The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2000: Peaceful show

A group of demon gods quasi-devil gods knocked and beat, carrying gift boxes one by one. Behind the gift guard of honor, followed by a sedan chair. The sedan chair was carried by the four demon gods of the realm of good fortune. The sedan chair was dozens of miles long. Big and small, wherever it goes, the fairy machine is horizontal and horizontal, and all beings are stubborn, and countless strong men knelt to the ground, not daring to look up.

This is the ostentation of the supreme strong. It seems a bit common to say it on weekdays, but it is relative to a group of the supreme strong. For the monks below the supreme, the supreme strong is synonymous with the law. It is the representative of heaven, even the slightest magic of the supreme powerhouse, inadvertently is enough to shake countless monks under the supreme powerhouse to death.

"What is the wolf **** going to do?" The wolf demon **** was blowing and beating like this, heading towards Yujing Mountain unobtrusively, passing through the barriers of the great world, of course he couldn't hide from the demon gods and ancestors, the tiger **** stared.

Fox God sneered: "I just want to restore the situation, but it is wishful thinking. Hong Jun is not so easy to convince."

"Certainly watch the changes," Tiger God said with a gloomy expression.

Human race, the ancestors gathered at this time, looking at the endless starry sky, the vast chaotic world outside the world's fetal membranes, Taiyi taught ancestors lightly sighed: "The eventful autumn, the traces of the sky, no matter how this seat displays magical powers, there is nothing I found it, how should this be?."

Hearing this, Taiping taught the ancestors: "We killed the blue sky, and the sky and the blue sky are of the same origin. How can we give up? Now that the sky is reclusive, it is nothing more than feeling that the strength of the powerful people in the world has grown and cannot be suppressed. One day, the heavens will make a move, and no one will be spared if I wait for a shot."

"Now there is no trace of the heavens, how to suppress the heavens?" Tai Dou Jiao Ancestor's eyes are filled with stars. The various orifice points in his body and every cell are shining with endless divine light, which seems to contain a square starry sky. In the world, Tai Dou Jiaozu's whole person is the embodiment of the starry sky.

"Too fighting, wronged you, in order to deal with the future catastrophe, my human race can only sacrifice you." Tai Yi sighed slightly.

Tai Dou smiled bitterly: "No way, who said my Dao Law is the most suitable for this kind of cultivation method. If I can succeed, I will be invincible in the future. If I fail, my soul will be scattered and I will be completely buried in the great world. The laws of the world are absorbed and turned into nourishment. In fact, the safest way to practice this Avenue of Stars is to ask Hongjun to protect me."

"Hong Jun!"

This name seems to have a kind of magic power. Every time everyone mentions this name, it feels as if there is a big mountain pressing in their hearts, and countless depressions begin to rise, making people want to yell.

"Devil barrier! Hongjun has become the demon barrier for me. A younger generation has come from behind, looking down at the world, and the overall situation that dominates the heavens and all realms. Even if we are far behind, we can only follow. Behind it eats dust, its ingenuity is far-reaching, even if it is the general trend of the world, it can also stop, the monster race's general trend in the past, the dominance of the family has become the trend of sweeping the heavens and the world, and I and the human race had no choice but to leave their homes and hate Hongjun and others. Standing by, I never thought that I was the frog at the bottom of the well, and Hongjun was the great wisdom. The layout was far-reaching, and the world was difficult to defeat. I was beyond our reach. A good-living monster was torn apart by his calculations. Now my human race is back in the middle. It’s just around the corner."

Tai Yi Jiaozu's eyes were full of emotion. People were not convinced. Yu Duxiu came from behind and overwhelmed countless powerhouses in the world. These old guys who have lived for millions of years are hard to match.

"The most important thing now is to find Cangtian and kill Cangtian Town. The demons are immersed in the excitement of defeating the demons. The victory is just around the corner. The demons are bound to refuse to give up. They can't say that they will suffer both losses and die together. In this way, it will only be tens of thousands. The demon clan’s background continued to be consumed in the year, but I don’t know how Hongjun will calculate next.” Tai Dou Jiaozu’s eyes were full of emotion: “We all looked down on Hongjun, we all looked down on Hongjun! If we hadn’t suppressed it back then , Hongjun’s achievements may be even higher than today. With Hongjun’s wisdom, how can there be any gaps between the demons and the demons."

