The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2036: Lotus Rabbit God

"God Rabbit! Why are you stubborn? Half of the black lotus has been integrated into your immortal body, rooted and sprouted, I already have the power to control you, you should obediently follow me" Yu Duxiu looked at Rabbit god.

The rabbit **** clenched his teeth and spit out abruptly: "Bah! Asshole, wanting my old lady to surrender you is just wishful thinking."

"Snake God! It's hard for you to call me like this. You always do big things for me at critical moments." Yu Duxiu came to the snake **** and looked at the snake god's eyes: "I'm very curious about the head of the Nine Heads. Really never died nine times."

"Hongjun! You bastard! You are not as good as a beast! You have the ability to rush to me, what is the ability to implicate family members" The snake **** heard that Yu Duxiu was about to take a nine-headed insect surgery, and suddenly became anxious, his eyes were red and rushed In front of Yu Duxiu, she firmly grasped Yu Duxiu's skirt.

Yu Duxiu carried her hands on her back, and her voice was soft: "And I'm very curious, if you killed the nine-headed insect yourself, how wonderful it would be, and what kind of expression the nine-headed insect is."

"No! No! You bastard! Don't you dare! Insect God will not give you a chance" The snake **** looked at Yu Duxiu with cold eyes.

Yu Duxiu took a deep breath and closed her eyes: "No one can stop the person I want to kill! The insect **** is overwhelmed by himself, where can I have time to protect the nine-headed insect."

"No! Hongjun, if you are a real man, come at me if you have something to do."

"You are immortal, how can I rush you?" Yu Duxiu rolled her eyes.

Having said this, Yu Duxiu looked at the snake god: "You have broken my plan. Tell me how to tell the rabbit **** to obediently integrate the remaining black lotus into his real body."

"God of Rabbit" the snake **** released Yu Duxiu and suddenly came to God of Rabbit: "God of Rabbit! Just melt the black lotus. Although the black lotus is bound, it might not be a kind of protection for you. You have Taiyin Fairy as your backing. Hongjun will never dare to do anything to you. I beg you. Nine-headed insect is my only heir. I must not lose my blood."

Looking at the snake god, an incredible color flashed in the eyes of the rabbit god: "Are you stupid, you are the supreme strong, how can you succumb to Hongjun?"

After speaking, the God of Rabbit closed his eyes: "If you want to kill, you have to go casually. I want me to blend into the black lotus, but I can't think about it."

"God rabbit! Are you really unwilling?" The snake god's eyes began to shrink and became gloomy: "In this world, but all of them are members of your rabbit clan, what would happen if I swallowed this world in one bite? ?."

"You mean," the rabbit **** stared at the snake **** with a pair of eyes.

The zombie smiled bitterly: "No choice!"

"If you swallow this race, I will get out of trouble in the future, and it will be a big deal to create a new race," Rabbit God said with disdain.

Seeing the rabbit **** oil and salt not entering, the snake **** suddenly looked anxious: "I beg you! I beg you, my generation of snake gods has never asked people, this black lotus you can't resist, as long as it takes root and sprouts, one day it will Being one with you, it would be better for you to take the initiative to merge and save my son's life."

On one side, Yu Duxiu looked at the crazy-looking snake **** and sighed softly. He didn't expect that the cold-blooded snake **** would also love his children so much.

"Forget it! I have a way to concoct this rabbit spirit." Yu Duxiu's eyes flashed with a jade-colored disc, and the will of heaven was spinning like a knife, and his palm stretched out. A crystal-clear branch slowly stretched out, violently pumping at the rabbit god. Past.


The rabbit **** who was pumped suddenly showed its original shape, it was actually a jade-colored rabbit, with two eyes like rubies.


The twig was pulled down again, only to see the light on the jade rabbit body, and the resistance of the supreme real body disappeared in an instant.

Seeing Yu Duxiu raised the branches for the third time, Yutu said in fear: "No! I surrender! I surrender!".

The "Congenital Beast" looked a little dumbfounded.

Yu Duxiu looked at the volatile branches of the innate Taoist rhyme in his hand, and sighed softly. There is a certain relationship between the innate laurel and the innate jade rabbit. This is beyond doubt, and this conjecture has been confirmed by Yu Duxiu at this time.

When the whip went down, the jade rabbit that was beaten appeared its original shape.

The second whip went down, and the jade rabbit that was hit was really loose.

