The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2011: Infinite Demon, World Evolution

The wolf **** is very embarrassed. He can only enlarge and harvest the magic formula, but not reduce the magic formula. This is a bit embarrassing. The sequelae of killing and overtaking is revealed at this time. Why doesn't the wolf **** know how to shrink the demon lock tower? After that, it can be safer. Even if the monsters want to sneak attacks and make movements are wishful thinking, there is no chance at all, but the key thing now is that the wolf **** does not know how to tactics.

Hearing the words of the wolf god, the demon gods looked at the wolf god, and they were speechless for a while, and after a while, the lion **** said: "The goal of locking the demon tower is too big, and now it has suppressed more than half of the heavens and ten thousand realms. Several demon gods will never give up, they will definitely attack and **** the lock demon tower. We must defend well and we must not neglect."

The demon gods nodded, and the wolf **** sighed helplessly: "In the future, we will take turns to lock the demon tower. Even if the demon clan wants to attack, we have a chance to deal with it."

Where the demon gods were talking, the fox **** in the Yujing Mountain gave Yu Duxiu a white look: "You didn't say that!"

Seeing the fox **** walking away gracefully, Yu Duxiu sighed slightly: "Now that the layout has reached a critical moment, it is time to use the Sihailong family to operate. I hope that the demon gods will not do anything at this critical moment. , I have to go and see for myself at the lock demon tower."

Yu Duxiu came out of the Yujing Mountain, looked around, and felt that the surrounding void was a little weird. It seemed that there were gazes trailing in the dark, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. Know when there is a little demon **** of the cattle demon clan.

There are tribes of the Demon God clan living and guarding around the Lock Demon Tower. The Demon God tribe is worth trillions of dollars. It is normal for everyone not to know each other. No one noticed that the little Demon God came to the Lock Demon Tower without hurries and watching. The Demon Locking Tower that plunged straight into the cloud, the whole body was blurred, and then his figure flashed, and he had already arrived inside the Demon Locking Tower.

Inside the lock demon tower, it is not the room, but the world.

Each level of the Locking Demon Tower is a world of one side, or the magic trick that Yu Duxiu put forward at the beginning, the prohibition of a hundred and ninety thousand six hundred yuan is one world, a total of twenty-nine thousand six hundred yuan. Forbidden, there will be a world of 129,600 square meters, and this demon lock tower will have 129,600 floors.

At a glance, they were all densely packed monsters. Yu Duxiu scanned the world. The countless monsters were confused and roaring. They looked at the void with their eyes, as if they didn't know why he appeared here.

"Master" the snake **** stepped out of the void, as if he had eaten a child to death, his face was stiff and ugly.




"Father God."

"Father God."


Seven gourd children rushed around Yu Duxiu, screaming and shouting, making Yu Duxiu a headache.

Yu Duxiu stretched out her hand to trap the seven gourd babies, and then said, "Are you seven little guys behaved? In the future, all the worlds of this lock demon tower will be handed over to you, and you support snakes. God guards the lock demon tower."

"These fairies are not honest, they are too annoying."

The eldest child frowned and said with a sad face: "It's so noisy."

"That's right, these fairies always want to escape from prison, but they don't know that there are veins of cloud forbidden flow stone growing in this lock demon tower. The beasts can meditate and practice qi, but the magical powers cannot be used. They can only be trapped in Here, every day is whimsical."

The second baby disdainfully said.

Listening to the babbled words of all the gourd children, Yu Duxiu looked at the snake god: "You are the top powerhouse of the monster clan. If you come forward, these monsters will definitely be more honest and do not follow the rules here. The end of the game can only be death."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu's palm stretched out, a flash of thunder light flashed, and the mighty thunderclouds gathered in the void, and the Lei Beast appeared in the void, crawling out of the universe in Yu Duxiu's palm.

"Raising soldiers for a thousand days and using soldiers for a while, Brother Thunder Beast Dao, in the future, the punishment and guarding of the demon lock tower will be entrusted to you." Yu Duxiu looked at the Thunder Beast Dao that covered the sky and covered the sun.

Lei Shou nodded, with Lei Chi in his mouth, merged into the void without a trace.

Sending out the seven gourd babies, Yu Duxiu looked at the snake **** and carried his hands on his back: "Snake god, you are also very good at hearing under my hands. Why is this expression like this? The explosive ape was like you back then, but in the end it was resolved. If you have grievances, obediently admit your fate."

