The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2023: Ghost Lord Says Dragon Race

The Four Seas Dragon Palace, a great battle, the Four Seas suffered heavy casualties. If it weren't for the existence of supreme powers, I'm afraid that the Four Seas Dragon Clan had already been removed from the heavens. . Fastest update

Five Dragon Kings from all over the world were sitting in the East Sea Dragon Palace. Under Dragon King was Ao Le and other quasi-superpowers. The whole world was quiet for a short time, and the demonic energy in the past was no longer seen, shaking the world.

"The monsters are so vicious. They sit and watch me being wiped out by the demon gods, but they don't lend a helping hand to wherever my dragons are! Didn't they just help him attack the lock demon tower? Need such revenge?. "

The murderous intent in Beihai Longjun's words soared into the sky, permeating the entire East China Sea.

"What the demon clan asks is nothing more than cooperating with my dragon clan to attack the lock demon tower together. Although the demon clan is strong, there are two more demon gods in the court today. If there is more assistance from the four sea dragon clan, the chance of winning the attack on the lock demon tower is not small. "

Jinlin tapped his fingers on the case table, his eyes flashing with contemplation.

Ao Le opened the mouth and said: "No need to think about the human race. I am determined to watch the excitement while watching the excitement. Now the heavens and the hundreds of races are turning around. When the human race is at its best, they can sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. The battle between the races is like a million years ago, when the race was picked up by the human race."

"Human race doesn't want to go into the water, who dare to force him down?" Xihai Longjun shook his head.

Now the situation in the heavens is tense, the three human races are detached, and the five are supreme. In total, there are eight supreme powers. No matter which side they join, so many powers will have an overwhelming advantage to the other side, and absolute strength. Pressure.

"Now that the four seas are ravaged by the demon clan, and my Donghai people have been taken away, the richness of heaven and earth will surely rise to a higher level, or within ten thousand years, I will be restored to the world of its peak period, where the strong are born."

Donghai Longjun tapped his finger on the case: "Now what we have to do is to recharge."

"Brother, the clansmen in the lock demon tower are not saved?" Nanhai Longjun was taken aback.

"Hmph, we won't save it. Let's not cooperate with the monster clan. We will find a way to save it." Donghai Longjun suddenly put down the wine bottle in his hand, and was about to say something, suddenly heard a chuckle from a distance. The ghost master in the black robe walked in: "Several Dragon Lords, don't come here without problems."

"Ghost Lord, what are you doing!" Jinlin frowned.

The ghost master looked at the misery of the two or three dragon cats and kittens in the field, secretly smiled in his heart, and said calmly: "I came here to be an alliance with you. There was a covenant between us back then. I’m here to give you a gift. Why,,,, why don’t you please sit down and talk?"

The ghost master scanned the audience and looked at Donghai Longjun.

Donghai Longjun nodded: "Also invite the ghost master to sit here."

Seeing the ghost master seated, Xihailong Jun said: "The ghost master said that he gave me a gift from all over the world. I don't know what gift it is?."

The ghost master touched his chin: "We must first express our condolences for the Great Tribulation of the Four Seas, and secondly, our gift package is related to this Great Tribulation."

"Ghost Lord, don't sell it anymore" Beihai Longjun said impatiently.

The ghost master chuckled and nodded: "Oh, you don’t want to sell it anymore. Everyone must be worried about the demon lock tower. If you want to rescue the tribe in the lock demon tower, you need to join hands with the demon clan. Friends and the monster race have become nasty, and with the arrogance of a few dao friends, everyone is the top generation, how can they bow to the monster race."

Although these words had a flattering meaning, the depression in the hearts of the few Dragon Monarchs who had just been defeated dissipated a lot, and they were much more relaxed. Even the eyes of the ghost master were pleasing to the eye.

"Do you know the insect gods?" The ghost master looked at the dragon monarchs and began to sell Guanzi.

Listening to the ghost master's words, everyone rolled their eyes, who doesn't know the insect god? The heavens and myriad worlds are all famous and powerful, the strongest existence between heaven and earth.

"Although this lock demon tower is strong, it can't stop the insect god's power."

The ghost master finally said the point. The hearts of the dragons who listened to them were pounding wildly. Even with the heart of the supreme power of the dragons of the four seas, they couldn't help saying at this time: "You mean the insect **** can break the lock demon. tower?."

