The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2045: Hum 2 tone, chaotic bell ringing

Amidst the chaos, Yu Duxiu twirled God's Will like a knife, holding the tip of God's Will like a knife in her hand, and saw that the tip of the knife slowly stretched out. Compared with the past, the blade extended another ten centimeters.

Listening to the words of the wolf god, the bull devil slowly entered the chaos and stood opposite Yu Duxiu: "Hongjun! My devil clan has no intention of conflicting with you, as long as you hand over the jade ancestor, we can continue to be friends, you If you stubbornly protect the jade, you are deceiving too much!"

Listening to the words of the Bull Demon God, Yu Duxiu expressionlessly: "I am in charge of my turf! You are going wild on my turf, wanting to rebel against the guest, force the palace, and force me to give in. That is no idea, let alone you. Even if you waited for the great formation of the twelve gods and gods, I am not afraid! Don't forget that the great formation of the twelve gods and gods was passed on in my hands. As far as the understanding of the big formation is concerned, you are just the end. "

Seeing the face of the Niu Demon God, Yu Duxiu smiled coldly and raised the tip of the knife in his hand: "Don't be wordy, see the real chapter in your hand."

After a word fell, the next moment Yu Duxiu's blade cut through the chaos, ignoring the time distance, and in an instant, he came to the front of the bull demon god, and instantly broke the bull demon god, as strong as the bull demon god, there is no chance to react. The hard and undamaged Demon God's true body was pierced by Yu Duxiu's providence, and the black blood slowly shed.

The Bull Demon lowered his head, looking at the scar on his chest, and wanted to restore his supernatural powers, but this God’s Will like a knife is different from ordinary wounds. The God’s Will like a knife is entrenched in the Bull Demon’s wound, and the Bull Demon has no way to repair it. The wound, even the supreme power, can hardly extinguish the power of heaven in a short time.

"Good sword technique" Niu Moshen touched the wound without changing his face.

"If you don't pay attention, I will cut your head off and drink wine" Yu Duxiu sneered.

"You must be careful, Lao Niu, Hongjun's swordsmanship is incredible, he has ignored time and space, don't be careless," E God yelled from a distance.

"I know" Niu Shen snorted dully, stretched out his palm, and turned into a sharp cone under the corner of his head and pierced towards Yu Duxiu: "After I become a devil, it is worth using my horns. You are still the first One."


The sound of the intersection of gold and iron sounded, sparks shot from the horns, and Yu Duxiu flew out instantly and plunged into the chaos.

The Bull Demon clapped his hands, with a smug smile on his face, holding the horns in front of him, and was about to wipe it, but his complexion instantly solidified, like a dead child, staring at his horns, a knife mark was deeply carved in it. On the horns.

"Hiss~" The Demon God shivered: "What is that sword light, why is it so powerful?".

"This is Hongjun's assassin. It is called God's Will like a sword." Taiyi Jiaozu appeared in the void, answering the doubts for the Bull Demon God.

"The will of heaven is like a knife?" The cow demon **** ran his supreme power to warm his horns, revealing a brooding color.

"Good baby! Good baby! In addition to the tortoise shell of Too Yi, which can block the will of God in this seat like a knife, your horn is the second one." Yu Duxiu walked out of the chaos gracefully with a pair of eyes Looking at the horn, a strange smile appeared: "Your horn hasn't been cut off. It's really funny!"

Hearing the words, the bull demon looked at Yu Duxiu solemnly, and did not dare to wait for Yu Duxiu to make a move. He only saw the bull devil roar, and a phantom behind him continued to converge and solidify, turning into a hideous face and a weird figure. , Quickly integrated into the body of the bull demon god.

"This is what the Chaos Demon God looks like." Looking at the afterimage, Yu Duxiu was novel.


The Bull Demon God roared and stretched out a palm, and the chaos rolled up the vast storm. This palm was full of strange power and came to suppress Yu Duxiu.

"Pangu banners."

Yu Duxiu abandoned the will of heaven as a sword, and the Pangu banners flickered in his hand.

After the Bull Demon turned into the Chaos Demon God, he controlled the power of Chaos and fluctuated too widely, and he had already shattered himself without waiting for his own will like a sword to approach. Pangu banners were more reliable in this situation.

The Pangu banners in Yu Duxiu's hands flew up, and the place where they stood was settled by the chaos. The vast turbulent chaotic storm subsided instantly, and only the Pangu banners fluttered in the wind.

