The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1999: Planting lotus cold silk, the devil comes

Yu Duxiu and Han Yan are here to talk and discuss the way of the birth and death of a single world. The devil and dragon clan in the outside world have turned the sky upside down. Suddenly, the monster clan came to such a hand, and fundamentally cut off the life of the devil clan. For the devil clan, blood and race are particularly important.

The dragon army began to withdraw its troops and withdrew from the wild land to the four seas dragons. For a time, the wild land was dark and misty, but even if the devil clan had more unwillingness in their hearts, at this time the twelve demon gods had already fought with the sword of the starry sky. Both sides did not end up well, and were unable to regain the great formation of the heavens and twelve gods, otherwise the matter would definitely not be ended so easily.

Suddenly shot, the fleeting sky has become the topic of the heavens and the world.

Everyone can see the horror of the blue sky, and now there is a sky headed by "Cang". I don't know how much power the blue sky has. Everyone's hearts are as heavy as iron, carefully searching for the traces of the sky.

In the Yujing Mountain, Yu Duxiu was drinking tea. After the ice had condensed to the extreme, the tea turned into ice marrow, as if it was a torrent of water, and it was drunk down to the ice and fire.

"Your world of ice and snow is really mysterious. I have a treasure here. If you plant it in the world, you can keep your world safe and grow." Yu Duxiu stretched out her palm and clenched her fist, not knowing what was in her palm.

"What treasure?" Han Fang looked at Yu Duxiu's delicate and neat palms curiously.

Yu Duxiu stretched out her palm, and saw a black lotus blooming slowly, exuding a mysterious purple-black brilliance, and the mysterious and unpredictable artistic conception flowed.

"What's this?" Han Yan opened the world curiously.

Although Han Yan is doubtful, his attitude has explained everything. With a flick of Yu Duxiu's fingers, the lotus fell into the world of Han Yan, instantly rooted in the void, gradually merged with the void, and completely became a part of the world of Han Yan.

"This is a seed." Watching Han Yan slowly close his own world, Yu Duxiu said, "You can also call it a robbery."

"What's the mystery?" Han Wei said.

Yu Duxiu said: "I can use this kind of catastrophe to freeze your world when you are in crisis and prevent your world from collapsing. Of course, this kind of catastrophe can also control you."

However, there is a greater effect that Yu Duxiu did not say. If Han Yu dies or is suppressed by others, Yu Duxiu can resurrect him at any time.

"You can control me?" Han Yan's smile remained undiminished: "You can also protect my world. It's worth it, and it's a profit."

"Aren't you angry?" Yu Duxiu looked at Han Yan.

Han Yan shook his head and sighed softly: "I'm so tired. Now the Dragon Clan is sealed by me. I will only wait for the decline of the Dragon Clan, when my Dragon Clan re-emerges from the Great Thousand World, I will take a good rest."

As he spoke, Han Yan gradually merged into the snow and ice kingdom, and turned into nothingness: "I want to avoid the wind, the old jade ancestor hates me to the bones, this old thing is angry, and everything is over. Anyway, he is extremely unlucky. , It’s not bad for this cause and effect, if you have something in the future, just call me."

Yu Duxiu nodded, holding the teacup in her hand, looking at the rolling chalcedony, and sniffing lightly, suddenly a figure rushed out, and the old jade ancestor rolled in from outside the hall, staring firmly. The white jade tea cup on the case table was filled with cold air: "Where's Han-缡? Han-缡 has been here."

Yu Duxiu smiled without saying a word, and the ancestor Jade bowed his head and said dejectedly: "Hey, why am I so unlucky, ancestor, I have encountered the most unlucky thing in the whole world, and your kid is not sorry for me."

Listening to the words of the ancestor of Jade, Yu Duxiu shook her head, and slowly put down the tea cup in her hand: "The ancestor is doing things ups and downs, bluffing, and you are so lucky now, you just break the jar, you don’t belong to the dragon clan. Karma? You killed the sons of heaven and earth back then, the gods, but it's more serious than this."

"This,,,,,, can this be compared? I did it voluntarily in the past, but now I am calculated by the cold," the old jade ancestor was taken aback, and then exhaled.

