The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2020: Search for the origin of the demons

The speakers of the quasi-demon gods were unintentional, and the listeners were intentional. The gourd baby had a downwind ear and kept whispering in Yu Duxiu's ears. The snake **** looked at Yu Duxiu's movements and looked embarrassed, and cursed the demon gods in his heart, like he was You have a prisoner. The prisoner is planning how to escape by your side. How do you think you will feel.

Yu Duxiu glanced at the wolf god, and glanced at the whole world blankly: "There are countless living beings in this world. This seat will search for the power of the origin of all living beings, sacrifice the most precious treasures, and forever town the infinite world, the wolf **** please also protect me. ."

Listening to Yu Duxiu's words, the wolf **** moved his lips. After all, he did not dare to continue speaking, and stood there obediently waiting for Yu Duxiu's instructions.

Jade Duxiu's palm stretched out, and the palm of his hand was stretched out, and the will of heaven revolved like a knife. Unknowingly, a ray of soul origin of the monster beast at the bottom had been taken by Yu Duxiu and incorporated into his palm.

There are indeed a lot of monsters in the lock demon tower, and a little too much. Even with the power of Jade Duxiu, it is a mighty project to completely absorb the power of these countless monsters.

In a square world, Yu Duxiu simply sat there, constantly collecting the power of the sentient beings in the lock demon tower.

The time is long, the more you get to the top, the more difficult it is to collect, especially the powerful demon saints, who have keen senses, and instantly noticed the black hand in the dark, constantly solidifying their soul, and want to avoid the dark The hunting by the big hands was in vain. How could the power of Yu Duxiu be contended by these monsters.

Outside, beside the lock demon tower, the demon gods gathered together, looking at the lock demon tower.

At this time, the demon-locking tower was lingering, and countless purple lights waved back and forth among the clear-glow, and E Shen said: "This demon-locking tower suddenly began to emit blue light, what's the matter? Could something happen?".

The demon gods turned their eyes to the wolf god, and the wolf **** smiled bitterly: "I have come to this lock demon tower not long ago. You don't know the mystery of this lock demon tower, nor do you know? With so many monsters, I don’t know what's going on inside."

The demon gods look at me, I look at you, the bull demon said: "Or go in and take a look?".

All the demon gods shook their heads, and the lion **** said: "The wolf **** has never mastered the formula for releasing the lock demon tower, and we don't know the details of the lock demon tower. If you can get in, what should you do if you can't get out?"

This statement makes sense. The demon gods look at me, I see you, and the bull demon said: "If we don't go in, can we know the situation in the lock demon tower."

The wolf **** smiled bitterly: "It is reasonable to know that, but the old man is already gone, and I have never obtained the magic formula. It is really a big shock."

The wolf **** really felt a sense of regret in his heart, and he blamed himself for not holding back at the time, otherwise the formula for locking the demon tower has already been obtained, and there is no need for such trouble.

"The old man dies, and he uses the method of soul-calling, may he gather his soul?" Centipede ancestor said.

Listening to the centipede ancestor's words, the wolf god's eyes flickered: "It may not be impossible. The heavens and all realms can reunite their souls. Only Hongjun has this magical power. This matter has to be troubled by Hongjun himself and Hongjun. The price is not small."

"Hey, what a treasure this lock demon tower is. As long as you can fully grasp this lock demon tower, no matter how big the price is, it's worth it. If you are reluctant, you can pay a price and sell this lock demon tower to me." The color.

The wolf **** sneered: "Well, I'll go to the 33rd layer to take a trip and beg for Hongjun."

In the lock demon tower, Yu Duxiu’s gaze flickered. Naturally, outside affairs could not be hidden from Yu Duxiu’s eyes and ears. He heard that the wolf **** was going to the 33rd Heaven to find himself. When Yu Duxiu’s eyebrows moved, a strand of hair fell off, and only Yu was seen. Duxiu's finger shot out like a sword, and the void was pierced through. The hair went directly into the Yujing Mountain, twisted and transformed into Yu Duxiu's appearance.

"Lord, the wolf **** is visiting" Lingyu boy walked in with a respectful face.

Yu Duxiu nodded and looked at Lingyu Boy: "Lingyu, I'll sit down and listen to it. It's been tens of thousands of years."

"Enlighten the Lord, or before the Lord had experienced the calamity, I was enlightened by the Lord, and the disciple opened up the spiritual wisdom and transformed the human body."

