The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2027: Fuyao Interviewer

After listening to Yu Duxiu's words, Fuyao had the urge to spew old blood on her body. If you want to slaughter the human race, you need the cooperation of the ancestors? Shameless? It's just wishful thinking!

"If the ancestors still have a ray of conscience, they will never allow this." Fu Yao looked at Yu Duxiu and shook his head.

"The devil is resurrected and the world is destroyed. The human race is still dead. It is better to take this opportunity to cut off the remnant soul of the devil in advance. Although it is damaged, it can be preserved." At this point, Yu Duxiu looked at Fuyao: "I Give the ancestors a hundred years, the number of human races has quadrupled, and the mere tens of billions will not shake the foundation of human races."

"Hongjun!" Tai Su Jiaozu walked in outside the world, looking at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes: "You have changed, and you see all beings as ants. You are so hard-hearted now, are you still you?"

"Although the ancestors of the Human Race have offended you, what's the sin of the human beings of the Human Race? Why don't tens of billions of beings be buried?" Tai Su's eyes stared at Yu Duxiu, black and white, and seemed to be able to see through people's hearts.

"I think, you are wrong. The slaughter of the human race is not for myself, but for this world. You must know that chaos is the world of the demon clan. Once the innate demon clan is resurrected, it will destroy the world and destroy the earth, making the world return to chaos. At that time, everyone will die. In that case, why not sacrifice part of the human race and preserve the entire world."

"This is not the only way, you must have another way" Tai Su Jiaozu stared at Yu Duxiu.

"But this is the easiest way. I don't have time to waste time and effort to save sentient beings. For me, as long as the world exists, the birth and death of the race of sentient beings is just reincarnation." Yu Duxiu attacked. The black robe walked towards the outside world: "Fuyao, it's time for you to spread the word on the Human Race. You should know that this seat is as strong as iron. Once it is severed, there is absolutely no reason to change."

"Your plan will not succeed. The ancestors will not allow it, and I will not allow you to slaughter the human race." Tai Su Jiaozu looked at Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu paused, turned around and looked at Taisu's ancestor. Taisu's ancestor wore white clothes. The air of Taisu purifies the world and is extremely holy, as if it is the holiest thing in the world. All living beings except me are polluted. .

"If you can think of a way to break the real body of the devil, it's up to you! I will never stop it. If you can't think of it, you can only do it in my way. I will summon Amitabha and Qi Tian for this matter. Buddha, primitive, blood demon, and jade negotiated. I am not an arbitrary person. You should understand what I am."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu walked out of Fuyao World and disappeared.

"Hongjun is crazy!" A palpitation flashed in the eyes of Taisu's teaching ancestor: "This matter must be greeted with the teaching ancestors in advance, otherwise once it is done, the human race will be defenseless and will inevitably fall into passivity."

"Since Hongjun entrusted this matter to me, I will walk this matter myself." Fu Yao stood up and turned into a streamer towards the human race Zhou Tian star formation.

Outside the Zhoutian Star Formation of the Human Race, Fuyao revealed his figure, looked at the great formation of heavenly stars, and sighed softly: "Fuyao begs to see the fellow Taoists."

"Why Daoist Fuyao is free to be a guest of the Hui people?" Taiping Teacher Ancestor's voice sounded, Zhou Tian's star array tore a corner, letting out the passage, only saw the heavens and star array slowly moving away.

Fuyao stepped into the large array of stars and looked at the eight ancestors sitting in the starry sky, and sighed gently at the Taidou ancestor who was sitting in the middle of the starry river.

"Brother Fuyao, please come to the table, I don't know why brother sighed" Taihuang Jiaozu asked.

"The troubled human race" Fu Yao wore a wry smile on his face.

Listening to Fu Yao's words, several of the ancestors suddenly felt a thud, looking at Fu Yao with a pair of eyes, and the ancestor Tai Dou said: "But what happened?"

"I don't know where to start," Fu Yao said in silence for a while.

"Don't worry, it's okay to start from the beginning, the last thing we lack is time" Tai Yi taught the ancestors.

Looking at Tai Yi Jiao Zu, Fu Yao was silent for a while, then said: "Hongjun found the existence of chaotic creatures in the chaos."

"The creatures in the chaos?" The ancestors were all surprised. The creatures in the chaos should be so long and how terrifying they should be.

