The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2012: Half a rune, the secret of ‘Master’

Where did the snake **** scold him, but he didn't know that it was only a short ten thousand years outside. It was already a vicissitudes of life. The demon clan's great situation lived up to its existence, and it was divided and separated by Yu Duxiu, giving Yu Duxiu a chance to use it.

"Is this group of **** all idiots? Even if Hongjun absorbs so many monster tribes, are the heads of the monster gods broken?"

The snake **** looked at the countless demonic tribes and stomped his feet in anger, but he had no choice but to continue to comfort the countless demons tribe.

At the top of the Lock Demon Tower, Yu Duxiu was immersed in the evolution of the world. With the deduction of Yu Duxiu's tactics, I saw that the tactics changed indefinitely, and a crystal clear and transparent slowly flew out of Yu Duxiu's chest. , The eternal rune on it exudes immortal brilliance, illuminating the entire world barrier of the lock demon tower. This rune is magnificent, and the snake **** immediately feels his heart. A pair of eyes looked at the world’s fetal membrane, and the murderous flow in his eyes: "Hong Jun again Stronger! It's a pity that I was controlled by Hongjun. Although I have my own consciousness, I can't go against Hongjun's will! What a vicious and domineering supernatural power."

The snake god’s eyes are full of annoyance. You said that you are so good to provoke Yu Duxiu to do what you should do. If you knew you would pit yourself in, the snake **** would never take it casually. Nine-headed insects are the most typical cheating representative in history and have been messing around. After tossing, Princess Wansheng didn't get it, and instead pitted her father into it.

The upper Dao Qi machine interweaves and evolves, and on the opposite side of eternity, there is another text book beginning to evolve.


The energy came to an abrupt end, Yu Duxiu opened her eyes and stared at the rune for a moment: "Created? What made? Good fortune? Created? How could half a rune be derived? This is really unreasonable! I thought it should be the first to be derived. It was the Yinsi reincarnation rune. I didn't expect a coincidence to actually derive the'made' rune, but this rune is still not exhausted, only half of it is derived, but it is insufficient."

Yu Duxiu took a deep breath, let go of the tactics, watched the evolution of the world, and then said after a while: "This lock demon tower still lacks something. The sentient beings don’t have enough thoughts. They want to shape the treasure in my imagination. , It will take some time."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu quietly withdrew from the lock demon tower, only to see the barrier of the lock demon tower squirming slightly, a figure flickered out, and the surrounding demon gods were taken aback, and Yu Duxiu disappeared instantly.

In the lock demon tower, the snake **** looked at the endless monster tribes, his brows frowned: "It's difficult, how to rescue these countless monsters, Hong Jun must be uneasy, I don't know what he wants to plan!".


A cloud of thunder passed by, and the jade ancestor that hit him turned over, patted the dust, and continued to walk towards the sea of ​​blood.

On the way, the jade ancestor was constantly'greeted' by various laws between heaven and earth, and his whole person was ashamed, and even the brightness of his body was much dimmed.

"The sea of ​​blood! It's finally here! This day is simply not for humans. Without Hongjun, the ancestor, I am simply unlucky." The ancestor Jade looked at the sea of ​​blood in the distance, and immediately ran towards the sea of ​​blood with a grin. go with.


Before the jade ancestor approached the sea of ​​blood, a long knife pierced the void, and the wind rolled up: "There is a way to heaven, you don't go, **** has no way, you throw yourself away, jade! You old fellow slaughtered my gods. Congregation, conspired with the ghost master, originally it seemed to be for the sake of the master, and didn't want to trouble you, but since you brought it to the door, you deserve to die."


The old jade ancestor was smashed into the air, and the **** of death walked out in a black robe, the long knife in his hand turned into a judge's pen, and he held it in his hand. A pair of eyes looked down on the old jade ancestor with a cold voice.

"God of death! Do you dare to take action against me? I'm not afraid that your Patriarch will blame you!" Looking at the **** of death, the Jade Ancestor jumped up and his eyes rose with anger.

"I promised my Patriarch not to trouble you, but you took the initiative to send it to the door, no wonder I am" the judge's pen in the hand of the **** of death lifted up.

