The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2024: The dumbfounded demon **** does not follow the routine

In the endless void, a layer of **** mist is gradually lost, covering the world, covering the chaos inside and outside.

"Dragons, these bastards, are they really giving up? I personally walked through the door." Tiger God's eyes looked at the world, seeing several dragons who have been silent for a long time, he couldn't sit still and stood up. Come and walk towards the world.

In the East China Sea Dragon Palace, all the dragon monarchs watched the tiger **** walk in, and sat there blankly, not knowing what they were thinking.

"Why, a few fellow daoists don't welcome me to come?" Tiger God looked at the five Longjun, and finally stopped his gaze on Donghai Longjun.

Donghai Longjun sighed slightly: "Your Majesty is serious, please come to your seat."

Hearing the words, the Tiger God sat opposite Longjun in the East China Sea, with a pair of eyes looking at the desolate East China Sea. There was no evil spirit outside the Dragon Palace, and he shook his head: "I am here today and I have to say sorry to some fellow daoists. The Demon God clan attacked the Sihailong Clan, and we and the Demon Clan tribes are opening up the stars, and we have been unable to get out of the stars. This caused the Four Seas to cause a tragedy. Please forgive me for your understanding."

He said sorry, but there was no slight apology on his face. When the monsters attacked the lock demon tower, if the Sihai Dragons extended a helping hand, would there be today's tragedy? The Demon Locking Tower was broken long ago, after all, it was the dragon clan's fault.

When this sentence fell, the five Dragon Lords twitched at the same time, and the East Sea Dragon Lord's voice was gloomy: "It doesn't have to be this way, this is my fate from all over the world, and the number of hits has nothing to do with the monster race."

"That's good! That's good! Thank you for your magnanimity, otherwise I will feel uneasy and blame myself and feel guilty." A relieved expression flashed in Tiger God's eyes.

Looking at the Tiger God, the corners of the eyes of the several Dragon Kings twitched, all silent, and they had never seen such a brazen person.

"The dragon tribe has suffered such a terrible misfortune. As an ally, how can my demon tribe stand by and be willing to work with a few fellow daoists to attack the lock demon tower and rescue the dragon tribe sentient beings trapped in the lock demon tower."

The righteous Ling Ran in the tiger's God's words, if you don't know it, you really think that the Yaozu is a good ally.

Resisting the urge to catch the Tiger God with a paw, Donghai Longjun said, "I also want to thank all the fellow Taoists of the Monster Race for their kindness. Unfortunately, I have been so discouraged and unwilling to have another dispute. Come on, it’s good to be in the Demon Locking Tower. In the future, I will live in seclusion without brothers and no longer participate in the great things. I would like to thank your Majesty for his kindness."

"This,,,,,," Tiger God looked at the serious, not like a fake East Sea Dragon Lord, and then looked at the several Dragon Lords on the side, all with heavy eyes, and instantly a little at a loss.

Shouldn't the script be played like this? .

If your dragon clan doesn't take action, what should the tribe of my demon clan trapped in the lock demon tower do? .

"No, you really refuse to take action? Have you given up? Are you hiding in the world?" Tiger God's eyes were full of disbelief.

The dragons nodded together, and the tiger gods who were watching couldn’t wait to slice open the heads of the dragons to see what was inside, why did they suddenly give up like this? Where is the will and face of the supreme power? .

"How can you give up the Sea Clan sentient beings, no, how can you be like this" Tiger God was dumbfounded.

"The Sea Clan's sentient beings are endless. As long as tens of thousands of years pass, the strong will naturally come out in large numbers. The demon lock tower has been installed a lot. It can be regarded as freeing up resources for me and emptying vacancies. Why not do it?" Jinlin said slowly.

Looking at the dragon monarchs, Tiger God was dumbfounded, how can you say this? .

Without saying a few words, Tiger God left in a hurry and returned to the 33rd Heaven.

"It's not good! It's not good! A large number of leaks!"

Listening to the tiger god's shout, Xiangshen looked nervous and said, "What's wrong?"

"Tiger God, what happened?" Fox God walked in gracefully.

The Tiger God sat on the throne, retreated his left and right guards, looked at the Fox God and Elephant God, with an incredible look on his face: "Weird! Weird! Really weird! Sihai Dragon Lord actually gave up sending troops and is not attacking the Lock Demon Tower , To stay in the East China Sea forever, and not to compete with the Demon God!".

"What do you mean?" Fox God's face changed wildly upon hearing this.

