The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2032: Heavy casualties

The three characters Yu Duxiu have basically become the benchmark of this era. In other words, in this history, Yu Duxiu has an irreplaceable demeanor and has an irreplaceable role. The three characters Yu Duxiu Has become a symbol of this era.

The ancestors looked silent at this time, but the world had already been turned upside down. The giants fought against the starry sky, and the force of the counter shock spread, and the mountains and rivers of thousands of miles were instantly shattered, and countless wild beasts died tragically without a place to be buried.

"My merits are boundless" Yu Duxiu sits on Yujing Mountain, with compassion in her eyes. For those monsters under the realm of good fortune, the lock demon tower is a paradise, at least it can save lives in it, and the outside world fights like this. In addition to the quasi-superpower, who dare to say that he can survive? .

"Demon clan kid, dare to come out for a fight?" The giant demon **** roared up to the sky, his voice shook the sky, his eyes looked at the void in the distance, the giant axe cut across the starry sky, slashed into the heavens and stars, and his power was instantly caught by the stars. Kill.

"Barbarian! If you have the ability, don't use the formation, can you dare to compete with me?" The voice of the elephant **** came from the heavens and stars.

Listening to the words of the Elephant God, the giant sneered: "Although I don't want to think, but it's not brainless! You take the move."

The star bucket rotates, and the stars converge into a long sword and chain, constantly slashing at the giant. The giant is not to be outdone, and the magical powers in his hands are circulated, breaking the ten thousand magical powers, regardless of what magical powers you are, and slashing with one axe. , Shattered the universe.

After getting rid of the entanglement of the stars and the stars, the giant grabbed the thirty-third heaven with one hand.

"The Mingxiu plank road darkened Chen Cang, so it turns out that the purpose of this giant is the Thirty-third Heaven of the Demon Race. It shot down the Thirty-third Heaven. The sentient beings of the Demon Race’s Thirty-third Heaven can only be slaughtered. I'm smart." Yu Duxiu was taken aback while watching Yujing Mountain.

"Don't think about it!"

The mighty vortex swept towards the giant, trying to completely submerge the giant in the eyes of the galaxy.


The giant split the star battle of the starry sky with an axe, and continued to grab the 33rd heaven with one hand, causing the 33rd heaven to be the end of the world, screaming constantly and deafening.


The palm of the hand went deep into the thirty-third heaven, and the thirty-third heaven was just a small world. How could he withstand the aftermath of the power of the giant's palm, and saw the whole world crumbling and about to explode.

Seeing this scene, the ancestors of the human race changed their colors. The thirty-third heaven is the thirty-third heaven of the human race. Now it is only temporarily loaned to the demon race. This is to be paid back. Seeing that the demon **** will destroy At the Thirty-Three Heavens, the teaching ancestors suddenly couldn't sit still, and the turtle shell in the hands of the Taidou ancestors turned steadily, and the power of destiny flowed silently at this time.

I saw the shaky Thirty-Three Heavens actually stabilized, and then saw the giant uprooting the Yaozu treasury with a palm.

"His purpose is the treasury of the demon clan" Yu Duxiu smiled: "Blood pools are not so easy to sacrifice."


At this moment, the starry sky fell, wrapping the giant in the vast starry sky, especially if it fell into a mud vortex.

In the lower realm, the Rabbit God, with the powerhouse of the Demon Race, suddenly descended to the Demon God Tribe and began to kill. I saw the light in the Rabbit God’s hand, countless demon Gods turned into carrots, flying out of thin air, and the Rabbit God lifted his clothes. Countless carrots fell into the placket, and the placket seemed to be a bottomless pit. No matter how many carrots fell into it, there was not the slightest bulge.


Since the members of the Demon God family have practiced the Demon God’s True Body Art, devoured the Demon God’s remnant soul, comprehended the Demon God’s mood, and merged with the Demon God’s will, they have become more brutal and more sophisticated, even facing the supreme realm of the Rabbit God. , Still dared to make a move, bright swords fighting for the front, without showing weakness, the two sides fought together.

Strength is strength. Absolute strength must bring absolute crush. I saw the rabbit **** across the palm of his hand, and a tribe of Demon God tribe was uprooted.


The rabbit **** has red eyes, leading the monster clan powerhouse to start killing.

"I don't know why, there is always a bad premonition in my heart, and there are bursts of crying and the wailing of the people in my ears" E God's eyes are vicissitudes of life.