"It's just a facial problem. Don't bite if there are too many lice, and don't worry if you have too many debts." Yu Duxiu patted the ancestor of Jade on the shoulder: "The ancestor should not be so stingy. It is not easy for a woman to be cold, and it is also your life. Okay, who told you to calculate my tactics first, and get back to the place later by Han Yan."

The ancestor of Jade showed his grievance upon hearing this: "In short, this matter can't be forgotten."

Having said this, the ancestor of Jade paused, and stared at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes: "Your heavenly birth is successful, can you take me to see?"

"The sky will suppress you" Yu Duxiu slowly closed her eyes.

"You count the demon gods and the Sihailong clan like this, and the demon clan will dominate in the future, even if the fox **** is your friend, you can't do this!" said the ancestor of Jade.

"I have a sense of measure, you don't need to say much" Yu Duxiu interrupted Jade's ancestor.

Outside, in the thirty-third heaven, the demons are cheering and festooning. Now the demons are cursed by the demons, and it is difficult to become a powerful weapon. As long as a little time is spent, the demons can be killed. No wonder the monster clan celebrates like this.

In the heavenly palace, three demon gods and all the quasi-monster gods gathered together and drank for three rounds. The elephant **** looked at the fox god: "The fox **** technique is mysterious and incomparable, but the sky has an unknown connection with this technique, I don’t know. Does the Fox God know the secret?"

Hearing this, the fox **** put down his wine glass, his eyes were full of solemnity: "Heaven is the enemy of all beings, shepherds all beings, the blue sky and the heavens are from the same origin, swimming in the heavens and all realms, inside and outside the chaos, the guardian of heaven and earth, The master, the power of the sky is obvious to all, and the sky will not be eliminated, the monster race such as me will never be the number one race in the heavens and all realms."

"It's weird. It's the first time I have heard of the existence of'heaven' after a million years of survival. If it wasn't for the treasure that blocked the sky last time, I'm afraid we would still have difficulty discovering such a horror. The existence of, how many secrets are there in the heavens and all realms that I don't know!" The tiger god's eyes were solemn, not at all relaxed.

"If you want to find the heaven, you have to start with that treasure, and you have to discuss this matter with the ghost master."

Elephant God put down his wine glass and looked at the strong man with his eyes.

"In the Yin Division, the **** of death is holding down the ghost master, and now there is the sky showing its traces. I don't know if that sky will avenge the sky. That treasure has become a hot potato. If I were the ghost master, I would definitely not be able to sit still." With a smile: "We have to go to Yinsi for a while."

"I will go personally" Xiangshen stood up, took a step, and had already left the High Heaven Hall.

The demon gods, the demon gods are in the muddy air of the earth. Look at me and I see you, chasing the sky to no avail, and everyone gathers together again.

"The Yaozu deceived people too This is completely killing me." Shen E's eyes rose with anger.

"This matter must not be let go, the demon clan dare to curse my demon clan, why don't we curse the demon clan?" Lion God said.

"Where do you look for the magic formula? There are four known practitioners of the magic formula in the heavens and all realms. The first is the fox god, the second is jade, the third is Han Yan, the fourth must be Hongjun, and the fox **** is I will never teach the tactics to me. The old guy like Jade doesn’t know what to do. He may be secretly doing tricks. The old grievances and grievances have not been resolved yet. The cold and ethereal are missing. For the present plan, those who can get the tactics "The only way to start is from Hongjun." The wolf god’s head turned fast, his eyes glistened.

"Hongjun is willing to give us a great formation of the gods and gods, and if we are to contend with the monsters, we will definitely not sit and watch our fall. In this case, I personally walked through the Yujing Mountain and asked Hongjun for the law, blood for blood and tooth for tooth. "The wolf **** stood up abruptly, ignoring his injuries, and shouted loudly: "Come here, get your gifts quickly, and go with this seat to the 33rd Heaven as a guest."

Watching the wolf **** walk out of the muddy earth, the lion **** smiled bitterly: "The wolf **** is also urgent now. Hongjun's tactics are just speculation. Even if Hongjun doesn't know, the relationship between Hongjun and the jade ancestor is irreversible. Jun came forward, and this technique can also be obtained from the old jade ancestor, and the matter is considered complete, but I don't know whether Hong Jun would be willing to bear such a big cause and effect."

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