The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2042: Forged Blood Pool

Demon clan.

After the Bull Demon God returned from Yujing Mountain, the entire Demon God tribe was in such a tense atmosphere.

"Taiyi teaches the ancestors to deceive too much! I am embarrassed by the demon clan and the demon clan, what do you do? Actually thinking of getting ahead for the demon clan and improperly being the son of man" Eshen cursed.

"Forging the blood pool is an urgent matter. This matter should not be delayed any longer. Everyone quickly sort out the materials snatched from the heavenly palace, and forging the blood pool to nurture the tribes of my demon clan." The wolf **** looked long.

In the turbid space of the earth, the turbid fire ignites, countless materials and genius treasures instantly fall into the turbid fire, various handprint formulas fly out, and countless materials are constantly twisting and extracting impurities, reorganizing according to a certain mysterious law, Various patterns and spells circulate in the void, blending into the material.

The twelve demon gods took action. As long as the demon gods weren't waste wood, it was not difficult to sacrifice the blood refining pool. It was only seven or forty-nine days that the blood pool had taken shape.


A strange wave spread in the earth, and the blood pool slowly emerged from the surface, and the blood pool was as smooth as a mirror, without the slightest lines. The whole blood pool seemed to be a big tripod, buried in the center of the demon clan. Place.

"The demon **** tribe listened to the order, all the demon gods put their own blood into this blood pool as much as possible" The Ethical God's words were desolate and mighty, spread throughout the demon **** tribe.

"What is the demon **** doing?"

The chicken god's eyes were full of puzzlement, and everyone was always paying attention to the movement of the demon clan. At this time, seeing the demon clan's power to sacrifice the blood refining pool, of course, it could not hide from everyone's eyes.

Fox God frowned: "The whole Demon God Department is bleeding out. It seems that it is not a good thing! There must be secrets in it that we don't know. Does the Demon God Clan want to curse my Demon Race?"

"It's not like a curse." Tiger God shook his head.

"Weird! Weird! Do we want to disrupt the deployment of the Demon God?" Elephant God showed a cautious expression.

"Look again, the Demon Race is cursed, and sooner or later it will be defeated. The Locking Demon Tower also belongs to my Demon Race. Don't worry about this. Take a look at what Moth the Demon Race is fighting about. I hope the Demon God will do something like this. As soon as the people of the heavens became more and more taboo against the Demon God Clan, the eyes of the Fox God flashed with wisdom.

Listening to the words of the Fox God, everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and strange colors flashed in their eyes.

The human race, the ancestors of the gods stared at the demon clan closely, and the ancestors of Taiyi taught the turtle shell and frowned: "It's troublesome, Hongjun sits on the sidelines, this is not in line with Hongjun's temperament, maybe this is Hongjun himself He made a move to harmonize, and Hongjun pushed his hand behind him."

"Treasures that can suppress demon gods can't be made by anyone!" Taiping Jiaozu looked at everyone: "If you talk about the art of making treasures, only Hongjun has this method, but we can't find evidence!".

"This pagoda can suppress the supreme existence, Hongjun is not a fool, how can he give the treasure to the demon **** clan" Tai Dou Jiazuo retorted: "You don't want to underestimate the wisdom of the demon god, but they have inherited the memory of the innate demon god. It's something these barbarians tinkered with after the memory of the innate demon god."

"Looking at the blood-colored molten pool, I don't know what strange things the barbarians are playing." Taishi taught ancestors with a wry smile: "Do you want to destroy the blood pool?"

"The monster race has the starry sky to survive. Our human race is fragile and can only survive on the earth. Don't mess with the upper body. The devil forms a formation on the earth. We are not rivals." Taiping ancestor said with a wry smile.

Listening to the words of the Taiping ancestors, the ancestors were silent for a while, and Taiyi taught the ancestors: "I use the power of fate to count the demon **** once. I hope that the demon **** will not find out. The demon **** clan is powerful and will not be restrained. The next thing that suffers is my human race. ."

While speaking, I saw the flames rising in front of Taiyi's ancestor, and the turtle shell came out and fell into the flame. Taiyi taught ancestor's hand to form a spell, the turtle shell continued to flow, and the divine light shone on the entire human race Zhou Tianxing. The inside of the large array is empty.

Nataiyi taught the ancestors to write inexplicable words with fingers, and was instantly absorbed by the turtle shell.


