The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2043: The evolution of essence and blood

Listening to Jinlin's words, several Dragon Lords nodded. This is not unreasonable. The Four Seas Dragon Race has indeed become barefoot. Of course, they are not afraid of the shoes of the Demon Race. Although the lock demon tower is powerful, it can suppress nothing. The strongest, but as long as Sihailongjun works together, the lock demon tower cannot be suppressed.

"Although Brother Jinlinxian’s words are reasonable, but now the dragon race in the heavens and the world has suffered the most, and the human race does not see the slightest wind and waves. At this time, we don’t have to act in a hurry. When the demon race burns the fire to the human race, we are uniting the human race. The demons together uprooted the demons." Donghai Longjun said, interrupting Jinlin's words: "What's more, now that the four seas have destroyed the country, the demons and the golden dragons are very powerful. If we go, we don’t need the demons to do it. Lucky Golden Dragon is enough for us to retreat."

Listening to Donghai Dragon Lord’s words, Jinlin frowned. The Golden Dragon of Qi Luck is indeed a big trouble. If the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas were all present, the Dragon Clan also had the Golden Dragon of Qi Luck. Although it was not as good as the Qi Luck in the center of heaven and earth, it gathered together. The strength will not be much worse.

Now that the country is completely annihilated, even if the Sihai Longjun has the ability to penetrate the sky and the earth, facing the three mighty golden dragons of the Human Race, the Demon Race, and the Demon Race, he can only retreat and be completely kicked out and lose the initiative.

"The Devil Race has worked hard to forge this blood pool, and I don't know what its purpose is." Xihai Longjun touched his beard.

"Looking at the change is that before this monarch vaguely sensed, it seems too easy that the old guy secretly made a calculation, I don’t know why he actually showed his feet. Could it be that the demon clan is really strong to this level, even if it is too easy and invisible. You can see through." Xihai Longjun's real dragon's eyes opened and closed, and the light was horizontal and wide.

Terran, the ancestor of Tai Yi Jiao held the tortoise shell with a solemn expression and murderous eyes: "Damn! It is really damn! Who is plotting against me! Interrupted me."

The teaching ancestors looked at Tai Yi Jiao Zu, the turtle shell in Tai Yi Jiao Zu's hands was hazy, and they slowly closed their eyes: "Black hand! Who is behind the scenes."

I don’t know why, Tai Yi taught the ancestors of the taboo. The quasi immortal was in front of him, and wanted to speak, but was powerless. The name seemed to have a magical power, and the quasi-xian’s heart was broken and the real body was lost. .

"How many secrets are still hidden in the heavens and myriad worlds?" Tai Yi taught ancestors thought of the blue sky, the heavens, etc., the six reincarnation formations, he didn't even know beforehand.

Taiyi taught the ancestors to make trouble here. Yu Duxiu in Yujing Mountain looked at the lower realm with his eyes and frowned: "I told Fuyao at the time, although I concealed it, but the purpose of creating the Demon God's True Body Art is true. , Who wanted to use the power of the demon clan to absorb the remnant soul of the devil, called the remnant soul of the chaos demon **** after entering from outside the world, before it was too late to lurch, it was refined by the power of the demon clan, and then gathered the true soul of the demon, so as to avoid chaos The trouble of the Devil God, as long as the demon **** tribes are killed, the Chaos Demon God can be exterminated, but now it seems that the time is not yet. The demon clan inherited from the beginning of the ancient times or the congenital beast, with innate blood, now passes through the chaos The demon **** stimulates, but activates the bloodline, becoming a major disaster, refining the remnant soul of the chaotic demon god, and turning it into a true chaotic demon god."

Yu Duxiu looked at the demons of the lower realm, and began to have a headache: "Where is the origin of the human race? The blood of the human race seems to be infinitely possible. If we can find a way to combine the human race with the demon gods and remove the power of the ancestors in the blood of the demons, The big event will be done, and the Chaos Demon God will be able to kill them all."

Looking at the members of the Demon God Tribe, Yu Duxiu was shocked to find that many of the powerful members of the Demon God Tribe have disappeared and are missing! .

What does this show? .

It shows that the souls of some Chaos Demon Gods have begun to converge, and then the will of the Chaos Demon God suppresses the will of the lodger, absconds secretly, and hides.

The heavens are vast, and within and outside the chaos, how do you call Yu Duxiu to find the trace of the devil? These disappeared powerhouses will eventually become the cancer of the world.

