The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2026: Persuade Fuyao, the beginning of the catastrophe

The ancestor of Jade was taken aback, then suddenly looked at the chaos, then looked at the world barrier, and then looked at Yu Duxiu suspiciously: "This?"

Yu Duxiu nodded, the old jade ancestor suddenly looked serious, and the fox **** was looking at him. The last time I saw the serious expression of the old jade ancestor was in the age of the gods before the chaos. The last time was chaos. At that time, when jade was suppressed, every time the jade ancestor looked like this, it showed that this old guy was serious, and that someone in the heavens and all realms was going to be unlucky.

The fox **** didn't know why the devil god's affairs were called the jade ancestor so solemn, and what did it mean that this demon **** was not the other demon god.

"I have passed down the Demon God Real Body Art. I just want to call all the demon gods to gather the will of the demon **** who was resurrected at the beginning of the opening of the heavens and the earth, and then beheaded and killed, completely eliminating the troubles. Now it seems that the effect is not bad." Yu Duxiu sees The ancestor of jade.

"I'm afraid that you are raising tigers. The Demon God Clan is already strong now, and if you don't stop it, the general situation is complete." The ancestor of Jade looked at Yu Duxiu quietly.

"Here is a formula for refining a magic sword. This sword is called the Slaughter Demon Sword. If you want to sacrifice this magic sword, you must use the blood and soul of the human race as materials to refine a powerful magic sword. "Killing the Devil" Yu Duxiu stood in the middle of the hall with her hands on her back, her voice long.

"Killing the human race? Are you crazy? The eight supreme humans of the human race, if they provoke the human race, it is equivalent to stabbing the hornet's nest. Are the old folks of the human race so easy to deal with?" Looking at Yu Duxiu, Yu Shi The ancestor was dumbfounded and almost jumped up, the serious atmosphere has disappeared without a trace: "Could it be your kid who wanted to drag the human race into the water, and deliberately figured out a strategy, let me be a gunman?"

The old jade ancestor looked like I saw through your conspiracy, and the angry Yu Duxiu couldn't wait to tear the old guy up.

"You said refining the Slaughter Devil Sword would provoke the human race?" Fox God also changed his expression on one side.

Yu Duxiu's eyes were flat: "That's why Jade can help you."

"Why is it human? Isn't it possible to change the race?" Jade ancestor questioned.

"Since the chaos of ancient times and the age of the gods to the present, the human race has always been the protagonist of the heavens and the earth, and a strange power has gathered in its body. This is the power of the heavens, mighty and unstoppable. Apart from the human race, no race has played the leading role. If you can find a living ancient god, it’s not impossible. The gods were the first protagonists of the heavens back then." Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

After listening to Yu Duxiu’s explanation, the jade ancestors and the fox **** were relieved, and the fox **** said: "The eight human ancestors, plus jade, are far from enough. Once the demons take advantage of the situation, my demons will die. ."

Yu Duxiu closed her eyes: "I can ask Yuanshi Tianzun to hold Taiyi Jiaozu, and Amitabha to hold Taiping Jiazuo, Fuyao can hold Taidou Jiaozu, and there are still five ancestors left."

Yu Duxiu stretched out two fingers: "Jade can deal with three ancestors, it should be very easy, there are two ancestors, the blood demon can stop one."

"Then there is one more ancestor," said the ancestor of Jade.

"Which one of the ancestors is extra,,,,,," Yu Duxiu was silent for a while before saying, "The Buddhist school still has the Qitian Buddha. In this way, the power of the human race is abolished, and the rest is Hand it over to the monster race."

"Everyone is from the human race, how can they do anything to the human race?" Fox God said: "Maybe you can stand by with your hands, but if you do, it may not give you face."

"Yuanshi Tianzun, Amitabha, Qitian Buddha, and Gorefiend, these four will definitely take action. Jade will also take action. I will personally persuade where Fuyao is left." Yu Duxiu opened her eyes.

"With this power, why don't you help my demons to suppress the demons and rule the world with me" the fox **** looked at Yu Duxiu obsessively.

Yu Duxiu shook her head: "Our ambitions are different."

Yu Duxiu wandered through the void, appeared outside Fuyao's small world, looked at the misty small world, and slowly stepped forward: "Daoist Fuyao, poor Dao Hongjun, please enlighten me."

"Hongjun! I haven't seen you for a long time!" The world twisted, forming a channel, only allowing Yu Duxiu to pass through.

