The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2046: No trace of mantra

"Good means!"

The Bull Demon looked at Yu Duxiu without any irritation. His eyes were full of peace: "This Chaos Clock is indeed one of the strongest treasures in the heavens and all realms. The true soul of the Chaos Demon God condensed by the old cow can be caught in one face. broken."

Yu Duxiu released her palm, the chaotic clock distorted and disappeared in the chaos, and she looked at the bull devil with her hands on her back: "My site is in charge! This Yujing Mountain is the dojo, and no one is allowed to point fingers! No one can! Neither is the Demon God Clan."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu stepped out of the chaos and came to the edge of the world barrier, sensing the eyes of everyone, and looking at the twelve demon gods: "What? Do you guys still have to form a great array of gods and gods? Didn't it happen with me?."

"Don't dare! I will retreat now, and I will calm down my anger." The wolf **** stepped forward to give a salute to Yu Duxiu, his eyes took a deep look at the depths of Yujing Mountain, and he turned to leave.

"Prime Minister Turtle" Yu Duxiu said.

"The old minister is here" came the voice of Prime Minister Kame.

"Throw out the jade," Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

"Hongjun, you bastard! Bastard tortoise, you son of a tortoise! ​​How dare to treat my ancestor like this, you bastard, let go of the ancestor."

The old jade ancestor yelled at him, followed by a'swish', the old jade ancestor instantly penetrated the void, disappeared, and fell into the barrier of the great world.

"This?" Seeing Yu Duxiu's movements, the twelve demon gods were taken aback, and the next moment they immediately caught up.

When the storm ceased, Yu Duxiu returned to Yujing Mountain, silently sitting on the seat.

"What's the matter? He looks very worried" Han Yan came to Yu Duxiu's side and made tea.

Yu Duxiu sighed slightly: "I'm thinking about the Demon God Clan. The Chaos Demon God is always a big trouble, and it will not help me feel uneasy."

"Compared with getting rid of the remnant soul of the Chaos Demon God, I am even more curious about what happened in the Chaos." Han Yan's mouth curled up and curled away.

Yu Duxiu carried her hands on her back and her face was thoughtful.

In the lower realms, the demon gods and the jade ancestors chased after them, and then the demon gods lost their traces of the jade ancestors. One by one, the demon **** clan turned dejected, and the wolf **** said: "Bull god, how does it feel to fight against Hongjun today? ."

"Unfathomable" Niu Demon God frowned: "Hongjun has too many methods, no shortcomings! No flaws! Now there is the elixir of immortality, Hongjun deserves to be a chess player."

"I have never seen you so convinced by anyone" E Shen smiled.

"I'm talking about the facts. No matter who is against Hongjun, Hongjun will find your flaws and defeat you. I can't see where Hongjun's flaws are." The Bull Demon God sighed slightly, "I want To defeat Hongjun, unless I have to go further and thoroughly condense the Primordial Chaos Demon God, I can compete with Hongjun."

Seeing the disapproving expressions of the other demon gods, the cow demon god's face was ashamed: "It's not that I can't do it, it's because Hongjun has too many methods, Hongjun is too powerful!"

Looking at the damaged blood pool, Sihai Longjun had not left yet. He walked over at this time. Donghai Longjun smiled bitterly and bowed to the demon gods: "I have seen you brothers."

"Why don't you leave the loach? Are you waiting for our brother to invite you to drink tea?" E's expression turned gloomy.

Donghai Longjun smiled and said: "In the past, I’m still talking about grievances and grievances. Now I am annihilated from all over the world, and I am in harmony with the monster clan. We have the same disease and pity each other. The previous blood pond sacrifice method was shattered by the cold. I'm giving a tactic."

"Give me a copy of the magic formula?" The wolf god's eyes moved, then his color changed: "I don't even remember the content of the magic formula!"

"I don't remember either" E Shen was also shocked.

"I also forgot" Niu Demon God's eyes widened.

Looking at the appearances of the demon gods, Sihai Longjun's expression suddenly became gloomy, and Nanhai Longjun said: "The supreme power never forgets, even if you don't want to teach the law, you must think of a good excuse. This excuse Too bad! It's a bad street! Is it humiliating me to wait for IQ?"

Listening to Nanhai Dragon Lord’s words, several demon gods suddenly became gloomy, and the wolf god’s voice was cold and cold: "The dragons of the four seas, don’t put it in my eyes. If you don’t want to give you the tactics, I won’t give you the tactics. Why use excuses You really treat the dragons as big cloves of garlic when you wait. The dragons are just a mere tribe. Without the power of luck, they are vulnerable!