"Unexpectedly, there is still a black hand behind you, who can become a master of the gods, I don't know if you should be the strong one again" a long sigh came, and the ghost master stood in the field watching the miserable and devastated The old jade ancestor suddenly twitched his face and knew what was going on: "You must have done something that hurts the truth. You deserve your luck."

"You have an enmity with this old thing like jade, and I have an enmity with this old guy!" The ghost master looked at the **** of death.

"Jade, in the face of the Lord, you help me kill the ghost Lord, and the grievances between us are cleared." Suddenly, the **** of death changed, and the limelight changed instantly.

"Bah" Jade ancestor spit out: "It's strange to listen to your nonsense. You two are not good things. Now ancestors I have a lot of bad luck, and I can't protect myself. Where can I have time to pay attention to your fight."

Speaking of this, the ancestor of Jade looked at the ghost master: "Innate gods, everyone is punishable, you guys have to come on, this **** of death has now become a master, it is not an easy role."

After speaking, the old jade ancestor Sa Yazi ran towards the sea of ​​blood.


The old jade ancestor turned around and saw a whirlpool appeared out of thin air under his feet, tripped to the ground, turned a few somersaults, and then saw a thunderbolt passing by. The jade ancestor was hit by sparks all over his body, crackling, jade Angrily got up and yelled, "Stingy! Really stingy!"

After speaking, he ran towards the sea of ​​blood again with the sword smashed into the flames. Before the person reached the sea of ​​blood, a long sword shot out and slashed towards the ancestor of jade: "The ancestor stopped, you must not harm my blood. sea!."

"Bastard boy, ancestor, I am here to borrow treasure." Facing the blood demon's long sword, the flames of the jade ancestor all over his body rose, and he smashed directly into the sea of ​​blood, and then saw countless sky thunders. The ground fire rose in the blood sea, and there were waves of screams from the gorefiend.

The ghost master and the **** of death on one side were stunned, and the **** of death looked dull: "Is this the avenue of bad luck?"

"The Bad Luck Avenue is really terrible, it hurts others and yourself!" The ghost master's eyes were scattered, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Huh! Ghost Lord, I won't let you go." The Death God returned to his senses, hummed coldly, and turned away.

"Do you think I will let you go? Don't give me a chance." Having said that, watching the **** of death go away, the ghost master frowned: "There is actually a master behind the **** of death, this matter It seems a bit bad."

"Go and invite the insect god" The ghost master squinted his eyes and said to the attendants on the left and right.

The attendant took the order, and soon the insect **** arrived with a sweet voice: "Ghost Lord, what do you want me to do?"

The ghost master leaned forward and looked at the insect **** said: "You and other congenital genus are also controlled by someone behind?"

The God of Insect shook his head: "The innate genus is so proud, how can anyone control it, even the king of the gods."

"But there is actually a lord behind the **** of death, you should understand what it means?" The ghost lord looked at the insect god.

"What do you mean? What Lord?" Chongshen puzzled.

The ghost master said what had happened before, and the insect **** suddenly stared at the ghost master with dignified eyes, "Is this true?"

"How can there be fakes!" Ghost Lord said.

"Trouble! I have never heard that the innate vassal will surrender to any existence. Even the king of the gods cannot make the innate gods yield. Now there is a master behind the **** of death, and the matter is big. To find a way to open a breakthrough from the **** of jade and death, the **** of death, as a congenital genius, is so arrogant, even if he is surrender, he may not be willing. There must be rebellion in his heart. We may be able to contact secretly and use it Worm God's face was dignified, and his eyes looked at the direction of the death god's territory: "Master? What kind of existence should that exist? This great world suddenly makes me so strange."

"Don't worry, let's first find a way to rescue the snake god, let's say that the snake **** is trapped by Hongjun, let's find a chance to attack Hongjun." The ghost master comforted the insect god.

In the sea of ​​blood, the jade ancestors flashed with thunder and red light, and the blood demons were grinning, and were overwhelmed by the pain. They cried and shouted: "Old ancestors! Grandpa! Old ancestors! Leave the blood sea quickly! Now, this sea of ​​blood has been completely swallowed and smelted by me. It is already my physical body. Why do you bother me because of your own suffering."

I want a ticket for the new book, I want a ticket, oh~~~

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