The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2017: Ao Le asks for help, everyone is watching

Yu Duxiu's face was frosty, with murderous intent in her eyes: "These old loaches in the four seas are smelly and hard, just like the rocks in the pit. This time it depends on how you died."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu closed her eyes: "After today, the Sihailong clan should be removed from the world."


A loud roar of dragons sounded on the beach of the East China Sea, and the five dragons turned into a barrier across the sky, looking at the approaching Demon Locking Tower and the twelve giants that shade the sky from a distance.

"The twelve demon gods, this is my East Sea realm. I don't have to retreat quickly. Forgive you for not dying. If you dare to move on, you must have cramps and frustrations, frustrating bones and turning ashes." Donghai Longjun's voice resounded throughout the world.

There was a **** smile on the corner of the wolf demon's mouth: "What to do with so much nonsense, let's just do it."

"Do it!"

The twelve demon gods did not give the East Sea Dragon Lord a chance to speak, and directly rushed towards the East China Sea while driving the lock demon tower. Eight demon gods came out to deal with the four sea dragon kings, and the remaining four controlled the lock demon tower continuously. Shutting through the sea, the power of the Demon Locking Tower erupted like a magnet, and the monster beast of the Sea Clan was like iron filings, and the inevitable was sucked into the Demon Locking Tower.

"Four Elephants Array."

The Dragon Kings of the Four Seas form a big formation of the Four Elephants, and they are blessed by the power of the Four Seas, pressing against the eight demon gods, but what about? .

Although the eight demon gods fell into a disadvantage, the power of the eight demon gods was beyond doubt. They dragged the five dragon kings from all over the world abruptly, and the entire dragon clan could not provide effective resistance to the demon **** clan.

"Good good, good harvest, good harvest, you deserve to be unlucky for the Four Seas Dragons" The Tiger God in Tiangong gritted his teeth, quite dispelling his hatred.

Xiangshen slapped his palm and praised: "That's not bad, it should be like this, the karma cycle is unhappy."

"After the dragon tribes are included in the demon lock tower, we don’t need to worry. The dragon tribes who are all absorbed should beg grandpa and grandma, and come to us in front of us and ask us to attack the demon lock tower. The subject and the guest are reversed, and the four seas have knocked our bamboo sticks for so many years, and they should have vomited them out." The Fox God sneered, with a touch of abuse and disdain in his eyes: "Sihai dragons are cheap embryos. We asked him He didn't want to send troops. Now that things are coming, let's watch the excitement."

"Ao Le wants to see all the ancestors."

Outside the Human Race Array, Ao Le, dressed in white, with countless pigtails dangling, stood respectfully outside the Star Array, with a hint of urgency in his eyes.

"Princess Ao Le, please come back, all the ancestors have retired to the border, not to worry about the recklessness, the affairs of the four seas, my human race must not intervene in this muddy water, so as not to cause trouble." Walked out of the big formation.

Ao Le's expression changed after hearing this, "Could the Human Race be afraid that the Demon God Race will not succeed?"

"No! Human race retreats to the border, the conflict of interest has nothing to do with my human race, why bother and thank you, the princess is too immature." Ziwei the Great looked at Ao Le and shook his head: "Look. Your dragons and demon gods clan dogs bite the dog, why don't my human clan powerhouses be happy?"

Listening to the words of Emperor Ziwei, Ao Le's small face was pale with anger. Watching the sound of earth-shattering clashes from the East China Sea in the distance, Ao Le was anxious. The fact that he could not see the face of the human ancestor had already explained the problem.

With an angry look in Ao Le's eyes, she instantly rose into the sky and headed towards the 33rd Heaven. Instead of wasting time here, Ao Le still felt that she would be more reliable to ask the three demon gods.

"Princess, please stay."

Ao Le had just approached the Nantian Gate and was immediately stopped by the Heavenly General who guarded the Tianmen Gate.

"This palace is Ao Le, the princess of the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea," Ao Le looked proudly: "I have something important to meet with the demon god, so I don't have to quickly let go."

"To disappoint the princess, your majesty has an order. No matter who you are, you must pass through if you want to enter the palace." The heavenly general who guarded the gate was not humble and did not say anything. He looked at Ao Le with a pair of eyes: "Princess, please be here. Later, I will go to pass on."

Seeing the performance of the general, Ao Le suddenly felt a little in his heart, and nodded calmly: "Just leave it."

Before Ao Le waited for long, he saw Tian Jiang turning back and saying: "Your Majesty, please go in."

