The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2003: Lock Demon Tower

Of course, Xiangshen didn't know the depression of the ghost master, nor did he want to know. He came to Yinsi just to understand some situation and remind the ghost master.

"Heaven is the heavens and all realms, the great enemy of all races, and the innate gods are also included. The grievances between you and the death **** may not have no chance to resolve."

Xiangshen looked at the ghost master, and his eyes flickered: "That treasure is indeed unusual. I have been preaching for millions of years. I have never seen such a mysterious treasure. It is normal for you to hide it. If you change to this seat, I will never admit it, lest you have to go to the door."

"The treasure is not in my Yinsi at all, but in Hongjun's hands, why should I deceive you" The ghost master looked at Xiangshen, his eyes full of helplessness.

After hearing the ghost master's words, Xiangshen nodded: "Understand, understand, I understand you, the treasure is indeed in Hongjun's hands, I absolutely believe in you, but if the rest of the people believe in each other, I can't help it. After all, Prince Gui You seized the treasure and fled and entered the Yin Division. This Yin Division is your territory. Your Excellency has dominated the Yin Division for millions of years. If you can't protect even a treasure, it would be incredible."

"I,,,,,, rely on." The ghost master looked at Xiangshen for a long time, and unexpectedly exploded, his voice was full of depression: "That treasure is really not in my hands."

"I know" Xiangshen patted the ghost master's shoulder: "If there is nothing else, then I will leave first, and you should pay attention to the heavenly things in the future."

Seeing the elephant **** go away, the ghost master sat there blankly, speechless for a long time, not knowing what he was thinking.

The Thirty-three Heavens Outer Jade Mountain World, watching the wolf demon go away, the fox **** sneered: "These barbarians have abandoned the identity of the demon race to cultivate some demon avenue. They deserve to be unlucky."

Yu Duxiu held her stupid cuteness and rolled her eyes, looking at the fox **** with a pair of eyes. The fox **** gently stood up and leaned on Yu Duxiu's body. Nephrite Wenxiang said, "You have a conscience! I didn't betray my monster clan, this palace will give you a good treat today."

Hearing this, Yu Duxiu's hair was immediately horrified, and when he was about to resist, the lute bone was caught by the Fox God and dragged into the palace behind.

But it was said that the wolf demon **** came out of Yujing Mountain, and his eyes were full of anger. He pretended to be his grandson in such a low voice, and he actually got such a fate in exchange for being ridiculed by the fox god. It is only strange that the wolf **** can bear it well.

"Hongjun, this kid must have been confused by Hu Meizi. The young man has a passionate blood and a worm's brain. What can't be done? Even if this kid has great powers and boundless mana, he is still a hero. He cursed, constantly cursing Fox God and Yu Duxiu.

In the middle of the great world, an old fisherman stood on top of the boat, his hands were spinning together, a ray of life was spinning in the middle, and his rough palms played with a small emerald green tower.

"Huh? Inexplicably whim!" The wolf **** was about to return to the tribe, but he suddenly felt his heart. Following the induction, he retreated from his guards and descended on a mountain and river, and saw a fisherman on the bank of the river. fishing.

"Could the cause of this seat fall on the fisherman?" The wolf **** moved in his heart and turned into a white-clothed middle-aged scribe, walking slowly to the old man's boat, and saluting: "I have seen the old man."

The old fisherman’s skin was wrinkled all over, and there were only three or five teeth left in his mouth. He said, "Where is the scribe, the old man is polite."

"This barren hills and ridges, where no one is seen, where did the fisherman come from? It actually drew me on a whim, and I got a feeling, but I have to see how this guy plays mystery in front of me." The wolf **** looked at the fisherman with a smile on his face. Said: "I passed by here in the city not far away, and saw Lao Zhang alone fishing here, so I couldn't help but come over to talk."

The old fisherman nodded and glanced at the wolf god: "Also please let the man aboard."

Listening to the word'Langjun', the wolf **** was awkward, and said in secret: "Doesn't'Langjun' mean'Langjun'? It really is this old fisherman who is playing mystery. I want to see what this old fisherman is capable of. This is playing me."

When the wolf **** got on the boat, the old fisherman's palm flicked, and the fishing rod flew out. The fishing line was raised, but the hook was not seen. Only a small green tower was slowly rising with the pulling of the fishing line. water surface.