"That being said, I don’t know Hongjun’s layout, so I can only let Hongjun lead his nose. All the heavens and all realms are being manipulated by Hongjun. This feeling is really not good. Getting rid of Hongjun's calculations is the right way."

Taiyuan Jiaozu's eyes were full of depression, and he said sullenly.

Listening to the words of Taiyuan Jiaozu, Taidou Jiazuo said: "Although this is the case, the most capable one of us is Taiyi. Taiyi can't even calculate Hongjun, let alone us? If we can solve it and disrupt Hong Jun’s layout is nothing. If we can’t disrupt Hongjun’s layout, we will be involved in it, and we will be led by the nose by Hongjun. On the contrary, he will become Hongjun’s **** and be calculated by Hongjun. "The Taiping ancestor played with the imperial map in his hand, his eyes were motionless, his fingers stretched out gently, and he clicked on the imperial map, and then he saw the imperial map spreading, and the situation in the wild land was all one by one. It clearly appeared in front of everyone.

Taiping ancestor said: "The earth dragon pulse is turbulent, and the real fight between the demon clan and the demon **** clan has just begun. On the issue of race, it is the same, everyone gets it and punishes it. The center of this world is my human race. How can these animals be entrenched!"

The ancestors of the teachings look at me, I look at you, looking at the Huangtu, there is an inexplicable charm flashing in their eyes, each sitting there, silent for a long time, the Taiping Patriarch seems to have noticed something wrong, and instantly converges the Huangtu in his hand. , And then said unhurriedly: "My emperor figure has the power to feel the momentum of the world and the direction of the dragon vein. It is not surprising that there is such a power."

Having said that, none of the ancestors believed in their eyes. They looked at Tai Yi Jiao Zu with a pair of eyes, and Tai Yi Jiao Zu lightly sighed, "Taiping, I didn’t expect you to be the deepest hidden among us. Everyone is underestimating you, if you hadn't accidentally revealed your feet today, we wouldn't know your details."

"Cough cough" Taiping taught an ancestor with a dry cough: "What are you talking about? Patriarch I don't understand what you are talking about. If it's all right, Patriarch I will go first, I will go first."

After speaking, Taiping Jiaozu glanced at everyone, and hurriedly left in the strange eyes of everyone.

"Everyone is hiding one hand. I think I am the one who hides the deepest among the human races. I didn't expect it to be the servant of Taiping, and this is because the road of good luck is not good, unexpectedly revealing the foot of the horse" Tai Dou Jiaozu smiled bitterly.

"We know that Gui knows, but this kind of thing can't be said. This is Taiping's hidden trump card. It will be a big gift package for all the heavens and hundreds of races in the future." Taishi Jiaozu touched his chin: "This old thing is a deep thought."

"A real person does not show person who shows up is not real" Taiyi teaches ancestor plum blossoms flying, a snow-white plum petal in his hand is dotted with red as if peony cries blood.

Taiyi taught the ancestor: "I was not convinced by this old guy before, but now it seems that I am worthy of the strong man who followed the first ancestor in the past. The methods and scheming are not comparable to me."

"Is the bottom exposed?" The Taiping ancestor came out of the gathering place, looking at the emperor map in his hand, looking up and down, and then his eyes were full of gloomy colors: "Where is there a flaw? How can I expose the bottom? I have hidden Is it deep enough?."

Recalling the previous scenes, Taiping Jiaozu looked at the imperial picture in his hand, and did not know where his own details were exposed. He stopped abruptly, then turned and walked towards the original road: "Where did you miss the details? I clearly understand that my ancestor is unwilling."

As the saying goes, the authorities are obsessed with the bystanders, and all the ancestors have discovered the details of the Taiping ancestors, but the Taiping ancestors themselves cannot find out.

Seeing the Taiping ancestor's return, the ancestors kept their mouths silent, and the Taiping ancestor said: "Where did I miss the details, but you guys discovered the flaws? Don't ask me to understand, the ancestors are unwilling in my heart."

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