"Ao Le has seen a demon god."

Walking into the main hall, only the Tiger God sat there slowly, and Ao Le quickly saluted.

"It turns out to be Ao Lexian's niece. I don't know if Xian's niece is here, what's the point?"

The Tiger God is telling nonsense with his eyes wide open. The East China Sea battle is earth-shattering, and blind people can see it, not to mention being the supreme powerhouse.

Ao Le smiled bitterly: "The Demon God invaded, and the East China Sea suffered a catastrophe. I implore your Majesty the Demon God to lend a helping hand. I am grateful for the Dragon Clan of the Sea.

"It's really unreasonable that those barbarians are causing trouble everywhere." Tiger God slammed the table, angrily, watching Ao Le Yixi: "Please help your Majesty."

"But I can't do without people in the heaven. Just a few days ago, I attacked the Demon God Clan. This seat was traumatized. My demon tribe's placement and care in the stars has not been completed. My demon tribe can't do anything about this." Hu When God finished taking pictures of the table, it seemed that nothing happened. He sat back slowly, and all the anger disappeared without a trace.

"What happened a few days ago was that my Dragon Clan was wrong. Please your Majesty not to remember the fault of the villain, forgive the Dragon Clan's fault, and help my Dragon Clan to overcome the disaster" Ao Le said quickly.

The Tiger God shook his head and was about to speak, but saw a quasi-demon-god walking in. Without looking at Ao Le, he respectfully said: "Your Majesty, the placement of the Tiger Clan is about to be completed, please check it out."

Hearing the words, Tiger God immediately stood up, walked past Ao Le, and walked outside the hall: "This time, let's do this. After I finish the inspection, I will cut off."

When the Tiger God returns, it is estimated that the day lily will be cold. What Ao Le is about is clenching his fists, and watching the sea tribe being collected, how do you call Ao Le a heartache.

Ao Le scanned the 33rd Heaven's fetal membrane with a pair of eyes, broke the barrier, entered and exited the 33rd Heaven, and went straight to Yujing Mountain. He had not yet entered Yujing Mountain and was blocked by Prime Minister Turtle.

"Princess! The old minister is polite." Prime Minister Gui stood in front of Ao Le.

"The prime minister has vast magical powers and boundless mana. Please also ask the prime minister to save my monster race in the fire and water" Ao Le looked anxious.

Looking at Ao Le, Prime Minister Tortoise’s eyes flashed schadenfreude. If it hadn’t been for Sihai Longjun to figure out himself, how could he have escaped far away and gave Hongjun a chance to take advantage of it. .

Prime Minister Tortoise shook his head: "The old minister is now Dao Master Hongjun who is loyal to him. Without Dao Master's decree, how dare he act casually."

"You take me to see Hongjun, and I will talk to him face to face" Ao Le said eagerly.

Prime Minister Turtle shook his head: "Princess, please come back. My Patriarch will not see you. The Four Seas Dragons have repeatedly offended the Lord. Will the Lord help?"

"I'll see Hongjun on one side, on one side!" Ao Le pleaded.

Prime Minister Turtle looked embarrassed and shook his head: "Princess, this is embarrassing the old minister."

"How embarrassed you? When I see Hongjun, how embarrassed!" Ao Le said.

Gui Cheng smiled bitterly: "My family Taoist is now Feibi before, can anyone see it if they want to?"

When Ao Le heard this, she looked at Yujing and shouted: "Hongjun! I know you are watching here, you come out! You come out to see me!!"


A long sigh sounded, and Yu Duxiu's voice came: "The origin and the demise, please come back, princess. The Dragon Clan of the Four Seas is a fixed calamity, and this seat will never help."

"Okay! What a vicious heart! It really is a ruthless and unrighteous person" Ao Le cursed and turned and walked towards the great world.

"My heart is vicious, and when will your Father God be merciful? That is to say, Hong Junfu has a great life, and the means are superior, otherwise I am afraid that I am already a bone in a deserted mound at this time." Yu Duxiu closed her eyes in the Yujing Mountain , The sound is flat.

The ancestor of Jade seems to have seen Yu Duxiu for the first time, his eyes flickering: "I didn't expect that you are also a determined generation. I used to think that you were a passionate seed. I didn't expect to face the beauty of flowers, but I had the heart to refuse.

Listening to the words of the ancestor of Jade, Yu Duxiu sneered: "You old things don't want to talk nonsense."

"Don't talk nonsense, don't talk nonsense, I'm just thinking about your calculations" Old Ancestor Jade frowned.

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