The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2010: No monsters

Listening to the jade ancestor who was still there, Yu Duxiu's face turned dark, and the jade ancestor smiled and shut up.

The wild land is too vast. Even at the speed of the various monsters and gods, it took more than half a month to travel across the wild land, not including the sea clan’s. Site.

Out of Yujing Mountain, Yu Duxiu's eyes scanned the entire wild land. In the past, the wild land was filled with monsters. Now I can see that there are not half of the monsters in the whole wild land. Only the sparse Demon God tribe is in the wild. Survive on the ground.

All monsters, no matter whether they are quasi-demon gods or the little monsters who have just swallowed the evil spirit, as long as they have the evil spirit, they will be suppressed and taken away instantly by the lock demon tower. There is no more monster beast in the whole wild land, only left Under countless beasts, the aura of the wild land became richer in an instant, I don't know how many times, the endless aura began to rise, the flowers and trees began to become vigorous, and there was a sign of enlightenment.

"All the monster beasts have been swept away, this is too cruel." Yu Duxiu clicked her mouth, looking at the sun, moon and stars above with her eyes, and saw the demon spirit rising from the stars, and now the starry sky is real. Became the territory of the demon race, and there are only ordinary creatures left in the wild land, unless there are some quasi-monster gods who come and go without a trace hidden in the dark, otherwise the wild land will not see the slightest monster.

"I'm a good boy, it's like scraping the ground three feet." The old jade ancestor stood beside Yu Duxiu and looked at the mountains on the wild land, his eyes were full of wonder: "When the ancient times were chaotic, if my human race had a lock Demon Tower, how can these beasts rise up!"

In the starry sky, the demon gods looked at the ancient stars that were opened up in the endless starry sky, and their eyes were filled with gratification. The rescued demon tribe should be close to half. Although it is less than half, the demon tribe has completely lost their fear. The Demon God Clan could no longer contain the Yao Clan, posing a threat to the Yao Clan.

"It's a pity, half of them are suppressed in the Demon Locking Tower." Xiangshen looked at the Demon Locking Tower directly below the clouds, revealing a trace of regret.

"The lock demon tower came too suddenly, it's simply inexplicable. There are definitely some people who are tricking things in secret. I will go to Hongjun!" The Fox God stood up and walked towards Yujing Mountain.

"Fox God! My Patriarch is no longer in the mountains," Lingyu Boy respectfully saluted the Fox God, not daring to look at the Fox God's figure.

Even if the fox **** doesn't perform charming power, just standing there quietly, there is an irresistible beauty.

The Fox God glanced at Yujing Mountain and saw the holy infant with the old tortoise's beard down and swinging on the swing. He walked slowly over, came to the holy infant, and touched the holy infant's head: "Holy infant, where has your father gone? ."

"My father was dragged by the old jade **** to the lower realm" Saint Infant lowered his head.

The fox **** chuckled, his body turned into nothingness: "Look how I find you."

"Can you find me?" Yu Duxiu looked at the extra figure around her, but she was taken aback.

The ancestor of Jade also said weirdly: "The two of us have turned against chaos, how did you find it?".

Fox God chuckled and glanced at Yu Duxiu: "You come with me. With this unlucky ghost, I want to do it when I look at it."

Yu Duxiu nodded, letting the fox **** drag and walk away, watching the two disappear, the ancestor of Jade stomped angrily: "Hey, you two,,,,,,".


A bolt of thunder fell out of thin air, instantly making the old jade ancestor burnt. The old jade ancestor was about to run with his calf, but one somersault plunged into the ground, bursts of fire burst out, and the old jade ancestor Burned in embarrassment.

The old jade ancestor cried and laughed again and again: "Damn! This **** bad luck law! This **** curse technique, causal karma comes to my door, remember that Hongjun goes to the blood demon every time he has karma to use the karma to become a red lotus. Go, I can try it too."

The old jade ancestor looked left and right, the thieves sneaked into the Yin Division.

"Do you know the origin of the Demon Locking Tower? The Demon God clan suddenly got the Demon Locking Tower. There must be someone secretly making a plan." Fox God stared at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes.

Yu Duxiu laughed and said nothing, the fox **** already understood everything: "I guessed right, only you can make such a treasure in the heavens and all realms."

