The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2034: Tower Town Demon God

Following Yu Duxiu's narration, Zhenyuan's face changed and changed. After a long time, he was suddenly shocked: "Really?"

"Really!" Yu Duxiu looked serious.

"It's impossible, that dare to do this, unless it is,,,,," Zhenyuan's eyes were full of panic.

"Hush" Yu Duxiu slowly raised her fingers, making a silent gesture, and then slowly walked out of the Wuzhuang Temple: "Just do as I said, and discipline you to become enlightened."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu's figure has disappeared.

Seeing Yu Duxiu walking away, Zhenyuan touched his forehead, already wet with sweat, with an incredible color on his face: "How is it possible! How is it possible!".

The Rabbit God was trapped by the demon gods. At this time, the Tao of the Earth competed with the laws of the stars. The two laws were constantly colliding, the stars in the sky were falling, and the earth was swept up in smoke and dust.

The Demon God is worthy of being a Demon God, with its feet on the ground, with infinite power, while dealing with the demon gods, while dealing with the Rabbit God, not to let the Rabbit God go away.

"God Rabbit, hand over the tribe of my Demon God Clan, and let you go away from this seat, otherwise you will stay here today" God E's voice resounded across the world.

The Rabbit God is soft and weak, but he is not an easy master. Hearing this, he immediately scolded: "Leave me here? I want to see if you can keep me here."


The rabbit **** was smashed by the giant's punch again, and then the texture of the giant's hands was erratic, and he looked down at the rabbit god: "I heard people say that rabbit meat is delicious, but it is a great tonic. Today, our brothers are blessed. Up."

The evil spirit in the lion's God's words was so **** that it shocked people's minds.

With a sneer at the corner of Yu Duxiu's mouth, she looked down at the battlefield below: "Today is the day that divides the age. The Rabbit God can't tell her to toss like this."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu entered the lock demon tower holding the Heavenly Dao*.

In the Yin Division, the Four Seas Dragon Lords, the Ghost Lord, and the Worm Gods gathered together, and the ghost Lord looked at the Four Seas Dragon Lords: "Today is just taking advantage of this battle to show all the fellow Taoists the power of the Worm God."

Numerous golden worms in the hands of the insect **** flew out: "This lock demon tower is extremely strong, but for this seat, there is no solidity in the world."

"The battle between the demons and the demon gods is really tragic. The rabbit **** looting the tribes of the demon gods at this time is equivalent to robbing the devil gods. He is cutting the devil god's flesh. With the devil god's character, how can he easily let go? Over" Donghai Longjun sighed softly.

"This trick of the Yaozu is too ruthless! It is simply a general! Putting the Demon God and the Dragon to checkmate together, the stars of the heavens can no longer be restrained, the Yaozu dominates the world, even if this seat breaks through the chaotic cycle, it is facing One of the two big formations has to retreat."

"The power of this great formation is no longer the power of monks, but the power of heaven and earth. This great formation is a taboo. How can there be such a formation that seriously breaks the balance between heaven and earth," Beihai Longjun muttered.

"Huh! It's not that Hongjun has done a good job. I have to speculate that when the heavens and stars formed for the first time, it was when the heavenly stars made the move. The heavens and stars have been traced before. After continuous improvement, it is It's fair to say that Hongjun's star battle formation is too abnormal, there is no sign!" Jinlin's eyes flashed cold: "Hongjun is the ancestor of the formation. According to me, behind these two formations, maybe There is also Hongjun's tricks and even the curse art, which was created by Hongjun. Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence that the fox **** went to Yujing Mountain, and he would have cursed."

Hearing this, everyone was silent, and Taiyuan took a deep breath: "It is indeed Hongjun who is playing a ghost. There has long been a rumor about this matter in the heavens and all realms, and there is no wind without waves. This formation method does not matter if Hongjun is not personally deduced. Speaking of cursing, it’s not necessarily. Hongjun’s plan is to damage the demons and the devil’s energy, and both lose. Now that the curse comes out, the devil’s clan will be destroyed, which is not in Hongjun’s interests. It’s not that the Demon God Clan has gotten the Demon Locking Tower from somewhere, I am afraid that the Demon God Clan has completely fallen."

"Someone is singing on stage with Hongjun? It seems to be undermining Hongjun's plan," the ghost master said in doubt.

Listening to the ghost lord's words, everyone looks at me and I see you, just about to speak, and suddenly heard the ghost lord say: "The war has changed again."