"Hongjun, how do you want to treat the endless beings of this monster race?" The snake **** stared at Yu Duxiu with his eyes.

Yu Duxiu looked down under the clouds and began to divide the territory, gathering forces, each of the monsters that are kings, and the corners of their mouths were slightly tilted: "There are more than half of the monsters living here, here are countless worlds, this is the country of the monsters, here the monsters The clan multiplies, although it cannot use magical powers, but it can polish the flesh, and it can also prove the Tao and live forever. What's wrong?

"Although it can prove Dao, all the auras belong to the lock demon tower, and the auras in the lock demon tower are under your control. Without your permission, that can become a Dao." The snake **** sneered, "Fake mercy!"

Yu Duxiu smiled at the snake god’s ridicule, and said after a while, “You’re good to appease the demons tribe, this seat still has things to do. Now the lock demon tower is about to reach its limit and needs sacrifice. Do some practice. In the future, the Demon God clan will act on the Dragon Clan, and more monsters will come in.

The snake **** silently said, "Hongjun! You are so ambitious, you are the biggest black hand in the heavens and the world, and your conspiracy will not succeed."

"Thank you for the compliment. As for whether you can succeed or not, then it’s not what you said, I’ll do it." Yu Duxiu stopped, smiled at the snake god, turned and disappeared into the lock demon tower, and arrived at the lock demon tower. The pinnacle.

At the top of the Locking Demon Tower, Yu Duxiu stands outside the world’s fetal membranes, looking down at the countless worlds below, with a series of magic seals in his hands, and a twelve thousand and six hundred rune Hunyuan prohibition falls into it, and then locks The demon tower exudes an inexplicable fluctuation, and then Yu Duxiu merges with the lock demon tower man tower, feeling the situation inside the lock demon tower.


"This world is actually growing? As the immeasurable demon fell into the lock demon tower, the lock demon tower world began to circulate, civilization began to derive, and the laws of this world were constantly adjusted. The law of the lock demon tower was constantly deduced. Will keep getting stronger, good thing, this is a good thing!" Yu Duxiu perceives the growth of the world of the lock demon tower, and suddenly smiles on her the lock demon tower can grow on its own, for Yu Duxiu to come. Said that nature is good and cannot be better, the derivation of the world law will inevitably strengthen the overall power of the entire lock demon tower.

The thoughts and wills of the sentient beings in the lock demon tower are constantly impacting the world inside the lock demon tower, turning into the world's fetal membrane, but becoming the restraint of the demon.

Yu Duxiu closed her eyes, feeling the continuous growth of the monsters in the lock demon tower, and immediately opened her eyes and smiled: "Well, the evolution of the world has immeasurable benefits for me to understand God's will like a sword, and it helps me. The evolution of his supernatural powers, as Yirudao steps into the ninth level today, it is extremely difficult to go further."

Yu Duxiu's God-like sword is nothing more than a comprehension of the early 90s. The first to the ninth level of Consummation is a difference between heaven and earth, and even the tenth level of Dzogchen is a difference between heaven and earth.

The derivation and evolution of the immeasurable world continue to fall into the Yu Duxiu soul, absorbed by the Yu Duxiu soul, and countless information is stored.

Yu Duxiu pinched the seal in her hands: "Demon race? I want you to live forever and become my slaves, to sell your lives for me, the years change, the power of reincarnation is endless, and the information of the vast world will be buried forever under the action of heaven. The lock demon tower is the world, you can never leave the lock demon tower."

In the world of the lock demon tower, the snake **** looked at countless worlds with a pair of eyes, and sighed softly. When he entered the lock demon tower, he couldn't help himself. The lock demon tower was planted with cloud forbidden flow stones, and the demons wanted to use it. It is simply wishful thinking to tear the world with magical powers. The world is just a small world, and even a powerful person in a wonderful realm can’t hold it back, but it’s different with the Cloud Forbidden Flow Stone, let alone the demon saint of the realm of good fortune, that is, the quasi-demon **** is here. Only the trapped portion.

"What the **** is Hongjun calculating! Hongjun! I'm not finished with you, what are those idiots doing outside? Actually gave Hongjun the opportunity to plunder so many monsters!".

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