The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2014: Attack the lock demon tower

"I don't know anything about the situation in the lock demon tower. If you want to rescue the sentient beings in the lock demon tower, the first thing to do is to take back the lock demon tower." The voice of the fox **** was full of chills.

Hearing this, the Tiger God frowned: "How shall we act? The power of the lock demon tower is obvious to all. As long as everyone gets close to the lock demon tower, they will be deterred by the **** of the lock demon tower, except for the supremely powerful. Outside of the monks, there is only one end for anyone who approaches the Demon Locking Tower. Before the Demon God clan takes action, he will be absorbed by the Demon Locking Tower."

"My demon tribe is very fertile, the demon tribes are endless, the power of the essence of the sun, moon and stars in the starry sky is endless, enough for my demon **** tribe to rise, even if we rely on consumption, we must consume all the demon gods to death. ."

There was a cruel light in the eyes of the Elephant God: "Although the curse is powerful, it will take a long time for it to show its effect if it wants to happen. I am afraid that it will be the next major battle, and the variables are endless. What should we do? Is good?."

Listening to Xiangshen's words, the Tiger God's eyes flashed murderously: "If the order is passed down, my demonic tribe will give birth to children, and it will be able to consume those barbarians to death."

"Point soldiers!" The fox **** stood up: "I will lead the supreme powerhouses under my command to seize the lock demon tower. This seat will go to the wild and go for a while. The chicken gods and rabbit gods must not stand idly by. Now my demon clan It's an eventful season."

After speaking, the Fox God stepped forward and came to the territory of the Chicken God. He looked at the desolate and wild land with a pair of eyes, and sighed slightly: "The Chicken God! Now the Demon God tribe is completely independent, my demons tribe. The crowd is suppressed in the lock demon tower, how can you bear it, can it be that my demon tribe tribe can not be destroyed?"

The chicken **** smiled bitterly, and walked out slowly: "I'm afraid it's not very useful to make a move. You must know that there are twelve supreme powerhouses whose strength has skyrocketed. No one on the earth is an opponent of the devil god."

The fox **** looked at the chicken god's territory. The chicken **** was so miserable. He was neutral and did not escape the evil of the devil clan. All the tribes in the entire territory were raided by the devil clan except for his followers. Even if he thought about it, he had a good temper. , At this time can't help but anger rises from his heart.

"You are also a monster. Although you do not serve in the heavenly court, your name as a demon **** still exists." The fox **** looked at the chicken god.

Facing the fox **** and the oppression of the demons, what can the chicken **** say? .

"Okay, I'll go with you, I'm just afraid that I will return without success this time" The Chicken God is not optimistic about the Yaozu's actions.

"I also invite fellow Taoists to go to the Thirty-Three Heavens and tell me where I will go to the Rabbit God." The Fox God nodded at the Chicken God and came to the Rabbit God territory.

"Fox God!" The Rabbit God had already come out to greet him.

"Your Excellency should know what I mean by coming today" Fox God said.

"The devil is deceiving too much!" Holding the big radish in his hand, the rabbit **** looked at the desolate territory. No matter how good his temper, he couldn't help being angry at this time: "Too deceiving! It is deceiving too much! Me! I have no intention of intervening in the race war, but the demon clan doesn’t know how to uphold it. They just force me to take action and act improperly as the Son of Man. I don’t need to persuade me. I will go to the Heavenly Palace with you."

The rabbit **** has a fierce temper, and he doesn't wait for the fox god's advice. The rabbit **** has already waved his sleeves, and all the tribes have been dragged away by him, descending into the stars and opening up the world of stars.

"The rabbit **** and chicken **** are all in the sky!" The wolf **** closed his eyes and tapped his finger on the case table: "I said at the time to bypass the territory of the rabbit **** and chicken god. You don't believe me now. The Yaozu has added two helping hands for nothing, what should we do?"

After hearing the words of the wolf god, the centipede ancestor didn’t care: "What can we do if we add two powerful men? The earth is our territory, don’t care about him, if the demon **** dared to fight, let’s fight directly, let’s continue to discuss how to retaliate. Four Seas Dragons."

The centipede ancestor and the chicken **** have a lot of hatred. Of course, I hope the chicken **** is unlucky. When collecting the monster beasts, he will be blocked by the chicken **** because of his private and abandoning. Fat beating, it's a pity that the centipede ancestor played well with the abacus, and the chicken **** actually held it back abruptly.

