The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2016: Goal 4 seas, all betrayal

"Now that Taidou turns to practice the secret method, what my human race needs most is time. It is not good for the monster race or the demon **** race to win. It is best to lose both."

The Taiping ancestor stroked his own emperor picture, his eyes looked at the chaotic battlefield, and the corners of his mouth were slightly tilted: "When Taidou cultivates to a great success, it will surely sweep the heavens, and my human race will return to the protagonist."

Kunlun Mountain towers high into the clouds. I don't know tens of millions of miles, a black figure slowly walked into the Kunlun Mountains, stepping on the Kunlun Mountains' ground veins, and entering the Kunlun Mountains dragon veins.


With a roar, shaking the void, the dragon vein roared up to the sky.

"What's your name!" The black robe man reprimanded, that dragon vein seemed to be a puppy, sobbed, and obediently lay down.

Slowly took off the black robe hood, isn't Yu Duxiu still having that? .

Looking at the dragon veins, the corners of Yu Duxiu's mouth curled up: "Ancestral Dragon? You can rest assured that it will not be long before you will be free. This seat will help you to prove that you are immortal and transcend the world."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu came to Longmai's head, looked at the dragon veins that covered the sky and covered the sun, and sighed softly, "What a pity!"

I don't know what Yu Duxiu's pity is, the whole body gradually disappears, and the trace of Kunlun Mountain is quiet again.

In the wild land, the twelve demon gods looked up at the starry sky, endless star battles revolved, and the E **** said: "The monsters just want to play with flowers and intestines. We are not good to bully! When the monsters took action, the Four Seas Dragons did not Aid, the two sides must be dirty, and the demon **** is very angry at this time, why don't we take the opportunity to detain all the tribes of the Four Seas Dragon Race into the lock demon tower, the Dragon Race completely loses the opportunity to compete for the world, and it is done!"

There was a heartbeat in the eyes of the wolf god, and he gritted his teeth: "It's done! The four seas are connected to the earth. Although our strength is weakened, there is no interference from the monster clan. We can cope with the small Sihai Longjun, just taking advantage of both sides. When there is a gap, we will take the Dragon Race with the momentum of thunder."

While talking, the wolf **** began to chant the spell, and the other demon gods poured mana into the lock demon tower, only to see the ground veins vibrate, the lock demon tower pulled up out of thin air, broke the void and flew towards the East China Sea.

The demon gods returned to the heavenly court, but they were extremely angry. Unexpectedly, the dragon race would really stand by and let the demon race fail.

"Sihai Longjun's eyesight is short and short-sighted, and he is a short-sighted generation. He is improper! He is improper! Sooner or later he will suffer retribution!" The fox's lungs were about to explode.

"It doesn't need to be sooner or later, the dragon clan has already suffered retribution, let's just look at the actions of the demon **** clan" The chicken **** has sharp eyes, his eyes retracted from the wild land, and the demon gods looked at the wild land one after another, and then each showed great joy The color, Tiger God said: "This Demon God clan is really crazy, see the stitches, well, deserve the retribution of the Sihailong clan."

"The Four Seas Dragons deserve their sins. Our monsters can still connect their tribes to the starry sky. I want to see how the dragons will deal with their tribes, and they can only be taken away by the devil." He gritted his teeth with an aura.

"No one is allowed to take action, no one is allowed to help."

Fox God's voice is cold and harsh.

"The Demon God Clan is crazy, but it’s okay. I’ve seen the Four Seas Dragon Clan not pleasing to the eye for a long time. They should have suffered retribution for a long time. Now let the Demon God Clan wait for me to take care of the Four Seas and save me. After you go out, you will waste your hands and feet.

"Yes! Yes! I have been blackmailed from both sides by the Dragon for millions of years. I've had enough of my ancestors" Tai Dou Jiaozu gritted his teeth.

"It is said that this seat should also help the Demon God Clan." Taishi taught ancestor Leng Guanglianlian.

At the world barrier, Yu Duxiu dared to step out of the fetal membrane of the great world, and saw the demon **** clan flying towards the four seas with a billowing turbid air driving the lock demon tower.

"It's much faster than I thought. If Han Yan saw this scene, she would be extremely happy and would be very happy to help the demon clan." Yu Duxiu put one palm behind her back, and the other palm touched her chin, feeling the cold A piece of jade talisman flew out of the coordinates of the 缡 world.

After a short while, snowflakes floated in the void, and only heard the cold laughter: "Hahaha, thank you for reminding me, how can I be missing from such important events? Since the demon gods have this intention, how can this seat help me? Its a hand."

