The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1893: Tragic war, reincarnation

Although the Fox God's words are full of instigating discord, and even have some elements of his own complaints, it has to be said that the Fox God has buried a thorn in Yu Duxiu's heart.

Facing the Demon God Clan, the Yaozu is indeed at a disadvantage.

Yu Duxiu stood there with her hands on her back and watched the battle in the lower realm. For a long time, she didn't say anything. She didn't know what she was thinking. She didn't know when she crawled out of her sleeves, clutching Yu Duxiu's sleeves and swinging back and forth. .

"How are you thinking?" The Fox God leaned to Yu Duxiu's side: "Am I not good enough to you? Why are you always right with me."

"I am not doing it right with you, but balancing the general situation of the heavens and the realms, and has nothing to do with the personal grievances between you and me."

At this time, Yu Duxiu suddenly understood Han Gang and Donghai Longjun. There were some things that he couldn't help but had to do.

The Fox God stood beside Yu Duxiu, watching the race battle below, speechless for a long time.


The powerhouses of the demon clan led an army of hundreds of millions, and countless small formations of the twelve gods and evil spirits attracted a billowing turbid air, and the demon clan that fought steadily retreated.

At this time, the matchmaker was holding a red hydrangea in her hand, and countless red threads were flying, piercing through the death holes of countless demon gods, and countless demon gods were killed.

But so what? .

The demon **** clan's army is overwhelming and endless. Even if the matchmaker is a quasi-superpower, she can't kill it. Facing the endless army of demon gods, she quickly fell into a heavy siege. The demon **** clan simply ignored And his own lives, all of them are lunatics, and their eyes are red when they are killed.


The red line in the little fox's hand turned into a long whip, twitching back and forth, and countless little demon gods exploded, but more demon gods rushed from all directions and couldn't resist it.

Yu Duxiu's fingers tapped silly and cute, a pair of eyes reflected in the void, his eyes scanned the void, and the whole battlefield situation was captured in the eyes.

The power of countless calamities rushed towards Yu Duxiu frantically. Yu Duxiu's expression was indifferent, and the Fox God couldn't help saying: "Have you thought about it, how can you restrain the army of the Demon God clan?"

"The general trend of the demon **** family has come. It is not that simple if you want to restrain it." Yu Duxiu didn't rush, and said to the Mingyu boy outside the hall: "Go and ask the old jade ancestor to come over and talk."

Not long after, the ancestor of Jade took fine steps and walked in. He didn't feel the depressive atmosphere in the hall. The ancestor of Jade said: "What? Boy Hongjun asked the ancestor to come, what's the matter? Yo, The little fox is here too, why didn't the little fox come."

"Ancestor, come and see the race war" Yu Duxiu pointed to the battlefield of the lower realm.

At this time, the ancestor of Jade was not in a hurry: "There is something beautiful, it is too bloody, I will not look at the ancestor, it is your kid who mixed it up, your kid will find a way."

After speaking, he winked at the Fox God and ran out in a hurry: "I'll go to the lower realm to see."

"For the old and disrespectful bastard" Yu Duxiu scolded, then turned around: "Don't worry, I must have an explanation for this matter."

In fact, it was not only Yu Duxiu who was anxious at this time. Looking at the army of the monster clan and the demon **** clan behind, the ancestors of the teachings were also anxious like ants on a hot pot.

The Taishi taught the ancestors: "The army of the demon gods is really fierce, and the demon army is defeated steadily. If it is really called the army of the demon gods to establish a heel in the starry sky, then it will be in trouble. Far."

Taiping ancestor closed his eyes: "The Yaozu can really sit still and calm down."

"What can I do if I can't hold my breath? The demon gods want to make a move for the time being, but they can't do it. Now they can only resign themselves to their fate."

Taiyi Jiaozu sneered and looked at the 33rd Heaven: "What I am puzzled is, what is Hongjun calculating? The rise of the demon clan is inseparable from Hongjun. Now the demon clan wants to unify all Heaven, occupying the Star Dou, Hongjun is actually indifferent? It doesn't fit Hongjun's temperament.

"It is not so easy to unify the heavens and all realms, but it is also not as difficult as imagined." Taiyi Jiaozu said on the side.