When the wolf **** saw the fish hook, he was immediately curious: "Old Zhang is fishing, why don't you use the hook instead of the small tower?"

This small tower is only the size of a palm, and it is green all over, with the mysterious light flowing around and full of vitality in the sun.

The fisherman smiled triumphantly at the corner of his mouth: "You don't understand this later. Although my little pagoda is not a hook, it is many times stronger than the hook."

"What's the mystery?" The wolf **** looked left and right, but couldn't see the mystery of the small tower.

The fisherman said: "My tower is called: Locking the demon tower. As long as you drop it into the river, the monsters in the entire river will be packed into it by this small tower as long as they are contaminated with the demon spirit. I can't escape. If this tower falls into the wild land, it can be loaded into all the monster beasts in the wild land."

When the wolf **** heard this, he didn't believe it, and felt that the old man brags: "Can this tower pretend to be a little demon?"

"Nature is energy."

The fisherman repeated his beards: "Eat no effort, just like a dragon eating dried shrimps."

"This tower may pretend to be a big demon?."

"It's as if it's a bird spreading its wings."

"Maybe the Demon King?" Wolf God said.

"Not to mention the demon king, even the quasi demon **** can be suppressed. My pagoda is amazing." The fisherman interrupted the wolf **** La Liba's questioning.

"I don't believe it."

The wolf **** sneered, not believing that the small pagoda could suppress the quasi-monster god.

The old man shook his head: "You don't believe me? Old man, I have lived for so many years, how can I lie? I have to prove it to you."

"how to prove?."

There was a cunning color in the eyes of the wolf god.

"Look at this river, there is a bit of a climatic monster?" The fisherman pointed to the river.

The wolf **** was taken aback, looked at the river, and then said, "Really not. Could it be that your pagoda really has such a magical effect?"

The old fisherman had a triumphant smile on his face: "That's it."

After speaking, the fisherman burned a pot of wine and gave it to the wolf **** to consider. The wolf **** turned his eyes and looked at the fisherman: "I don't know the details of this old guy, and I don't know which way this man is sacred. I pointed out that this old thing is easy to repair, and I can't see the slightest flaw."

Looking at the fisherman, the wolf **** took out a wine jar in his hand: "Lao Zhang, I have good wine here, but you can't drink the dirty wine."

"Good, good, I like wine the most."

The fisherman looked at the wine in the hands of the wolf god, suddenly smiled, his beard jumped, and then he took the wine jar and opened it. He was drunk and looked at the wolf god, with a satisfied expression on his face: "Good wine, really good liqueur."

"Come here, brother, please have a drink and taste the taste of my wine."

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, the wolf **** looked at the drunk old man and said, "Brother, this pagoda, really has such power?"

"It's not that I told you, my pagoda is a godsend, since I have this pagoda, there are no more monsters nearby." The old man looked at the wolf **** drunkly, and saw the wolf god's suspicious expression, the old man said "I will talk to you about the formula. After you have listened to this formula, you can find a place to try to ensure that you see how powerful this baby is."

"The formula?" Wolf God's heart moved.

The old man told the mantra of collecting monsters one by one. The wolf **** took the small tower, chanted a spell in his mouth, and operated the mana. He saw that the pagoda became bigger, instantly covering the sky and the sun, and the monster beasts with a radius of thousands of miles uprooted and fell into the pagoda. Among them, there was no resistance, and the wolf **** was dumbfounded.

The old man was drunk and said: "Is it the old man that my eyes are dizzy? How can the pagoda suddenly grow bigger if I drink too much?"

The old man chanted a curse, the pagoda shrank and fell into his hands. The wolf **** watching was stunned: "This old man's mortal body has ruined the treasure in vain. He just used the power of the treasure itself to violently violent heaven and things. If my demon clan can obtain this Treasure, wouldn’t it be possible to collect all the monsters in the world?."


The old man fell to the ground, his mouth snoring soaring into the sky, the wolf **** took the pagoda with a move, and patted the old man: "Brother, does this pagoda have other formulas?"

New book asks for recommendation tickets and collections, let's first come to ten chapters! It will be a big explosion today! ! !

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