Hearing that Yu Duxiu said so, Lingyu fell to her knees with a plop.

"It's not easy to follow me for tens of thousands of years." Yu Duxiu's eyes revealed emotion: "I have gone through many calamities that year, and everything seems to be right in front of my eyes and vivid."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu looked at the Lingyu boy: "Take a bath another day, and I will pass on your Hongjun Dafa personally. How about you come in and be a disciple?"

"Disciples, thank you teacher!"

Lingyu burst into tears with joy, and repeatedly kowtow to Yu Duxiu. Yu Duxiu said, "Go and invite the Wolf God in."

Lingyu Boy got up and walked out of the hall, even his footsteps were a lot lighter, not long after the wolf **** had already walked in.

"I have seen Taoist Fellow Hongjun" Wolf God walked in and bowed to Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu nodded: "The wolf **** Taoist is here. If you don't plan to attack the monsters and dominate the heavens in the lower realm, how can you have time to sit in my Yujing Mountain?"

"Neither, nor sitting idle, not going to the Three Treasures Hall, I am here today to beg Hongjun to be crowned" Wolf God is sincere.

Yu Duxiu picked up the tea and took a sip without hesitation: "I doubt very much how much wealth your Demon God clan still has. If you can ask me to act."

"During the crusade against the Four Seas and the Monster Race, a lot of them were searched," the wolf **** said.

Yu Duxiu nodded, stretched out his palm, and a list slid out, falling before the wolf **** case.

"Prepare according to the items on this list" Yu Duxiu said.

The wolf **** took the list, his expression relaxed at the beginning, but a wry smile appeared in his eyes afterwards: "The scorpion flower! Where do I look for this thing! This thing is too precious, especially after the eternal life medicine was born. The main medicine of this kind has become a treasure of the world, and it has been raided. Your lion opens your mouth, and you will need ten moth flowers at a time. Even if you kill me, I can't find it."

"Really not?" Yu Duxiu looked at the wolf god, and the jade-colored discs began to flicker: "Don't lie to me, there are spies in the world, I have known for a long time that there are hidden in the treasury of the East China Sea. There should be a lot of three hundred moth flowers, you have divided the twelve demon gods."

"I" the wolf **** rolled his eyes, and finally smiled bitterly: "Mianxia is brilliant, it seems that Mianxia knows everything about me."

"It's not about knowing your things, but about the things I care about." Yu Duxiu gently sighed unhurriedly, "When did you prepare the items, and when will you look for them? I'm ready."

"No need to prepare, I have these items with me" the wolf **** said, and a lot of treasures flew out from his chest.

For a while, the treasures of the Yujing Mountain were shining, and the dangling Yujing Mountain was colorful. The jade ancestor who was fighting with the old turtle suddenly jumped up and came toward the Yujingshan Hall: "Many treasures! Many treasures! Patriarch I am the best. I like the treasure."


Seeing the old jade ancestor leaping towards the treasure, the universe opened in Jade Duxiu's palm, and all the treasures were searched completely, but the old jade ancestor frowned: "Sniff, ancestor, I just look at it for you. I'm afraid you will be fooled by this wolf spirit."

"I have seen the ancestor, and now the ancestor is in good health." The wolf **** said hello to the jade ancestor.

The ancestor of Jade cast a slanted look at the wolf god: "You are full of bad luck. Sooner or later, you will have bad luck. It's better to stay away from the ancestor.

Hearing this, the wolf expression was for a while at a loss.

Yu Duxiu took out the flowers and plants, took out the bowl, the stick for pounding the medicine, and began to squeeze the pounding medicine, and the scent spread, and the jade ancestor curiously asked: "What are you going to do?"

"The wolf **** asked me not to gather the three souls and seven souls of people for him. This matter is not difficult for me."

The wolf **** heard it and rolled his eyes. Isn't it difficult for you to have so many benefits? .

"Although it is not difficult for me, but for others, it is very rare." Yu Duxiu did not rush.

Suddenly, Yu Duxiu's movements were stagnant, and he suddenly remembered that in the ruined temple that year, the old beggar who had set foot on the Immortal Dao for the first time, did not know why, there was always a throbbing in his heart.

"What's wrong with me, how can I feel so upset?" Yu Duxiu shook her head and got rid of the distracting thoughts, but secretly she was already in her heart, and she had a calculation in her heart.

"Let's go!" After a long time, Yu Duxiu turned the medicinal material into a stick of incense before she stood up and said.

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