The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1994: Law deduction, blood curse

Facing the Fox God’s question, Yu Duxiu smiled softly: “No matter who it is, no matter what race, as long as I occupy the position of the protagonist, I will make a plan. Whether it is human or monster, it will be treated the same.”

"Okay, I hope you remember what you said today, if in the future your human race gets the position of the protagonist of the heavens and ten thousand realms, you can be cruel."

The fox **** Shui Lingling looked at Yu Duxiu with big eyes.

Looking at the tragic battle below, Yu Duxiu took a deep breath, as if he hadn't heard the words of the Fox God, and said blankly: "If you want to suppress the demons, there is only one way I think of now."

"What way?" Fox God looked at Yu Duxiu.

"Reduce the number of demon gods" Yu Duxiu said.

"Nonsense, I still don't know how to reduce the number of Demon God Clan, just how to reduce it? How many troops do you tell me Demon Clan to fill this pit?" Fox God stared at Yu Duxiu with his eyes.

Yu Duxiu sneered: "Don't worry, I already have an idea in my heart, if it can reduce the fertility of the demon clan."

"This is a good way, but it's not realistic to want to do it."

Fox God scratched his eyebrows, showing a thoughtful look.

The disc flickered in Yu Duxiu's eyes, countless heavens and earths flowed through, the power of the law began to calculate, and the magical powers of the heavens like a knife moved fast, constantly deducing the changes of the laws between the heavens and the earth.

"The power of the blood of the Demon God clan is so powerful that it puts a shackle on the blood of the Demon God clan, reducing the fertility of the Demon God clan. If things go on like this, the race war will consume, and the Demon God clan will find something wrong someday, but it's too late. The shackles set by oneself cannot be allowed to be opened by others. The power of the law in Yu Duxiu's mind continues to be deduced, and the weird chains are gradually condensed and formed, but they are instantaneously broken and then re-deduced by Yu Duxiu.

"Bloodline? Curse!" Yu Duxiu muttered to herself, closing her eyes, and everything around her gradually moved away from her. The heavens revolved, and the profound meaning of the six reincarnations was continuously absorbed by it, and then the power of reincarnation was blessed in the chains.

Outside, the Fox God looked at Yu Duxiu at this time, dressed in a gray Taoist robe, his aura gradually faded, and it seemed that he merged with the void and disappeared. It seemed quite strange. The whole person merged with the laws of the great world and merged with the Tao. true.

"Good savvy" felt a trace of supreme, noble and supreme aura from Yu Du's beautiful body, a trace of intoxication appeared in the eyes of the fox god, and his eyes were covered with a hazy mist.

I don’t know how long it took, Yu Duxiu opened his eyes, looked at the demented Fox God, and stretched out his hand to sway in front of the Fox God. The Fox God immediately recovered and woke up suddenly: "Alright?"

Yu Duxiu nodded, took out a book of jade slips, and began to move a pen like a knife on it, and silk jade scraps flew out. After more than twenty breaths, Yu Duxiu rolled up the book and handed it to the fox god: "The magical powers that this seat promotes, the way to restrain the blood of the monster race, is here."

The Fox God took the jade book, slowly opened it, and then he was taken aback: "The art of blood curse? What magical power is this?"

Yu Duxiu turned around and looked at the battle below: "What you have to do now is not to ask me what the blood curse technique is, but to think about how to understand this magical power, and then stop the current battle."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu sat cross-legged on the ground, closed her eyes, and her complexion was slightly pale. Such a rushing rule deduction is not small for Yu Duxiu's soul.

Looking at the sweat beads on Yu Duxiu's face, the Fox God leaned down gently, with his pink tongue sticking out, slowly licking on Yu Duxiu's face, bluffing Yu Duxiu's spirit, and suddenly opened his eyes. : "You go quickly, it doesn't matter to me."

"Haha" The Fox God laughed and disappeared into the hall.

Seeing the Fox God walking away, Yu Duxiu shook her head and sighed helplessly: "This Fox Meizi."

"Fox God."

As soon as he walked out of Yujing Mountain, the Fox God heard the old jade ancestor shouting to him, and then walked over with his calf, his eyes full of curiosity: "How?"

"It has been resolved." Fox God looked at the old jade ancestor, guessing the purpose of this old thing.

The ancestor of Jade lowered his voice and said, "Hongjun is crazy now. Don’t believe Hongjun’s words credulously. You will show me the way Hongjun told you. The ancestor I have a lot of knowledge and will help you. Check it out."