Entering the small world of Fuyao, Yu Duxiu looked around, looking desolate, and shook her head subconsciously.

Fuyao walked out and said with a smile: "Of course my world can't be compared with yours. You are in the world now, but you are a busy person, how come you have time to be a guest here."

"I beg you to do something" Yu Duxiu followed Fuyao, walked into the hall, and Fufeng stepped forward to respect Yu Duxiu.

"What's the courtesy of the two of us? Just talk if you have something."

After swinging the tea cup, he said.

"I want the soul and blood of tens of billions of human races to refine treasures. I hope you can hold the Taidou ancestor." Yu Duxiu said astonishingly, she froze for a moment: "Are you crazy? You count the demons and the demon gods. That's it, now how come you reach out to the human race?."

"What do you think is the situation of the heavens and the realms?"

Yu Duxiu looked at Fuyao, her expression unwavering.

"It's not that you have a good layout. The Demon Race and the Demon God Race will inevitably lose out. The Human Race will benefit, and the Middle Region will soon be recovered. Your layout is exquisite. I didn't expect the Demon Race's millions of years of temperament, and you will have to toss the rest. In the next tens of thousands of years, "Fuyao shook his palm and praised him. When he mentioned the layout of Yu Duxiu, he was amazed. In terms of the layout, Yu Duxiu should be called the number one in the world.

Yu Duxiu heard this and looked at Fuyao: "Then, do you know what the purpose of my layout is? I have already left the human race, and I will not help the human race anyway."

"Then what's your purpose?" Fu Yao thought for a long time, but couldn't think of Yu Duxiu's purpose.

"I traced the long river of time and found that before the innate gods, there were still creatures living in the chaos. I call them the chaos devil," Yu Duxiu said.

"What? The creatures living in the chaos? How old is that, how far away?" Fu Yao was taken aback.

"Those demon gods don’t know why they were buried in the chaos, but now after countless years, they actually want to return against the sky and invade the great world." Yu Duxiu would never say that the old jade ancestor came back against the sky. After crossing the catastrophe in the chaos, it caused the chaos to change, and the remnant soul of the chaos demon began to recover.

"The Devil Invasion?" Fu Yao's expression changed wildly after hearing Yu Duxiu's words.

Yu Duxiu sighed slightly: "My so-called calculation is just to divide a part of the demon cultivators and practice the Demon God's True Body Art, so that the remnant soul of the Demon God will be summoned by the cultivators of the Demon God Ministry just after invading the world. Adding body, do not give the demon gods the opportunity to reorganize and conceive, if these demon gods themselves are bred and resurrected, the real demon gods will be resurrected, and the world will be chaotic. When the world returns to chaos, it is still unknown, and the demon gods Summoning the remnant soul of the innate demon gods for refining and practicing, although they have inherited the memory of the innate devil gods, they are only acquired pseudo-devil gods. The true body of the devil gods cannot be perfected. After all, there are flaws. , Human race tens of billions of creatures, sacrifice is also valuable."

After listening to Yu Duxiu’s words, Swinging's hair was horrified. Ten billion creatures seemed to be a number in Yu Duxiu’s ears, nothing more. Even if these tens of billions of creatures are, how much karma must be created. what.

"Why did you choose Human Race?" Fu Yao stared at Yu Duxiu firmly.

Looking at Fuyao, Yu Duxiu had to repeat what she had said to the ancestor of Jade and the Fox God before: "Since the chaos of ancient times and the age of the gods to the present, the human race has always been the protagonist of heaven and earth, and there is a strangeness in her body. This is the power of heaven. It is mighty and unstoppable. Except for the human race, there is no race to play the leading role. If you can find a living ancient god, it is not impossible. The gods were the first. If the protagonist of Tianding can find the innate gods, that would be great."

The innate gods were killed by the jade ancestors in ancient times. Where can they go to find them now? .

"Ten billion human races, my human race only has so many sentient beings. If you lose tens of billions, I'm afraid you will be sluggish." Fu Yao sighed slightly.

"That's why I came to you. You go to tell the ancestors to tell the human race to give birth to avoid extinction! If the ancestors can cooperate, it will be better. PS: The roar of the **** skills is cute, and the new book is more recommended. Hey everyone! If you have recommended votes, you can vote for new books. Old books don’t need to be recommended. If you have a monthly ticket, it’s fine, hehe (snickers). The new book’s name is "Yipin Daomen" I hope everyone will patronize it. After that, I don’t bother to fight."

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