The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2004: My name is Lei Feng, Tai Dou Zhi Dao

The wolf **** grabbed the fisherman, felt the turbid air in the fisherman's body, and frowned, "It's not a monk, and the soul has never practiced. It is indeed an ordinary mortal."

"It's much easier to be a mortal." The wolf god's mouth sneered: "The treasure is innocent, and you are guilty of it. You are a mortal, what merits and virtues can enjoy such a treasure, and now I bumped into this treasure for me. ."

After speaking, the wolf **** waved his palm and ingested the river water. He splashed the old fisherman all over, making the fisherman agitated. He immediately sat up and looked at the wolf god: "What's wrong? Has it rained?"

"I haven't consulted yet, who is my brother's surname? In the coming year, I will burn more paper money for you on the day of my brother's death. I would like to thank you for fulfilling my demon clan's grace." The middle-aged scribes transformed by the wolf **** looked at Fisherman, the green light flickered.

Looking at those green eyes, the fisherman shivered, his eyes stunned: "The old man is called Lei Feng. Lei Feng is me. Brother Xian, I don't understand what you say, so don't scare me."

"Old fisherman, you are a treasure to me. I will hand over all the tactics, and this seat will spare you your life. Otherwise, you will be destroyed today, and you will never be born again."

The voice of the wolf **** was cold, and the fisherman was taken aback, and he immediately chanted a curse. He saw the pagoda shake, and he wanted to fly out of the wolf god. The wolf **** grabbed the pagoda and looked at the fallen fisherman and said, "Don’t struggle, this seat. I'm happy, the treasure fell into your hands, but it was covered in dust. I'm sorry for this treasure."

"Who are you and why are you stealing my treasure? I treat you kindly, and never miss your wolf ambition."

The fisherman rebuked the wolf god, but the wolf **** was not angry, and grabbed the fisherman: "Don't you say that?"

"I bother."

With a mouthful of saliva, he spit out the face of the wolf god, and immediately made the wolf **** angry into anger. He accidentally overflowed with the immortal opportunity and couldn't suppress it. He shattered the fisherman alive, turned it into powder, and turned his body into ash.

"This mortal is too fragile." Looking at the pagoda in his hand, the fisherman turned into gray, the wolf **** suddenly calmed down, looked at the starry sky with a pair of eyes, and then looked at the lock demon tower: "With this treasure, your demon race will never think about it. It's better."

After speaking, a handful of flame swallowed the entire boat, and the wolf **** disappeared into the void.

In the Yujing Mountain, the Fox God wore a small coat and arranged his clothes. He walked out of Yujing Mountain with amorous feelings. Yu Duxiu's legs trembled and walked out of the palace tremblingly, and shouted into the distance: "Blue Bull."


Xiantian Yimu Qingniu came over, fell to the ground, and respectfully saluted Yu Duxiu.

"Let me go to the lower realm for a while." Yu Duxiu took a deep breath, held the green cow by the neck, and climbed up.

The two sneaked along the way, and when they came to the former fisherman who died, Yu Duxiu shook his head: "The wolf **** is so vicious, he really regards all beings as ants."

While talking, a black lotus flickered in his hand: "As long as I am still alive, no one can kill you."

Yu Duxiu displayed his supernatural powers, and the fisherman was reborn. Before the fisherman could react, a gust of wind rolled up and the fisherman had disappeared into the sky.

After receiving the black lotus, Yu Duxiu sighed slightly: "This battle has reduced the power of countless calamities, but I just want to evolve the black lotus, but I still have no strength, and it will be transformed into a grand purple energy. Some waste, the wolf **** got the demon lock tower, and he will definitely not let go. A calamity will be rolled up again. It seems that I still have to show the demon clan and slowly wear down the strength of the two clan."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu rode the green bull and patted the green bull's head: "You go back first, and you will go to the human race. Tai Dou Jiaozu is walking on a road like no one before and no one to come. If I were It’s a shame not to be able to watch it."

As he spoke, Yu Duxiu stepped forward with lotus, muttering to herself: "Lei Feng! Lei Feng! Lei Feng is a good person! All of our lumps are from the Northeast, and all of our lumps are living Leifeng."

