The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2021: Town Demon Monument

The Locking Demon Tower is the wolf **** that Yu Duxiu used to manipulate the black lotus to plant a fisherman and give it to the wolf god, and the fisherman was saved by his own magical powers. Looking at the incense candle in his hand, the wolf **** on one side followed closely watching the excitement The ancestor of jade, Yu Duxiu secretly thought about how this play could be performed seamlessly.

"It's here! The fisherman died here at the time, eh? Didn't the boat break down at that time? Why was it intact again?" Looking at the river, the wolf **** was stunned, and the boat floated, but the fisherman was gone.

Yu Duxiu ignored the wolf **** and boarded the boat directly, which was stained with blood, quietly telling the tragedy of that day.

The candle was ignited and Yu Duxiu inserted it into the boat. Yu Duxiu held the incense to light it, and the incense burst into the sky instantly. Yu Duxiu stepped on the jade step and chanted a mantra in her mouth, no matter how Yu Duxiu danced, The fireworks were not scattered, and rose straight into the sky.

After a while, I suddenly saw Yu Duxiu yelling: "Three souls and seven souls, don't come back quickly!".


An inexplicable energy dissipated, and then Yu Duxiu vomited blood, the candle was extinguished, and a pair of eyes looked at the wolf **** angrily: "The person you are talking about is not dead at all, and is still alive, and there is no soul scattered, you are Didn't you want to frame me? Want to frame me?".

At this time, Yu Duxiu looked miserable, his light was dim, and it did not look like a fake. It seemed that he had suffered a backlash from the laws of heaven and earth, and the wolf **** was also anxious: "How is it possible that the fisherman was shaken to death by my aura, and his soul was scattered. I have seen it with my own eyes and there will never be any fakes."

"Are you sure it was a real fisherman who died, not a human being?" After Yu Duxiu finished speaking, angrily threw the incense to the ground and turned towards Yujing Mountain, the 33rd heaven.

The wolf **** followed closely: "Hey hey, don't go, you haven't helped me resurrect that person yet?"

"You just asked me to help you resurrect the fisherman, but the fisherman is not dead. The agreement between you and me has been reached. I don't think I owe you anything." Yu Duxiu looked at the wolf **** with her hands on her back and kept walking. He walked toward Yujing Mountain: "The price you gave me is only the price of resurrecting the fisherman. Now that the fisherman is not dead, the agreement is reached. Naturally, you and I have nothing to do with you. As for the other person, it is not within the scope of the agreement."

"I will give you the price, and I will give you the treasure, and you will resurrect another person for me" Wolf God followed closely.

Yu Duxiu stopped, looked at the wolf **** with a pair of eyes, and shook his head: "My moth flowers and treasures are enough. As for you want me to take action, let's talk about it when I lack treasures."

Seeing Yu Duxiu's back, the wolf stomped his feet with an air: "What is this? The business has not been done, but so many treasures have been folded in vain."

At this time, the old ancestor of Jade came over and lowered his voice and said, "God of wolf! This soul-calling technique, the magical power of soul gathering, ancestor I will also, as long as you give me the same price as before, I will do this for you. Up."

"The ancestor is serious about this?" The wolf **** suddenly beamed with joy.

The ancestor of Jade patted his chest: "Bullshit, ancestor, when did I tell a lie, even if it is my ancestor, I can’t do it. With the friendship between the ancestor and Hongjun, this matter can be settled for you, but at double the price. ."

The wolf **** looked at the jade ancestor and wanted to bite the jade ancestor to death. It was enough for the jade lion to open his mouth before. At this time, the old immortal jade also took the opportunity to fall into the rock, but think about the treasure that he sacrificed before, the wolf god. Gritting his teeth and said: "Okay, I'll give you this treasure, and I will borrow it from the other demon gods."

As long as you can obtain the magic tactics for the complete control of the Demon Locking Tower, all this is worth it.

In the lock demon tower, a basketball-sized illusory ball of light in Yu Duxiu's hand is constantly flowing with colorful lights, and a pair of eyes look at the quasi-superior in the lower realm with expressionless eyes.

"The time inside the lock demon tower is not the same as the outside time. I didn't expect that the cultivation base of this seat would have been used for so long. Fortunately, I am the master of the lock demon tower and have the entire lock demon tower blessing." Yu Duxiu looked at the ball of light in his hand, and then at the snake god: "Your Excellency should know what you do."


