The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2013: The jade gnaws on the red lotus, unintentionally breaking power

"You kid don't talk nonsense, let me use that karma red lotus. Patriarch I suppressed the sinful karma on my body, so you kid will not suffer such pain." Old ancestor Jade grinned, rolling on the floor painfully.

Hearing this, the blood demon's voice suddenly sharpened: "What? What? What did you say? No! Absolutely not!."

"You kid, ancestor, I'm just using it, and I don't want to return it to you." Old ancestor Jade rolled his eyes.

Hearing what the ancestor said, the blood demon shook his head repeatedly: "No! No! I can't believe in the character of the ancestor."

Hearing the words of the blood demon, the ancestor of Jade rolled his eyes angrily, and was almost annoyed by the words of the blood demon. He became annoyed and said: "Isn't it just borrowing your karma to use the red lotus? Why are you so stingy! The ancestor, I am not stealing ! Actually rob me like this! It's really unreasonable! If you don't lend me, I won't leave my ancestor!"

Seeing the jade always burst out in the whole body, the ruined avatars, the blood demon was distressed to death, looked at the jade ancestor of a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water, the blood demon's mouth twitched, and after a while, he said helplessly: "Then Okay, I will borrow it from the ancestor, and the ancestor will pay me back."

"It's easy to talk, don't you kid be so stingy" Old Ancestor Jade smiled.

When the blood demon stretched his palm, he saw the karma red lotus appeared in his hand and floated towards the old jade ancestor. The old jade ancestor caught the karma red lotus, and suddenly his karma began to rush towards the karma red lotus, looking at this flaming red lotus. Lotus, the ancestor of jade, "The lotus is crisp, and I don't know if it is delicious."

"No!" Seeing that Jade sent the lotus to his mouth, the blood demon suddenly got anxious and rushed over.

However, the speed of jade is not comparable to that of blood demon. Just listen to the sound of ‘click’, and you can see that a piece of lotus is instantly gnawed off by the jade ancestor, and the 9th-rank lotus is instantly transformed into the 8th-rank lotus.

The blood demon grabbed the eighth-Rank lotus, tears of distressed tears were about to fall, finger pointed at the blood demon, trembling, not knowing what to say.

"Bah! Bah!" Jade spit out the lotus flower and turned it into a first-grade lotus platform. Seeing this, he opened his eyes and smiled: "Although it is a first-grade, it is not a karma red lotus. It can absorb the karma of my ancestors. The lotus is yours, and the little lotus is mine."

"Old Jade Ancestor!" The blood demon's roar shook the entire Yin Division, and then he saw a long sword with blood lingering, slashing towards the old Jade Ancestor: "Return my lotus."

"Oh, you are trying hard, you stingy! What a stingy!" Seeing the gorefiend's madness, the old jade ancestor jumped into the sky, and Sayazi ran towards Yang Shi.

The powerful men of the Yin Division looked at the jade ancestors who were running away and the gorefiend with different expressions. The ghost master took a look and closed his eyes: "The scourge of jade must be another scourge.

The **** of death watched the jade ancestor escape, with a curious expression in his eyes, tusk.

Just after Yu Duxiu returned to Yujing Mountain, he heard the jade ancestor crying and screaming from the lower realm, and the blood burst into the sky, and the jade ancestor and the blood demons were entangled.

"Why are these two guys fighting together?" Yu Duxiu's heart suddenly felt, and her face was pale: "This bastard! How dare to eat the red lotus of Karma! I don't know that the sky is high and the earth is lawless."

"Hongjun! Hongjun! Help me!" Jade ancestor Sa Yazi was about to break into Yujing Mountain, but saw a long knife cut through the void, the tip of the knife was dazzling, and the jade ancestor's hair was horrified and his hair exploded. Open, turn around and run.

"Hongjun! Your kid is not moral!".

Yu Duxiu stood silently on Yujing Mountain and sighed softly. Lingyu Boy leaned over: "Master, I don't know why I sigh!"

"The evil jade barrier actually gnawed my karmic fire red lotus, and he didn't treat him as a son of man."

Yu Duxiu tossed her sleeves: "Deserves him to be chased by the blood demon."

When Lingyu boy heard this, he was clever: "Master, the karmic red lotus can still be repaired."

"It's just a matter of thinking." Yu Duxiu carried her hands on her back: "But taking this opportunity, I have to teach Jade a lesson, so that he won't cause trouble everywhere. Let me help the blood demon."

