The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2029: The news leaked, the wolf **** questioned

Yu Duxiu shook her head without saying a word, thinking about the practice of God's will like a sword, and the next key point of Zhan Sanshisheng.

Heaven's will is as powerful as a sword, but Zhan Sanshi is even more powerful. After cutting out the future body, Yu Duxiu can be said to be invincible, and his future has infinite possibilities and infinite mighty power.

In the heavenly palace, Gan Tian looked at the letter in his hand, and the purple qi of the dragon rose in his eyes, and the letter instantly turned into powder.

"The Fox God wants me to roast on the fire."

The real fire of the sun in Xihe's eyes converged: "There is no way, if the Slaughter Demon Sword is not refined, the Demon Race wants to completely destroy the Demon God Clan. It is far away, and can only wait for the Demon God Clan Blood Demon curse to strike and die."

Gan Tian said silently, after a while: "The plan of the monster clan, the bamboo basket fetched water for nothing, if the demon snake clan is eliminated, and the human clan is in the way, the human clan is not like the demon **** clan, these eight old guys are difficult to deal with. Very? And although these eight old guys are alienated from the other strong human races, the monster race really wants to completely annihilate the human race. I am afraid that the strong ones will not allow it."

Hearing what Gantian said, Xihe took a deep breath: "The monster race has time. I am not far from proving the Dao, and there are also ten purebred golden crows. These ten purebred golden crows grow up and are no less than the most powerful ones. At that time, Human Race may not be the opponent of Yao Race."

"Is the golden crow the hope of the Yaozu?" Gan Tian whispered.

"It is not only the hope of the monster race, but also the hope of you and me. If the ten golden crows grow up, you will be the emperor of heaven," Xi He said.

Qiantian smiled, and looked at Xihe with a smile on his eyes, and then the magical powers flowed out in his hands, and the edict was written: "Please return to the fox god, I will do it. Ten billion deaths can't be done, but tens of millions of corpses will give The fox **** is regarded as a great gift, and it is also my heart."

"How is your Majesty's cultivation in Emperor Dao now?" Xi He looked at Qian Tian. Qian Tian has completely lost his former dominance, and seems to be no different from ordinary people. If it weren't for the true dragon purple qi that still hovered in his eyes, it exudes a touch of majesty. Lovers only think that this is an ordinary mortal.

With a smug smile at the corner of his mouth, Gan Tian looked at the starry sky, and made a gesture to Xihe. Xihe nodded, not saying more, everything was silent.

The Demon God clan, I don’t know when, there is a news that the Demon God clan will slaughter tens of billions of human races, refine the Slaughter Demon Sword, and specifically break the true body of the Demon God Clan. It is the nemesis of the Demon God Clan and provokes the Demon God Clan. Panic.

"Have you ever left the demon god?" A man wearing animal skins stood outside the demon **** hall, looking anxiously inside the hall.

The attendant shook his head: "My lord has sneaked into the depths of the earth's heart to practice. I'm afraid that he won't come out before the injury is healed."

This little demon **** had a look of anxiety in his eyes, walking back and forth in front of the hall, his eyes rising.

"Boast, why are you here? What's the matter with this seat?" The demon's faint voice came from the depths of the hall.

Kua thumped and fell on his knees: "My lord, it's okay. There is a message from the outside world that the monsters are plotting human corpses and they want to refine the Slaughter Demon Sword and specifically slaughter and restrain the true body of my Demon God clan."

"Really?" The voice of the wolf **** came.

"This matter is plausible, I would like to ask the adults to learn from it," boasted, kneeling on the ground.

"You go down first, I'll wait for my own countermeasures for this matter" E Shen's voice came out.

In the depths of the earth, twelve demon gods are standing opposite each other. Look at me, I see you, the lion **** said: "Slaying Demon Sword? There is no wind without waves. This matter is not known whether it is true or not. We need to send someone to investigate it secretly."

"No need! Someone deliberately revealed such confidential matters. If you want to inquire, there is nowhere to inquire. Let's take more precautions and keep a close watch on the human race and the monster race. The earth is our world. The Twelve Heavenly Gods are not afraid of any strong man. On the earth, even the strong men of the heavens and the world are not afraid."

"However, I don't know if this matter of the Demon God's Remnant Soul is true. The Demon God Real Body Art that we cultivate is created by Hongjun. Will it really resurrect the Chaos Demon God? E Shen hesitated.

