The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2028: Teach ancestor choice

"Hongjun said that tens of billions of human spirits and bones are needed to refine the Demon Slaying Sword, break the real body of the Demon God, and completely slay the Demon God, so the Human Race needs to multiply more tribes."

Facing the eyes of the eight ancestors, Fu Yao's tone became weaker and weaker and weaker.


As expected, the eight lungs that taught ancestor Qi almost exploded after listening to Fuyao.

"Asshole! What does Hongjun regard my human race as? Can't raise my human race as a beast? If you want to slaughter, you can slaughter, if you want to kill, you can kill, and I actually want my human race to multiply for him to kill, and the erection is rampant." Qi's eyebrows were lit, and they turned into golden talisman seals flying in the void.

Seeing the anger of the Taiping ancestors, Fu Yao felt free to add fuel to the fire: "Hongjun said, if the ancestors can find a way to decipher the true body of the devil, they don’t have to act like this, or the ancestors agreed to send troops to help the demon race. There is no need to mention the matter of destroying the demons and gods clan. There are a few fellow daoists who have surpassed the spirits of hundreds of millions of people.

"Bah! Bastard! Don't think about it" Tai Yi Jiaozu held the tortoise shell tightly with his palms, his eyes flashed with anger: "Hongjun actually dared to reach out to us, this matter will never be tolerated."

Fuyao cautiously reminded: "Hongjun has united with Amitabha, Qi Tian Buddha, Yuanshi Tianzun, Blood Demon, Jade and other powerful people, and he will do it in a hundred years!"

"Bastard!" Anger was rising in the eyes of the Taiyi teacher, and the plum blossoms were lit: "Hongjun deceived people too much!."

"For fellow daoists, it would be better to send troops to help the Demon Race to strangle the Demon God Clan, so as to save the calamity of tens of billions of sentient beings and avoid the bloodshed."

Fuyao whispered aside to advise, this kind of thing is really hard to say, if it is called Fuyao's choice, Fuyao would be very happy to send troops to help the demon clan strangle the demon **** clan.

The eight ancestors, plus the three transcendent powers of the Demon God clan, are enough to suppress the Demon God clan and kill them one by one, even on the ground.

"This matter has been announced by Taoist friends, and the specific matters need to be considered and decided in the future." Tai Yi Jiaozu had the intention of seeing off the guests.

Looking at the eight ancestors who were so angry, Fuyao nodded: "If this is the case, then Fuyao says goodbye. It is better for a few Taoists to make a decision as soon as possible."

Seeing Fuyao walking away, the ancestors looked gloomy. Look at me and I look at you. Tai Dou taught ancestors: "Hongjun seems to have the intention to force the palace this time. The visitor is not kind."

"Either prepare tens of billions of human races, or I will send troops. Hongjun wants a general. We must not call him wishful. That is tens of billions of creatures. How can we die in vain" Tai Yi taught ancestors gritted his teeth: "Hongjun is going to My human race is forced to death and ruined tens of billions of human race tribes. I can't wait to do it. If we join forces with the demon race to destroy the devil and **** family, it will be thankless for my human race, and the gain is not worth the loss."

"There may not be no way to break the situation in this matter" Taiyuan Jiaozu suddenly opened his eyes on the side.

"What's the solution?" The teaching ancestors looked at Taiyuan together.

Taiyuan Sect Ancestor smiled coldly: "This matter is not as good as the Demon God family, everyone is dead, if the Demon God family knows that the Demon God family wants to sacrifice and slaughter the Demon Sword, they will never let the Demon God family succeed. On the earth, the three demon gods will absolutely suppress it. The twelve demon gods will not help but will be beaten up by the demon gods. If our human race secretly alliances with the demon **** family, this will be the case, and Hongjun's plan will fail."

"The Demon God Clan is the place where the reincarnated remnants of the Chaos Demon God gathers" Tai Dou Jiaozu looked hesitant.

"That's just Hongjun's side words. Hongjun wants to calculate and destroy the Demon God family. We have no objection, but we will put our idea on our human race. This matter must not be let go. This matter must never be allowed." Taiyi teacher stood up : "Secretly send someone to divulge the news to the members of the Demon God Clan, and pass the words into the ears of the Demon God. If the Demon God is on guard, the matter will be considered complete, and Hong Jun's plan will be empty."

"Slaying Demon Sword?" Three Demon Gods gathered in the 33rd Heaven.