"Hongjun, please see Taidou Dao friends, and please see Taidou Dao friends." When he arrived outside the Zhoutian Star Doudu formation, Yu Duxiu slowly stopped and looked at the vast formation, although this formation It is too immature in Yu Duxiu's eyes, but I have to say that it has already taken shape.

"Why did Hongjun come?" Taiyuan Jiaozu's expression changed: "I'll drive him away!"

"Don’t be restless, since Hongjun is here, just tell him to come in. I don’t believe he will count on me." Tai Dou Jiaozu looked calm: "It’s just time to come, and I’m about to ask him for advice. The only real star map is Hongjun has seen that the starry sky is constantly evolving, so there is no fixed star map in this world. The star map is constantly changing, but Hongjun has mastered the changing laws of the stars and developed the star map supernatural power."

"This is not very safe. The conflict between Hongjun and us is not small" Taiping Jiazuo stopped.

"Let him in, there are many of us, Hongjun is not a fool," Tai Yi Jiaozu sighed softly, "Don't be scornful."

After hearing what Taiyi taught the ancestors, the ancestors did not refute. The star formation gave way. Yu Duxiu was wearing a gray robe, Yushu Lanzhi was tall and straight, and walked calmly to the depths of the core of the formation. The starlight, a galaxy shocked the mind, but a closer look at the galaxy, but the illusion caused by Taidoujiao ancestor's body cells.

At a glance, every cell in Tai Dou Jiao Ancestor's body seemed to be a star, or a galaxy, a starry sky.

"The way of immeasurable stars, the great courage to teach the ancestors, I also imagined this way back then, but I didn't dare to put it into practice." Yu Duxiu slapped her palm and praised him. Back then, Yu Duxiu also thought about taking every cell of her own. They are all sacrificed into a world. After all, the novels of the previous life have not been read less. All kinds of awesome existences are transformed into a world by a cell. Just think about it. Yu Duxiu is not a lunatic, but he dare not really do that.

Even though this is infinitely possible, growth is extremely time-consuming, and the chance of failure is too high. Yu Duxiu has a great way in front of him and does not go, but instead does what a madman can do. He is not a madman.

"I'm overwhelmed." Tai Dou Jiaozu smiled bitterly: "There is no way, the human race threatens too much, and the space for human survival is getting smaller and smaller. When the ancient times were chaotic, the first teacher ancestor was sacrificed, and now it is now and ancient times, for the survival of our human race , There is always someone who wants to stand up, give, and sacrifice. If it succeeds, I will fly into the sky and be the first person in the world. If it fails, it will be a big deal."

"Even if you are, you are by no means the first person." Yu Duxiu shook her head: "Xiangshen’s billions of idols have long been in front of you, and you have spawned hundreds of millions of worlds. He derives hundreds of millions of gods, and he is not weak with you. The ghost master has already touched the edge of chaos reincarnation. Once you practice chaos reincarnation, your star world is powerful, but chaos reincarnation is not a vegetarian. It's a reincarnation, not to mention the jade ancestor has reached the threshold of truly embarking on the road of detachment, not comparable to those of you who are dissatisfied with half a bottle."

Yu Duxiu stood ten steps away from Taidou Jiaozu and looked at the people in the field: "What's more, in the future, I will be the first person in the heavens and the world. The big waves will wash the sand. Only I will live forever. If I live, the heavens will live forever. The position of the number one person in the world always belongs to me, although some people say that jade is the number one person in the world, some say that Taiyi is the number one person in the world, and some say it is primitive or Amitabha, but I am not convinced. Give me some time. The first person in the world belongs to me and can only belong to me."

The corners of Yu Duxiu's mouth curled up slightly, and she looked at Tai Dou Jiaozu with a pair of eyes: "Actually, you don't have to do this at all. You have already embarked on the road of detachment, why bother?"

At this time, the ancestor of Taidou can no longer be called a human being, or a creature. The ancestor of Taidou will turn into a world of billions of stars.

Tai Dou Jiaozu smiled bitterly: "You said it was too late! If you said earlier, I would not choose this path."

Speaking of this, Tai Dou Jiaozu looked at Yu Duxiu: "This road is not only for the human race, but also for myself! Immortality is not my pursuit. People who live for too long have no meaning, one by one. They have all become fossils and antiques, and the feelings in my heart gradually wear away. I have always wanted to see where is the ultimate of my Avenue of Stars. I will not regret it if I die! I will not regret it if I die!"

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