The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2041: Longevity

Seeing Wang Daoling kneeling on the ground, not only Wang Daoling was curious, but everyone else was also curious. Yu Duxiu had previously bestowed Lingyu with such a heaven-defying technique. I don’t know what was bestowed on Wang Daoling at this time. What a treasure.

"In the past, only a part of your practice was passed on. I have a Dafa of Luobao Money, which can reach the supreme realm without any obstacles. There is no need to comprehend the Tao fruit. Now this half of the practice is given to you." Yu Duxiu It didn't take too long to speak lightly, but it seemed to be thunderous in the ears of everyone in the field.

Nima, are you bragging? .

Without comprehending Tao fruit, can you directly prove Tao? Since the birth of the Great Thousand World, there has never been such a heaven-defying technique.

Wang Daoling was breathing fast, staring at the tray with a pair of eyes. The tray contained the fruit position of the supreme strong. As long as he cultivated well, he was a supreme strong.

Tai Yi Jiaozu and others on the side were also extremely enthusiastic, and they wished to kick Wang Daoling away, and then replaced him under his own family.

"The disciple thanked Master! The disciple thanked Master! Master's great kindness" Wang Daoling respectfully kowtow to this Duxiu, and took over the exercises in Yu Duxiu's hands.

Looking at Yitong, Yu Duxiu was slightly pensive, and Yitong's expression was disturbed. After a while, Yu Duxiu said, "Yitong comes forward."

"I have seen Master" Yitong respectfully saluted Yu Duxiu.

"Your master has all the treasures, and I won’t give it to you. I have a magical power here to give you. This magical power can transform the world at will. It can turn the deer into a horse. It involves inverting the mystery of Yin and Yang. I will give it today. You're here" Prime Minister Turtle brought a tray again.

"Disciples, thank you, Master" Yitong bowed to Yu Duxiu and smiled. This cheap master is generous, and the supreme powerhouses on one side are shocked. Material transformation refers to the transformation of deer into horse, but the power of the supreme power. It can be said that Yu Duxiu gave Yitong the key to open the door.

"This supernatural power must not be leaked out of half a word, otherwise you will definitely be demoted to Jiuyou, and your soul will fly away." Yu is simplified to streamer, submerged in Yitong's eyebrows.

Listening to Yu Duxiu's words, Yitong respectfully said, "Master, please rest assured."

Yu Duxiu nodded, watched Yitong retreat, then looked at everyone in the court, and said, "After the apprenticeship is over, there is still a good thing to be done here."

While speaking, Prime Minister Turtle once again brought a tray, Yu Duxiu pulled out the red silk cloth, and the fragrance filled the whole hall in a moment, and everyone was breathing quickly.

"The elixir of immortality" Tai Yi Jiaozu lost his voice in amazement.

The bull **** on one side also stared tightly at the elixir of life, wanting to peek into the mysteries.

Feeling the fiery eyes of everyone, Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly: "Yes! It's the elixir of immortality. The reason why this elixir of immortality was taken out is because this seat regards it as a betrothal gift!".

"The bride price?" Everyone in the field was stunned, the expression of the fox's expression changed, and the eyes of Han Yan beside Yu Duxiu flickered slightly.

"Chen Jing!" Yu Duxiu looked at Chen Jing.

"Tao Master".

Hearing Yu Duxiu's name, Chen Jing suddenly said as if she was struck by five thunders, at a loss, she subconsciously said.

Seeing the weird gazes of everyone in the field, Kong Xuan's expression was tense, and the fox god's iron-green face said in a cold voice, "You want the old cow to eat tender grass, and the rabbits don't eat the grass at the nest."

Yu Duxiu smiled bitterly, glanced at the nervous Kong Xuan, laughed secretly, "I am not a beloved one," and cleared his throat and said, "My eldest disciple Kong Xuan has admired the girl for a long time, and the two agree. "

"Chen Sheng, this medicine for immortality is used as a betrothal gift to propose marriage to your sister for Kong Xuan for the teacher. What do you think?" Yu Duxiu looked at Chen Sheng.

When Chen Jing heard the words, her face was blushing, her head hung down, and then she looked at Kong Xuanyin's face. Chen Sheng nodded: "Master is generous. I will take charge of this marriage for my sister. We are not outsiders. From now on, Brother Kong Xuan will be me. My brother-in-law."

Listening to Chen Sheng's words, Yu Duxiu nodded and patted his palms: "The big event is set, let's serve it quickly."

