The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1997: The claws of heaven, the shackles fall

He didn't care about cursing the Demon God Clan, he wished that the Demon God would be cursed, but Han Yan made a calculation and cursed the Dragon Clan, but it was not good enough and violated his interests.

The jade ancestor was so angry that several dragons descended on the scene, but the ceremony has been completed, just wait for it to be successful, and see if there is any feedback.

Sihailongjun was furious, his eyes flashed with anger, and the fox **** was innocent: "No wonder in this palace, no one would have thought that Han Yan would make a sneak attack in the dark. Who could have expected it?"

Having said this, the Fox God looked at Donghai Longjun: "This seat wants to stop, but it is too late. If the final ceremony is not completed, it will be my monster clan who will eat back, and my monster clan will be the one who cuts off offspring and grandchildren."

"There is a way to resolve it!" Donghai Longjun stopped the other dragons who were about to jump and scold, and looked at the fox **** with a gloomy expression.

The Fox God looked at the Jade Patriarch: "The Patriarch should be more aware of this matter than I am."

The dragons of the four seas looked at the jade ancestor with a gloomy expression: "It's strange to be able to crack it. This magical power was just introduced. If you want to crack it, you can only ask Hongjun to do it. Maybe there is a line. Hope, it's just such a big cause and effect, how can Hongjun be able to bear such a big relationship if you are not close to you?."

"Hongjun? Why is Hongjun again! Why is he everywhere!" Donghai Longjun's eyes rose with anger.

"Don't worry, it's not yet known whether the magic technique is achieved. Don't worry, everyone may turn around. This technique has not succeeded," Xiangshen comforted.

Although knowing that this is a comforting word, for everyone in trouble, this sentence seems to be a life-saving straw. Several dragon monarchs, including the old jade ancestors, all looked at the void with eyesight.

In the dark, Yu Duxiu merged the shackles derived from the heavenly path into the stone tablet, and saw the stone tablet turbulent, and then heard the turmoil of the universe, a bright divine light burst out in front of the demon altar, watching the faces of the demon gods With joy, the four seas of dragons and jade ancestors have a cool heart.

"No, this technique is successful. This seat can sense a force in the underworld falling toward the dragon's air transport, toward the dragon's bloodline, and you get out of it."

The Dragon Lord of the East China Sea slapped the sky and the earth with a palm: "If you want to curse my dragon clan, you will never succeed."

"Shoot quickly."

The other dragons and ancestors of the jade stone also acted outrageously at this time, their supernatural powers surged, and they rushed toward the suppression of the void. Everyone worked together. This time, there was really no relaxation, let alone other thoughts.


In the dark, everyone only saw the claws of a giant beast covering the sky and sun, shattering the attacks of everyone, and shattering the defense power. The shackle fell into the blood of the dragon descendants, hidden, and disappeared in a flash. .

"Heaven? What is that?."

East China Sea Dragon Lord roared to the sky, and the jade ancestor looked pale: "Heaven? I'm going to find Hongjun theory."

After speaking, the ancestor of Jade walked across the void, leaving behind the dragon monarchs and the demon gods who looked sad and angry.

The eyes of the demon gods were joyful, but they did not dare to show it out. Sihai Longjun looked sad at this time, and roared up to the sky: "Han Yan! I will never die with you."

Not dare to spread this qi on the monster race, Han Yan has become a gas bag for the dragon monarchs. Although the monster race has mental calculations in this matter, the Four Seas Dragon Race has ghosts in their hearts, for fear that the power of sacrifice will affect their own luck. Retreating by taking advantage of the Han 缡, if it weren't for Sihai Longjun's heart to have a ghost in front, how could Han 缼 take advantage of it? .

In this matter, the Dragon Race itself was wrong. Even if the Monster Race was at fault, they didn't dare to really accuse the Monster Race and tore the skin. After all, the Demon God Race hadn't eliminated it yet.

At the same time, the demon gods suddenly looked up to the sky and roared. They saw a big lock in the dark. The rhyme of the heavens and the heavens were intertwined, and the rules flowed. The blood of the descendants of the demon gods clan fell down, and the demon gods turned into one after another For the real body of the devil, all shots.