Feeling the disappearance of the cold air, Yu Duxiu walked slowly back to Yujing Mountain, looking at the old Turtle Island, which covered the sky and covered the sun: "Prime Minister tortoise, the world is about to suffer calamity. If you have someone close to you, you might as well bring it. Take refuge in the Yujing Mountain."

"Thank you, Lord." The old turtle looked at the Sihailong clan with a sad face. In any case, Sihai is his hometown. Now that his hometown is trampled on, the old turtle can only stand idly by. It is strange that he feels good.

The old jade ancestor ran over and stared at Yu Duxiu firmly: "Hongjun! You are crazy! You are really crazy! The devil clan wants to hide the world, why don't you stop them?"

"Why stop it" Yu Duxiu shook her head: "Everything is a calamity! Everything is cause and effect! Everything is definite!"

"Just watch the changes, don't cause trouble to the upper body, otherwise the demon clan has formed a great formation of the twelve gods and evil spirits. Don't blame me for not being able to protect you." Yu Duxiu looked down at the jade ancestor with a serious and serious expression. This sentence is definitely not joke.

Listening to Yu Duxiu's words, the ancestor of Jade blinked and was speechless for a long time. After a while, he said: "Hongjun! The world will be ruined by you sooner or later. You will be dumbfounded by that time. See how you grow old. My ancestors pointed you, your calculations are too ruthless, you don't leave the slightest leeway, and you will lose your vitality."

"The weak only need to be angry." Yu Duxiu turned and looked at the Jade Ancestor, then disappeared and entered the hall.

Let’s say that the demon gods drove the lock demon tower and flew towards the East China Sea. As soon as the lock demon tower was erected, it had already alarmed the dragon tribe. Looking at the demon lock tower that covered the sky, Jinlin’s complexion changed wildly: "It’s over. It's over! My disaster in the East China Sea is here! My disaster in the East China Sea is here! The cycle of cause and effect, retribution is unhappy!"

"The Devil God Clan is really bold and reckless" Donghai Longjun suddenly changed his color.

"Big Brother, what should I do now, with the strength of my dragon clan, absolutely cannot stop the twelve demon gods and the lock demon tower."

Xihai Longjun's eyes showed tension.

"Will the demon **** stand by and let my dragon be calmed by the demon god? My lips are dead and my teeth are cold! The demon is not so stupid," Nanhai Longjun said.

"I hope so." Jin Lin's voice suffocated on one side, with a touch of mockery at the corner of her mouth: "Now I know that my lips are dead and my teeth are cold."

"You can't pin all your hopes on the monster race, and ask the ancestors of the human race to help." Donghai Longjun looked at Ao Le in the corner of the hall.

Ao Le nodded and flew towards the human race. Donghai Longjun stepped forward and landed on the coast of the East China Sea: "Let’s go to meet the Demon God Clan, and we will lock the Demon Tower for a while, but we have to see if the Demon Tower is really that way. Great, if the order is passed down, all the dragon tribes retreat into the deep sea."

Donghai Longjun's words have not yet fallen, only a giant claw covering the sky, covering the entire East China Sea and taking it towards the East China Sea, countless turtles soaring into the sky, falling into the giant palm.

"Prime Minister Turtle! What are you doing!" Beihai Longjun shouted angrily.

"The East China Sea is no longer The old tortoise can't leave the descendants of future generations to encounter disaster again" the voice of Prime Minister tortoise came without hesitation.

"You are a member of the East China Sea, now things are coming, even you want to abandon the East China Sea?" Donghai Longjun shouted.

"Ah, your majesty atones for sin, Laogui is now the protector of Yujing Mountain. He doesn't follow the decree of Dragon King, and only respects the oracle of the Taoist Lord. Please forgive him."

After the words fell, the giant claws of the old tortoise had disappeared in the clouds, and disappeared, and the tribe of tortoises in the climate had disappeared completely.

"Damn! Bastard! You were born in the East China Sea, and grew up in the East China Sea. The East China Sea nurtures you. When you were in the East China Sea, you abandoned and left. You are an ungrateful person, an ungrateful person! In the future you will suffer thousands of times. "Jie spurned" Beihai Longjun pointed at the void and yelled: "You get mixed up with that little **** Hongjun, you will not end well."

"Don't make any mistakes" Donghai Longjun and Nanhai Longjun stopped Beihai Longjun's words together.

In the Yujing Mountain, Yu Duxiu's face was gloomy and chilly: "Don't repent!".

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