The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2035: Suppress the Rabbit God


Not only the few demon gods couldn't believe it in their hearts, even the powerhouses of the heavens and the world almost stunned their three hundred and sixty degrees titanium alloy dog ​​eyes.

The Rabbit God was bombarded by the Demon God, and then he was included in the Demon Locking Tower without any resistance.

At this time, everyone in the heavens was concentrating, looking at the lock demon tower, waiting for the result, whether the lock demon tower trapped the rabbit god, or the rabbit **** broke the lock demon tower, and the wild sentient beings were freed .


The heavens and stars revolve, and the demon gods are driving the stars of the heavens, attacking the demon gods desperately, not giving the demon gods time to take action.

In the lock demon tower, the rabbit god's flesh and blood body reorganized, a pair of eyes looked at the endless world, and suddenly she felt a familiar aura.

"Snake God!" Rabbit God shouted suspiciously.

Endless void, at the top of the lock demon tower, the mana of the giants transformed by the demon gods swayed endlessly. Entering the lock demon tower, I saw Yu Duxiu pushing the lock demon tower. With the help of the giant's power, Hun Yuan was continuously derived Restriction means that after 12 demon gods form a large formation, they personally empower themselves and sacrifice treasures.

"God Rabbit! You shouldn't take this trip to the muddy waters" The snake **** slowly appeared in front of God Rabbit, followed by seven restrained gourd babies behind him.

Looking at the seven gourd children, and then at the snake god, the rabbit **** was surprised: "Why are you in the lock demon tower."

The zombie sighed softly: "I don't want to, but!".

"Are you trapped here?" The Rabbit God looked at the immeasurable world inside the lock demon tower. For the demon god, the world inside the lock demon tower has no secrets: "It turns out that this is the world inside the lock demon tower, and everything depends on it. The cloud forbidden flowing stone is working, no wonder! No wonder! Although this lock tower is strong, it shouldn’t be able to trap you, right?”.

The rabbit god's delicate face looked at the snake god, and subconsciously took out a carrot, put it in his mouth, and kept gnawing at it.

Looking at the rabbit god, the snake **** smiled bitterly: "You are in big trouble. If I were you, I should take the opportunity to escape. Although the lock tower is strong, it can't hold the monster god. You can't leave until the person does it."

"That person?" The Rabbit God looked at the Zombie.

"It's late! He's already here, you can't go anymore" The snake **** smiled bitterly and looked at the void in the distance, and saw that the jade is a beautiful lotus, step by step, and came to the front of everyone.

"Hongjun" Rabbit God was taken aback: "Why are you here?"

"This lock demon tower is secretly given to the demon clan. Why do you think I am here" Yu Duxiu carried her hands and looked at the rabbit god: "If I were you, I would obediently hand over a strand of true spirit and blend into this world. In the town monster monument, and then swallow this black lotus."

Yu Duxiu stretched out her right hand, and a thumb-sized black lotus bloomed in her hand.

The rabbit **** looked at the snake **** with ruby ​​eyes: "Why did you collude with Hongjun and become a foe?"

"Then black lotus, don't swallow it. If you swallow the black lotus, you will be like me and not free." The snake **** smiled bitterly.

"Talk about it!" Yu Duxiu gave the snake **** a cold look. The snake **** winked at the rabbit god, not dare to say more.

"Hongjun? Let go of the snake god!" The rabbit **** stared at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes.

"I'm giving you a choice, not the conditions you gave me to choose." Yu Duxiu looked at the rabbit god, with a sneer in the corner of her eyes: "Either swallow the black lotus, or I personally suppress you and ask you to swallow the black. lotus."

"Don't think about it! If I want to leave, do you think you can stop me?" The Rabbit God looked at Yu Duxiu with cold eyes, and the golden light burst from his body, trying to break the lock demon tower: "Hongjun! It turns out that you are playing tricks behind your back. Your conspiracies and tricks will not succeed. I will definitely make your conspiracies and tricks public and make you a rat crossing the street.

"Want to go? Did you leave?" Yu Duxiu sneered in her eyes, waved her hands, the snake **** and the gourd baby rushed out instantly, the water and wind and fire in the small chaos inland were rolled up, and the rabbit **** was invincible with four hands. Several of them were put down to the ground by the crowd, and their limbs were tightly locked by the gourd baby, and they fell to the ground, unable to move.