"The twelve demon gods in the heyday formed the twelve demon gods, the gods and evil spirits. Perhaps it could suppress the heavens, but now you are hit hard and first, how can you be the opponents of the heavens" Yu Duxiu sneered, looking down at the wild land .


The sound of ancient Zen singing and sacrificial ritual accompanied by a beast claw stretched out and spread across the heavens and all realms. With a loud noise, the demon gods were blown away by the giant beast, and the blood yoke did not stay in the body of the descendants of the demon **** family. , Take root instantly.


Seeing the hand of heaven gradually faded and blurred, the demon gods roared, and then drove the muddy air to chase the giant hand, but the giant hand was too fast, and it disappeared without a trace in a moment.

"City, you dare to take action against my Demon God Clan, I will never let you go, and one day I will kill you completely" Eshen roared: "Demon Clan, you are so vicious, you miss me Demon God. A clan has cut off children and grandchildren, and my devil clan will never let it go."

"Raise the evil spirits of the heavens again, and die with the demon race!" The wolf god's voice was full of grief and anger, and his voice was stumbling, full of helplessness.

This blood curse technique is simply a killer, and it will not collide with you head-on, making you powerful and useless.

"Don’t be impulsive, take your troops first, now in the starry sky, although my demon clan has twelve gods to cheer, but it is suppressed by the starry sky, and the strength is greatly reduced. Now I am cursed. Every member of my demon clan is Precious seeds, don’t break easily, Mingjin retreats, we are looking for a way to break the bloodline curse, and the claws of the heavens, this seat suddenly thinks of the blue sky, the blue sky and the heaven are not the same, but they are from the same origin." The lion god’s voice was calm: "If the heavens are really the same thing as the blue sky, it is no longer the matter of my demon clan, but the matter of all the races of the heavens and the world. Everyone can see the power of the sky. It contains secrets that we don't know, or maybe there are powers that we don't know are hidden in the heavens and the earth, watching my heavens and a hundred races."




The demon gods clan began to sound the gong to retreat, and the demon gods also stood on the altar, their eyes gloomy.

"That aura is exactly the same as Qingtian. If it weren't for Qingtian's suppression, I really thought Qingtian had ran out." Xiangshen's voice was calm.

"The demon clan has closed its troops, do we want to chase after victory?" said a strong man from the demon clan.

"Don't worry, now my monster race has the upper hand. It's not a short while ago. This kind of thing is measured in tens of thousands of years. I can't be anxious." Tiger God waved his hand: "What I am curious about is what this heaven is. A sense of anxiety arises in the seat."

"City?" Hearing the words of the demon god, several dragon monarchs were also stunned, their eyes stopped temporarily, and the east sea dragon monarch said: "Now the demon **** clan has withdrawn its troops and the demon clan has solved the crisis, I am going to find Hangan to settle the account. I won’t accompany you."

After speaking, Sihai Longjun got up and left, only three demon gods left in the court staring at each other.

"Fox God, where did this tactic come from? Don't let us go into the hole by ourselves." The Tiger God looked at the Fox God.

Fox God shook his head: "Don't worry, there is absolutely no problem with the tactics. This heavenly matter must be found out."

After speaking, the Fox God hurriedly rushed towards the Thirty-Three Heaven and Outer Heaven: "The aftermath is left to We still have things to deal with."

Looking at the back of the fox **** hurriedly leaving, the tiger **** and elephant **** sighed deeply: "Receive the soldiers! I'll talk about it later, let's find out the traces of the heaven first."

"Hongjun!" The old jade ancestor rushed in, thrusting his waist, glaring at Yu Duxiu, "Why did you even get into the ancestor?"

"Why did the ancestor say this!" Yu Duxiu opened her eyes and looked at the jade ancestor in surprise.

The old jade ancestor said angrily: "Although I don’t like thinking, ancestors, I’m not a fool. The moment I saw the sky, I knew that the demon clan was just an introduction. The real decision of the success or failure of the cast requires you to do it yourself. You can erase the dragon clan's curse, why pit the ancestor and me together."

"Hanyan has already acquired magical powers. It's because you didn't think about it well. Can you blame me? I'm just doing it easily. Where can I figure out you? If you were able to defend against Hanyan and take action, wouldn't it be all right?" Yu Duxiu Speechless.

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