Yu Duxiu was very curious about the consequences of going down with this third whip.

Looking at Yutu, Yu Duxiu said, "Fuse the black lotus."

Yutu stared at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes, closed his eyes, accepting his fate, letting the black lotus merge with his true body.

Yu Duxiu sighed softly: "The lunar yin treated you very well back then, why did you betray the lunar yin and stand by and watch the calamity of the Taiyin proving Tao?".

Yu Duxiu danced the congenital laurel branches: "When I first saw you, I still had doubts in my heart. Now it seems that I have found the answer. No one wants their natural enemy nemesis to live in the world. This nemesis is the person closest to him."

The gourd baby released the jade rabbit at this time, and saw that the hair on the jade rabbit was like a bright moonlight, exuding a flawless color.

Yu Duxiu sighed softly, stretched out her palm, Yutu turned into a palm size, landed on Yu Duxiu's arm, and was hugged by Yu Duxiu: "With you, there is more hope of finding the trail of the lunar yin. ."

The zombie looked at him and was stunned: "Innate monsters?"

No one would have thought that the famous rabbit **** among the wilds was actually an innate animal.

"There is a fairy under the care of the Taiyin, the old jade guy is assholes, and he didn’t dare to pick out the identity of the jade rabbit during the chaos, and went to trouble the jade rabbit. Later, the ancestor of the jade was completely suppressed, and the rabbit **** took the opportunity to become enlightened. Keep hiding.” Yu Duxiu touched Yutu’s snow-white fur and smooth ears, turned and walked outside the lock demon tower: “This lock demon tower will be handed over to you in the future. You are well guarded, and the rabbit **** is suppressed. The heavens and worlds will not be peaceful."

"Wait!" Seeing Yu Duxiu about to leave, the Wolf God suddenly spoke.

"What's the matter?" Yu Duxiu looked at the wolf god, stupid Meng crawled out of her sleeves timidly, grabbed Yutu's thigh, and wanted to climb up.


With a scream, the rabbit god's three-lobed mouth trembled, and he saw that the stupid sole of his foot had lost a finger.

Yu Duxiu grabbed the jade rabbit. The jade rabbit shrank and got into the sleeve of Yu Duxiu's left hand. Stupid Meng entered into the sleeve of his right hand. The two looked at each other in a distance. She was worried and worried.

"Can you let go of the nine-headed insects!" The snake **** looked at Yu Duxiu: "With your current cultivation base, the nine-headed insects will never be in your eyes."

Yu Duxiu chuckled: "As long as the nine-headed insects don't provoke me, I won't bother to provoke him, but if he provokes my seat, I promise to send him in to reunite your father and son."

After speaking, he walked out of the lock demon tower.

Seeing Yu Duxiu's back, the snake **** looked down at the endless world, and countless sentient beings: "Hongjun's ambition is too big, to build a lock demon tower, to seal the rabbit god, and control me, all around me. The master is like a cloud, and he doesn’t know what he wants to do. If he wants to fight for the protagonist in the world, he should be able to gather the forces. What he wants to do!"

Seeing the gourd baby who is playing around the snake **** feels a headache. These seven young masters are really innocent and carefree. I only saw the seven gourd baby noisy and fell into it. In the endless world, blend into all beings.

"Escape! How to escape! How to reveal the news about the lock demon tower?" The snake **** squinted his eyes.

Yu Duxiu stroked the jade rabbit in his sleeve, checking all the Qi in the world with a pair of eyes, sensing the reincarnation of Lunar.

"Yutu, may you feel the reincarnation of Lunar?" Yu Duxiu said.

Jade Rabbit avoided Yu Duxiu’s frizzy palms, got out of Yu Duxiu’s sleeves, and climbed onto his shoulders: “Taiyin is a **** of chaos, higher than the congenital gods, and can be compared with the congenital demon gods, at the time of reincarnation. , Will automatically shield all the auras between the heavens and the earth, so as not to be searched for by the enemy. As one of the oldest gods in the heavens and all realms, Fairy Taiyin will of course use this power to the extreme."

Yutu trembled his three-petal mouth: "Instead of looking for Lunar, it is better to sort out the affairs of the Great Thousand Worlds. When the time comes, you will naturally have a reaction to Lunar Fairy. I am very curious about what chess you are playing!".

The Rabbit God whispered in Yu Duxiu's ear.

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