The Fox God looked at Yu Duxiu with sadness in his eyes: "Why do you always count me!"

"Oh!" Yu Duxiu sighed slightly, "People are too smart and unpleasant."

The fox **** frowned: "I am a fool in front of you, always used by you. You use the curse to calculate me first, and provoke the battle between the demon **** and the monster clan, and it will be completely turned into a deadly enemy, and there will be no reconciliation. Possibly, using the lock demon tower to counterbalance my demon clan, so that my demon clan and the demon **** clan will lose out. You are a vicious calculation."

"We are all chess players, and I should make calculations." Yu Duxiu came to the front of the Fox God with her hands on her back, and looked down at the Fox God's charming faces. His eyelashes flickered, like two small fans: "What's more, what evidence do you have to prove that the lock demon tower was refined by me?"

"You didn't refine the lock demon tower?" Fox God was taken aback.

Yu Duxiu did not speak: "Waiting for you to find the evidence, it’s not too late to point to me again. Besides, I’m counting on the monster race, not you. Whoever gets the position of the protagonist of heaven and earth will suffer me. Calculate."

"Does it include Humans?" Fox God looked at Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu nodded: "I have left the human race. Race is just a form. For the benefit, there is nothing to calculate."

What Yu Duxiu said is righteous. How about the people of the human race, the life and death of Yu Duxiu is half a dime? .

Yu Duxiu is now able to break away from the race, why bother to put himself in shackles? .

The race looks a little ridiculous to Yu Duxiu, but it's just a group of strangers of the same shape. Some people are rich in clothes, fish and meat, and some people beg on the street.

Some people go in and out of BMW and Benz, and some have no money to see a doctor, so they can only watch their loved ones die.

A race full of oppression and class, what is there to miss Yu Duxiu? .

Yu Duxiu shook her head, looking at the mighty starry sky with a pair of eyes: "What is the matter with me? The survival of the human race is what matters to me!".

"The demon race and the demons are destroyed, the human race must be the next protagonist of the calamity. You also said that you did not consider the human race and did not put down the human race" Fox God stared at Yu Duxiu with his eyes.

"Really? Not necessarily!" Yu Duxiu looked at the fox **** and sighed slightly: "Humans have bad roots. In my opinion, they are no different from animals! Sometimes they are not as good as animals. "

Looking at Yu Duxiu, the Fox God sighed slightly: "Now my monster race has completely withdrawn from the wild land, but my heart is loose."

The fox **** wore a big red robe, as if it were a scorching sun, his eyes looked at Yu Duxiu, his red lips were moist, and his charm was full of charm: "The wild land is my hometown. I have to leave my hometown, alas!" .

The fox spirit began to pretend to be pitiful again, Yu Duxiu was wary, and Hu Meizi continued: "You are proficient in the art of refining treasures, and you are the first candidate for the heavens and ten thousand realms. You said that the demons in the lock demon tower are at this time What's the situation? How can you rescue the monsters in the lock demon tower."

Yu Duxiu looked at the demon lock tower rising into the sky in the distance, and said after a while: "The demon lock tower can hold so many monsters, and it may contain the world. The specific situation can only be known by personal investigation. "

"How can I rescue the group of demons in the lock demon tower?" Fox God looked at Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu was silent for a while, and then said: "First you have to **** the demon lock tower out of the hands of the demon god, and then it will be easier to handle."

The demon gods, the demon gods looked at the lock demon tower straight into the cloud, and the **** E said: "The lock demon tower is so big and the target is too big. If it provokes a sneak attack by the demon gods, it will not be beautiful."

While speaking, he turned his head and looked at the wolf god: "Wolf god, wasn't it the size of a palm when you held the lock demon tower at the time? You shrink the lock demon tower and carry it with you, so as not to give the demon clan a sneak attack."

The wolf **** smiled bitterly when he heard the words. He didn't want to shrink the demon lock tower, but at that time he only had the magic formula to enlarge and collect the monsters. Before the reduction of the magic formula was asked, the old man was wiped out and his soul was scattered.

"I can only magnify the tactics, and have not learned the reduced tactics." The wolf **** smiled bitterly.

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