"Hurry up! Could it be that I can't wait for me to do something?" E Shen held his arms, eyes full of contempt.

Looking at the expression of God E, everyone you look at me and I look at you, Sihailongjun’s face is purple, and his fists trembled with anger, but looking at the golden dragon of the demon clan who suppresses the earth, he dare not say anything harsh. Can only go away dingy.

"It's ridiculous, a bunch of clowns" Niu Shen sneered.

"But it's true that the method is forgotten. I don't know what happened." The wolf expression was solemn.

Look at me, I look at you, the demon gods, looking at the broken blood pool below, the wolf **** sighed slightly: "This matter still needs to go to Yujing Mountain to find the answer. Fortunately, I haven’t turned my face with Yujing Mountain before, otherwise we can It's miserable! We really can't do without Yujing Mountain."

Listening to the words of the wolf god, the demon gods smiled bitterly, and the wolf **** got up and sneaked into the world barrier.

"Demon God! Dare to insult me!" The waves of the East China Sea rolled up, and Jinlin roared up to the sky: "I am inherited from the ancestor dragon, and the blood is noble. It is a great existence in the chaos. How can these humble things be insulted? Tell me not to be a dragon!".

"What a bastard! The Demon God clan is getting more and more rampant" Donghai Longjun's eyes sprayed lightning.

"Roar~" Beihai Longjun tossed up and down, rolling up waves: "The devil family must be extinct, must be extinct, dare to be disrespectful to the descendants of my ancestor dragon, it should be a thousand swords."

Sihai Longjun was venting his anger in the East China Sea. The wolf **** had already arrived at Yujing Mountain, and he respectfully bowed to Yujing Mountain: "The wolf **** asks to see Hongjun under his crown."

Seeing the world twisted, Lingyu looked at the wolf **** unhurriedly, stretched out his right hand and twisted his fingers lightly.

The wolf **** frowned: "What does this mean?"

"If you want to see my master, you naturally want me to pass the pass. I am not a servant. How can I pass the pass to you casually? If I have missed the practice, if I pass it to you, you have to give me personnel."

Lingyu hugged his arms and said triumphantly.

"Personnel?" The wolf **** frowned, and his evil spirit slowly condensed. If he hadn't sensed the old tortoise in the world staring at him, he would have to ask others during his trip, I am afraid that the wolf **** has already attacked, and the supreme strong man is majestic No blasphemy.

"Hammer is better off, little ghosts are hard to deal with" Yu Duxiu smiled softly in Yujing Mountain.

"It's better for a Hades, the little devil is difficult to deal with, that Lingyu, you are deliberately sent to the disgusting wolf god, right?" Han Yan chuckled.

"My disciple should also get some oil and water for cultivation. Although I have a big family, I can save some of it. I am very happy." Yu Duxiu raised her chin triumphantly.

"Give it to you" the wolf **** took out a gleaming treasure from his arms, which can be collected by the wolf god, naturally not a mundane thing.

Lingyu's eyes lit up, took the treasure, put it in his arms, and shook his head: "It's not enough, I will also bribe the Holy Infant King to support me, lest the Lord blame it, you still need to give me another copy."

It was the first time that the wolf **** stared at being blackmailed by an ant, but he had to endure the bad breath.

"Give it to you!" The wolf **** took out the treasure again, and resisted the urge to slap the ants dead in front of him.

Looking at the wolf god, Lingyu nodded: "Your Excellency later, I will go to pass the message."

Not long after, the wolf **** entered the hall, saw Han Yan and Yu Duxiu who were drinking tea, and bowed to Yu Duxiu: "I have seen fellow Daoist Hongjun! Daoist Handan!".

"We just parted, why did you come here? Could it be that the Demon God Clan is not angry and sent you to find the place?" Yu Duxiu looked at the wolf god.

"Mianxia, ​​don't want to make a joke. I am here today to ask for advice." The wolf **** looked at Lingyu who walked into the hall and stood beside Yu Duxiu, his eyes moved, and his gaze retracted.

"What's the matter?" Yu Duxiu looked at the wolf god: "I want to ask, but I need to collect treasures! This seat is not obligated to answer for you for free."

Looking at the pair of masters and apprentices, the wolf **** was speechless for a moment, and he really was a master or apprentice.

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