"My heart is also on a whim, and there are waves of anxiety," Niu Shen said dullly.

"Hurry up! Break the formation! There must be something wrong with the old nest, and the luck of the golden dragon fluctuates. Someone must attack my demon clan's old nest. It must be these beasts, these bastards," the centipede ancestor cursed.

"Now that I am deeply trapped in the Star Dou formation, it is not easy to break the formation!" E Shen took a deep breath.

"It doesn't matter, we must break the formation. My demon clan has already been cursed. If something happens, it should be removed from the heavens and the world" the centipede ancestor roared.


Looking at the vast world of starry sky, the giant raised the axe in his hand and slashed towards the starry sky.

"If you delay time, as long as you completely slaughter the demons and tribes, we will win. With luck, the golden dragon can also kill the demons. Everyone should work hard to hold the demons and the demons. The opportunity is rare." Fox God voice Soft and charming, there is an inexplicable power. After listening to it, I feel inspiring and exciting. I want to dedicate myself to it and contribute everything I have.

The starry sky distorted and turned into a whirlpool, engulfing the giant in it, trying to drive the giant away, but never thought that the giant's power was too strong. The giant man passed by with an axe, the whirlpool was split, and he was almost controlling the whirlpool. The Fox God split.

"Hongjun is too hateful! To pass such a powerful formation, can the heavens and the world be able to resist it?" The fox gritted his teeth with an aura.

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill them well, slaughter these little demon gods, and avoid conflicts with the human race" The Jade Ancestor sat outside the 33rd Heaven and watched the demons and tribes being slaughtered, clapping his hands in praise.

Yu Duxiu sneered: "You think too much. The Demon God tribe has cultivated the Demon God Real Body Art. Do you think it is so easy to kill? If you don't use the Slaughter Demon Sword, the Demon God will be cut off and stabbed. Through the heart, as long as the bones are on the ground and they receive the nourishment of the earth's muddy air, they will continue to live and gradually resurrect. In addition to the rabbit god's aggressive shots, the monster clan powerhouse can't kill many demons at all! But only the rabbit **** One is worth hundreds of millions of soldiers and horses of the Demon Race."

Seeing that the rabbit **** swept through with a divine light, he uprooted a tribe and turned it into a carrot. Yu Duxiu was a little speechless, and the rabbit **** didn't dislike it. He actually stuffed the carrot directly into his mouth, and gnawed it. Smelly.

Looking at the rabbit god, and then at Yu Duxiu, the ancestor of Jade said: "Should I go and set a fire again to burn the little demon god?"

Yu Duxiu is noncommittal: "You can try it, I'm afraid you will not help."

"The Demon God dared to hit me that day, if I didn't take this revenge, how can I swallow this breath?" The Jade Ancestor stuck his waist, watching the killing of the lower realm, and instantly turned into a streamer and sneaked into the Demon God tribe. Rising up.

"With the method of evolving essence and blood, although there are many demon gods you can kill, they can't hurt the foundation of the demon **** family. As long as those demon gods can shed their own essence and blood, their strength will inevitably can be leveled. The gap between the demons and the demons is balanced! What this seat wants is balance now!".

After speaking, Yu Duxiu walked out of Yujing Mountain: "The rabbit god's calamity is surging, obviously a big calamity is coming, judging from the face of Lunar, the rabbit **** can't just be harmed by others."

In the starry sky, the chicken **** watched the killing of the wild land, the carrots rising into the sky, and the rabbit god's beautiful face, unexpectedly added some alternative beauty out of thin air.

"You have killed too much. Be careful of the demon gods and you desperately, and the demon gods can't protect you. This rabbit spirit is honest." The chicken **** felt a little painful and wanted to stop it, but he couldn't speak. The furious fox **** suddenly stretched out his golden beak and babbled towards the head of the demon god.

"Kill! Kill! Kill! I will never succumb to the death." More than a dozen quasi-magic ps: The roar of the **** skills, the new book is more recommended, hehe! Everyone who has a recommendation vote will vote for a new book. Old books don’t need a recommendation vote. If you have a monthly pass, hey (snicker). The title of the new book "Yipin Dao Men" I hope you will patronize more. The gods rose into the sky, attacked around the rabbit god, harassing the rabbit god's power, and minimized the rabbit god's shots.

The supreme power is nuclear weapons, and the damage is too great, even if there are more demons, they can't bear such a scourge.

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