Seeing the catch of the demon **** who covered the sky, Yu Duxiu was not afraid: "Open the world."


The chaos was instantly opened, the heaven and the earth became clear, and the law began to evolve. Yu Duxiu controlled the turbid energy and turned into a sword into the body of the bull demon god.

"Roar~" The bull devil roared, wanting to mobilize the turbid air, Yu Duxiu smiled coldly: "This world is opened for me, and the turbid air respects me. Can you mobilize it?"

After speaking, Yu Duxiu instantly retreated, flew out of the opened world, instantly opened the sky and cleared the turbidity and hit, and the power of extinction was generated. The bull demon screamed and exploded into flesh and blood, quickly reorganizing his body, Escaped from the power of the world.

The Bull Demon looked at Yu Duxiu in amazement: "This kid has such a high fighting consciousness. If he really fights, he may not be my opponent, but this kid has too strong fighting consciousness and too many methods, and he knows how to use his strength to fight. It's really amazing and extremely difficult."

Before he finished speaking, the Pangu banner in Yu Duxiu's hand disappeared and turned into a round and swaying diamond exuding immortal aura, breaking through the chaos and heading towards the bull demon god.

The Bull Demon God looked at the treasure, and he was shocked: "Terrible! Isn't this the diamond set? How did it fall into your hands?"


The bull devil turned into a streamer and fled, and at the same time, a hoof flew out and flicked the diamond sleeve, but the hoof was numb, and Yu Duxiu's fingers flicked, and the diamond sleeve flew out again and came towards the neck sleeve of the cow demon.


The Bull Demon God took out his horns, before he could use them, he had already let go, fell into the diamond sleeve, was held by the diamond sleeve, and flew back to Yu Duxiu's hands.

"Return my treasure" Niu Demon took a step, glaring at Yu Duxiu.

"I said I want your bezoar, how can you escape?" Yu Duxiu's mouth was sneered, and the next moment it turned into an electric light and came to the front of the Niu Devil God.


The Niu Demon God actually made a humming sound, frying Yu Duxiu to pieces, and the horns were also taken back by the Niu Demon God.


Yu Duxiu turned into a calamity, and his body was reorganized. A pair of eyes looked at the Bull Demon God in amazement: "How can you have this kind of ability."

"This is the power inherited from the Chaos Demon God. This Demon God's True Body Art is also given by you. How does it feel?" The Bull Demon God moved back to the situation with a triumphant expression.

Yu Duxiu looked at the Bull Demon God with an ugly expression: "Damn it, the Chaos Demon God has such an ability!"

"Hongjun! My ability is bestowed by your Demon God Real Body Art. We are not outsiders. If you hand over the jade ancestor, I will not make it difficult for you, otherwise..." The Bull Demon God smiled coldly.

"Otherwise how?" Yu Duxiu looked at the bull devil, with the corners of his mouth cocked: "Isn't it just a second tone? See how I surrender you!".

Yu Duxiu has practiced the innate magical power to open up the heavens and the earth, and he can also use this hum. He saw that Yu Duxiu's eyes looked at the void: "Yuanshi Tianzun, let me use the Chaos Clock."

"Chaos clock?".

Hearing this, everyone was stunned. How could one's own life spirit treasure be easily borrowed? Even people who are close relatives will not borrow.

Looking at the chaos clock in front of Yu Duxiu, the supreme powerhouses were shocked, how good is Hongjun and Yuanshi Tianzun? The life spirit treasure can also be The Chaos Clock suppresses the Three Thousand Hongmeng. Today, I have surrendered you, the demon god, and took your bezoar. "

Yu Duxiu stretched out his palm, King Kongzhuo flew out again, and at the same time the chaotic clock rang, the world was stagnant, and the law stopped. The chaotic spirit within the bull devil's body exploded, and the remnant soul was shattered. It is not waiting for the bull **** to react. On the nose of the bull demon god.

Yu Duxiu received the Chaos Clock, jumped across the void in an instant, sat on the back of the Bull Demon God, and grabbed the nose ring. The nose of the Bull Demon God was locked.


Yu Duxiu raised the knife and dropped it, not giving the Bull Demon God time to escape, and inserted a palm into the Bull Demon God's body, only to see a basketball-sized bezoar in his hand.


The body of the bull **** exploded and escaped from the **** of the nose ring, the real body of the demon **** reorganized and roared, shaking the chaos.

"Acceptance! Acceptance! This bezoar will accept this seat," Yu Duxiu said with a smile.

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