"What should I do now?" Tai Dou Jiaozu frowned, looking at the shaking Star Dou, his face full of frustration: "What a bunch of bastards, the breakthrough of this constellation is now at a critical juncture. These guys actually shake the origin of the stars, aren't they trying to cut me into enlightenment? Lu, it's really an abomination, and I asked a few fellow daoists to take action and retreat from the Demon God clan. If we develop in this way, before the demon clan is defeated, this seat will not be able to hold it."

Seeing Tai Dou Jiao Ancestor, all the Jiao Ancestors smiled bitterly, the demon clan and the demon **** clan fought, such a large causal karma, if it is not necessary, usually no one will enter into it.

"I have no choice but to take a trip to the muddy water temporarily. I secretly transferred my life and helped the monster race to stabilize the battlefield situation."

As Tai Yi taught the ancestors while talking, the river of destiny in his hand turned, the turtle shell clashed, and it seemed that there were endless sentient beings praying in it.

Everyone looked at the battle between the demon clan and the demon **** clan. The demon **** clan is infinitely powerful, with its own magical powers, and is innately close to a certain law, holding the power of a certain law, and the demon **** clan is muddy between its actions. The qi dances and rises, and the clouds follow with it, causing many demons tribes to suffer and grieve. They were first contaminated by the demons and their bodies, and then beheaded by the opponent.

In particular, the demon gods formed the small twelve gods and evil spirits, and the monsters who fought were retreating steadily. The anger flickered in the eyes of the elephant god. You and others can form a small formation according to their own rules to deal with the big formations of the gods and evil spirits."

After hearing the words of the Elephant God, everyone's expressions moved, and countless demonic tribes began to form a small formation.

For example, the big star formation of the heavens contains twenty-eight stars, so the monster race has a big formation of twenty-eight stars. There are twelve heavens and a big formation of Yuanchen. There are various big formations. In fact, the big heavens The Star Dou Great Array is composed of these countless small large arrays, and then colluded and combined into a larger array.

With the starry sky array, the demonic tribe's decline was temporarily stopped, and even some demons found that their own homes had somehow killed many demons, and should have been killed by the demons attacked by the opposite demons. Just happened to escape the catastrophe, and then beheaded the opponent.

The sky bleeds, countless blood forms a rain of blood, splashing down to the earth, countless corpses have fallen from nine days, the rain of blood has merged into the sea of ​​blood, the soul is returned to the netherworld, the death gas is transformed into the body of death, the calamity is absorbed by Yu Duxiu .

"It's tragic, the monsters are really tragic, the power of the trapped beasts is really terrifying, no wonder the jade ancestors did not dare to kill the beasts to death." Yu Duxiu watched each one burst out fierce combat power before dying. The monster beast, the jade-colored disc circulated, showing a touch.

The monstrous karma fell on Yu Duxiu, and Yu Duxiu's face was compassionate: "All sins, all belong to me."

"Pretending" Fox God snorted coldly: "If you can find a way to restrain the demons and, that would be boundless merit."

Yu Duxiu looked at the fox god, and the fox **** snorted: "My demon race should have had a million years of qi, a million years of great luck, you secretly instigated the wolf **** to stand on its own, the demon **** clan, my demon race has the least luck. After half a million years of damage, coupled with such constant battles, the amount of energy that was lost is even more. The amount of energy that should have been millions of years, but you have tortured for tens of thousands of years, you really have a good calculation, no wonder Back when I recklessly besieged the Human Race's Middle Territory, you never saw it. It turns out that you have already calculated everything."

"The rise of the monster race is the reincarnation of the heavens. This is the general trend of the mighty world. The man who dared to act as a car, I just changed the trend in that general trend, and then pushed it. It is still the problem left over from the history of your monster race that cannot be solved. , I can't blame me for this." Yu Duxiu's eyes were full of innocence.

The fox **** looked at Yu Duxiu and began to grind his teeth: "Oh, this is the end of the matter. The only life for my monster clan and the demon **** clan is the unification of the two clan, and then sweep across the heavens and worlds to continue to extend the life of the race."

Having said that, the Fox God looked at Yu Duxiu: "The Human Race treats you like that, why are you helping him so hard in planning."

ps: Make an advertisement "Evil Venerable-Don't Be Too Might", and poke it in with interest.

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