The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2005: Taidou problem, the dragon move

"Is this the heart of seeking Tao?"

Looking at Taidou's teaching ancestor, Yu Duxiu was shocked. This seemed to be the first time Yu Duxiu had seen what it means to seek the truth!

"Hongjun, although you have proved that it is not the Avenue of Stars, but your understanding and control of the Avenue of Stars are far beyond our imagination. What do you think is the chance of success for this seat now?" Tai Dou Jiaozu looked at Yu Duxiu didn't have the slightest impatience on her face.

Yu Duxiu earnestly watched the movement of the magical powers in Tai Dou Jiao Ancestor's body, and saw that all the cover in Tai Dou Jiao Ancestor's body was removed instantly, opening to Yu Duxiu without reservation.

The Yu Duxiu who was watching was taken aback, the Taiyuan Jiaozu and others on one side were all anxious: "No!"

"It's okay, Hongjun is not walking on the Avenue of Stars, and his attainments on the Avenue of Stars are even higher than me. This seat is covering up, isn't it difficult to be in the elegant hall," Tai Dou Jiaozu didn't care about his face.

Yu Duxiu seriously looked at Tai Dou Jiaozu, God's will running like a sword, and after a while, he took a deep breath: "The current situation is good, but you have no idea, you can't command the stars, and you can't control the star. It’s hard to say in the future. Even if the real billions of starry sky and endless universe are created, it’s difficult to use all their powers. Even in the process of preaching, the stars cannot be restrained or the law of the great avenue will continue to expand and lose. After the elbow, it exploded with a bang, and then the fruit was destroyed, and the whole person was wiped out."

After listening to Yu Duxiu's words, the expressions of all the ancestors changed. Tai Dou Jiazuo stopped the palm of the tortoise shell and fixed his eyes on Yu Duxiu: "Is there no other way?"

"Of course there is a way, that is to comprehend how to command the starry sky and order the stars to revolve." Yu Duxiu carried her hands on her back, slowly retracted her gaze, and looked at the Human Race Zhou Tianxing from a distance: "You have the biggest difficulty now. Just how to command the stars, or even if you are enlightened, you may not be able to exert all your strength."

After hearing Yu Duxiu’s words, everyone suddenly looked solemn, and Taishi taught the ancestors: "Hongjun, you have the ultimate understanding of the Avenue of Stars, but you have never practiced. Since you don’t practice this Avenue of Stars, why not teach the Avenue of Stars to Tai Dou? Anyway, you were once a member of my human race back then, how can you bear to watch Taidou fall, it is not easy to prove, let alone a strong man like Taidou that has been detached, and when Taidou falls, the power of my human race will fall again For one thing, facing the monster race in the future, it will be even more difficult. The soil for my human race is getting narrower."

After hearing what Taishi taught the ancestor, Taiyi taught the ancestor on one side: "Hongjun, Taishi is right. Although I have been waiting for you, but everyone is a human race. If you have the ability to help , I’ll give you assistance, and I won’t make you suffer. This matter will pay off in the future."

"There is no free lunch in the world, and I don’t need you to wait for a return. To tell you the truth, I have reached the limit on the Avenue of Stars. I also take this method of unified mobilization of the stars in my heart, but the law cannot be passed on lightly. "The Tao is not to be taken lightly, and I don’t want to do business at a loss." Yu Duxiu looked at the ancestors with a smile.

"What do you want, even if you just ask for it, the eight of us together, we can always afford you" Tai Huang Jiaozu interrupted.

"I have a black lotus here. As long as you are willing to integrate the black lotus into your own body and plant it into the starry sky, I will teach you how to mobilize the stars and unify the stars." Yu Duxiu unhurriedly stretched out his palm, a thumb The large and small black lotus blooms slowly.

"what is this?."

Looking at the lotus in Yu Duxiu's palm, everyone was surprised, and could not see the roots and feet of the lotus.

Tai Dou Jiaozu’s eyes are deep, and there seems to be an endless stream of galaxies flowing in it: "I still have time now. I may not be able to comprehend the method of mobilizing commanders of the stars. I was born in the chaos of ancient times and is never weaker than people. , Please go back."

Although I don't know what lotus is, it's worth a supreme solution, and it's not simple.

