The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1992: Break the line

Although the fluctuations of the sword of the starry sky make people feel creepy, but at this time the twelve demon gods are running the great formation of the twelve gods and evil spirits, and their power is unprecedentedly strong. .


The twelve demon gods screamed together, and saw that the evil spirit gathered in the hands of the demon god, and a deep and gloomy axe condensed in the breath. This axe was thousands of feet high and mighty, and the unknown rune was twisted and twisted endlessly.

"Open the world."

"Star Sword."

Opening up the world is the first move in the great formation of the gods and gods, and it is also the starting point for all the moves.


A loud bang spread throughout the heavens and all realms, only to see the clouds and the mist disperse, the heavens and stars appeared, the demon gods vomited blood and they were collapsed, and the five dragons were cut off and became two knots. In the four seas.

The star battle of the heavens broke through and was split by an axe. Only the hugely tall giant stood proudly in the starry sky, holding a devilish axe in his hand, powerfully shaking the world.

"Could it be that the monster clan was defeated, and the twelve demon gods had won?"

All the spectators murmured in secret, looking at the starry sky with their eyes.

Whether it is the victory of the demons, the defeat of the demons, or the victory of the demons, the defeat of the demons is not what the powerhouses want to see. Losing both sides is the best ending for everyone.

"Couldn’t it be the Demon God tribe that really won. After all, the twelve gods and evil spirits were deduced by Hongjun himself and passed on to the Demon God tribe. If they can overwhelm the demon tribe, it’s fair to say. "The first teacher rubbed his nose.

"It's not good, it's not good, if the Demon God tribe wins, it should be able to dominate the heavens. The power of the twelve heavens and evil spirits is obvious to all. We are the opponent? Hongjun is not a superficial harmer." Too Yuan Jiao Ancestor stared at the starry sky with his eyes firmly: "If the Demon God Clan wins at this time, and the heavens and worlds are unified again, there will be no chance for us."

"What is Hongjun's calculation?" Tai Huang taught the ancestors' nose to be crooked, watching the monsters and gods hit the stars, and there was no movement. The dragons fell into the world without any sound. But anxious.

"If the Demon God tribe wins, should we take a sneak attack at this time and catch the Demon God tribe by surprise?"

"No, look at the chest of the devil." The tortoise shell in Tai Yi Jiaozu's hand stopped for an instant, and the voice was rapid.

The ancestors of the teachings were also taken aback when they heard the words, and they all looked at the giant.

In the Yin Division, at this time, all the powerhouses including the ghost master were staring at the giant, staring at the battlefield without blinking, waiting for the news of victory or defeat.

The prince of the Yinsi had disappeared, and he thought he was mixed into the battlefield of the monster clan and the demon **** clan.

"Brother, if the Demon God tribe wins, what should we do? The Demon God tribe does not cultivate the soul, and the life span is not subject to the jurisdiction of the Yin Division. It is really a cancer of the world," the good and evil clan said.

The ghost master sneered coldly: "Doing so many things, here is the Yin Division, there are so many powerful people in the Yang World, how can the fire be burned to the Yin Division? Hongjun messes up the situation randomly, if it is really let the Demon God tribe win, it depends on how he ends."

Thirty-three heavens and outer heavens, in the Yujing Mountain, Yu Duxiu, while sacrificing and refining the lock demon tower, while comprehending the will of heaven as a sword, continuously devouring the power of calamity between heaven and earth.

Suddenly the Jade Ancestor jumped up and made a fuss: "Hongjun! It's not good! It's not good! The Demon God Clan has won."

"This time is terrible. Once the Demon Race wins, how can we survive? The unification of the heavens and the world is right in front of us." The old jade ancestor came to Yu Duxiu, "Hongjun, don't meditate, hurry. Just think of a way, you have mixed up all of this."

"What's the noise? You have lived for millions of years. Why don't you have this temperament." Yu Duxiu glanced impatiently at the ancestor of Jade: "The sky can't fall, just watch it slowly."

Before the words were finished, a bright starlight erupted from the body of the demon god, and the sword aura seemed to burst out of the body of the demon god, slashing the devil **** with thousands of swords, a loud noise, the demon **** exploded, twelve people The devil was thrown away like a rag doll, and planted into the wild land.


