The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2047: Give pointers!

Master or apprentice, master loves money, and apprentice is also a fan of money.

The wolf **** glanced at Lingyu, swallowed abruptly, and said in his heart: "When my devil clan dominates the heavens and the world, I will come to you to settle the account."

"I don't know what happened to the wolf **** during this trip?" Yu Duxiu looked at the wolf god.

The wolf **** suppressed the urge to slap Yu Duxiu to death, cleared his throat, and drank a sip of tea: "That's it, the last time I gave me the magic trick of the Demon God Clan, I don’t know why, but I’m all caught up in it. I will forget that the jade slip was originally turned into powder by the cold, so I can't find it, so please give me a favor and give me the magic trick so that the demon clan can repair the blood pool."

Yu Duxiu looked at the wolf **** with a smile but a smile: "The broken blood pool is not a good thing for your demon clan. The blood pool tree is so big that it has attracted the coveting of all the strong, and it has become a thorn in the eye. Repairing the blood pool, the end is still the same. If you gather together and attack it, the demon clan has a weak foundation now. If you continue to toss like this, I am afraid that the demon clan will not wait for more demon tribes to spawn, and your devil clan’s foundation will also be lost. Tossing out."

Seeing Yu Duxiu's expression, the wolf **** scratched his head. This is not unreasonable, but there is no blood pool. Now the curse of the demon clan has worked, and fertility has become a problem. This is indeed a headache.

If you don’t continue offering sacrifices to the blood refining pool, you are afraid that the demon **** clan will destroy the clan. If you continue to sacrifice the blood refining pond and provoke the power of the heavens and the world, the demon **** clan will not benefit, this is the most troublesome thing!

The choice of the demon clan now is to compare the pros and cons and choose one.

"I don't know what to teach me?" The wolf **** looked at Yu Duxiu.

Sitting next to Yu Duxiu, she slowly poured the tea and water, and then sighed slightly: "It's not easy for you to see the Demon Race, I might as well show you a clear path."

Yu Duxiu drank a sip of tea: "The ancestors of the human race have repeatedly offended and conspired against the devil clan, why don't you wait to send troops to conquer the human race?"

"Although I have twelve demon gods, there are eight human ancestors. Although they can have the upper hand in fighting, there are monsters who look forward to it, and the four sea dragons can’t wait to cramp and peel the skin. If there is a conflict with the human, I’m afraid Assault in groups, my demons are in danger!" The wolf **** looked at Yu Duxiu and said.

Yu Duxiu looked up and down the wolf god, although this servant had no soul, he was not stupid!

Looking at Yu Duxiu's expression, the wolf **** smiled bitterly: "There are bad ideas under the crown to tease me."

"You still have to attack this human race!" Yu Duxiu put the tea cup down and cut the railway firmly.

"Where did this statement come from? What is the reason?" Wolf God was taken aback.

Han Yan on one side also looked at Yu Duxiu strangely, not knowing why the Demon Race had to attack the Human Race, Han Yan couldn't think of the benefits of attacking the Human Race to the Demon God Race, on the contrary, there were a lot of disadvantages.

Yu Duxiu stared at the wolf **** with a pair of eyes, and said solemnly: "I'm here to ask you, what race do you think of the heavens and the races, which race is the most fertile?".

"Mouse! Frog!" The wolf **** thought about it.

Yu Duxiu rolled her eyes: "Then which race is the most capable of practicing and is born with Taoism?"

The "human race" wolf **** thoughtfully.

Yu Duxiu said: "Human races can be born with spiritual wisdom, each can practice meditation, observe the great roads of heaven and earth, and be blessed by nature. How can the animals be comparable? And the human race and the demon race are similar in physical form, and their fertility is not weak. The age of gods is a race selected by gods!".

Spiritual light flickered in the wolf god's mind, but it seemed that there was a layer of window paper, which could not be broken, and was hazy.

Snow fluttered in Han Fang's eyes, looking at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes, thinking about Yu Duxiu's purpose in his heart.

Yu Duxiu unhurriedly knocked on the seat: "Since the blood pool can't be built, why do you have to wait for it? It's better than Mingxiu plank road secretly Chen Cang, steal the human tribe, secretly intermarriage, the blood of the two races is harmonious, the air is fortune In harmony, your demon curse may not be unbreakable. At that time, the descendants of the human race and the demon race can evade the curse by the human blood, and the luck of the human race and the demon race is unique. The protagonist of this world is not your demon race. is that."

