Da Sui

Li Tang's army approached the city, Zhang Bairen held the Zhuxian sword in his hand and stood quietly on the Forbidden City, silent.

"Sir, I will leave it to you, Empress Xiao!" Emperor Sui Yang looked at Zhang Bairen, holding Empress Xiao tightly with one hand, his face full of reluctance.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, the queen has both ability and political integrity, gentle and generous, and has a world of maternal rites, and the Taoist priest will take care of the queen."


"The imperial concubine, the tyrant is dead, quickly clean up the baggage of gold and silver and go with the poor road!"


Li Shimin lay on the hospital bed, with a pair of eyes looking at Zhang Bairen, one palm tightly holding Wu Meiniang, looking at Zhang Bairen with difficulty: "I don’t worry about it, only the Wu family woman. After I die, this woman will entrust Dao. Long."

"Your Majesty, don't worry, Wu Cai people are smart, smart, witty, and quirky. They are the favorite of Taoist priests. Taoists will take care of Wu Cai people for life!" Zhang Bairen promised heavily.


"Mingyue is a photo taken in the sky, a talented emperor!"

"Pan Dao pinches and counts, the only one who lives is missing me! Come, come, this nun's nunnery can't stay, let's go back to the palace and be the master!"

Taizong died!

Ma Huai Poxia

Li Longji looked at Yang Yuhuan with a pair of eyes, his face was full of dismay, and he choked silently for a long time. It took a long time before turning around to look at Zhang Bairen: "I only love the imperial concubine in this life, and now I rebel against the party and force the imperial concubine, the imperial concubine is entrusted to my husband."

"Your Majesty, don't worry, the noble concubine has a romantic body, plump and mellow, and is really fat. Following the Taoist priest, the poor Dao will surely make the noble concubine regain her grace and grace."


"Don't cry for the imperial concubine, I don't think you are fat. Just right, just right!"

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