"Don't worry, everyone, the creatures in the chaos have fallen, I don't know what force killed them," Fu Yao said.

Listening to Fuyao's words, the teaching ancestors breathed a sigh of relief. Even if it is stronger than supreme, hearing that the long-lived existence in the chaos is still in the heart, and sometimes the long life represents capital.

"Hey! Really, since he is dead, the people who said it made nervous and made a fuss," Taiyuan Jiaozu said dissatisfied.

Fuyao smiled bitterly: "But now the remnant soul of the dead Chaos Demon God wants to be reborn in the great world, and wants to return against the sky!".


Hearing the news, the ancestors almost stood up in shock. Taiyi taught ancestors: "The creatures in the chaos, how old should they be, how can you tolerate them resurrected? The creatures in the chaos take chaos as nourishment, if once Resurrection, growing in the world, and if a fish comes ashore, it will inevitably launch a war to destroy the world. Isn't this great world going to be chaotic? It is absolutely impossible to tolerate the growth of the remnant souls of these demons."

"Of course. For this reason, Hongjun had a countermeasure long ago, dividing the monster race, creating the Demon God Real Body Art, used to condense the remnants of the Demon God between heaven and earth, and now the twelve Demon Gods are about to complete their accomplishments and become the Chaos Demon God , That billions of demon **** tribes have also absorbed the remnants of countless demon gods. As long as the demon **** clan is killed, the chaos demon **** can be eliminated."

Fuyao looked at the ancestors and observed the reaction of the ancestors.

Taiping Jiaozu nodded when he heard the words: "Great talent Hongjun, in this way, it can not only eliminate the hidden dangers of the Chaos Demon God, but also consume the power of the Demon Race, it is really a matter of killing two birds with one stone."

"Yes! Not bad! Hongjun is indeed an extraordinary wit" Tai Dou Jiaozu also nodded in praise.

Seeing all the ancestors nodded in praise, Fu Yao felt bitter in his mouth and smoke in his throat, and said in his heart: "If you knew Hongjun's plan, you wouldn't say that."

"Cough cough" Fu Yao coughed, looked at the ancestors, attracted the attention of the ancestors, and bit the bullet and said: "Hongjun asked me to tell the fellow daoists one thing."

"What's the matter?" Taiyuan taught the ancestors.

"Hongjun said, give all the Taoists a hundred years to bred the tribe of the human race" Fuyao smiled bitterly.


When all the ancestors heard this, they were all taken aback.

"You said, if those old guys of Human Race know that I will focus on Human Race, how will these old guys react?" Yu Duxiu looked at the jade and blood demon on the opposite side.

The Gorefiend's eyes twitched: "Hongjun, are we really going to attack the human race this time? We all came out of the human race."

"Isn't it worth sacrificing the human race and perfecting the entire world?" Yu Duxiu looked at the blood demon faintly, and was frightened by the blood demon.

The blood demon gave a dry smile, and the old jade ancestor said: "What else, it must be furious, and then you will cramp and peel your skin, thwart your bones and ash, and maybe you will enter your Yujing Mountain in the next moment and settle accounts with you!"

"Not necessarily! If the hidden dangers of the Chaos Demon God cannot be everyone will not have a better life in the future. Maybe the ancestors will think about sending troops to help the monster clan attack the demon **** clan, maybe," the blood demon said with a smile.

"This is impossible" Yu Duxiu shook her head decisively and resolutely said: "This is absolutely impossible. All the ancestors want to see that both lose and lose. The monster clan and the demon **** clan are dead and the net is broken, and they will never get involved. ."

"Didn't all the ancestors choose to sacrifice millions of human tribes?" the blood demon asked in surprise.

Yu Duxiu smiled: "Wait for Fuyao to come to Yujing Mountain, and you will know the result."

Before Yu Duxiu waited long, she felt that in the desolate place of the lower realm, a wave of earth-shaking aura erupted from the wild land, rushing straight into the sky, shaking the world's fetal membranes, and shooting out of the world.

ps: God skills cute roar, new book more recommended votes, hehe! Everyone who has a recommendation vote will vote for a new book. Old books don’t need a recommendation vote. If you have a monthly pass, hey (snicker). The title of the new book "Yipin Dao Men" I hope you will patronize more. Countless strong men looked at the earth-shattering eight-stroke energy, and the wolf demon **** smashed his tongue: "What is it that actually caused the eight old guys of the human race to have such a big anger!"

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