"God Rabbit! Don't you say it!" The giant's eyes were like the sun and the moon, looking down at the God Rabbit.

"If you have the ability, kill me! Otherwise, the old lady will always have a chance to escape, I don't believe that you can always maintain the law." The rabbit god's eyes are full of abusive restructuring flesh.

Listening to the words of the Rabbit God, the demon spirits were anxious. At this moment, a star long sword cut towards the lock demon tower, the demon god's giant axe rolled up, and instantly smashed the magic sword into pieces, and the E God looked at the wolf god: "The demon clan still doesn't give up, the idea of ​​locking the demon tower, I don't know if you can suppress the demon god!"

The wolf **** hesitated upon hearing this: "Suppress the demon god? Not realistic, right?"

"This rabbit is too arrogant, it's just slapped in the face, it's unreasonable! It's unreasonable! If you don't teach this rabbit a lesson, how can it be done? In the future, the heavens and the world will put my Demon God in the eyes?" Roaring to the sky.

"Open the lock demon tower, the lock demon tower can be suppressed by all the quasi demon gods, without the slightest details, it can be seen that the lock demon tower is far from reaching the limit. Let us sacrifice the lock demon tower, even if we can't suppress the rabbit **** and scare the other party Okay, let the other party know how good we are," Niu Shen said boredly.

"Okay! Then I will experiment. If you see something wrong, stop as soon as possible." The wolf **** heard the words and chanted.

To be honest, the power of this lock demon tower really exceeded everyone's expectations. In the past, everyone’s imperial ambassador locked the demon tower, but it has never been integrated into a whole, mobilizing such a powerful force, only the palm of the giant Stretched out, the lock demon tower was uprooted, and the mantra in the mouth was trembling in the void. I don’t know how many monsters in the endless starry sky could not be quenched enough to prevent falling, and fell towards the lock demon tower. Fortunately, the demon gods had already controlled the heavens. The star formation, otherwise the demon **** will definitely lose money today.

As the giant poured mana and blessed the spell, the demon lock tower that plunged straight into the cloud automatically shrank, turning into the size of a palm, like a tiny dust to the giant.

Although the size of the lock demon tower has shrunk, its power has increased exponentially. A wave of unmatched suction is drawn toward the rabbit god, rolling up countless tornadoes: "The rabbit god! Will you hand over the monster clan? Ministry."

"Don't think about it! If you have the ability, you can **** your auntie in." The Rabbit God stuck his waist, pointing at the giant in the wind and cursing.

"Hahaha, this demon **** is crazy. He actually wants to suppress a demon **** with treasures. It is really anxious, and his anger dazzled his head. Is the demon **** so easy to suppress? Since the ancient times, only the unlucky person has been killed Suppressed, the rest have never heard of the ridicule of the demon gods from the stars.

Human tribes, all the ancestors of the human race, look at me, I look at you, too Huang taught the ancestors: "The devil is not crazy, right? This lock demon tower is powerful, but if you say that the demon **** is suppressed, it is too powerful to catch, and it is not because you have lost your mind. ."

"It's really anxious, don't use any means." Taiping teacher shook his head, his eyes full of sighs.

Yin The good and evil strong laughed: "These barbarians are gone, even their brains are gone. Isn't this just sending the lock demon tower to the door and breaking it for others?. "

"Yes! The last time I saw that Demon Locking Tower took me from the world, I was already stretched out. How could I get the Demon God? Maybe the Rabbit God would break the Lock Demon Tower and rescue the demonic tribe. "Nanhai Longjun touched the dragon's whiskers, his eyes were full of mockery.

"I don't know how this lock demon tower will end up and whether it can be repaired. Such treasures of good fortune are in the hands of these barbarians. It's a pity." The ghost master shook his head, his eyes full of regret.

As he was talking, suddenly Yang Shi came out with an exclamation, provoking all the powerful people to watch, the next moment Sihai Longjun and the Yinsi powerful people were dumbfounded.

I saw that the giant smashed the rabbit **** to pieces, and the lock demon tower took the opportunity to sacrifice, and the whirlwind blew up, and the rabbit **** was actually included in the lock demon tower.

In this scene, all the heavens and the great powers of all realms suddenly exclaimed, teaching the ancestors to be silent, the demons and gods were shocked again and again, and the strong Yinsi was speechless and at a loss for a long time.

"Really?" This is the common idea of ​​several demon gods at this time.

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