It was dull for a long time before the snake **** responded. Not long after, there were screams from the world below, and then the snake **** walked up with a cloud of aura in his hand.

This is the immortal aura of the quasi-superior, and even the supreme-power has nothing to do.

Yu Duxiu's palm stretched out, and the snake **** let go. The auras still wanted to escape, but the next moment he saw Yu Duxiu's palm stretch out, restraining the auras, and then grabbed it in his hand and instantly shot into the ball of light. In the middle, countless genius treasures flew out of their hands, continuously smelting.

"Wolf God is a good person, he will give a pillow when he is sleepy."

Yu Duxiu was smelting the strange treasure from the wolf god, and there was a sound in his mouth, and the snake **** was puzzled: "I don't know what is being refined under the crown."

"The thing I refined is called the Demon Sculpture Monument. It is refined from the origin of these billions of sentient beings. It has unmatched power. Then I refine the Demon Sculpture Town into the law of the demon lock tower. In the future, as long as the sentient beings enter the lock demon tower, they will be plundered by the town demon monument. If you want to escape from the lock demon tower, the first thing to do is to get back your original power from the town demon monument. Otherwise, even if it is moved across hundreds of millions of miles of time and space, the Demon Suppressing Monument will be able to suppress and kill it alive. I don't know if the power of these billions of beings can suppress the supreme power."

Yu Duxiu's eyes were full of fanaticism, and the snake **** who heard it was terrified: "Your ambition is too big, you will be beaten to death by your own ambition."

"Really? I'll wait and see."

With the sacrifice of Jade Duxiu, the town monster monument gradually formed. I saw the town monster monument three meters long and one meter wide, with dragons and phoenix carved below it, depicting all the races of the heavens and the world. The steps are distinct. The thickness of the stele is no more than ten centimeters, and the thickness of the base of the steps below varies from tens of centimeters.

There are no words on both sides of the Zhenyao Monument. I saw that Yu Duxiu revolved like a sword, and countless sentient beings merged into the Will of Heaven like a knife, turned into pen and ink, attached to Yu Duxiu's fingers, and fell towards the town monster.

"No!" The snake **** rushed toward the town monster monument, trying to break the town monster monument, but was hugged tightly by the seven gourd children, and fell to the ground, unable to move.

"Town Demon Monument."

The three celestial characters are unparalleled in mystery and domineering, revealing the artistic conception of overlooking sentient beings.


This is the avenue rune on the Jade Duxiu Heavenly Road, which fell on the base of the town monster monument.

The town demon monument turned around, and Yu Duxiu's eyes appeared on the back. Looking at the origin of the sentient beings in his hands, Yu Duxiu continued to write.

"Beast! Stop it!."

The zombie roared.

Yu Duxiu ignored it: "The devil."


As Yu Duxiu wrote down, the origins of all sentient beings were completely integrated into the town demon monument. The town demon monument lightly shook and seemed to come alive. The two characters of the demon turned into a dark figure, and countless demon laughed wildly and plunged into it. Lock the demon tower world.

Yu Duxiu breathed a sigh of relief after training on the town monster monument: "The sentient beings in this lock demon tower want to escape and have to pass the town monster monument, unless they take their own from the town monster monument. The origin, otherwise it’s impossible to escape the lock demon tower for After speaking, Yu Duxiu pushed the palm of her hand, and the town demon monument was integrated into the law of operation of the whole world, and only a'click' was heard, the lock demon The tower shook slightly and became stronger.

"Beast! You will get retribution!" The snake **** glared at Yu Duxiu.

"Let go of him" Yu Duxiu waved her hand and motioned to gourd baby to let go, looking at the snake **** with a pair of eyes: "Nineth-Rank Black Lotus, it is indeed not enough. I can only possess you, and you can also do things for me. But you have your own thoughts, you can escape the perception of this seat, the supreme realm is really mysterious, the black lotus seeding calamity is just a means, a means."

"Hongjun! You will be punished sooner or later! I don't believe that no one in the world can crack your magical powers."


The black lotus flickered in the snake god's eyes, and he cut off his head with a knife, and the golden body broke apart.

"No matter how you dare to be disrespectful, I will completely bury you in the depths of endless time and space, and you will be better off" Yu Duxiu's eyes showed cold light. Before Yu Duxiu possessed the snake god, he controlled the snake god's self-harm.

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