"In short, the Sihailong clan gave up fighting the demon god, and the tribe in the lock demon tower could not be saved," Tiger God said helplessly.

"No! Impossible? The dragon race has the curse before it. If it is abandoning the tribe in the lock demon tower, the dragon race is really a dead race." The fox god's eyes are full of disbelief: "You are not kidding. ?."

"Hey, this kind of big thing, how can I think about joking" Tiger God helpless.

Listening to the words of the Tiger God, everyone looks at me and I see you, Xiang Shen dullly said: "What do these old monsters think, if you don't rescue those tribes, wouldn't the dead race be extinct? Is this a juncture? Can be upset?."

"Dragon!" The fox god's eyebrows were tufted, and the light of wisdom in his eyes was erratic: "What kind of abacus is the dragon doing? If the dragon doesn't make a move, will our abacus fail?".

"What about the people in the lock demon tower?" Tiger God smiled bitterly.

"Chill!" The Fox God stood up and walked back and forth in the hall: "It is impossible to say that the Dragon Clan gave up to rescue the tribes of the Four Seas. Now I just need to know what calculations and ideas the Dragon Clan has made."

Listening to the words of the Fox God, like God said: "Could it be that the Four Seas Dragon Race moved some old fellows of the Human Race to help?"

"These old guys of the Human Race are not fools. They are comfortable sitting watching and fishing. How can they take a shot in this situation? Unless the Dragon Race has given these old guys unpopular benefits."

The Fox God lowered his throat: "Send someone to closely monitor the movements of Sihai Longjun. No matter what, the lock demon tower will be broken. Even if Sihai Longjun does not take action, we must find a way to force him to take action, and the lock demon tower will not break. I feel uneasy in my heart."

Listening to Fox God's words, Tiger God nodded and ordered his subordinates to do it.

"Monitor Sihailongjun closely, no matter what calculation Sihailongjun has, we can follow the muddy waters to fish." Fox God chuckled.

In the world below, the jade ancestors are inextricably fought with the twelve demon gods, or the twelve demon gods violently beat the jade ancestors. In order to beat the jade ancestors, the jade ancestors are swollen and swollen. Two fists are hard to beat four hands. They are not opponents of a few demon gods at all. They can only find a chance to escape.

In the Yujing Mountain, Yu Duxiu was sitting in front of the case, and the blood demon looked at Yu Duxiu with a grimace.

"Ninth-Rank lotus, I was abruptly gnawed away by the jade asshole, and I asked the master to be the master for me."

"Jade is the meat of the hob. It's useless to anyone. It's dead, skinless and faceless. I can't help him." Yu Duxiu smiled bitterly.

As he was talking, a familiar curse came from a distance: "Bastards, these bastards, who don't know how to respect the old and love the young, are really rude to Lao Tzu, ,,,,, eh, why are you Has such a weird expression? What happened?."

Jade ancestor saw the maid and boy looking at him with strange expressions along the way, and suddenly his complexion changed, but he couldn't find the root cause, and walked towards the hall with his calf, until he saw the gorefiend sitting in the hall. , Suddenly his face was stagnant, his footsteps became stiff, a pair of eyes rolled around, and he wanted to take back his steps.

"Jade! Since you're back, come in!" Yu Duxiu said.


The Gorefiend rushed and grabbed the jade ancestor by the neck: "Old bastard, quickly return my karmic fiery lotus, and my karmic fiery lotus!".

"What is noisy! What is noisy! Isn't it the fire red lotus? Old ancestor, I only took a bite, and I left you with the eighth product. You are content, and you actually came to yell at me." Jade Patriarch rolled his eyes.

Hearing this, the Gorefiend was almost fainted by the words of the old jade ancestor. A pair of eyes looked at the old jade ancestor, and he rolled his eyes in anger: "Damn! Bastard! You return me Honglian."

In an instant, the two were entangled together, you beat me, I beat you, rolling all over the floor, and leaping in the hall.

"Okay! Okay! What's the noise! ​​Don't fight in my hall! Alas, that's the red coral from the beginning of the world, don't break it for me."

"That is the bones of the innate gods at the beginning of the chaos, don't pretend to be away."

ps: God skills cute roar, new book more recommended votes, hehe! Everyone who has a recommendation vote will vote for a new book. Old books don’t need a recommendation vote. If you have a monthly pass, hey (snicker). The title of the new book "Yipin Dao Men" I hope you will patronize more. "Are you here to fight or to steal things" Yu Duxiu was speechless.

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