The demon gods don't worry about being swallowed up by the demon gods. The supreme power is immortal. This is no joke. Even if the chaos demon **** is resurrected and the ancestor dragon is resurrected, he can never kill the supreme power.

"I went to find Hongjun myself to ask to understand. I understand it. In the overall situation of the heavens, Hongjun is playing tricks in the dark at every step." The wolf **** has an angry look in his eyes, and he soars into the sky, driving the streamer, breaking open. The world barrier came to Yujing Mountain, a beautiful jade.

Seeing the gloomy wolf demon walking into the main hall, Yu Duxiu and Prime Minister Turtle stopped their words, their eyes looked at the wolf demon, Yu Duxiu's heart moved, and a bad premonition rose.

"Wolf God! Why do you come to my Yujing Mountain?" Yu Duxiu said calmly.

"There is a piece of news circulating among the people of my Demon God Department. I don't know if I can know it." The wolf **** stood in the center of the hall, looking at Yu Duxiu with green eyes.

"What news? There is too much news in this great world. If I pay attention to it one by one, I am afraid that I will be exhausted." Yu Duxiu held the tea cup and drank a sip of tea.

Looking at Yu Duxiu, the wolf god's gaze was solemn: "Some people say that the crown has a plan for the demon race to slaughter tens of billions of human races to refine the Slaughter Devil Sword, and specifically attack the real body of my demon **** family. ."

Yu Duxiu frowned and looked at the wolf **** for a while before saying: "This matter is not false."

"Some people also said that the Demon God Real Body Art of my Demon God Clan was passed down to gather the remnants of the Chaos Demon God. Is it true?" The wolf **** looked at Yu Duxiu.

"How is it true? What if it is not true? Regardless of whether this Demon God Real Body Art can gather the chaotic demon god's remnant soul, you must cultivate him. This is fate, because as long as you can't bear the fox god, elephant god, and tiger **** So you have no choice." Yu Duxiu looked at the wolf demon **** unhurriedly, holding tea, slowly stood up and came to the wolf demon god, looked at the wolf demon **** and said: "You actually took the devil **** into reality. Do you feel uncomfortable when you have cultivated to the point where you are about to condense the remnant souls of the Chaos Demon God?".

"It's not uncomfortable, but it feels very good." The wolf **** looked at Yu Duxiu, his eyes showing no weakness.

"That's not it. You have absorbed the remnant soul of the Chaos Demon God, just like a human eating. The remnant soul of the Chaos Demon God is just a bit special, not ordinary."

Having said that, Yu Duxiu looked at the wolf god: "The moment you finally fully condense the real body of the Chaos Demon God, your physical body will transform, and the real body of the Chaos Demon God will become your soul, and you will replace the Chaos Demon God. Fate, but you are still you!".

Listening to Yu Duxiu’s words, the Wolf God seemed to understand. This so-called Demon God’s True Body Art is to refine his three souls and seven souls into the flesh, cultivate the true body of the Demon God, and condense the remnants of the Demon God between heaven and earth. Absorb the remnant soul of the Demon God and re-bring it. When the Demon God’s True Body Art is completed, the soul of the Chaos Demon God will turn into the soul of the Demon God, but he is still himself.

Seeing the expression of the wolf god, Yu Duxiu turned around: "So, this Demon God Real Body Art has no sequelae at all."

"I'm sorry! I was wrong! Please forgive me for the previous sin of disrespect." The wolf **** hurriedly bowed and apologized to Yu Forget it! The fate of you and me is over, you go, and don't visit this Yujing Mountain in the future." Yu Duxiu waved his hand.

"Mianxia, ​​this seat is really wrong, as long as Mianxia is willing to forgive this seat, forgive me for the demon clan, and all kinds of conditions are open at will." The wolf **** stared at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes.

Yu Duxiu sneered: "Funny! Prime Minister Turtle will see you off."

The old tortoise on one side came out and staggered: "God of wolf, please leave, don't embarrass the old tortoise."

"Mianxia, ​​listen to me and listen to me." The wolf **** is anxious. If he really offends Hongjun for this, he will inevitably be put on shoes in the future.

"Let's go" The old tortoise grabbed his palm at the wolf god. Naturally, the wolf **** was not to be outdone. He turned the devil god's body, and with a roar to the sky, he bounced the old tortoise away, but the next moment he saw the old tortoise's palm fall, the wolf god's The devil's true body shrank in the palm of the old turtle, like a baby chicken cub, held by the neck by the old turtle.

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