With such an accident, everyone was stunned. The Jade Ancestor covered his mouth: "It turns out that both lose and lose, so I worry about it in vain."

Yu Duxiu closed his eyes, and now the decisive battle between the demon gods and the demon gods has come to an end, the next step is the fight between the strong men of both sides, which may be able to reverse the battle, but in Yu Duxiu's view, this opportunity is not great.

"Hong Jun!"

A roar shook Yujing Mountain, and the smell of gunpowder had been passed from afar before the people arrived. The ancestor of jade was clever and fled away in an instant. A scent of fragrant wind came, and the face of the fox **** was burnt, like a cat on his head. Her smooth hair was in disorder, her eyes were staring at Yu Duxiu, and the whole body was missing a piece of clothing. Her skin was scorched, and a great beauty who was so healthy was so dilapidated.

"The race war is now, what are you doing in my Yujing Mountain?" Yu Duxiu looked at the fox god, and put away the lock demon tower calmly.

The Fox God walked slowly in front of Yu Duxiu, his eyes fixed on Yu Duxiu: "Hongjun, you must be happy if the monster clan and the demon **** clan are both defeated."


"I,,,,,," Fox God was speechless for a moment, never expected that Yu Duxiu admitted so simply, not playing cards according to common sense, and called Fox God speechless for a while, not knowing what to say.

"I'm afraid you made the wrong idea."

The fox god’s voice was cold: "I wait for the demon gods to contend against the demon gods, and the big formation of the demon clan can contend against the big formations of the gods and evil spirits, but the tribe of my demon clan is not the opponent of the demon **** clan. The turbidity of the demon **** clan is too strong, if it is There is no way to restrain, I'm afraid that in the future, the heavens and the world will all fall into the hands of the demon gods, and you are a sinner of the heavens and the world."

Listening to the words of the Fox God, Yu Duxiu looked at the battlefield. Indeed, as the Fox God said, billions of monsters and the Demon God clan were fighting together. The Demon God clan’s flesh has undergone secondary strengthening and tempered by the turbid air. The Monster Race has become stronger by many times. The two sides are fighting, and the Monster Race has gradually been at a disadvantage.

"You have to give me an explanation for this matter, otherwise the demon clan will fall in the future, and the demon **** clan will rule the heavens. I am afraid you may not be better." Fox God looked at Yu Duxiu, and did not tidy up his clothes.

Yu Duxiu slowly stood up, took out the silk scarf, wiped her face for the Fox God, tidyed up her clothes, combed her hair, then carried her hands and looked down at the race war with her eyes for a long time.

"What do you say?" Yu Duxiu looked at the fox god.

"Unless the demon race is degenerate and turned into a demon god, it is difficult to beat the army of the demon **** clan by relying on the blessing of the stars alone. All these are your calculations, you should know best." Fox **** stared at Yu Duxiu. If it weren't for Yu Duxiu, the Fox God would have killed Yu Duxiu long ago.

Yu Duxiu frowned: "You didn't think of a solution to this matter?"

"The first way is to increase the physical strength of my monster race. Can you do that?" Fox God looked at Yu Duxiu.

"Can't do it."

Yu Duxiu replied simply and decisively: "The monster race wants a strong physical body, and can only use the power of the stars to refine the body over time. No one can accelerate."

"The second one is the reduction of the tribe of the Demon God clan" Fox God said.

"Decrease?" Yu Duxiu's expression moved: "So many tribes, you told me to kill, what a cause and effect this should be, it is almost impossible to recover, the demon gods will never die with me."

"I only have these two methods now. You have seen the situation on the battlefield now. The demon clan cannot control the heavens and star wars in a short time, and cannot suppress the demon **** clan army, and soon the demon **** clan army will capture the stars. Then establish a base area to attract the muddy evil spirits in the earth. It will be completely late at that time, and you may not be able to correct the chaos anyway, the chess player!!!" Behind the fox god, the word'chess player' bite extraordinarily deep: "Cleverness is wronged by cleverness. I don't know what your expression will be when these chess pieces put a big knife on your neck."

The words of the Fox God punish the heart, watching the real dragon of the two races fighting, Yu Duxiu remained silent for a long time.

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