"As long as a few alliances with my Yin Division help me suppress the **** of death, even if the matter of locking the demon tower is covered by this seat, this seat has reached an alliance with the worm god, as long as the **** of death is suppressed, then The lock demon tower breaks open only day and night," the ghost master patted his chest to promise.

Look at me, I look at you, the dragons of the world: "You haven’t seen the power of the lock demon tower, you’ve never seen it before. When the idle demon beast gets closer, you will be collected completely. How can you break the lock demon tower? The zerg army has been ingested by the lock demon tower before it gets closer, how can you break the lock demon tower?"

"Insect gods are innate gods and beasts. Don't use the power of acquired gods and beasts to speculate on the abilities of the innate gods and beasts. The two are simply the difference between heaven and earth. Since I dare to say that, of course I am sure of it."

The ghost lord looked at the five dragons: "I don’t know how the five dragons are thinking about it? It’s yours and me, plus the four supreme powers of the Yinsi. If the **** of death cannot be suppressed, then the **** of death God is really invincible, and the world will be shrouded in the **** of the **** of death."

Listening to the words of the ghost master, Donghai Longjun's eyes flickered, and he looked at the other Longjun: "How many virtuous brothers think?"

"As long as the **** of death is suppressed, can the lock demon tower be broken?" Nanhai Longjun looked at the ghost master to confirm.

The ghost master stretched out his palm: "This seat will personally help you to wait for you. The devil clan does not have three souls and seven souls. Not only is you the enemy of the four seas, but also the enemy of our Yinsi. If the demon is to rule the world, it will become the mainstream of the world. , My yin is going to drink northwest wind?."

This makes sense. The several dragons who heard it nodded together, and Donghai Longjun said: "After suppressing the **** of death, what if the **** of insects cannot break the lock demon tower?"

The ghost master said: "Don’t worry, the worm **** thief unlocks the demon tower in secret. As long as the moth is sent out from the bottom of the demon lock tower silently and starts to eat, one day the demon tower will be gnawed away. The golden jade is defeated, and it can be broken with a single blow. Don’t forget that the space where the Qingtian corpse was sealed back then was opened by the worm god, but it took a little longer."

"Okay, I'll be allied with the Yin Division when I wait."

Donghai Longjun's decision was cut off, Jinlin on one side opened his mouth, it was too late to say something, and there was no time to say it.

"What does Uncle Jinlin want to say?" Ao Le asked when he noticed the change of Jinlin's face.

"The reincarnation of the Great Thousand Worlds of the Ghost Lord has been completed and is breaking through the chaotic reincarnation. I am thinking that if the God of Death is suppressed and the ghost Lord breaks through the chaotic reincarnation, then I am afraid it will be miserable. There will be no one inside and outside the chaos of the universe. Can check and balance the ghost master, even if the Zulong is resurrected, it may not be able to suppress the ghost master." Jinlin has a difficult voice.

"Where is my uncle so exaggerated, chaos reincarnation really is so powerful?"

Ao Le's pigtail shook his head and looked at Jinlin curiously.

"I don't know why, there is always a sense of anxiety in my heart." Jin Lin did not answer Ao Le's words, and the answer was not what he asked.

Ao Le thought thoughtfully on the side Longjundao: "The ghost master suppressed the **** of death. If we don't fulfill the agreement, we will not be able to run into the Yin Division to fight with you? Let's take you. There is no way!"

Listening to Nanhai Longjun's words, the ghost master chuckles: "Don't worry about this. This is true. How about signing a contract in the name of heaven and earth?"

"Signing the contract, I am afraid that it will provoke the powerful people of the world to capture the secrets, and sense our plan. When the devil clan is prepared, the trouble will be big. The bamboo basket is empty! Although the devil clan does not have a soul , You can’t peek into the secrets of heaven, but there is no impermeable wall in this world. There are ways for people with a heart to pass news into the ears of the Demon Race.

"Then you guys, what should I do?" The ghost master scratched his head.

"How about we not as good as the blood alliance?" Xihai Longjun's mouth was smiling, but the laughing ghost master's face trembled, his heart beat, and he continued: "Well, the blood alliance is the blood alliance."

ps: God skills cute roar, new book more recommended votes, hehe! Everyone who has a recommendation vote will vote for a new book. Old books don’t need a recommendation vote. If you have a monthly pass, hey (snicker). The title of the new book "Yipin Dao Men" I hope you will patronize more. In the Yin Division, the **** of death wore a black robe and watched the changes in the void: "I don't know why, but suddenly I just feel distressed, and disaster is imminent."

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