In the **** sea of ​​blood demon's aura, a black lotus was lingering, and the next moment a bright blade flew out of the black lotus silently and merged into the blood demon's long sword.




The long sword clinked on the jade ancestor, but seeing the jade ancestor was surrounded by blue light, shattering all the filth, the blood demon long sword could not be added, although the jade called miserable, but it did not hurt.

"Blood Demon boy, why don't you have to ancestor me, why bother so entangled, delay your and my time, you can go away now,,,,, I rely on! No!" Jade's face disappeared. Angrily wanted to scold his mother and dodge in a hurry, but unfortunately it was too late.


The real body of the jade was actually split by the blood demon with a sword, and the cyan blood dripped. The ancestor of the jade was smashed into the body by the long sword, almost splitting the whole person vertically.


Angrily, the ancestor of Jade turned away the sword, his eyes fixed on Yuantu Longsword, his wounds healed continuously, his whole body was **** and said: "This is impossible! This is absolutely impossible. How can your sword penetrate the old man? My ancestor's physical body, breaking Lao Tzu's real body, this is impossible! This is impossible!"

The old jade ancestor looked at the wound on his shoulder with lingering fear, about the size of two palms, and reached the position of the old jade ancestor's chest. The old jade ancestor was frightened: "This is impossible, this is impossible."

Not to mention the jade ancestor who didn't believe it, even the blood demon himself couldn't believe it. A pair of eyes looked at the long sword in his hand, as if before wondering whether the sword was cut by himself? .

No matter how the blood demon recalled, he didn't know why the power of a sword before was so powerful.

In the Yujing Mountain, Yu Duxiu's eyes are full of surprise, and she feels very curious that her ancestor can almost break the jade ancestor.

"It is absolutely impossible to do this with the sword light alone. Before, it seems that the sword light and the blood demon's long sword have a special induction, mainly based on the filthy power in the blood demon long sword, which corrodes and cuts the jade There seems to be something wrong with his true body! There is another power, what is that power?" Yu Duxiu frowned in front of the hall.


Taking advantage of the stunned effort of the blood demon, the jade ancestor disappeared, only the voice came: "Blood demon! Our beams are formed, you kid wait for me, when the ancestors, I will go to my karma and return to my true body. , Come to see you once again."

"Did I get dazzled before?"

At this time, the eight ancestors of the human race gathered together, and Tai Yi Jiaozu wiped his eyes, "the blood demon's long sword actually broke the real body of this old guy? Isn't it impossible?"

"It is indeed unbelievable. When did the blood demons have this kind of power?" The galaxy was vast in the eyes of Tai Dou Jiaozu.

The Taishi on one side taught the ancestor: "It's really unbelievable. You should ask the blood demon about this matter, he knows best."

Not only was the ancestor of the human race shocked, but there were a lot of discussions, and even the four seas of dragons, monsters, and demons were also shocked.

"Could it be that the Blood Demon Yuantu Longsword is the nemesis of jade?" Donghai Longjun's eyes flickered: "If I can kill the old immortal jade, I will lose a hidden danger in Donghai."

"This matter was secretly investigated secretly, and someone was sent to secretly contact with the blood demon to find the secret that broke the real body of the jade" Nanhai Longjun ordered.

Beihai Longjun's eyes were full of shock: "It's incredible, or a coincidence!"

"Even by coincidence, there is a reason. Find out the reason why the jade body is broken, we can kill the jade, and the old guy in the province will do the majestic blessing." The murderous intent in Jinlin's eyes continues to grow.

"There is a problem with the blood demon's sword, but I don't know what the problem is." The wolf **** touched his chin.

"Simply send someone to ask in secret. If we can know the secret of this matter, we may not be able to change it and use it for the truth of the demon god."

The Bull Demon held his arms, his eyes flashing cold.

In the heavenly palace, three demon gods gathered together. Compared with the demon gods, the three demon gods of the demon clan are even more excited, because the demon gods are well-known in the world for their true bodies.

"At all costs, find the truth of the jade body being broken open."

Fox God's words are unprecedentedly determined.

ps: God skills cute roar, new book more recommended votes, hehe! Everyone who has a recommendation vote will vote for a new book. Old books don’t need a recommendation vote. If you have a monthly pass, hey (snicker). The title of the new book "Yipin Dao Men" I hope you will patronize more.

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