Listening to the narration of the Fox God, the eyes of the Tiger God and Elephant God suddenly lit up, and the Tiger God said: "I really didn't think that the souls and bones of the human race are so effective. They contain the power of the great power of heaven and can restrain the demons. It’s just that the human race has eight supreme powerhouses, which is not easy to provoke. If it angers the ancestors of the human race, facing the cooperation of the demon clan and the ancestors of the human race, my demon race will face the disaster of destruction in the future."

"The contribution is proportional to the reward. We can't fantasize about this matter. We can send people secretly to provoke war within the human race, secretly collect soul bones, and cross the sea without knowing it. We are more aggressive in the outside world, attracting the attention of the powerful human race. "

The fire of wisdom flashed in the eyes of the Fox God, and she was not a fool. Whether Yu Duxiu’s words were reasonable or true, the Fox God had no doubt about this matter, but directly conflicted with the human race, although there were many strong people. The people help to withstand it, if in the future, once the human race's powerhouses settle accounts, what should they do? .

This Hu Meizi turned his eyes and rejected Yu Duxiu’s proposal in his heart. He planned to build a plank road to darken Chen Cang, and it could be used in the internal wars of the human race. There is the Emperor of Heaven as an internal response, and the foundation of the Great Gan Dynasty lurking in the world. This matter is not difficult.

Listening to the words of the Fox God, the Elephant God and the Tiger God nodded and praised: "High! High! High! In this way, the ancestors will not be able to grasp the handle, so why not let us, hahaha, everyone's faces are better. , Hongjun is uneasy and kind, but if we can turn Hongjun and the ancestors, why not do it, when Hongjun will contain the ancestors, then the monster race will be more stable and safe."

I have to say that the wisdom of the Fox God is definitely not comparable to that of the Elephant God and the Tiger God. After hearing the words of the Fox God, the two demon gods repeatedly admired.

In the Yujing Mountain, Jade Duxiu, Blood Demon, and Jade Patriarchs gathered at this time.

"All the ancestors are furious, maybe they still have to come over to discuss with you." Old Jade Ancestor smiled.

Yu Duxiu shook his head: "Not necessarily! The old folks of the Human Race are very cunning, don't be careless, this game may not follow the direction we want."

"It would be too cruel to slaughter tens of billions of human races." The ancestor of Jade looked at Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu glared at the old jade ancestor: "It's not just you bastard. If you hadn't returned against the sky, how could you shock the world, the visions descended from the sky, and the remnant spirit of the devil god? Do you think I want to treat the human race? Shot? Not to help you clean up the mess!"

The jade ancestor who scolded him looked at Yu Duxiu eagerly, and was speechless for a long time. After a while, he listened to the jade ancestor saying: "Forget it, ancestors, I will give up. Isn’t it the human race? My mother’s lord, the ancient innate gods have all been annihilated by me, and there is no shortage of human races."

The ancestor of Jade gritted his teeth and looked at the people below, then said to Yu Duxiu: "It is the ancestor that I am dragging you down."

Yu Duxiu closed her eyes, playing with her stupid cuteness. After a long time, she heard Yu Duxiu say: "You must plan this matter carefully. Don't overturn the boat in the gutter."

"Lord, what if the ancestors of the gods are in alliance with the demon gods?" The blood demon thought of a very terrible thing.

Yu Duxiu was taken and shook her head: "Unless the ancestors are crazy."

"The fox **** is not a simple one. The demon **** will not accept your manipulation. Don't think about it! Directly conflict with the human race. The cost of killing the human race is too great. The human race has forged a feud, don't want to live in peace." Prime Minister Turtle walked in slowly.

Looking at Prime Minister Turtle, Yu Duxiu paused in her hand and held her stupidly cute: "How can Prime Minister teach me?"

Prime Minister Tortoise said: "Sihai Longjun has to guard against! It is a variable in the chess game. With Sihai Longjun's character, how can he resist such a big loss from the Demon God family? Now there is no movement at all, this There is bound to be fraud in it, and it must be prevented."

"Manpower is stretched, how to guard against it?" Yu Duxiu pinched her stupid belly: "This matter has been considered for a long time, and I have slightly guessed about the dragon family. If I guessed correctly, the dragon family should hook up with the Yinsi Up."

"How does the Lord know?" Prime Minister Kame was taken aback.

Yu Duxiu closed his eyes. Of course, he wouldn't say that billions of demon are not fools, where to put the playthings.

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