As for the rabbit god, it was only implicated by the chicken god.

The cold light in Eshen’s eyes flickered: "If the Four Seas Dragon Clan is suppressed by us, the Four Seas Waters will be occupied by my Demon God Clan. I can’t say that my Demon God Clan will have several supreme powers. Power is the root, and the rest will not be considered for the time being."

As he was talking, suddenly saw a wave of powerful auras pressed down, a big hand stretched out from the starry sky, grabbed towards the lock demon tower, the sky burst and the earth burst, and the lock demon tower would soar into the sky.

"Come as you say, I'll meet him" Eshen roared and rose to the sky: "Leave the lock demon tower."

In the heavenly court, the demon gods gathered together, and the tiger god's expression was gloomy: "Sihai Longjun refused to go out on the grounds of guarding the four seas and deducing curses."

"This is obviously to force the palace, to force me to bow my head and surrender the curse technique!" Elephant God gritted his teeth: "A group of rats whose eyes are short-sighted are not enough to conspire."

Listening to the words of the Elephant God, the cold light in the Fox God’s eyes flickered: “It’s a good calculation, this trick cannot be given to the Dragon Clan. Since the Dragon Clan does not send troops, the Dragon Clan will be slaughtered by the Demon God Clan in the future. Don't blame us standing by."

"What if the Dragon Clan casts the Demon God Clan?" Chicken God said aside.

"It's too late to take refuge now. The loss caused by the Sihailong clan to the Demon God clan is not small. The two sides have already forged a death feud. Apart from hard resistance, the Sihailong clan can't think of any other way, let alone the grievances between the Sihailong clan and the E God It's not shallow, how can we coexist, I would rather the Dragon Clan take refuge in the Demon God Clan. "The Rabbit God is like a cloud of moon, bright moon and beautiful, echoing the Lunar Star.

"Let's do it!" The elephant snorted coldly, broke the space passage with a palm, and slammed down suddenly, grabbing the lock demon tower, and smashing the mountain for a while, shaking the river.

"I will meet you" Eshen grabbed a palm toward Xiangshen's wrist.

"Eshen, although you and I are in the same era, you are definitely not my opponent." Xiangshen dropped his right hand and instantly smashed Eshen to the ground, rolling up clouds of smoke.


The bull devil roared, revealing the true body of the devil, echoing with the muddy air of the earth, and his power surged by 30% in an instant. He suddenly grabbed the lock demon tower and wrestled with the elephant god, but the elephant sacrificed hundreds of millions of idols. Worm, the power is infinite, and the lock demon tower still heads towards the starry sky unhurriedly.

The expressions of the other demon gods suddenly changed. They didn't expect the strength of the elephant gods to grow rapidly. No wonder the three demon gods who dared to be the demon emperor and demon emperor back then were really unexpected.

"Don't delay, do it quickly." The wolf demon **** could not sit still, and combined with the other demon gods, grabbed the lock demon tower and yanked it, the lock demon tower once again took root in the earth, and then the demon gods rushed towards the elephant **** past.

"Don't worry, today, this lock demon tower, we have to see if you barbarians can keep it." The fox **** has a delicate and unparalleled palm, and grabs it towards the lock demon tower, where countless demon gods are headed over. actually started to kill each other.

"Terrible!" E God roared and greeted the Fox God.

Suddenly, a great earthquake trembled in the wild, and the demon gods fought around the lock demon tower. The rivers shattered for thousands of miles, and the demon gods and demon gods stained the lock demon tower with blood.

"The monster race is really like thunder." Yu Duxiu flicked his fingers lightly at the table in front of him, looked down at the battle under the clouds, and shook his head.

"Are you not optimistic about this battle?" The ancestor of Jade didn't know where he got out, his clothes in tatters, obviously he suffered some calamity.

"It's not just not optimistic, the monster race has no hope at all. Even if the elephant god, fox god, and tiger **** can fight one against three, the rabbit **** and chicken **** can still contain the two monster gods, and the remaining one demon **** What?

"Furthermore, this is a wild land. The demon **** can't be one enemy three, one enemy two is good, unless there are five dragons from four seas and five dragons, but these dragons stand by and watch as pig-like teammates. It's really amazing. Obviously, the winning ticket is in hand, but all kinds of things happen. Wonderful! Wonderful!" The old jade ancestor slapped his palm and praised, accidentally involving the wound, grinning with pain.

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