The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2031: Break into the stars

Looking at the back of Yu Duxiu, the ancestor of Jade was anxious: "Hongjun! You explain to me clearly, whether you deliberately involved the human race, seeking revenge, or deciphering the real body of the devil, it must be so."

"At the moment when the Demon God's true body is formed, the number of calamities has been set and there is no change. If you want to break the Demon God's true body, you can only use the human race's billions of essence and blood to wash it away. There is no change!" Yu Duxiu's words curled up. Come, the angry jade ancestor stomped straight: "Yangmou! Yangmou! This is naked Yangyangmou! You designed all this! Bastard stuff!"

The demon gods, the wolf demon **** and the E **** returned to the gathering place of the demon gods. The demon gods gathered together, and the wolf **** opened the jade book in his hands: "The method derived from the devil **** clan is in this jade book. Everyone can understand it together. Enlighten Dafa and strengthen my demon clan!"

The demon gods glanced at each other and didn't say much. They looked at the jade book with their eyes. After a long time, they saw the lion **** violently hit the case, and the sawdust was flying: "Damn! This method of creating a demon **** with blood, will It compromises my waiting cultivation base, and makes my waiting cultivation base drop. This method has too serious drawbacks and will weaken my strength. Hongjun has no good intentions."

"Hu" Eshen took a deep breath: "This time you really wronged Hongjun. My demon clan has been cursed and has been branded by the laws of heaven and earth. If you want to exploit the loopholes in the laws, you have to pay a price. There is no choice! The loopholes of heaven and earth are not so easy to drill. Hongjun is really a great talent, and his understanding of the laws of heaven and earth is like candlelight."

"This method does not say that we must use our blood. Those quasi-devil gods and devil gods in the realm of good fortune can be used. As long as the bleeding pool is forged by the secret method, this matter is considered complete. In the future, my demon **** family can continue to multiply and continue." The wolf god's eyes turned.

"That being said, the blood pool is not a long-term solution after all. It is necessary to break the **** fundamentally and find a way to break the curse. This blood pool can only be used for transitional purposes," the centipede ancestor said.

Listening to the centipede ancestors, the demon gods look at me and I look at you, the lion **** said: "All the treasures have been searched by Hongjun, where do we have the materials to make the blood pool."

"If you don’t have one, go grab it! There are a lot of treasures in the demon clan’s heaven. Let’s be a big one. This time, instead of conquering the demon beasts and attacking the territory, we will go directly to the opponent’s lair. Slaying the Devil Sword, my demon clan will never allow this! Why not take the opportunity to disturb the starry sky." The war spirit in the eyes of the wolf **** began to rise.

"Okay! Let's hit him off guard!" E Shen decided to cut off.

"The twelve gods and evil spirits of the heavens, rise!"

With a cry, a giant stepped out slowly from the sky and the earth again, and saw this giant stepping on the mountains and rivers, carrying the sun and the moon on his shoulders, his breath turned into wind and rain, his gaze was as if the sun and the moon, and the turbid gas in his hand turned into a big Axe, an axe slashed towards the starry sky, trying to destroy the stars of the demon clan's homeland.

"The barbarians of the Demon God Race are actually starting to toss again, hurry up the Zhoutian Star Array!" The elephant roared, and the heavens and stars shook in an instant, and the heavens and stars formed an array.

Facing the great formation of the twelve gods and evil spirits, even if he is as strong as the elephant **** who has trained into billions of dragon weevils, he would never dare to suppress it.

The power of the twelve gods and evil spirits has surpassed the limit that everyone can imagine, and it is simply beyond the reach of everyone.

"Yo! These demon **** barbarians are decisive!" Yu Duxiu frowned, sitting in the Yujing Mountain, looking at the giant who covered the sky with a pair of eyes, and glanced at the corner of his mouth: "I don't know how to say these barbarians are stupid. Still, these barbarians are smart."


The great array of heavens and stars collided with the great array of twelve gods and evil spirits again. This time is different from last time. There were no demonic tribes in the heavens and stars last time, so the demon tribe can devote all their efforts to the sword of condensing the starry sky, which hit this hard. Giant, but it is different right now. There are countless demonic tribes living on the heavens and stars. If they are condensing the sword of the starry sky and are found by the demon gods, they will not wait for the demon clan to perish first, the demons are already dead.

Although the great array of heavens and stars occupies the advantage of the home court this time, they dare not open up the big alliance, attacking in defense, and defending in offense, fighting against the demon **** for a time.

How strong is the power of the twelve gods and evil spirits? .