Listening to Yu Duxiu's words, the wolf god's eyes became brighter and the corners of his mouth split. He seemed to think of the beauty in the future, and he suddenly laughed: "Mianxia is really a great talent."

Yu Duxiu tossed her tea unhurriedly: "Do you still need the magic trick?

"No more! No more! Now there is a better way, what do you want that trick?" The wolf **** stood up and respectfully saluted Yu Duxiu: "Thank you, Mianxia, ​​for your guidance. In the future, my Demon God Clan will definitely have a generous gift. on."

Yu Duxiu nodded: "Russ can be taught!"

Watching the wolf **** leave, Han Yan looked at Yu Duxiu suspiciously: "You are so kind to tell the wolf **** the secret method? Are you afraid that the devil clan will become bigger in the future?"

Yu Duxiu sighed softly: "No choice! The human race is powerful, and Tai Dou is visiting the Avenue of Stars. Although he may not be able to master the method of mobilizing the power of the starry sky, he should not be troubled by a complete starry sky. At that time, the strength of the human race will greatly increase, and the eight ancestors of its own will be intimate and calculating, and the devil race may not be the opponent of the human race."

"The great array of the twelve gods is infinite, and absolute power can crush all conspiracy and tricks. Although the ancestors are powerful, they must retreat from the big array of twelve demon gods on the earth." Han Yan did not Agree with Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu's eyes flickered on the jade-colored disc, and he kept deducing, and after a while, he said, "It's really hard to tell! There should be no problem with us taking care of it in the dark."

"Let's watch the good show first, waiting for the human race and the demon race to fight, I don't know if the dragon race will intervene" Yu Duxiu looked at Han Yan.

"The dragons of the four seas are afraid of their heads and tails, and may not have the courage to dare to embarrass the demon clan on land" Han Yan looked at Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu chuckled: "The heroes see the same thing, let's wait and see."

"How does the wolf **** run to Yujing Mountain every day? Every time the wolf **** enters Yujing Mountain, there will be disturbances in the heavens and all realms. I don't know what moths will come out."

The fox **** grabbed the tea cup in his hand, and the elephant **** on one side took a deep breath: "Hongjun has grown up and has too much influence on the heavens and the world. Every move can stir up muddy water in the heavens and the world. If I use thunder means to break into Yujing Mountain, suppress Na Hongjun and subdue it, and belong to my demon clan, what chance is there to win?"

"It was Hongjun alone. There was nothing wrong. There was no proof. Even if the means were wise, he could never think of the storm. The Prime Minister did not know that the tendon in his head was broken, and he actually wanted to take refuge in Hongjun. Being a slave to someone is really a brain drain." Fox God said'pooh'.

Listening to the words of the Fox God, the Tiger God touched his beard: "It's not just Prime Minister tortoise, but the old jade ancestor is out of ghosts. He wears a pair of trousers with Hongjun. These three **** are mixed together. How can the heaven and the world get him? ."

"No need to think about suppressing Hongjun. We just want to destroy the plan of the Demon God Clan. We will slowly drag the Demon God Clan to death. The Demon God Clan has been cursed and cannot become a major climate. When the race is extinct and the luck dissipates. , Is the day the Demon Clan leaves the field."

The fox **** slowly put down the tea cup: "What we have to do now is just one word "drag".

Listening to the words of the Fox God, the demons nodded together.

The wolf **** turned around, and the demon gods frowned around the broken blood pool at this time, thinking hard about the strategy of repairing the blood pool.

"Wolf God, did you bring back the method of repairing the blood pool?" God E eagerly watched the God of Wolf turn back.

The blood pool has now become the hope of the demon the blood of all the demon gods are all pinned here.

Listening to the words of God E, and facing the eager gazes of the demon gods, the wolf **** kicked a fragment of the blood pool under his feet: "What kind of blood pool is repaired, this blood pool will not be repaired."

"No more repairs?" Everyone was taken aback.

Wolf God said: "I have thought of a better way."

"What way?" The demon gods all said in unison.

"Human" Wolf God smiled.

"Human race?" The Lion God asked in doubt.

The wolf **** smiled softly: "Yes! It's Human Race!"

"You guys don't sell the guanzi, come quickly." E Shen's face was dissatisfied: "I can't figure it out. What is the relationship between the human race and the prosperity of my demons?"

The wolf **** was not in the ink and narrated the words in the Yujing Mountain. The demon gods who listened to him were happy.

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