The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2033: Hongjun Push Hand

In order to prevent more people from being turned into "radishes" by the rabbit gods, the quasi-devil gods attacked the rabbit **** like crazy.


The Rabbit God exploded a quasi-demon **** of the Demon God tribe, and then walked calmly, unabated and continued to walk towards the next Demon God tribe.

"Stop him!" The quasi demon gods commanded the laws of their fate and killed them towards the rabbit god.

No one noticed that the flames were rising in the battlefield, and a thief figure shuttled back and forth in the battlefield, constantly avoiding the battle in the battlefield, and then burned the flames, burning countless demon gods crying and crying.

Looking at the battle below, Yu Duxiu shook her head: "The Rabbit God has done too much. The Demon God clan was originally cursed, and you have taken away so many people in such a short period of time. The Demon God will not fight you hard. That's strange."

Yu Duxiu saw clearly that the members of the Demon God clan would have lost one or two members, and the power of the supreme power really couldn't be ignored.

"Asshole devil! I have no grievances with you, but you just want to provoke my old mother and force my old mother to take action. No wonder my old mother is cruel." Thinking of being taken away by the demon **** of his tribe back then, the anger in the rabbit god's heart It started to rush upwards.

"Break it for me!"

A roar shook the starry sky. At this time, the great formation of the gods and the stars in the starry sky was fighting against the great formation of the stars.

The giants transformed by the twelve gods are invincible. A giant axe slashed the starry sky. When the giant axe passed, black holes appeared in the void, and countless star projections were swallowed. Rolled up, the star wars have reached a white-hot stage.

The demon **** is always thinking about delaying time, completely eradicating the demons, and then relying on the golden dragon of luck to completely defeat the twelve demon gods.

The twelve demon gods think differently from the demon gods. The twelve demon gods have gained savings from the heavens. After they noticed that the demon gods have changed, they suddenly couldn't sit still, and began to desperately break the formation with a giant axe. The starry sky, the star array absolutely can't stop the demon **** who wants to leave.

With a loud roar, the Demon God's great array was broken. The Demon God giant appeared in the great world, and he saw the situation of the Demon God clan at a glance, and suddenly his eyes were splitting: "The Rabbit God! You are looking for death;"

At a glance, the demon gods, who originally regarded them as treasures, are missing two or three out of ten at this time. How can you make the demon gods not angry? .

The fierce and deadly attacks of the quasi-devil gods delayed the rabbit god's footsteps, otherwise the situation of the demon gods would be worse than this.

"Where did this rabbit **** seem to have seen it?" In the Yin Division, the **** of death converged on the dead soul, with a memory of memory in his eyes: "Where I saw it, I am familiar."

The twelve demon gods were furious, and the giants they transformed slashed towards the rabbit **** with an axe.

"Quit to pretend to be prestigious" The three demon gods reorganized the heavens and the star formation, and at this time they once again encircled and suppressed the giant.

The giant didn't care about the star marks formed by the demon gods, and the axe continued to hack towards the rabbit god.

Only when you really face the great formation of the twelve gods, will you know how terrifying this great formation is. For example, the rabbit **** now looks at the axe that shields the sky and the sun. He only feels his body is stiff, and his soul seems to be with his body. Separated, facing the axe, his soul couldn't move at all, and his body no longer obeyed the command.

"Illusion! This is all an illusion! Wake up! Wake up!" The Rabbit God roared crazily in his heart, but he couldn't wake up for a long time, so he could only let the giant axe chop off.


The rabbit **** is crushed to pieces, the next moment the golden body is reorganized, the rogue of the supreme strong is revealed, you can't kill the opponent at all.

"God Rabbit! Hand over the people of my Demon God" The giant's eyes are like the sun and the moon, and a mouthful of blood spurts out of his mouth, and the star mark falls on the giant's back.

The blood flowed back, and the giant recovered from his injuries. A pair of eyes stared at the rabbit god, firmly locked in the rabbit god's trace. At this time, the muddy air on the earth rose, and the rabbit **** felt the earth's oppression and lock on himself. 'S strength actually dropped by 30% out of thin air, no wonder he was so weak before.

"Although your giant is really powerful, but it can't kill me, what can you do?" The Rabbit God wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and his delicate face was full of mockery: "You can go! It's up to you!"

