for the father.

"Baby,,,,,, Babe must work hard." The prince of Yinsi was embarrassed, but gritted his teeth: "Baby must try his best to break through as soon as possible."

"Well, now that the demon clan and the demon **** clan are in one group, you might as well sneak into the battlefield quietly, fish in troubled waters, and practice Yama Dao," the ghost master said.

"Yes" the Yinsi prince respectfully said.

"Call the black and white impermanence to help you." The ghost master closed his eyes.


In the Buddhist Pure Land World, Amitabha smiled: "Ghost Lord, see how you take the move this time, and the Yinsi will let me out. With the intervention of the **** of death, it is simply a dead end without a solution, even everyone. Teach the ancestors to help each other, this Yin Division will be decided by my Buddhist family."

After speaking, Amitabha disappeared, and only the mighty Buddha sound echoed in the air.

Thirty-three heaven and heaven, Yu Duxiu carried her hands on her back and held the emerald green small tower in her hand. The old jade ancestor greeted him: "Where did your kid go?"

Looking at the ancestor of Jade, Yu Duxiu smiled: "Does the ancestor know the **** of time, space, destiny, and cause and effect?"

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