After taking a look at Taidou's ancestor, Yu Duxiu nodded: "Teach ancestor, don't worry, we have some time, when the ancestor feels that you can't stand it, you might as well go to my Yujing Mountain to discuss the Tao."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu looked around and looked at the flat peaches not far from the ancestors, and stepped to the flat peach, "Isn't this the flat peach of Junior Sister Miaoyu? How do I transplant it here?"

Yu Duxiu knowingly asked, the teachers were silent. Yu Duxiu looked at the flat peach trees, then looked at the teachers, and shook his head: "The mud can't help the wall, the dog can't change eating shit, and the country can change its nature. It's hard to move, I am separated from the human race, the original decision is really correct."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu's eyes showed a disdainful smile, and she got up and walked toward the outside world: "Bull the small with the big, don't be scornful. It's strange that the human race can thrive in the hands of some of you ineffective! The foundation laid by the first ancestor is the first, and the human race will not dominate the ten thousand races. You old guys enjoy the millions of years in the middle area for nothing, and the result is not as good as the wild demon god, it is not the mud that can't support the wall. "


Seeing Yu Duxiu walking away, all the ancestors shuddered, and they were stuck there for a while and couldn't speak. How could the ancestors be ridiculed for so long? What's more, a junior of the human race? .

"Don't be impulsive." Taiyi Jiaozu grabbed Taiyuan Jiaozu's palm, shook his head, his eyes solemn: "Hongjun is unfathomable now, don't fall into Hongjun's calculations, let's just wait and see what happens."

"Tai Dou, is your cultivation really as Hongjun said?" Taiping Jiaozu looked at Taidou Jiaozu.

Tai Dou Jiaozu smiled bitterly: "It's true, who would have thought that this last key point is so difficult to comprehend."

While speaking, Tai Dou Jiaozu smiled bitterly: "But fortunately, we still have time."

"I'm afraid that Hongjun has a lot of tricks, even the human race has calculated it, don't give me time to wait, I don't know why, a bad premonition suddenly rises in my heart" Tai Yi teaches ancestors to play with the turtle shell in his hand, and his movements are stagnant. , His eyes were full of shock.

Seeing Taiyi Jiaozu, the ancestors silently did not say much. Sometimes they said too much but they were not beautiful: "I am waiting for eight strong people. As long as the demon clan and the demon **** clan do not lose their minds and lose their minds, they will never come here rashly. Provoke us."

"The demon race's unification of the heavens has become a trend, how to contain it?" Taihuang taught the ancestors.

"Let's watch the changes, don't get involved" Tai Yi spit out these words after a long time.

The Dragon Palace of the Four Seas, at this time the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas gathered together, and Ao Leduan sat at the end of the heads of the Dragon Dragon King closed his eyes, with disheveled hair, no longer the majesty of the past, and his voice haggardly said: "Have you ever noticed signs of coldness?"

"No, Han Ling seems to have completely disappeared in the Great Thousand World, and even the Flood Dragons have completely disappeared" Beihai Longjun Road.

"Strangulate all the remnants of the dragon family, punish those wicked species, and disappear from the cold. There will always be dragons in the world that cannot be taken care of. I will completely kill all the dragons."

Donghai Longjun's voice was full of anger.

"Brother, it's important to find coldness. It's also important to find a way to break the curse. How to break the curse? The key question now is how to find a way to break the curse." Nanhai Longjun said with a mournful voice: "Big brother, don't use your mind. "

"Oh, if we want to crack the curse, we don't even know the formula for how to use this technique. How can we find a way to crack it?" Donghai Longjun's words contained uncontrollable anger: "After killing the enemy and killing allies, I Look at the demon gods of the Demon Race deliberately with the help of Han Ling's hands to involve my Dragon Race."

"Big brother carefully said, we still need to use the demon clan now, to resist the demon **** clan dog jumps over the wall, the assistance of the demon clan is indispensable, don't let the demon **** listen to this," Jin Lin's voice was heavy.

"If you want to crack the curse, the fastest way is to find the method to cast the curse and prescribe the right remedy. Where there is no hope for the monster race, let alone the coldness, the only hope now is Mount Yujing. The ancestor of the jade knows the method. , Hongjun has no reason not to know."

Beihai Longjun Road.

"The wolf gods were all rejected by Hongjun. What's more, I have a blood feud between Hongjun and Hongjun? Hongjun is not a generous person, don't think about it," Jin Lin said helplessly.

"I'm going! I'm going to encounter Yujing Mountain" Ao Le suddenly stood up.

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