The body of the snake **** locked the rabbit god's neck firmly, Yu Duxiu slowly walked to the rabbit god, looking down at the rabbit god: "I give you two choices."

Yu Duxiu stretched out a finger: "First, you have blended into this black lotus, and you follow this seat to fight the heavens and the world."

Yu Duxiu looked at the rabbit god, feeling a little helpless. Back then, he planted lotus for the snake **** because he secretly calculated the snake **** and planted black lotus in Xu Xian's body. Without taking any precautions at all, he swallowed the black lotus and was lucky enough to be taken by Yu Duxiu.

At this time, the rabbit **** is intact, and it is not realistic to plant lotus by force.

"Secondly, I suppressed you forcibly. The relationship between me and Taiyin is very close. They are a real husband and wife. You have a deep relationship with Taiyin. I can't bear to use violence against you forcibly. Choose for yourself."

"Well, no wonder the lock demon tower is invincible. It turns out that this lock demon tower contains an infinite world, and there is a supreme power like a snake **** who is guarded by the seven little broken children. No wonder the demon clan is so miserable. , It is really not wronged at all, the grievances between the Demon Race and the Demon Race were all provoked by you. With so many deaths and injuries, do you have no guilt at all?" The Rabbit God stared at Yu Duxiu with big eyes, and his anger rose.

Looking at the Rabbit God, Yu Duxiu stretched out his palm, and countless celestial demons in the celestial realm flew out, intertwined and transformed into a black chain that seemed to be able to absorb all the colors between heaven and earth.

"God rabbit! Although I can't help the demon **** now, it is no problem to lock you in this world and under the monument to suppress the demon. I will suppress you with the power of half of the demon clan and all the beings of the Sihailong clan and obliterate you. Real body, I don't know how long you can hold on." Yu Duxiu's palm shook, and the chain was locked on the lock demon monument in an instant. It fell from the void and was held by Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu looked at the Rabbit God with a pair of eyes: "The Rabbit God! The pain of the demon eating the gods, you should ask the snake god!"

"Lord, don't do anything, I am willing to persuade the rabbit god" The snake **** stepped forward and saluted Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu nodded, and the snake **** came to the rabbit god, but saw the rabbit **** ‘bah’: "Dog thief! Betrayed the party!!"

"Oh! Why bother? Once suppressed, you will never see the sky, and even the demon will eat the soul. Although the supreme power is immortal, what is the difference between living and death?" The snake **** looked at the rabbit god: "What's more, you have a very close relationship with Taiyin Fairy. Hongjun loves Taiyin Fairy very much. You are married to Taiyin Fairy. Now Taiyin Fairy is about to reincarnate and return. If you are begging for Fairy, Hongjun must still give the Fairy face of."

"This?" The Rabbit God hesitated when he heard the words, the snake **** turned his back to Yu Duxiu, his mouth changed, but he said nothing: "I have a secret method to avoid the black lotus and escape the lock demon tower."

"Think about it for yourself." The snake **** looked down at the rabbit god, and the rabbit **** watched the snake **** speak, narrating a certain mysterious formula, and was shocked. At this time, the snake god's eyes were complicated and seemed to be constantly struggling. God doesn't know the inside story, but thinks that the snake **** is constantly making hints to himself.

"Okay! I'll melt the black do it!" The Rabbit God shook his head and closed his delicate eyes, showing an expression of whatever he wanted.

Yu Duxiu smiled, the black lotus in his hand flew out, and instantly landed on the rabbit god's forehead. The black lotus melted at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"No! Hongjun, you are despicable!" The snake **** spouted blood at this time and suddenly said, saw the black lotus melted into half, and stopped abruptly. The rabbit **** looked at Yu Duxiu in amazement. Finally noticed something bad.

"Disappointment! Bad thing for me!" Yu Duxiu blasted the snake **** with a punch.

The snake **** spurted blood: "Before Hongjun took control of my golden body and robbed me of control. It was Hongjun who taught you the magic trick. The magic trick is to accelerate the smelting of the black lotus, not at all. Avoid the black lotus technique."

"Bang" the snake **** was kicked away by Yu Duxiu again, and he glanced at the gourd baby: "Give me the snake god's mouth."

At this time, the rabbit **** had a horrified look, and Yu Duxiu sighed helplessly: "One step away, you will be done! What a pity! What a pity! My cultivation level is too low!".

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