Having said that, Yu Duxiu really didn't dare to call the Demon God Clan annihilated. At that time, the chaotic Demon God's remnant soul would have no restrictions, and it would be possible to resurrect and return at any time without being controlled, and the trouble would be even greater.

Yu Duxiu closed his eyes, and the action of the Demon God Clan below had reached a critical moment. After the countless members of the Demon God Clan dropped their blood into the blood pool, the blood pool seemed to be a bottomless pit and would not refuse all kinds of blood.

"The demon gods are not born soon!" The wolf **** rebuked, like a thunderbolt in the clear sky, shaking the world.


The blood rolled for a while, and there seemed to be countless evil spirits struggling and boiling in the blood sea, roaring up to the sky.

The immeasurable earth's turbid air fell into the blood pool, and the vitality of the sky and earth continued to gather. I saw the figures in the blood pool forming at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into a demon **** tribe, crawling out of the blood pool.

"This is!" In the Thirty-Three Heavens, the Tiger God was shocked and the God Clan used this method to generate tribes! "

"Unbelievable! Unbelievable!"

The fox god's hair exploded: "How can this be? How can this be? Bastard! These **** barbarians!"

After speaking, the Fox God gathered with a palm of the wind and clouds, striding across time and space, and hit the Demon God Clan blood pool: "Damn it! I actually figured out this way."

"Hahaha, come on! I have been waiting for you for a long time! No one can stop the re-emergence of my Demon God tribe" E God roared, and met the Fox God's jade palm. For a while, the sky and the earth shook, and the stars and earth trembled.

"Break the blood pool! Otherwise, the previous curse was in vain." Elephant God suppressed the sky with a punch.

East China Sea Dragon Palace, at this time Sihai Dragon Lord's face was shocked, and Nanhai Dragon Lord's body trembled: "If we can get this blood pool derived method, my Sihai Dragon Clan will definitely be able to appear in the world again in high profile."

"Shoot! Seize the blood pool or find a way to sacrifice the blood pool!" Beihai Longjun has taken the lead.

Human race, the eight ancestors look at me, I look at you, Taishi taught the ancestors: "Take it! Finally, the Demon Race can be contained, but you can't make it multiply and toss indiscriminately."

After speaking, Taiyi Jiaozu was left to take care of Taidou Jiaozu, and the remaining five Jiaozu Xian Lingbao lifted into the air, and instantly hit the Demon God Clan overwhelmingly.

"The defeated generals dare to provoke the majesty of my demon tribe, and stroke my demon tribe tiger's whiskers." Seeing the dragon kings from all over the world came to kill together, the bull **** and centipede ancestors greeted them, relying on the blessings of the earth, unexpectedly abruptly. Suppress the five strong.

A person's strength increased by 30% is by no means as simple as one plus one equals two.

It's like one person has the power of two people and then fights with two people? It is clear who wins and who loses.


Jinlin was blasted off, and Donghai Longjun looked at the centipede ancestor frantically: "I only need the blood pond ritual method, as long as I wait for the blood pond ritual method, and I will ensure that I will never offend the demon clan in the future."

"Nonsense! My demon clan has exterminated the whole world, you old thing will not retaliate? I don't believe that." Centipede ancestor sneered.

As he was talking, seeing the six teaching ancestors coming together, the faces of the demon gods changed, and the wolf god's eyes flickered. He took out a jade slip from his arms and threw it to Donghai Longjun: "Take it!"

"Why did you give him this technique?" The Bull God was taken aback.

"Human race is looking at you from all directions, let's retreat the dragon first." The corner of the wolf god's mouth moved, and a little weird light flashed in his eyes.

"Well, the wolf **** is worthy of the wise man of the demon clan, and the person who knows the current affairs is a good man! Not bad! I will wait for my brother to retreat" Donghai Longjun smiled as he looked at the jade slip that was approaching.


A frost swept across the void, the jade slip instantly turned into powder, and the expression of Sihailongjun solidified on his face.

"Chill!" Donghai Longjun was so angry that his body was full of thunder and lightning.

"Protect the blood pool, delay time" the wolf **** said calmly: "When the tribes are spawned, it's easy to say, some ways to concoct them, let them know the power of the twelve gods."

"Han Yan! Come out for me" Nanhai Longjun roared to the sky.

No matter how the Sihailong Lord scolded, there was no trace of Han Yan, and the angry Sihailong Lord rushed into the crown.

Yujingshan, Yu Duxiu slowly condensed the sword's light in her hand: "Chilling moves fast."

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