Looking at the jade ancestor, the Fox God said: "This is a secret technique.

"Oh, when is this, are you still afraid that my ancestor will calculate you? I'm worried that the little master will make a bigger mess, so I don't worry, so I want to check it for you so that you won't be used by Hongjun. "The jade ancestor jumped angrily, his face was full of urgency.

Looking at the jade ancestor, the fox **** copied a copy of the jade book in his doubtful hand and handed it to the jade ancestor. The jade ancestor looked at the jade book a few times and frowned, "This magical power actually uses blood as its power. It's really mysterious and unspeakable."

"Did the ancestor ever find something wrong?" Fox God looked at the jade ancestor.

"Never, never, I just feel that this technique is a bit domineering, too domineering, and doesn't fit Hongjun's temperament. He has always boiled frogs in warm water. Where can he be so vicious, he must have a plan. You need to be more careful. In order to avoid putting myself in the pit, I will go to Hongjun to fight for you." The old jade ancestor turned and walked towards Yujing Mountain, holding the jade book.

Watching the jade ancestor walk into the Yujing Mountain, the fox **** didn’t think much about it. He turned to the 33rd heaven, and the jade ancestor swaggered into the place of jade cultivating, holding the jade book in his hand and said: "Hong Jun , What is your kid calculating? If the Demon God clan has this magical power, there will be no place to stand up in the future. The demon clan’s victory is just around the corner. Isn’t your kid always trying to balance it? How can you be so kind?."

"If anyone can see through the layout of this seat, this seat is not worthy of being called Hongjun." Yu Duxiu looked at the booklet in the hands of the jade ancestor: "You know this magical power, I know that there is also a fox god. I know, don't leak it, or it will cause endless harm. If this magical power is used on that race, it will be the end of the country and the species."

"The curse of blood is really so mysterious? Patriarch I don't believe it." The Jade Patriarch played with the jade slip without any thought of destroying it.

Taking a look at Yu Duxiu, the old jade ancestor took the jade slip and walked out of Yujing Mountain in a swaggering manner. He had just entered the great world. I saw a figure in the distance across the void and stopped in front of the old jade ancestor: "Old ancestor. "

"Fox God! Why are you back? If you don't prepare for the blood curse, how come you still have time to run back and forth outside!" The Jade Ancestor looked at the Fox God and scratched his head.

"Ancestor, you gave me back the magical powers you gave you before. I forgot to set a ban, lest the ancestors accidentally leave the magical powers out," Fox Shendao.

"You Hu Meizi, don't you worry about my ancestors doing things?"

Facing the fox god's unquestionable eyes, the ancestor Jade's tone weakened: "Well, ancestor I am indeed a little confused, but I don't need to be like that."

While talking, the old jade ancestor took out the jade slip in his sleeve and handed it to the fox god.

The fox **** took the jade slip, and the jade ancestor's complexion instantly changed. A chill came from the jade slip. He wanted to withdraw the jade slip, but he felt his palm numb and could not move. A layer of ice was visible at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. Continuously derived.

"Old ancestor, thank you very much" Fox God took the jade slip and smiled triumphantly.

"Han Yan! You are Han Yan! You are not a fox god!" The old jade ancestor's complexion changed the mountains of Yujing, a sigh came and Yu Duxiu slowly closed her eyes: "Why bother. "

"I hate the dragon clan deeply. I heard that the demon clan wants to find a way to restrain the demon **** tribe. I don't know if I can refer to it. I would also like to thank the ancestor for his grace."

"Asshole! Asshole!" Old Jade Ancestor rolled his eyes angrily, breaking the ice in an instant, but seeing that Han Yan had already walked away and was not angry, he ran into Yujing Mountain with his calf: "Hongjun! Hongjun! It’s not good, it’s not good, that jade slip was snatched away."

Yu Duxiu is like an old monk. The old jade ancestor came to Yu Duxiu and pushed Yu Duxiu: "You tell ancestors that the magic is really that powerful?"

"Do you think I would tell the fox to use fake magical powers to play with her?" Yu Duxiu asked the old jade ancestor, shattering his last illusion.

"It's over! This causal relationship is happening!" This was the only thought in the mind of the old jade ancestor.

ps: I can't find the name of the new book, you can search for my pen name, and you are welcome to collect it.

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