All the flames suddenly went out, and the chaos of the tortoise shell was hazy. Too Yi taught the ancestor to say: "Fate! Set".

ps: Cough cough, another word, the new book "Yi Pin Tao Men" asks for recommendation, asks for collection, hehe.

The words fell, the fate was fixed, and the turtle shell stopped turning.

In the Yujing Mountain, Yu Duxiu looked down at the world below and watched the forging of the blood pond. Suddenly, her eyebrows beat, the heavens revolved, and the eyes of her pair of eyes turned rapidly, and the fate of the soul was undoubtedly revealed in Yu Duxiu's eyes.

"Too Yi can't sit still anymore. He actually tried to plot against the Demon God Clan. This matter can't make Tai Yi teach the ancestors to succeed in calculating. It broke my big plan." Yu Duxiu smiled and stretched out a finger: "I want to wake up the Demon God Clan, called It discovered that the human movement is."

The demon gods, the demon gods watched the demon gods drop blood into the blood pool in an orderly manner. Suddenly, the bull demon god's eyes moved, and he saw a turtle shell-like thing attacking the blood pool.

As a supreme powerhouse, he has never had an illusion. The Bull Demon suddenly revealed his true body and slammed his fist at the turtle shell: "Bastard! Dare to make a plot."

Although the demon gods on one side had no fate, they still followed the bull demon god.

The twelve demon gods attacked together, causing the sky to be surging and shaking.


The tortoise shell of Tai Yi Jiaozu was collapsed, and he looked down at the demons tribe with an ugly expression. He looked at the earth-shattering demons tribe with a flash of light in his eyes: "How could this happen?"

"The demon **** actually found the traces of this seat's shot, this is impossible!" Tai Yi Jiaozu looked serious: "How can the demon **** clan find the power of fate? Is it that the cultivation of these barbarians has far exceeded me? Or is it the Chaos Demon God? The secret method has far exceeded our expectations."

Listening to the words of Taiyi Jiaozu, looking at the twelve demon gods who are roaring up to the sky, all of them look ugly, and Taidou teaches the ancestors: "Don’t make any more moves, and watch the changes. Don’t believe that the dragons can bear it."

"Bull God, what did you find before?"

After the demon gods looked up to the sky and roared, they never found the enemy, and the wolf **** looked at the bull god.

The cow **** closed his eyes and pondered, and after a while he cautiously said: "Turtle shell! I saw a tortoise shell attacking here before, so I subconsciously shot it."

"Turtle shells? There are only two of the heavens and worlds who use turtle shells as treasures. The first is the ancestor of Tai Yi Jiao, this old thing is proficient in the power of fate, and the second is the tortoise prime minister of Yujing Mountain. The Prime Minister’s tortoise shell carries the great innate formation. There are twenty-four innate spirit treasures to suppress the formation. There is no matchless power. The previous blow was definitely not the Prime Minister tortoise. If it was the Prime Minister tortoise, it was definitely not that simple."

The cunning color flashed in the eyes of the wolf god, and the analysis was fascinating.

"It's not Prime Minister Turtle, it's too easy. I knew that the old folks of the Human Race could not sit still! The lock demon tower has become a thorn in the eyes of everyone at this time! It seems that the old folks of the Human Race are preparing to treat my demon gods. The first race has started ~ If there is a dispute with the human race in the future, you don't need to keep your hands, we are the kings on the earth. When the human race meets us, we have to retreat." God E's eyes are cold and fierce.

"Haha" Yu Duxiu was separated from the human race's heavens and stars. Although I couldn't see the ugly faces of the ancestors at this time, he could also guess the unpredictable faces of the ancestors at this time.

"Calculate! Who calculates? The demon **** family has a blood pool, which is equivalent to evading the curse. The Sihailong family will be jealous when they see this. This secret method will also be seized. When the two sides fight, hahaha, some lively watch Now!" Yu Duxiu's mouth was proud.

At this moment, the demon gods revealed the magic body of the demon god, standing around the blood pool, looking down in all directions, afraid of another sneak attack.

In the East China Sea Dragon Palace, Jin Lin gritted his teeth and said: "Big brother! What a good opportunity! This demon clan now doesn't know what to fiddle with. It is such a big battle. If we take action, we can destroy the demon clan plan and let out a sigh of anger! I’m waiting for the bad anger before! Let the Demon God Race know that I’m not easy to provoke! Warn the heavens and the realms, as a warning, we have all become barefoot, how can we still be afraid of wearing shoes? Even if it fails, it doesn’t matter , Nothing to lose!."

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