"Quit away" the giant covered the sun and the moon with a palm, locked the universe, the void solidified, and the law of space became a copper wall and an iron wall.


The dust rolled up on the ground, and the rabbit **** fell into the dust again, and got up all over the dust: "What a ghost!"

"Humph! The earth is the territory of my demon clan, do you think you can go if you want to?" The giant smiled wildly.


At this moment, the stars in the starry sky suddenly shined brightly, and the sky full of stars was changing and expanding. The countless stars seemed to be meteors, quickly approaching the earth, and the distance between the sky and the earth seemed to be infinitely close in an instant.

"Success to death."

The light of the stars is intertwined, the formations are flowing, and it surrounds the giant.

"The power of the starry sky was actually induced to suppress me! What a jerk!" The giant roared, his feet stomped, and the muddy air on the ground rose instantly, welcoming the starry sky without showing any weakness. The two laws were constantly changing and intertwining, constantly colliding and provoking. The stars fell, the dragon veins collapsed, and the heaven and earth aura was dirty.

"Damn! You mother, the old ancestor is kindly helping you monster race, what are you doing, how come the stars even smashed me?" The old jade ancestor hugged his head in the turbid air of the earth, and his whole body was radiant. Winding around, constantly resisting the corrosion of the earth's muddy air.

I saw the earth's turbid air tumbling, and the little demon gods who were badly injured in the past were resurrected, intact, and the jade ancestors who were watching were dumbfounded.


A star smashed the jade ancestor into the depths of the earth without warning, and the skeleton almost fell apart. The jade ancestor looked at the muddy world of muddy and invisible world. He couldn't see the north and the south, but he just felt his own body. Uncomfortable.

"The turbid air is worthy of the turbid air at the beginning of the world. It is really terrible!" The ancestor of Jade shielded the turbid air vigorously: "The turbid air is the enemy of the living beings, even the supremely powerful. Dao Xing can also be broken, and it is too vicious, Hongjun is not at ease, and he is not a son of man."

"What are these **** doing? Are they going to cause the world to fall apart and the world will not be destroyed."

The ancestors who watched the battle were a little unable to sit still, looking at the constantly colliding laws of the earth and the laws of the stars, their eyes were distressed.

In the Lingshan area, outside Wuzhuangguan, Yu Duxiu wore a Taoist robe, walked slowly to the front of Wuzhuanguan, knocked on the door.

"It turns out that the crown is down. It's really brilliant."

Looking at Zhenyuan, Yu Duxiu walked into the five-turn view, and looked at Zhenyuan up and down. After a while, he said, "Dao-friendship, this innate spiritual root has been completely refined by you. I think Daoist enlightenment. The day is not far away."

"The matter of enlightenment is far away," Zhenyuan smiled bitterly.

"Otherwise, I think that the day when Daoist Zhenyuan became enlightened is right in front of my eyes." Yu Duxiu looked at Zhenyuanzi deeply.

Zhenyuan's heart moved upon hearing the words, "Do you mean to say?"

"Also please enlighten me from fellow Taoists." Zhenyuan bowed to Yu Duxiu, making his way to the end.

Yu Duxiu smiled and looked at Zhen Yuan and said, "Ginseng fruit is the central spiritual root, and it is earthly in nature. If it can absorb the origin of this earth, enlightenment is not difficult."

"The origin of the earth is Even the supreme power can't find it, so what virtue do I have?" Zhenyuan shook his head, his face full of modesty.

A smile hung on Yu Duxiu's mouth: "It's not necessarily. I know a chance. It won't be long before the origin of the earth will be born. Whether you can become enlightened or not depends on the ability of the daoists."

"Please also ask fellow Taoists to give me some advice" Zhenyuan gave a respectful salute.

Yu Duxiu nodded: "If I give you pointers, it can be regarded as all your and my kindness, and there will be no grievances and cause and effect in the future."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu said with solemn eyes: "Have you seen Kunlun Mountain?".

"I see, Kunlun Mountain is straight into the sky, who can't see it" Zhen Yuanzi said.

"The origin of the earth is under the Kunlun Mountains, but it is guarded by the dragon veins of the Kunlun Mountains. Even those who are detached and strong must retreat." Yu Duxiu seemed to smile.

"Then how do I get the origin of the earth?" Zhenyuan's face was moved.

"You are like this," Yu Duxiu whispered.

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