Think about the twelve demon gods as being against the entire starry sky, fighting, and you can know how powerful the demon gods are.

"This is just not long after the armistice, what are these barbarians going crazy?"

The fox **** frowned and slapped the barbarian with a palm, shaking the giant man's body slightly.

"Send someone to attack the old nest of the Demon God Clan, and before the curse strikes, we will first kill off the descendants of the Demon God Clan," Xiangshen said coldly.

Listening to the words of the Elephant God, everyone looks at me and I look at you. The Rabbit God scratched his head: "I'm going!"

After speaking, the Rabbit God led countless masters of the monster race, went down the Star Dou and headed towards the wild land.

In the Yujing Mountain, Yu Duxiu frowned: "The Rabbit God is not an outsider, and this rabbit is too restless. You say you can live a good life. What are you going to join in the race war? If there is a long and two short, how can this seat Fairy Taiyin confessed."

Seeing the rabbit **** carrying the monster clan powerhouse into the wild land to slaughter the demon **** clan's tribe, Yu Duxiu frowned. This jade rabbit was the companion of the Taiyin fairy back then, and he left without knowing why. Lunar Fairy.

Yu Duxiu's sacrifice to the laurels over the years has also gained something from her heart, and she has a vague knowledge of Taiyin Fairy's past.

"Since the Rabbit God is the companion animal of the Taiyin Fairy, why didn't he see the Rabbit God help when the Taiyin Fairy was crossing the catastrophe?" Yu Duxiu had too many doubts in her heart.


The two golden dragons of Qi Luck fought in the sky, and the real dragons of the demon clan and the demon **** clan smashed into pieces, shattering the world, and everything that passed by was instantly banned, and time and space were distorted.

"These beasts and barbarians are restless all day long, in the center of the world where they live well, and they are tossed and battered."

Seeing the giants stomping out the holes in Kyushu with one foot, the ancestors of the human race twitched and their hearts were broken. Taidou taught the ancestors: "These barbarians will not have their souls, they will not be the main trend tomorrow, and they will die sooner or later without a place to be buried. Human Nation's Kyushu is over, and the barbarians have been miserable."

When you step down, the rivers are cut off, the mountains and rivers are broken, the earth veins are also disconnected, the spiritual energy is gradually fading and exhausted, where is the center of heaven and earth? .

"Bastard! This seat is killing you" Taiyuan Jiaozu held a ball in his hand, and his eyes rose to the sky. He was about to throw the Congenital Lingbao away and hit the giant's back, but was held tightly by Taiping Jiaozu. Wrist: "Don't take action, Tai Dou is breaking through the realm. Don't worry about it. Wait until Tai Dou Dao brother understands the real mystery of the starry sky, that is when my human race returns to the center of heaven and earth."

Tai Yi Jiaozu played with the tortoise shell in his hand expressionlessly. At this time, Tai Yi Jiaozu's tortoise shell had completely turned into a chaotic color. The mysterious patterns on it were endless, flickering and unpredictable.

"How about a breakthrough? The ghost master will break through chaos reincarnation Xiangshen has trained into billions of elephant worms. Even if I break through, I may win in a short time, but in the long run, I may not be able to win. These two powerhouses."

Tai Dou Jiaozu smiled bitterly, and his eyes looked at Tai Yi Jiaozu: "Brother Tai Yi has a profound cultivation and is above me. He has already touched the chaos mood, peeping at the path of destiny in the chaos, looking for the roots of the devil, maybe one step ahead of me. breakthrough."

"A world of great chaos is also a world of great controversy. I have waited for millions of years to dormant and accumulate. It is precisely when this great chaos erupts and erupts to reach the top! All the Dao brothers must be vigorous. Don't miss this. Good time, wait for your roots to be no weaker than this seat, and there is still hope for surpassing in this world of war." Taiyi Jiaozu held the turtle shell in his palm, and glanced at the teachers with a pair of eyes, and sighed gently: "It's a pity If Hongjun is willing to preach the world and my human race, our cultivation base will surely be able to go further and completely subdue all foreign races. The vast world will always belong to my human race."

Listening to the words of Tai Yi Jiao Zu, Tai Yuan Jiao Zu looks ugly, Tai Dou Jiao ps: The roar of God skills cute, new book more recommended votes, hehe! Everyone who has a recommendation vote will vote for a new book. Old books don’t need a recommendation vote. If you have a monthly pass, hey (snicker). The title of the new book "Yipin Dao Men" I hope you will patronize more. The ancestor was silent, everyone was silent, and the feelings in his heart were really indescribable, only silent sighs.

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