The banquet was opened and everyone was drinking. Yu Duxiu and Han Yan were sitting together. The fox **** watching was gritted his teeth, chewing beef and creaking, it seemed that he was chewing the meat of Yu Duxiu's body. Ann.

After drinking for three rounds, Tai Yi taught: "Now we are gathered in Yujing Mountain, representing the greatest power of the three parties, representing the general trend of the heavens and the world. Take the opportunity to talk about the lock demon tower."

"Lock the demon tower? What's the lock of the demon tower? What is the lock of the demon tower hindering you?" The Niu Demon God was unhappy, his eyes fixed on Tai Yi Jiaozu.

Tai Yi Jiaozu looked at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes, and ignored the bull devil: "The harm of this lock demon tower is obvious to all, and even the demon **** can suppress it. For me and other monks from the heavens and ten thousand realms, it has already touched everyone's bottom line. , This demon lock tower is to be sealed or destroyed, everyone said that the lock demon tower must not continue to exist."

Listening to Tai Yi Jiaozu’s words, the cow devil’s nostrils began to gasp, anger surged, and he was about to explode, but he saw Yu Duxiu behind him with a soft smile: "This is Yujing Mountain. Nothing is done to my Patriarch. No wonder the old turtle is merciful."

Listening to Prime Minister Turtle's words, the Bull Demon God snorted and glared at the old jade ancestor, but couldn't speak, and could only endure the anger abruptly.

"My demon clan agrees with Too Yi's words, the lock demon tower suppresses the quasi demon god, so I won't say anything, but even the supreme power can suppress it, which is beyond the bottom line everyone can bear." Fox God looked at Yu Du with a pair of eyes. Xiu, Hu Mei's big eyes are full of water waves.


The fox god's Meishu was not yet close to Yu Duxiu, but he saw the cold air surging around Han Yan, colliding with that charm, and fluffing up in the void, the angry fox **** gritted his teeth.

Yu Duxiu tapped his finger on the case: "How can I let this matter be the master?".

"I, Yujing Mountain, aloof, the strong like an old tortoise, with a map of innate gods, there are twenty-four innate spirit treasures to suppress the formation, the one who dares to come to my Yujing Mountain to be presumptuous, lock the demon tower and the large formation of the twelve gods Strong, but may not be able to beat Laogui’s formation." Yu Duxiu is not too slow: "You don’t have to tell me about this kind of thing, and you don’t need to discuss it in Yujing Mountain, so as not to tarnish the harmony of my Yujing Mountain. With a smile on her lips, Yu Duxiu slowly stood up: "Several people have finished eating in my Yujing Mountain, please leave. I just came here uninvited. Why should I stir the wind in my Yujing Mountain?" rain."

Looking at Yu Duxiu's pair, I am a bystander. I want to watch a good show. Watching you tearing and killing each other's expressions, Tai Yi teaches the ancestor and the fox **** to want to give Yu Duxiu a punch.

When Yu Duxiu said so, Tai Yi Jiaozu was naturally embarrassed to continue. Fox God threw down his chopsticks and instantly turned into streamer and left.

At a banquet, everyone left without joy, some were happy and some were sad.

That Lingyu was happy, got eight or nine profound arts, and couldn't wait to retreat and practice.

Wang Daoling had obtained the Dafa of Luobao Money, and couldn't help but practice divine art, and Yitong went to understand the art of material transformation. Everyone was very happy.

The ancestor of Tai Su had left, but Yi Tong stayed, and his whereabouts to the sky remained a mystery.

Yu Duxiu leaned back on the The old jade ancestor walked slowly from outside the hall with her hands on her back and walked in: "There is something wrong with the atmosphere in Yujing Mountain."

Yu Duxiu didn't talk to him, the old jade ancestor smiled, and came close: "I just went to see the blood demon, you made such a big move?"

"Nine-nine-nine-nine-eighty-one lives? Why don't you show me such a strange supernatural power? The Golden Toad Dafa is also very powerful, you can give me an eye addiction to my ancestors," the ancestor Jade muttered lying beside Yu Duxiu. .

Yu Duxiu closed her eyes and turned a deaf ear to the words of the jade ancestor. He was only absorbed in comprehending the power of God’s will like a knife, and the light in his hand was flowing. , Sneaked into the secret room of Lingyu, looked at the jade slip that was shining all over his body, and the jade slip placed in front of him, he had to reach out and grab the slip.


The jade slip shattered in an instant, and the jade ancestor covered his mouth: "I didn't do it, I just touched it."

"The ancestor" Lingyu looked at the jade ancestor sadly, the jade was aroused, turned around and ran.

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